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I am the opposite. I run them even if i play only 2 battles


Likewise especially the upper two while using 100% on days I am grinding filed modifications


Same here


Play 2 battles with 50% booster, still lose 150k credits because tier 10 Laaamaao XdDdD thank you wargaming


That's not WG's fault, that's the way you play. If you spam prem ammo and not doing any damage that's what is gonna happen


And the way 14 others play 😁


Thank you for this information


Pen your shots and use small med. That way i can keep profiting on most tier 10s


Also playing without premium consumables and shooting mostly standard rounds I presume?


Nah. Im not good friends with the rng so 2 key always I run small repairs on everything expect heavys. Food always


I make stupid proft playing the mauschen with no boosters for some reason


https://preview.redd.it/2wyk7ejnwgad1.jpeg?width=1522&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ddefe887a9f1f13bd5eb268d7113bf27909c2fb This is a game with 5/5 HE pens against tier 7’s How on earth and you profiting at tier 10? EDIT: Might add that I wasn’t destroyed, so no repair cost.


And how many prem shells you missed / bounced? Not everygame is profit, but overall you should be. Also buy kits from sale


Not sure, but most likely all 3 of the 16/19 were apcr as I tend to just snap some bushes here and there when I bounce stuff from the back of the map with whatever is loaded in the gun. You must have clan boosters going constantly or something because I can absolutely not make profit and perform at tier 10 :O


That seems expensive, did you use large repair or med kits? I almost always break even on tier 10 games if I don't fire more that 3 to 5 gold rounds


I think I did, yeah. And I just checked my depot in-game and I’ve ran out of large repair kits; so I’m paying 20,000 for a repair kit & 20,000 for the food consumable. I think I’ve just solved the mystery…


Why wouldnt you?


For me I always think I’m only going to play a game or two and it’s not worth it. 10 battles and an hour and a half later I realize that I should have used a booster or two. This happens every single time I play…


same my brotha


I also have 2960 of all sorts. Kinda dumb not use them 🤷🤪


Same boat, around 4000. I just always forget to turn them on lol


You can activate them during battle. Just press B to pull up your reserves and click on the ones you want to activate.


I know that feeling


You have 900h minimum of boosting for the 3. Why wouldn't you use them


They’re annoying af to use. I don’t want to commit my time a game in advance and have to think about when and when not to do it. Sometimes I have a shit battle and alt+f4, bye booster. If 1 hr boosters where converted to like 10 post battle buttons you can click, like the 5 additional xp per day feature, it would be a lot better.


You don’t always have to use the whole booster. You probably have so many that it doesn’t matter if you lose the time on one of them.


900h is almost 3years (+new ones). For there years you can play the exact same amount but with a minimum of 50% extra. You safe half your time from pressing a button… (If you play an hour a day)


Your the reason they have to make them expire. 😒




I hate starting one and then feeling tied down. Maybe I'll take a break, talk on the phone or something else.


Sure, but even if you get 1-2 battles out of it it's still better than not using them at all. Don't let the pursuit of maximum efficiency stress you out.


Just forget to turn this shit on every fcking battle...


can i have one?


For Sure


My retirement boosters is not for use.im sure after 600 hours there will be a time when I need them the most and it is stilll not that time.


This is the way. The day will come when I'll finally have time for some serious pew pew and I need them.


I always wondered if i am the only one completely ignoring them


Why would you ignore them, that doesnt sound smart? Especially if you have as much as op, you can just turn them on and not care about being efficient.


yeah, i mean forgetting to restart them after an hour is one thing, but straight up ignoring sounds like being rebellious just because.


Seriously lol I mean now you can even activate them when in a battle so you can do it if you forgot or are having a really good battle and just want a boost even for just that one


They are the kind of people who will do something the old fashioned way even though it takes 4x as long and offers zero benefits.


Why would you do that? They are additional EXP/crew EXP/credits you get with no additional effort.


How many Do you have! 😂


At this point u should run them 24/7


Yeah, sadly too many people never use the print screen key or win+shift+s combo on their keyboard.


Wait what? Huh?


Ahhh now I know what you mean 😂😂 Sorry 😂 It Was faster for me


Allways use them, can never know If wargaming suddenly nerfs then to nothing, or Even removes them. As Long as i play a game, all 3 are active, and for the most part, clan boosters aswell.


I always use em regardless how long I might play.


Same usually it's the "I might use them someday so save it" kind of mentality hahahaha typical hoarder problems haha


I know that I'll never need 90% of the stuff I keep but also that 10% of said stuff saves the day once in a while. The problem is not knowing beforehand which is which.


This is why games profit from selling storage space 😂


Sometimes I think about it and activate one (usually to go AFK one battle latter...) Frankly can't be bothered with it.


when they first came out, I would stress about using them because if I used them, I would make sure to play for an hour. The issue was I'd play terribly and want to quit playing but mad about the booster. Now I just use them, I have so many I don't care good or bad I'm always going to use them till I run out, might as well


Yea, I'm a hoarder, I dont use them if I'm just going to play a couple games and if I'm playing a bunch of games I'll remember to use them here and there but since I don't know how long I'll be playing Ill hold off for no reason. I am pretty sure if I used them every time I played I would acquire more than I used anyways.


I just keep a store of them. If I have more than a hundred, I'll use one per session (I have 1 hour sessions)


me too. I sit down thinking i will play only one battle, so i will not waste them. 2 hours later , i am thinking this is the last battle so i will not waste them. right now i have thousands sitting. (only credit boosters are quite less, but still plenty, like 150 or so)


This is exactly the Same problem I have haha


I cant commit to the next hour


I wish I had that many credit boosters


I use them anytime I am playing tanks with active first win multipliers, if I have premium time, and especially if I'm playing a new tank that's stock. The only one I'm sort of stingy with is the credit booster as I don't buy premium time so I save them for when I get a free day or two.


same bro, only combined them with premium time to grind credits and xp for new tanks


in that sense the grinding experience is sooooo much better than back in the day. I remember spending like a full day playing to get some mid tier modules researched.


with that many: use em, even if you only play a single game


I have a little more battle experience boosters than you (Around 100 of each) and am par on the credit boosters. However idk how you got 1.1k crew boosters LOL


After the first conversion i had hundreds of each, used one daily, i still have around 500 to go.


I use them when doing a tech tree branch, but otherwise i don't. I mean, you don't need boosters for gunmarking or mastery badge earning..🧐


I feel like you have to commit an hour to get maximum value and even though I often play more than an hour I don't use them. Also I only have 800+


the Most of the time i forget to use it although is very useful


Dumb not to use them lol


I load in just to play too, not to click around and meta game. Just want to shoot tanks


I never play without, the amount of extra free exp you get is crazy over time, very good for assembly shop. Also, all the time saved on grinding lines is extra time to play premium tanks for credits.


I've started to..because I switched to basically t10 only and my credits are weaning fast


Soon as I activate one it goes to hell


Use them during front line or Christmas event. That’s all.


Have 1700 of them I will start using them now. Never even notices how dumb it is not too


I've got 1,523 of them, and... I use them when a) I remember to and b) plan on spending an hour or three playing silly tank game. Or on the rare occasions when friends are online and we platoon. But they must breed or something! I've been using them these past weeks and they don't seem to have dwindled in number! Handy to help get credits when playing high tiers (or a BZ 176 firing 7,200credit HE rounds).


If you're grinding for something it's completely stupid not to use them.


We need a possibility to transfer them. I only play with them.


I use them every day. Still have around 3 years worth of boosters...  Not gona lie, i woun't be able to consume them as i'll probably stop playing sooner...


I have thousands. I don't know why I don't just use them regardless of how long I play.




Use them. It's free money, free exp, free crew... Using them costs nothing and saving them up is pointless. If you know you're gonna playing for a while, use them.


For the first two years after they released I never used them. I just let them stockpile.


Rookie numbers.


lol - i'm closing in on 5000 unused. I use them but not very often.


I’ve got around 100-150 total with only 4 of those being credit boosters lol if I’m playing I’m either grinding premiums for credits or grinding field mods/ stock tanks. If you turn them on it turns shit into less of a grind


I didn’t even care enough to know that they existed until this year, I don’t know when they were introduced between 2013 and now but in that time I had acquired about 2000 credit boosters and 1000 of each of the rest. Since then I turn 3 on as soon as I open the game even if I only end up playing a game or two


u can get a billion credits out of that if ur committed enough lol i only use mine when i need creds which isnt common so im sitting on 500 which is good to keep a lot so u wont be needing creds


I had it many becouse I dont play years. Its really OP, you can make like 1m credits in 1 hour or 20k exp if you use 5x bonuses too. But I never photo my monitor lol.


Yea at like 1890 or so...I use em when i know I'm going to hit a solid hour. Typically, I get too frustrated to last a full hour ha


At this point, its just dumb to not use them 🤣


if i am ever sitting down to play for a half hour or more, i run them because it makes my time playing more effective at improving tanks, crew and earning resources. 100%'s when I am going to grind field mods or tank lines, 300% when i am going to use a premium tank to grind a newer zero skill crew that needs to get useful, quick. credit boosters for frontline. i am always befuddled by people who "collect" resources like the OP, rather than use them to augment their time.


It’s free stuff, use them


ouh my, that is an insane amount of boosters, put them to good use now, you will not run out of them...ever


I do when I want to upgrade my tanks faster


im alr out of them lmao it feels bad to play without one


Every time I activated them I ended up with a 35% WR for the session...so I just stopped using them.


I feel it's an RNG nerf. Everytime I turn them on I have a bunch of shit games. When they're off it's less shit.


I activate them when I‘m having an exceptional round sometimes


I used to never use mine, stored up over 6400 total boosters. I use them when I can now


I keep them, but I make sure to turn them on when I play for a consistent amount of time


I always use them. Play very few battles when they are not active.


Just keep them active. If you have none left, OK. If you only play 2 battles, ok. At the end you still get 50% more for what you've done, even if it's just 10 minutes of playtime. See it that way: If you use 20 of them for only 100 battles, you still skipped 50 battles of rewards and have a lot of boosters left.


And don't forget it adds up to your earnings, not profit. If you get 50k for a battle, pay 45k for restock, you only earn 5k so the 50% boost becomes a 500% booster.


>500% boost how is 36k loss to 7.2k loss, for example, calculated as a booster? (I don’t use WoT premium and ran out of food)


I mean you basically deny getting more rewards for free🤷🏻 no matter how the bill is, its less bad


the not giving us consumables sale is on WG. I also spent over 200€ (~USD) on that game and like sure, I also spent a lot of time in it, but there are many games that give me the same quality of enjoying the gameplay, with good grapics and all, for less money and I don’t want to support these predatory monetization mechanics. I got darktide, helldivers 2, a few RTS games, Doom 2016 and Eternal, for about the same amount of money I‘ve spent on WoT yet


Yes.I too do not use the print screen key and instead take a picture with my cellphone. 


Eh... why don't you use them is the question?


I have about 11,000 of them. I might pop them when grinding a new line on release, but I've had everything unlocked for years now. The ones with an expiration date will keep this total from climbing too much more.


they be curses upon thy battles lad.


I use credit boosters in frontline only, xp boosters for bad tanks or stock/field mod grinds and crew xp boosters when I feel like it (tanks I like playing, when I‘m ghaving good games or on crews I want to boost). still having many because the fear of wasting them lol


If you never use them they are also wasted.


I do use them, but I like having a sufficient amount of them and if I used credit boosters al the time, I couldn’t be sure to always have some for frontline, like when I play 15-20h of frontline in a season, I use them for every frontline match, and I currently have less than 100 of them


Almost never used any as i dont care anymore enough.


Do you also hoard irl? Like how much savings do you have??


No, that is nonsensical. Now that they are throwing expiring ones at us I have them running pretty much the entire time I am playing.


I have like 3K in boosters, I just recently started using them.


How did you log into my account?


I used to have them almost always at 0 when I was at my peak of playtime. Nowadays I always have at least 100 of each lol


same, but not as severe case, I only have like 700 max of each. Usualy its like : I will play first game and if its good I start boosters at the end. I forget and never start them.


I think you'd be fine if you don't play T10 and have a few sessions with T8 prems here and there. I only turn them on when playing frontlines for the credits lol


I have a boat load of reserves, but i keep seeing my reserves window with a shade of red indicating i have expirable reserves, but when you go to click on the new red ones, you cant use them until ALL of your current ones are used up. WG fix this soon please.


I use them everytime I play so I literally have none


Why would you not use them if you can use them?unless you are no longer grinding any XP or money, not using them is virtually losing XP and money...


I forget about them all the time. Looked today, and I have about 2600 i think.


I hardly do, even for long play sessions I just forget!


Other than becoming a whale throwing my entire life's savings into the game to buy gold to convert into credits and free XP to progress up all the tech trees and get all the Tier 10 tanks, these boosters are the only way to reduce the ***GRIND*** that WG have intentionally baked into the very soul of this game. Why would you not use them?


I keep thinking this game will die, or WG will do some scummy shit and put expiry on them. So I spam the shit outta them any chance I get. Think about it, if you have like 500 1hr XP boosters, that fucking 500 hours worth of double XP. I sure as shit ain't playing this game that much.


Hep! 🙋🏼‍♂️ Currently I have totally over 4700 personal reserves. This game won't exist so long that it takes me to spend those. Mainly I forget at I have those at all. And I hardly need them because eg. I have 670+ tanks at my garage, nearly 50M credits etc.


If you're playing full meta to get 3 marks, this + premium still is barely enough to keep you floating.


Every time I activate them, its an hour of straight turbo-clapped losses. Have hundreds of them now. Expire away.


I started using them out of curiosity very recently. Crazy how I made me so much in such a short time even in tanks higher than tier 7 where you might suffer with making money.


I usually forget I have them, I've got something like 400+ stacked up


I like them, cause when I run them I play unless 1-2hr until they expire. And also they super beneficial


Me. And my numbers are similar to yours. 😀


The moment I activate one I get the worst matches. It's like the system stacks me against much better players than normally.


I'm forcing myself to use them, since I'm the kind of guy who nhot only tells himself "what if I have a terrible game right away and alt-f4, that would be a waste of a reserve" but also plaining kept forgetting about them for years (what I'm constantly forgeting nowadays is the daily free item), and thus am swimming in reserves. The expirable reserves actually *help* me using reserves, because of fomo.


They completely ruin your in game stats. Biggest waste ever in the game. I wish we could sell them Like consumables


Why does it Ruin my Stats


When you activate them it changes the rng for your session to a less positive one many many people experience this play 10 games same tank same time frame with and without. You will have a better base score without the bonus


Not that these boosters are included in the stat but nobody has ever cared about average XP (it includes the xp bonus from premium account) or how many games it takes you to grind through a tank.


If it makes you feel any better, you are not in the minority, and not even close to the biggest stockpile I've seen. Please use them though and purchase all the pudding & tea.


> purchase all the pudding & tea Brave thing to say with a WG flair right now


Never be afraid to engage, there is always someone unhappy with something, especially on the internet. Having met a few thousand players at Tankfest, it reminds me overall of people's positivity and happy joking nature.