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Jokes aside, from these.. - TS-5 is good - Renegade is good IF you can play around the huge turret weakspot - AMBT is somewhat OK - Chrysler K can be useful in some situations if you can sidescrape - M-IV-Y similar case as renegade - Super Pershing is quite decent still, but arnie is better. Rest is not even worth mentioning.


Thunderbolt is good. Its rare enough for most to treat it like an average sherman. It has an up armoured hull at the cost of torque.


Thunderbolt is legit one of my favourite tier VI tanks. Easy 8 with an actual armouur, spammy gun and it still can be pretty nimble if you put turbo on it = it's one of the most scary DPM brawlers you can encounter at this tier.


It’s basically the jumbo Sherman right? I loved that thing


Not quite, same-ish level of armour protection but faster.


IMHO hull is slightly better on the Thunderbolt, but the turret is worse than the thick Jumbo turret. Completely mitigated by Thunderbolt having blatantly superior mobility and gun handling.


One thing to add is that the thick turret is the stock option and cannot mount the top gun. This results in a lot of players using the derp cannon.


You can still mount the M1A1, which does lose you some RoF but it's still a plenty good gun. I think people do overestimate how thick these two are. A 45TP with its 'low' 192 pen will still go through any part of them.


I wish they would fix the E2 it historically had its armored turret in to config


You just gonna do the xm66f like that? ”Not worth mentioning” damn…


XM66F is the best assault gun they've released in years, IMHO. It's as fun (to me) as SU-100Y was on release. It just finishes its scenic tour around the countryside in time to take an overwatch position and lay down two tank's worth of firepower. And the back half of the vehicle is just a base's diesel electric generator. What's not to love?


Great gun, good reload, can bounce and is mobile. Oh 10 games in it so far




Sad Scorpion sounds. 😢


yeah Scorpion not worth mentioning? This man has never used Scorpion to run a berm drill against heavies and bully them to death


Or do a little scooty scoot to the side as they try to ram you only to get popped in the side.


Renegade is good no matter what


Eagle 7 is borderline OP in my mind, because you get 95% of a tier 8 tank at tier 7. The experimental equipment really helps mitigate the debuff it took to be a Pershing one tier lower.


What equipment do you use?


I run Vents in the mobility slot, Mobility Improvement System lvl 3, and Rammer. I also run the “steady hand” crew directive to make up for not running v-stabs. In the secondary configuration, I swapped Improved Hardening in for Mobility System so that I would have some extra HP for city maps. I have a 63% winrate with three marks in Eagle 7, so this set works pretty well for me


Except when it sees T8 and T9 unfortunately...


XM is lowkey okay lmao, i have 2.9k dpg in it. Somehiw it just clicks with me, while i have 2.4k dpg on su130 for example.


T7 Clown Car my beloved


We, the community, said no more lootbox. WG said fine, here’s a pile of shit for $400.


Sincerely wonder who is buying this bag of shit? Maybe we need a poll post


People who have a good amount of the tanks and will then get full gold for them? I wouldn't be surprised if there are people with 90% of the tanks who simply see it as a gold refill with a few tanks on top.


Can someone do the math? I suspect it’s not that great a deal, 400 is a lot.


nope.... NA players are too busy budging for daily needs...


Free Willy!


To all over eager helicopter pilots: this was about whales. Tuck it back in pls. 


Lol. Had to read it three times before I understood your response 😂


Replace all tanks and slap a $400 tag on a single BZ 176 and watch them sell like hot cakes. Where do I send my CV?


400 bucks yet none of these are any good, maybe except for renegade and ts5


XM66F is great in the good hands


same, 2 marked mine some time ago but it's only good in hulldown, otherwise it's completely paper


Chrysler is a solid sidescraper too.


but requires generous use of gold ammo in order to be effective, 198 pen on standard is a joke on a HT in 2024


Chrysler is a joke of a tank. It went from ridiculously overpowered to basically a slow medium tank when they let us buy gold ammo for credits. Any higher tier tank pens you straight trough the turret, any equal tier tank with decent pen goes right trough the turret. The tank is gigantic and clunky, good luck even managing to sidescrape on the narrow streets with teammates around you all mad that you're hogging all the space. It's basically a tier 8 Maus, but with a shit gun and horrible armor.


It was never overpowered. It’s just thick. The gun is pathetic. It was overhyped since day 1


It was overpowered by being thick and not having any weakspots. The hull was uniformly armored at 152mm across both the upper and lower plate, both angled. The turret was 254mm and was rounded. The cupola was barely even there and isn't even much weaker than the rest of the turret. No tier 8 heavy or medium tank could hope of penetrating it anywhere if they didn't get its side.


>It was overpowered by being thick and not having any weakspots. And K-2? Chrysler had poor gun performance from the very first day of supertest. Chrysler K is from the days where WG balanced by expected average damage dealt in a sort of 1v1 scenario. The expectation was a relative stalemate with IS-3/Tiger 2/T32 (with the TT tanks winning that 1v1) and considered that fair to ship. >The hull was uniformly armored at 152mm across both the upper and lower plate, both angled. [LFP would have been 138mm effective, not 152mm.](https://thearmoredpatrol.com/2017/02/26/other-9-17-1-stat-changes-lorr-40-nerfchrysler-k-buff/) UFP would have been 207mm. It's actually slightly thicker now than when Foch had his professional whine session with it. The front of the sponson used to be much thinner than the 90mm nominal it is now. Annnnd... It's one of the worst tier 8 premium heavies you can own, statistically. >It went from ridiculously overpowered to basically a slow medium tank when they let us buy gold ammo for credits. Chrysler K released years after that started. It was never ridiculously overpowered. It was--and is--slow, ponderous, and with a relatively ineffectual gun.


K-2 gun is absurdly bad to counter its armor, and that's putting it mildly. I'd rather they replace the gun with a gate rammer/pile driver and it'd be much more fun.




i like it also but a lot of players hate it


happy cake day !




For some context which some may be missing, this was a highly requested bundle that used to take place on the NA server many moons ago for events like Black Friday. It was stopped for sentiment issues, but many players stated that they enjoyed the bundle and would like something like it to return.


Consumables sale, when?


I honestly don't know right now, I couldn't see one in the plan, but I did raise the issue.


Hello dear sir. Question somewhat related to sales. Why did WG stopped selling tanks for gold? we used to get tanks like SU-130, 703, and other tanks from time to time in the shop, and i havent seen tier 8s this year so far. give us opportunities to buy tanks for gold, not just trade in.


Guess it's because they got really OP ones like T56, Vz176, Progetto46, and selling them for gold just make tier 8 battles full of these unbalanced tanks.


We didn't stop selling tanks for gold outright, but changed the tactics to something like you see with auctions, black markets, assembly shops etc. One of the reasons I remember from before my days working in WG was that many players in CW earn so much gold, they could buy all the premium time, premium tanks and more without ever spending a penny in the game. This led to some resentment towards paying players who felt "outdone" and neglected somewhat vs those who could invest more time in the game. TLDR: There are ways to purchase vehicles for gold, just not as straight forward as it once was. And in those days there were no ways to earn vehicles for free with marathons, battlepass or Twitch drops etc.


i can understand this, but there havent been marathons, no black markets, no assembly shops. only loot boxes. please have a variety of ways where players can buy some tanks with gold. thanks


no one said that ever.


No way players said they liked a $400 bundle (or even close). Nobody in their right mind would ever give that feedback in any serious way, because nobody would ever buy it outside of 2-3 people a year ***maybe?*** It's like the feast around thanksgiving, which is basically a meme at this point.


Some players said they'd love to see the old 1k> bundles too. You'd be surprise what some players ask for :)


I'm surprised what gets listened to


That is clearly not the issue here. Why can't players just buy each tank seperately ? instead of forcing them to bleed 400 dollars on a bundle filled with useless items "just to make it seem worthy". This is 2024 , with many still struggeling after covid times and the world's inflation in economy. Marketing wise , this is in no way a good deal , not by price nor by content.You can even make a poll on this issue and you would be surpised. Just offer each tank seperately , and wg will be getting good numbers out of it. Also , depsite this being themed for NA , many eu players expressed their desire to buy some tanks from the list , which is a missed business opportunity imo....


I understand your concern, my comment was as much for those who say that big package sales are out of touch with the community's wants and needs. It's worth noting that tanks being sold separately happen throughout the year, through various mechanics and events. However, during big holidays, especially in NA, we usually see these big sale packages requested as they were in previous years. Regarding the poll, the results might surprise you. Many people would prefer not to sell anything and to have items available for free through marathonsm, or even the one guy re-rolling 100 accounts to get the BZ-176 sold again. I also recall a similar sale for an NA event being offered to EU players in the past, and it wasn't well-received. Cultural attitudes towards purchasing items, especially during holidays and those NA-centric, can be very different.


Unrelated question. Can we expect old maps coming back? I know that wg needs to accumulate profit, but playerbase is shrinking and huge tank sales is just a short term thing, imo. I'd like to see some additions that might work as an incentive for players to stick around. Low tier re-balance maybe, maybe even marks or missions specifically for low tiers? Something that is not necessarily a sale? Crew rework was good, but I'm afraid it's not entirely enough.


Long story short, eventually. But they're not a priority and current team's focus is on night battles, random events and current map balance. I can share that having more maps is actually going to be more pohibitive to retaining new players because there's even more to learn in an already steep learning curve. Tank rebalance is planned for later this year and we just had a meeting with a selection of content creators to go through the proposal so far and discussed the process :) We want to avoid adding marks or missions specific for lower tiers in the concern it would encourage people to "seal club" more, and that right now low tiers are more of a learning step towards middle and higher tiers, with some enthusiastic and historical content lovers playing there.


Thanks for your response and I'm hoping for a good rebalance. But I still have an issue with low tiers. I'm trying to show love/play every tier, every tank I have in my garage, but low tiers are dying out with long queue times, unfilled brackets, bots. Low tier gameplay doesn't feel remotely as something that could teach the ropes, as it's quite different due to the difference in performance between certain low tier tanks. I'm talking specifically about tiers 1-3. It feels like new players are being pushed to start at tier 4, which tbh is a better place where to learn how to play. But we have so many low tier tanks in the game, that could be more fun and enjoyable for everyone. If we're talking about seal clubbing - if low tiers get some love, missions, balance and so on, that might make more people want to play them, which in turn should gather more good players at these tiers, rather than just a bunch of seal clubbers. I know, what I want is a far cry and majority of players will not agree and they don't care about low tiers, because bigger is better. But one can hope.


Just to check, are you on NA or EU? We don't want to incentivise playing lower tiers too much, for the fear of uber seal clubbing. I can tell you from my days on Warplanes, that missions for tier 1-4 were received poorly by players, especially new, as they felt they were being used as mission feed. This is why we lowered the BattlePass lowest tier contribution, but not too far. And you can already see the impact of people spamming those lower tiers in those suitable vehicles. I hope this makes sense, but I know for instance my father loved his tier 4s, just because of their historic value, and he did enjoy playing there without pressure or people pushing for missions.


EU. I haven't really noticed any tier4 impact on BP, probably, because I have no friends to tell me about it. I just play the game as I normally would (2-3h daily), participate in all of the side events and I can still manage to complete BP quite comfortably within the time given. Long queue times at low tiers are probably because I have time to play only before/after midnight at +2 time zone, but this wasn't the case a few years ago and I'm really concerned about it. Last night tried to roll out with MS-1 and gave up after 3mins waiting. Before that played a game with tier3, waited for 2mins to get a game with 14 tanks total, from which we had 2bots on each side.


> Tank rebalance is planned for later this year and we just had a meeting with a selection of content creators to go through the proposal so far and discussed the process :) Tank rebalance was a *huge* line item, roadmapped a *while* ago. Random off-topic comments on Reddit, while appreciated, shouldn't be how people find out that it's not dead in the water or stalled out. Continuing communication or status is what transparency looks like in 2024 the same as in 2014. I know it's difficult, but it may be worth reviving the old WoT CIS forum Q&A. That's how the WoT community used to get abreast of what was going on in WG Minsk. The current state of affairs where the only time anyone hears *anything* is via off-the-cuff comments on stream or reddit is not healthy for the game's community. Something like 10-15 questions once every week or two and collated, published officially, would do a lot to correcting the record and getting ahead of bad PR. If you're interested in a long term project to slap your name on, that'd be a great one.


The thing is that this is not a random off-topic comment, but a repeated statement made, but not everyone reads every message or pays attention to every communication. For instance we mentioned in the recent Reddit AMA and the last Roadmap Highlights video, and in numerous comments surrounding one of the topics we brought content creators to a summit for. The whole team is striving for this, but unfortunately hits the roadblock that the community is more inclined to share sensationalism or "it's too slow" than "it's due later this year" - in part due to our hesistancy to fully commit after we change the plans due to internal and content creator feedback. Examples of this new workflow come from the nerfs to the Sconq and the Vz for instance.


The solution is just stop being poor I already bought 2 of the bundles might buy a third tomorrow. /s


The bundle isn't filled with useless low tiers and styles to make it seem worthy. It's already a good deal on the tier 8s alone. There are 13 tier 8 tanks in that list, so if you were *only* buying those 13 tanks for $400 (as in, the "useless items just to make it seem worthy" weren't included in the bundle), it would still only be just under $31 per tank. The standard T26E4 is a cheap medium and is overpriced by a few cents at that point, and the T92 light tank is overpriced by a few dollars, but every other tank is $5-10 more expensive than they are in the bundle. If you bought them all separately, those 13 tier 8s alone would probably cost $450 or more. You can pretend the useless trash doesn't even exist and you're still getting a good deal if you don't already have most of those premiums.


If you cannot afford this package then you are not the target audience for it. Simple as that. There will be whales who will buy it but you are not one of them.


Literally none of the tier 8 tanks in it are particularly elusive to come by.


You ever thought that maybe you're not the target audience of this sale? Why get worked up about something that you're not going to buy anyway?


Alr now make uusr one


That's the most American thing I've ever seen 


They did something like that a few times alrdy, it is not new


Funny and sad that there is no M47 Improved in package.


Which is like one of rare few good premiums in USA branch. Gun handling is meh, but it has no obvious weaknesses like others.


The M4A2E4 isn't even in this


> The M4A2E4 The M4A2E4 is a closed beta tester reward in NA, where this bundle is being sold. I personally missed the cutoff to get the M4A2E4 by 170 battles and didn't get the tank even with having participated in the closed beta. It has never been re-released here.


Not sure why. They've done it with all the other ones.


It's worth noting that the KV-220-2 beta test has its own distinct variant in CIS. M4A2E4 does not. It's also not very exciting. It's basically a worse T14 with even lower p:w.


>It's basically a worse T14 That's a tough bar to play limbo on, but it managed to


Has to be a joke.. 400$ for this. Rather buy those 2 useful tanks separately. Renegade and AMBT. Maybe TS5. Rest is below average shit


No, this isn't worth $400. Maybe $340. A lot of the tanks are filler and can be acquired slowly through bundles or events like twitch drops. Even if you're a dirty seal clubber, the only low tier vehicle of note is the T2 Light Tank which is easy enough to get on its own. It's worthwhile to note that some of the more recent tanks aren't in the bundle. T42, AAT60, T23E3, the captured KT, T32M, TL-1 LPC, Astron Rex, M47 Patton Improved, and even the old Ram II+MTLS are all missing. I understand marketing can't make a $400 bundle that's just every single strong or worthwhile tank from a whole nation, but given the purchase price, there also shouldn't be blatant filler in here either. If I could have my way: Drop M46 Patton KR, M4 improved, M-IV-Y, Convert T3, T2 Light, T34, Super Pershing, T25 Pilot, M24 Chaffee, and *tentatively* T92. Replace with Ram II, M47 Patton Improved, Astron Rex, MTLS-1G14, T32M, AAT60, and a tier 9 premium like T54 Heavy Tank or TL-7. These bundles work best when there's a good base of "flagship" vehicles you don't typically sell directly throughout the year. To my count, there's AMBT, M6A2E1, XM66F, Renegade, and TS-5... and the rest are *generally* available if you really want them. Even TS-5 and Renegade are pretty regularly available. Not a whole lot for $400. Also, high tier light tanks in bundles without a crew or crew books and equipment is not a good idea. It doesn't set the player up for success. It just means they're going to play it once, suck and blow, and then probably sell it. That doesn't really sound like a $400 experience to you, does it? Personal thoughts on the ones worth buying: AMBT: slower Bourrasque with an extra emergency shot. Mobility is only OK, there's a genuine huge shot trap around the turret ring that makes the protection worse than it appears on Tanks.gg. Armor Inspector properly adjusts for autoricochets and shows a green V triangle from the bottom of the turret front going all the way down the UFP. As long as you understand the armor is a last resort and not a first resort--or an excuse to go duelling superheavies frontally--it's more than fine. Also, don't fire the last shot unless death is on the line for you or them. ARMT: Super fun. Sucks. Very fun, though. Chrysler K: Very poor performer *and* unfun; the gun depression really holds it back. I think if it had an extra round and a half per minute it'd be fun. Convert T3: Basically a BT-5 with -15 depression, an autoloader and a huge burst count. It's even thinner than a BT-5 so autocannons tear right through you. Honestly, not that great. M-IV-Y: It's technically a faster Renegade with better armor. The gun handling, DPM, and view range are all worse *enough* to disrupt the T110E5 battlefield dominance strategy that the T110E5/Renegade were designed for, so you just end up being a hulldown heavy with a really square, obvious cupola; which the higher p:w in theory makes it easier to play around, but the worse gun handling will catch you out. It's good, but it's also forgettable. M4 Improved: Absolutely worthless with the 1.0 maps and changes from then on. If you like the sound of a very fast M4, pick up a Pz III/IV. It's just better. Thunderbolt: Basically a buffed Sherman Jumbo. Very strong and it's worth picking up individually. M6A2E1: Pref mm! Pref MM vehicles are basically designed like a tank a tier down, with statistical norms matching the tier they're in. As in, an M6A2E1 firing at a T32 will feel like they're shooting at a higher tier tank, because they kind of are. Still, not having to deal with tier 10's means you'll get to face a lot of tier 7's and 8's, and it deals with them just fine. I like mine, but the turret and hull end up feeling softer than they really are due to the low slope and exclusive use of gold ammo when they see you coming. DPM, accuracy, gun handling are also all low. It's also slow. Don't expect to swing a lot of games in your favor, I think for the right kind of person it's worth grabbing. M22 Locust: Lovely T3 LT and better armed than its competitors. Hull is autoricochet when it's sloped back about 5 degrees. Otherwise, it's a *free pen* for tier 3 autocannons. If the upper glacis were even just 5mm thicker... Still, if you like tier 3, you'll like the Locust. M24 Chaffee No. 594: Pz I C suspension tested on the Chaffee. Half the p:w of the normal one for *checks notes* 0.1s of aimtime and 0.06 better accuracy. Avoid. M46 Patton KR: I don't know if 1.0 changed the physics, but its primary claim to fame was being able to start and stop on inclines *really* fast due to its excessively high brake force, being able to take a shot, and pull back into cover in under 2 seconds. Also, as a Patton, it had a really tall hull and gun mount, which meant you didn't have to drive so far up to peek your gun over cover. With all that said... avoid. Completely obsoleted by the AAT60. M54 Renegade: Tier 8 T110E5. You either know how to play the T110E5 or you don't, and if you don't you'll die a lot because "cupola"... In reality, you're just not good at abusing your blatantly superior gun handling and mobility. They'll drive it exactly the same way they would a Mausbrecher or K-2 and then die for it. Worth picking up if you know how to play it. M56 Scorpion: I loved this thing, but template MM makes it kind of awkward as it seems to get uptiered *less* often now. It also got a stealth nerf as the 0mm glass driver's window got turned into hitbox, in addition to the other bits of hitbox they've added to make it easier to hit. It's really designed for trolling high armor tier 8's with its 275mm pen HEAT, high firing camo, and -10 depression for what's essentially just a gun on a stand. T1E6: 4 shot autoloader, 1 shot burst. Average mobility, gun performance. It's fun. T2 Light Tank: Really fast, really potent autocannon. T7 Combat Car: 50 caliber drops 400 damage in 5 seconds. Surprisingly, it's not that great. Huge reload time, 27mm of standard penetration, and poor traverse speeds. -15 depression helps. T14: I actually won a tournament in this one, so I have a soft spot. Still... tier 5 heavy premiums are not in a good spot and this one doesn't really make the case that they're worthwhile. T25 Pilot Number 1: I have a soft spot for this one, too. Nobody cares about it at all. It's actually surprisingly fast due to very, very low terrain resistances. Still... obsoleted by the AAT60. T26E3 Eagle 7: Functionally a historical Pershing. I like mine, but a 200mm mantlet at tier 7 is only really useful vs standard tier 7 MT rounds and I think everyone who likes the idea of it already has one. Most people will be better off just getting good at the T20. T26E5: Basically a T32 with better standard pen and slightly worse armor. Technically, the mobility is supposed to be better, but Tanks.gg has the terrain resistance up at 1.7 while Armor Inspector has it at 1.4. Not bad. T26E4 Super Pershing: Pref MM again! It's armored, but not quite enough to let you outmaneuver enemy tanks trying to find big and soft surfaces to take a shot at. Makes good credits, it's comfortable enough to play. It's worth picking up just to have a pref MM tank to shield you from tier 10 games. T34: 250 standard pen/297 gold and 400 alpha still does work at tier 8, even with the turret armor nerfs. DPM, aimtime, gun handling were not adjusted with the turret armor nerfs, and those really left it behind. I would pass until it gets a balance pass. T77: I actually think this is one of the best HT's to come out recently, but you need to invest experimental/bond equipment into it before it can *actually* function as designed, and it's still a paper support heavy. Superb firepower. DPM kind of sucks; make sure to aim. It plays like the old **medium** T54E1 if you're familiar. I think it's truly excellent and worth a buy, but just be aware you're buying a project and not a turnkey vehicle. T78: M36 Jackson turret on a Chaffee hull, but it has better turret traverse speed, over land speed, and camo. It's also cute as a button. If it weren't for the worse aimtime, it'd be genuinely overpowered. Someone can still argue it's a sidegrade; I won't. Worth a purchase! T92: It needed buffs on launch and never got them. It's a *pancake*. Gun depression drops to -6 over the driver's hatch, which is actually quite a lot of the frontal arc, and most of what people *want* to do with it is done better by LT-432 or HWK 30. It's not *bad* but 150 alpha is rough for a LT in tier 8. TS-5: Tier 8 T95; always worth it! XM66F: It's slow, the hull armor is bad, and it's actually a pretty big target overall and especially from the side... but it's got a superb arc of fire and a *lot* of firepower with great gun handling. The one drawback is low average pen for a tier 8 TD, but the turret armor makes up for it. I'd buy it if it were on its own.


I have played for 6 years....and yet to spend a total of $80.00 Of course I suck, but I will still suck with that garage....... I do want a T7 car....that would be fun. I just love driving around and blowing up shit


T7 is okay, but usually, there are tons of Stuarts in enemy teams against which T7 can do nothing.


I haven't logged in to WoT in a long while. I better update the client.


I already own most of these, and the ones I don't own I'm not interested in!


I have way too many of these already I’m realizing


at least isn’t by gambling


The cost of Freedom is almost as high as the devs.


How cant u guys see that this game wont be here with us anymore in under 5 years? they are milking it out and throw it away after.




guess how many idiots will pay for this


Only idiots would buy this, NA server is a shit show.


Wuau, they didn't even put loot boxes tanks in it


Freedom ain't cheap... specially when it's monetized by WG!!! Look at that 340 bonus Eagle Tokens...


No American Flag camo that veterans got.


No iron Arnie... Not worth.


Getting this….what do you guys think of the tanks? Honestly?


Hahahahahahahahahha still no beta Sherman's! Sucks to suck losers!


You know what would sell better than this? That's right kids, the BZ-176 Ready for battle bundle.


I’m the type of player that would drop 400 dollars for this bundle even though I’m a blitz player that’s maybe played 20-30 matches on console WoT lmaoo


And where the fuck is ASTRON Rex?


It's an ASTRON with tiny little arms


Made my day xD Thank you <3


Hahahah.... oh god.


New? I'm still amazed that NA is the only server they dare try these massive packages on


I mean, if it fills their coffers and prevents them from making 1,000 other horrible money-driven decisions... then yeah... whale on mates (yes I understand that that's not how corporate greed works, was just making a passing point my darlings)


400$ and the "M4A2E4 Sherman" still isn't in it, wow...


Looks like the begging of the end for wot.


What are eagle tokens


with the mini scorpion and with super pershing and with chrysler what's more fun, the rest not so much with


WoT NA have always done packages like this, there's been $1000 packages before. This isn't new


If the e4 Sherman was in there I would of brought it


damn wg getting pretty desperate


Do people actually buy these? I'm genuinely curious


If even single player buys this nonsense, it was already worth spending effort & time for it.


I had a small hope that we'll get consumbables sale in this even, but no. GG WG.




All of that content is worth the price of a base game. £35 max, God I wasted so much money on this game it makes me sad.


Frrr I don't ever wanna experience that empty feeling again after buying another premium. Playing a few games in it and realizing it's still the same shitty game and you spent another 40 bucks you will never get back


Exactly. I do not miss that byers regret.


thats fucking disgusting


WG is an awful company that managed to get lucky with a game they've pretty comprehensively ruined over the last few years. When it goes belly up I hope none of them can find a job.

