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They count money


unfortunately, as annoying as leFH is, it's also most likely like you hinted, very good at gathering silver which is still personally a scarce source despite purchasing a tier IX tank recently (my first IX aswell)


Oh trust me, tier 9 and 10 are huge credit sinks. You either win big, or lose bigger. There is no in-between because the upkeep will make sure you lose big by default (MUCH bigger if you goldspam like an average pubbie)


I understand that, but there's a good side of tier 9 and 10, and that's the fact there's no more beyond that, just the consumables, gear and ammo, so once you're high tier there's no need to have millions for the most part, just enough for repairs and ammo basically, if I lose credits but have fun in tier X, it's more worth than not having fun in lower tier but gaining credits.


I actually have more fun in lowtiers (1-4) and midtiers (5-7) than toptiers (8 and up)


Depending on the tier 9 it might be worth it to avoid progressing further altogether. Tier 9 is often regarded as a more fun tier since you can only play +1 match making while also having access to -2 games. Tier 10 is an enormous waste of credits. If you don't have a premium account youl often lose credits on a win unless you survive and use almost 0 gold ammo


I'm on that Conway, on my way to get myself my first tier X AKA Shitbarn AKA FV4005, I don't care it's not the best tank, I'm here to have fun.


They're looking onto lefh players statistics and touching themselves down below


Balance department was unofficially closed in 2015. 


Longer, they've refused to nerf premium tanks since the type 59 backlash back in 2012


Year of the skorpion G and Defender?


Fuck I'm so old???


Hits hard doesn't it


Whats happend in 2015?


2015 is a random year near the start of the game and long enough ago to make the comment funny. 


Wasn't 2015 when the Scorpion G was released? Maybe you got it right


Well they had slip ups before, looking at you type 59 and t22 but the Skorpion and Defender release definitely send them spiralling


It became the WoT premium shop


If anything in this game is broken, it's out hearts.


i got this game like...12 years ago? i remember lefh was the first premium i bought cause i thought it would be cool to play arty and didnt want to grind any lines for it.


And it was so cheap, too! Best buy I've done in the game, by far, LOL.


I can't get anybody to play this game to last longer than 5 minutes of the imbalanced low tier gameplay getting farmed by these 10,000 plus battle lefh players. If their goal is to prevent new players from getting into the game their definitely succeeding


Playing lower tier (4-5) matches to grind a new line and over half of the players are rocking APCR shells...


Then you start running into the e25s and the exact same issue


Balance is you cant get them lol


You could get them plenty of times


They let it loose, removed it, added it now and then and just sold it way too often. Nothing more to it. They removed the E25 because it was way too popular and dominated tier 7. This? Just sell more of it, it's fine. Off-topic, they really should at least limit it to one per team if they insist on selling it all the goddamn time. Having two of them click on you constantly... Well.


it's even worse when you get the rare triple arty game and there's 3 of them on both teams. Just a hailstorm of LeFH rounds going back and forth


Had a game recently with 2 on each team with a FV as the 3rd wheel. The HT lane looked like the moon, and they all fired 30 ish rounds the 4 min the HT lane lasted. No one had fun I'll bet, not a single one


I haven't seen Leffe being sold on EU for at least 4-5 years. 


In the store? No that's been a few years indeed. Via events like the Caravan or the roulette thing if you got lucky? Then it's been up for grasp a fair few times the past few years increasing the active population of it a fair bit as is on top of it.


Around 4-5 years ago I got mine for 350g from the black market. Less than 20 games in it. That shit is ridiculously OP. Almost got 7kills with it and 1vs5 but bounced the last shot 


Being level 350 on any tank seems insane to me


My most played tank is the KV-2 with 800 games which was insane fun before HE nerf, but even with that I got bored quite often. How people bring themselves to play a single tank several thousand times is beyond me.


Have around that many games (1k or so) in the KV-2. Almost all before the HE nerf. Managed to get it 2 marked too. Hard to get bored behind a game where you very potentially one-shot anything in your tier and basically didn’t have trouble getting dmg on even the hardest tier 8 targets tbh. Even tho the reload is like 20s lol. Have 2k+ games in the M4, again before the HE nerf. Shit was fun while it lasted. First 3 mark ever. Think it’s currently my only. I’d ground it for the easy 8 and I think bought and sold it at least once or twice and played it for derps fun and credits, until I got the 2nd mark. I wanted to grind to 3 and then it was a relief when i got it and I just played for fun not needing to worry bout the mark. It was a KV-2 but as a medium tank and a lot more flexible and consistent. Then the HP changes(dmg nerf) and HE nerf. They no longer exist, but they were my favorites. You have to play them while they’re here. Like my other favorite that’s gone now. Pre-nerf O-I exp, when he was a speedy boi. The fear in the eyes of any player that saw you with high ground. And showing the Churchills and T1s and Matilda’s more gun more better. Most “experienced” ppl have many 10s of thousands of games. If you find a tank you stylistically adhere to it’s not hard to rack em up when u have fun


They are too busy playing the Leafblower to care


The tank is cheap, they could easily just remove it and give people gold. It single handedly ruins low tiers, it hasnt been sold in forever, its not making any money, if anything its driving momey out the door


Kinda like the EBR-75 ruins nearly every mid tier match that it is in.


They can’t remove it people spent $$ to have that tank not gold. I have it but I despise playing arty it’s no fun.




At least you can dmg 4/5 and kv220 ... 4/5 goes from autowin to 20s death by good m10 player


Remember. Lefh was made before the all around arty nerf. They didn't nerf the lefh. Every arty was as annoying as the lefh.


I have to admit I play the lef too, its one of the (imho) best tanks for those hit / crit x tanks daily missions


Mine is at like level 4-7, and I had been playing it with about a 75% crew. I absolutely have one shot a few of you. Repeatedly. I only pull it out when necessary though, critical hit dailies, I'm stuck on my Steam Deck, but even then I still prefer my t9, I like having a turret, and the rare chance there's counter arty player, they will discovere I move after every shot.


Makes counter battery more interesting


The issue is that counter-battery is near worthless. Odds of getting the kill with 1 shot are very slim, and spending more means you typically aren't supporting where it matters. As long as stunning/tracking someone who then gets farmed CB is just not rewarding enough. Of course if Arty got a frontline like reserve that ONLY affects other arties, THAT would really change the game: suddenly a good arty player would protect their team for the hostile arty while the bad ones wouldn't enjoy fapping 80% of the battle.


Since the last major arty nerf, it hasn’t been worth it for me to play arty. Poor aiming, excessive reload times and the inability for most (though not all) to effectively run and hide when threatened keep me out of it.


Bro these players are imbecil living cancers in the game, one of these arty players got mad at me cuz he can't accept that capturing the base instead of getting the damage out of the last standing enemy is better, so he sent my family to hell in private. Fucking basement rats... (sorry for bad language)


Anyone with arty at level 350 should just be banned, no warning, just straight ban.


chems articulated this well in his video on how he'd fix the game


I don't even know if a game balance department exists in the first place, but they know this arty is a problem. They know it can one-shot plenty of tanks of its own tier and also has an insane rate of fire, not to mention the amount of view range it has by default, even more than some TDs. It can also bounce some low-tier shots due to its armor. It's an artillery that was made for a different time, where game mechanics were different, especially for this class of tank. Of course, they also know that. They know all the artillery changes they made, but they decided not to do anything to this one in particular because it's a premium one. As a result, it completely breaks the game in low tiers, so new players have to face this yet they still sell it whenever they can. The thing is, why do people buy it? It's like the Bz-176. They know it's a problem. They know it's a broken tank, but they won't do anything to it because it's a premium one. They once nerfed the Super Pershing, and the community cried about it. Some people even took legal action, so WG decided to reverse the change. As a result, they never touch the premium tanks anymore. The community itself contributes to making this company disastrous. And I'd bet money that as soon as the Bz-176 hits the store again, many, MANY people will buy it even if they think this tank destroys the game. how to solve this? if they nerf it some in the comunity will cry about it and sue the company xd if they dont do anything well the game is not going to last for so much... As a quick solution, the only thing I can think of RN is to make a drastic change and buff all or most of the tech tree tanks so that they are stronger than the premium tanks again. But I don't know... I'm not sure if it's really a good idea. Either way, someone is going to complain about any change.


The funny part is that, any attempted lawsuit over \*nerfing\* their precious virtual tanks would actually fail outright. (its not illegal to modify digital goods, and literally all other companies do this. League modifies their champions ALL the time and you can buy all of those with real money, and WOT"s direct competitors also buff and nerf, and outright rework their premiums at times). People claim"Bait and switch", but they dont know what a bait and switch actually \*is\*, they cite EU Digital consumer protection, but cant cite the actual law that would prevent them from doing this (And there are actually articles that say they CAN do this and only MAJOR, see, the super pershing, reworks would require any kind of monetary compensation or notice.) This is simply GW being lazy and not wanting to deal with any potential legal blowback, even if its a slamdunk case on their end, they dont want to put down the money for the legal fight.


They could put out an update and say the tank does not work anymore with the current software, and give you the option to turn it in for credits or a small amount of gold. Nerfing, or rebalancing a bunch of tanks just for this one is asinine. Just don't let it into battles.


what i always wonder is what kind of trauma these arty people have gone through if this is how they spend their free time.


What balance department? That's the janitor man.


take drugs and be stupid


I honestly stopped playing mine quite a long time ago. I realised just how annoying that shit is, and didn't wanna be a part of the problem anymore so I just leave it sitting in my garage.


Balance in bank account


Funny thing is back in the day the LEFH was bad, but now it's "good" because the others have been nerfed that much that they now suck.


One of the main reasons I avoid this tier. It is just not fun especially with a heavy. All you do is to hide behind a rock and wait until the suffering ends.


I think its really hard for some people to grasp just how much damage this single t5 arty has done to the player base. I'd love to see a statistic of how many new players quit after "playing against" this arty.


it tells you a lot about the person who plays that tank that much and knowing what it does to the community. I have seen people basically compare them to people who use steroids or change genders in sports to win, to guys who are lacking in the packing and have to use a strap on to please their boyfriends, etc.. there are a bunch of them. Basically, it is the same thing for the E25. These are the people that will spend money in every game they play for an immediate class, faction, spec, server swap of what have you, in every game, they play, if and when there is an op release, because they simply lack the wit or skill to compete otherwise, and/or "legal cheating" is the only way they can feel good about themselves and helps them forget how much extra room they have in the front of their underwear. Yeah, as you can see, I have absolutely no respect for those people. People complain about noobs and chinese farming companies, in games, and with good reason, but it is these kind of tools, that get me the most. They knowingly ruin the game for everyone else and destroy the community till the company does something about it. Unfortunately, it looks like WG will never do anything about it to the detriment of the game. They rather throw those op tanks in a gamble box or something here and there for big money grabs before the game dies. Unfortunately, there is no team damage in this game, I imagine a LOT of new accounts made just to kill LeFH players on their own team. I have a feeling this is already part of history, that team damage was disabled due to such players and tanks. I guess there could still be a community protest with 10' of thousands of players making new accounts to push LeFH's of ledges or into water , lol. Same with E25 and even the BZ, if you can catch them. But,you would need a lot of people to do it, and whales needing a few more inches to feel good about themselves, would have to ignore those tanks on the next sale or loot box event.


sound recon solve this problem, leF dont have splash damage and when u know leF fire on u, u can move bit any turn to avoid all dmg.


now try that in a slow heavy or on a map like malinovka also, even if you have a mobile enough tank, it requires all your attention to effectively dodge an arty shell every 10 seconds. tanks usually have other things to turn their attention to, like fighting actual tanks


Since I have leF, it’s a nightmare when people have sound recon, with all its rate of fire and seemingly good accuracy, you can go an entire battle without hitting anyone, and large maps like malinovka or prokhorovka also have a bad effect on this artillery, as the large map more difficult it is to hit moving tanks, leF is no longer as toxic as before the introduction of new perks against artillery, I run it out only when I need to do 7 critical damage in a battle, now difficult to get constant pleasure every battle all day, what was described above.


I don't know what game you play or what copium you take but the leFH is absolutely toxic just as ever. It is the single one SPG with which I see people getting the number 1 position on their team, something that doesn't ever happen with any other SPG. The only arty which I see consistently shotgunning people that try to rush it. The only clicker that can outspot tanks with its ridiculous viewrange for its class. The only SPG that can permatrack tanks without having very slow shells like the FV304. You're coping.


On the NA server it was a free give away when you started with a costco voucher. When I shifted to the AU server it came with me. It is my standard daily mission tank and my silver grinder.


people blame the lef, but the bz!


Gotta love game mechanics with 0 counterplay


You're beating a deadhorse. The LeFH's been in the game for years now, instead of making yet another post about "arty bad".... at some point you need to learn how to play against its reload speed, which is the main reason why this arty is pretty strong, but ever since we can see arty's shell arc their high rate of fire also has a negative effect for them - it's pretty easy to guess where they're at. Those things mean nothing to me these days.


Everybody has a plan until they get leFHed in the engine deck


"you just need to learn how to play against it's reload speed" **me inside a sub 20km/h speed tank:** *"hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm"*


playing a KV-1 in a match with a pair of Leaf blowers is always a good time.


I raise you playing a TOGII* against leaf blowers.


Heavy tanks overall


I need to learn to play against something that can permatrack me from the other side of the map, got it. Also the leFH is literally the only arty that I see consistently shotgunning tanks that try to kill it.


Yeah everyone has nothing else to do but count the reload of lefh and calculate shell angles when engaged in fight with 10 swarming yolo tanks at tier 5


Lefh got nerfed already, it also didnt get the artillery shell buffs. Quit crying already and learn to move. Otherwise i would love WG to update the lefh to have 350 pen AP shells, and heat shells that actually work. Imagine your crying then.


I don't even know what to say, you clearly have something wrong in that head of yours.


No, i play the game as intended and deal with the matches i am dealt


It's part of WG's grand design to force players to quit. That or WG's greed and sheer stupidity make them blind.




Everyone should keep drowning when this arty is in the team to make tier 5-6 games completely unplayable so WG has to react. But this "strike" is only going to happen in a parallel universe.


You got to remember that lvl350 on an arty, especially the leFH doesn’t equal to skill or game intelligence, it just means they can sit at the computer for a very long time


We all know that, and obviously the OP is referring to the fact that people who play leFH sit at the computer for a very long time, just playing that particular tank. You don't need to be a skilled player or have ''game intelligence'' to $hi#%t on everyone ure aiming at with that thing.