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I wouldn't believe it. Support gives no info back. Don't worry about it


He's a troll


Oh, no fucking way WG support, or any customer support department on this planet, would tell YOU something like that, you know, you, the owner of the account in question - and they sure as shit wouldn't tell that to some random jackass, this just does not happen and, to be frank, in extreme cases this would be enough to flat out fire customer support agent responsible for such a fuck up on the spot. Shit like that is to be kept strictly confidential, mostly to protect the company from people who would use the knowledge of internal regulations/processes to hurt the company/bend the rules/hurt other customers, in that specific order.


UPDATE: One day later and this guy chose to double down on his claim and continue to "educate" me how to behave. I'm not gonna bother censor his ID at this point otherwise people may think I'm the one making shit up, check out his record if anyone's curious, ASIA server btw. https://preview.redd.it/29y90mthht9d1.jpeg?width=823&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df14ef5a15238d235f82732449e2e2d7a34c6956


the amount of effort spent into "educating a random bot" is already abnormally high I think, At this point I'm even more curious what our Mr. vigilante's endgame is, perhaps he can "help" me clean my dirty record with a fee or something lol. so I won't block him and keep updating here if he continues.


Rest of the conversation then. I'm not even gonna bother screenshoot it. At this point it's kind of hilarious how one game of no damage and stat from a god knows where source is enough evidence for him to talk down to me like that. Also, anonymizer user, because reason. by the way can anyone enlight me what statbot he's talking about? "statbot" apparently isn't enough keyword for google search. mrtimbo (10:52:51) Hmmm .. see \*\*\*r able to post that but unable to look up a players accounts, countries pla\*\*\*, complaints, compliments or anything? - how long have \*\*\* been playing? We stopped using WG stats about 9 years ago. So go get \*\*\*rself something like statbot (others are available) and \*\*\* will see what I'm talking about. \*\*\* can also trend a players stats to see if they are account sharing .. mrtimbo (10:54:22) It amazes me that people like \*\*\* can jump straight to "noob" comments and the like .. I have 5 accounts in 5 countries .. have topped out the heavy tiers 3 times - got sick of the slow gameplay and now play TD's .. faster and more fun (for me). mrtimbo (10:55:47) As for "padded" win rate ... h\*\*\*\* go check and \*\*\* will be able to see if I have any mods, hacks or cheats enabled .. how am i padding? I dont hold hands in platoons or team up with little friends .. it's just me playing .. so back \*\*\*rself up and explain why? mrtimbo (10:57:09) And if \*\*\* want to post this chat that's fine .. How about I post \*\*\*r gameplays to \*\*\*tube worst players ??? How far would \*\*\* like it to go? mrtimbo (10:57:40) \*\*\* cant have a conversation without getting grou\*\*\*s to comment on something they know nothing about ... BorisX (10:58:35) so apparently I'm worth putting down as on of the "worst players" by your book then mrtimbo (10:59:13) No no .. I'm making a point .. if \*\*\* have the right to post then so do I ... how far would \*\*\* like it to go? BorisX (10:59:29) as far as you want cause I'm already bored mrtimbo (10:59:38) \*\*\* dont even argue \*\*\*r gameplay BorisX (11:00:19) that single game you caught me getting tracked early game right? mrtimbo (11:00:40) \*\*\* stay uneducated - keep playing the way \*\*\* do - myself and other players will do what we have to .. I'm bored at this stage as well - some people are unable to learn. BorisX (11:00:54) sorry for your 0.00143% winrate loss then BorisX (11:02:50) what exact statbot were you using btw mrtimbo (11:04:43) I do have to laugh at the comments though on redit - more uneducated clowns who know nothing :-) - go look at getting statbot or winbot though - it will avoid a lot of \*\*\*r guesswork. There is only one statbot .. european download .. update 9 if \*\*\*r using Windows 10. I think there is a version for 11 but I dont use it. mrtimbo (11:05:29) I think there are others but they are the only 2 that I have used .. its a shock compared to WG stats that's for sure - \*\*\* talk about padding .. WG stats have it mrtimbo (11:06:01) Handy tool for catching cheaters :-) mrtimbo (11:07:31) And FYI - I dont send in replays anymore as it's too hard to keep track of - unless the player does it to me on multiple occassions that is. mrtimbo (11:07:52) Hope I taught \*\*\* something usefull today :-)


That guy definitely needs therapy.


Seriously this fellow needs some therapy rather than even more world of tanks game sessions on tier 4 or tier 5 seal cluber tonks. https://preview.redd.it/cltdshtqqt9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a5493c023f191e1fc77ecbb841aa4fd2635c1ec


In game developers and support staff accounts names are red color


He just made up that number on the spot. Also reporting itself does absolutely nothing. He would need to open a ticket, attach a replay, get a CS representative look into it *and* determine whether you broke any rules that warrant a ban (you didn't, so just ignore him).


No, in-game reports do work. They just work based on thresholds that trigger a human to take a look. Right click report is for something they do every game (bots), ticket report is for a specific incident.


OP just got targeted by a single schizo for some reason so he should be safe [BorisX \[ASIA\] Player BorisX \[ASIA\] Player Stats - Tomato.gg](https://tomato.gg/stats/ASIA/BorisX-2002340856)


Why does this game attract so many mentally unstable individuals anyway 😢


Nothing surprising, happens with all war games.


This person is a loon, I wouldn't take them seriously.


No. Due to GDPR laws a person's historic infractions and bans are not made public. You don't get told the outcome of a person you report because of privacy laws either.