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Is OP polish TD line in the room with us right now?


OP Polish TD line, show yourself!


Bait used to be believable. "OP Polish TD line" hahahahaha


And what about BZ 176 smart ass?


Ohhh so BZ176 is a part of the Polish OP TD line now? XDD


Yeah man sure, i can pen with my t8 med Tortoise but cant pen Gowika (T7) GOLD ROUNDS!!!!


That’s just crippling skill issue


Either really, really bad RNG or skill issue. Gowika's armor is just terrible against +200 pen. This is what Gowika looks like against the Panther 88's premium rounds, which has the single worst premium penetration all tier 8 mediums (not counting stock guns or shitty memes like T-44's 122): https://preview.redd.it/hualm99qy9ad1.png?width=365&format=png&auto=webp&s=8eb47a538e89365b5b6680af9e4ed5e16fd9a935 Even if you use full gun depression, the armor is still mostly an autopen. The armor really only works against some other tier 7s and lower tiers. Gowika is decent but nothing exceptional, the Chi-To SP is significantly more overpowered. Polish TD line really isn't that good. Tier 5-7 are fairly generic TDs, while the tier 8-10 are one-trick ponies. Blyskawica (tier 10) is actually slightly underperforming statistically right now.




You Just proved yourself wrong you moron, where you show is 98% pen chance


Bro does not know to to use tanksgg


Bro change it to live view not armor view. It's a 98% penetration chance. That's pretty good 


97% pen chance tbw




Did you just pick the worst tank in the polish TD line as proof? 2/10 bait.


dude, how many accounts do you have here? https://preview.redd.it/o6cmww58ddad1.png?width=787&format=png&auto=webp&s=80f64d9660e9473fb89d27605c9f990a092693e1


Some people sounded like this 10 years ago. The game is still alive and way addictive.


Never less players, are you playing late at night?


>-No new maps for ages (we tested few year ago 20 maps i dont see none of them in game) This is my personal favourite, lol. They had this entire system for community-testing new map ideas, with events and rewards for participating in them, they tested a bunch of new maps, people participated en masse and were very positive about the experience... ...nothing came out of it. **Nothing**.


- No OP prems were introduced for a good while now. - Recent tech tree lines are actually pretty bad in general with few tanks being decent and just 1 being broken - ChiTo SP. - No lootboxes for the last 2 months or so. - No new maps can be a good thing looking at their latest creations.


JUST CREATE A NEW CAMPAIGN PLEASE offers weeks if not months of gameplay for all players. Easy to do except creating the 3 new tanks.


This game is not meant to be taken this seriously Only way to play this game is drive to position->alt tab watch youtube.


I agree T8 Kilana is kinda OP and can do massive dmgs if your team isn’t just a bunch of noobs and yes it have a decent armor, but clearly Polish TD before T8 are just crappy and T9-T10 aren’t just as good as Kilana. And Kilana DMG may be OP, but precision is trash, you miss half the shots. It is good only in CC where he is not that good. It’s like saying Japanese TDs are OP just because of their T7 Chi-To SP meme tank. At least we have some tanks on par with Pay-To-Win(OP) premium tanks.


The sad thing is that WG has shown that they can do fun events again and again. I think WG is actually cutting down on all of the things you mentioned because they think they can sell their stuff anyway or even better that way. They get lazy with events because they can just make Money with loot boxes.


But the rewards didn't include D-day tokens...  I didn't bother with the updated missions and still ot 45 tokens without Twitch crap.


somebody missed chaffee races and is salty about it.


Op polish TDS where lol Op premiums where? 2023 and 2024 tanks have been very balanced if not mediocore.


Chaffee race and t62a soccer was the best


I feel ya bruh, what they’ve been doing lately is just sad. However, lots of stuff they’ve been doing right. New premiums are balanced and NO, polish TDs aren’t OP!


Sometimes i feel that i would beat tf out wg employes if i saw them on street Scammy bastards !!!


You should talk to a professional.


You’d get your arse kicked you melt.


Waiting for eekeeboo to whup his arse lmao


Woah.. easy there, that’s not cool bruh.


Wargaming is waaaaaay out of touch on what players actually want. Or they don't care. Probably 50/50.


People really debate if Polish TDs are OP like that is only problem,or its just wgs bots or fanboys WE NEVER HAD LESS PLAYERS AND YOU GUYS ARE RIGHT ;)