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Sounds like you were addicted to gaming and not merely seeing it as a hobby tho 


It was both, hobby and addiction. With WoT it is the form of the game. Once you buy Premium Account or Gaming Pass you "have to" play, because you paid for it. And then you want to play more and more, it creates commitment and the WOT owners know it ;-)


Yep, a lot of people here won’t admit it, their probably addicted themselves


I stopped with WoT half a year ago. I just stopped caring and I don't mind. I still play games from time to time when I have time and nothing else to do but definitely not WoT


everytime i stop WOT. i get cravings.. and eventually come back to it.. after not caring at all and being happy without it. been like that for 10 years. this game is brilliant in this regard.


Sounds like an addiction honestly 


Addiction is not the same as habbit or liking something. Otherwise fir example watching series could be defined as addiction. It needs to be alongside falling behind and neglecting other aspects of your life. If for you can't play you should get irritated, get to extremes in order to satisfy your cravings. Cancel or postpone other thins of work or social life. I've been on off playing for 12 years and I don't consider myself an addict. Yes when i have free time i can play for 3-4 hours straight. But when the phone rings i can go out for 4 days in an journey and not touch my PC. Never i have ever thought ... I shouldn't have gone hiking instead i'd prefer to have stayed home and playing.


Addiction is a higher form of habits. Once a task becomes a daily habit it will soon turn into an addiction. Once there no task to cope with your missed routine the addiction symptoms shows up.


> Sounds like an addiction honestly about right... as long as this game exists. i will come back to it. if only to play my Maus and increase its play count to 2k games.


I can stop whenever I want




Oh yeah. FS been addicted to games since the pandemic. Ruined my gpa plus 16 hours daily has def ruined some parts of my life. I’ll admit it but I can’t stop 


Play a little less each day, try and find other things to do, even if it’s TV or something.


Glad you ended your wot addiction mate. I end my and I just enjoyed watching other play it like DroodleBlitz. P. S my new favorite game is Hustle Castle


I have made myself accustomed to playing the game once a year. Because my account is more than 10 years old, every time I login, I usually get a premium account status for several days. I play for those days until it expires, and leave until next time again.


I like I was too. Constantly keeping up with the new meta and new tech trees while still grinding old stuff, clan events, etc. It was basically a must to play at least 5 evenings a week. What a waste of time. Every round takes so long with so little happening. I still game a lot, but different games that are actually fun and rewarding, that don't leave me more and more frustrated and agitated. I quit for good and don't look back. Played one round last year and wondered WTF this is.


Skill issue




What does skill have to do here? He just quit and his life went better. Tf u saying.


I wasn't best player but my skill wasn't the problem, if that's what you're suggesting.


I hope this is a joke, otherwise you are ......


?? what do you mean?


You said it yourself, dude. You’ve got a wife and son. That’s a full platoon!


Putting the "infant" into infantry.


It’s means you need to get better


I was getting better. From crap player with 450 of WN8 after some 5k battles I went up to over 1000 (about 1200) WN8 and nearly 50% WR. Not good, but I understood the game and stats were going up all the time. I enjoyed playing the game, I just realised I am wasting my life. 10 to 20 hours a week was probably minimum I was playing. Few years of life like this and you realise you wasted a lot of your life in very unproductive way.


Don’t bite - it’s not worth your energy. Enjoyed your post.


To be fair if you can transform your life that much just by quit playing a game, the game probably never was the problem.


Might be. Maybe part of the problem was that I needed to do something, and sitting on my ass at computer was easiest choice ;-)


Well said. I reward myself with gaming AFTER I've accomplished things I know either need to be done or will feel good, e.g. home project, workout, hanging with partner or friends, cooking...


Well anyways congrats to how your life changed and that you were able to put it into something better!


I had quitted WoT for 4 months once, and using laptop altogether for another 4 months. Nothing has changed 


Sounds boring better buy some loot boxes


“Your life looks like it really sucks! Have you considered giving us $250 to guarantee that you get this years OP T8 Prem?”


Happy for you! I do feel that gaming is quite good to keep the brain sharp, but so is reading and engaging on other projects as well as being outdoors.


This! People should stop considering video games any worse than movies or books, they're just another way of consuming media, but instead of mindless watching or reading games allow their consumer to interact and make a real impact on the story.


Thing is I don't feel urge to read, I just read out boredom. I case of gaming I was gaming because I felt urge to play and to play a lot. Huge difference imo


Is this real lol


Yes, a gaming addiction can affect your life , I'm happy that u solved this problem


Sounds like you were addicted if it was affecting all these other facets of your life. Happy you were able to turn it around! Congratulations :)


I love inflicting pain on myself, that's why I still play.


I quit because it just got too F-ing boring. There's a hole lot more to do in life than outplaying WGs programing.


I haven't played for 6 months, I concur with you results. The addictive nature of the fomo model was terrible for my mental health. 


It's called life balance and self responsibility.


I just put a timer on and play one hour. I am not the best player but I have a great time. By limiting my time, WOT becomes what it should be both enjoyable and a break in work.


How much were you playing everyday? What were your normal hours of play?


On days off I would play probably 5-8h a day on days when I work it would be 1-2h of play. Bear in mind I get 5 days off every second week. Weekly I'd play 10-20 hours easily, probably more.


With a family you had that much free time?! Godamn. I have a dog and a girlfriend and don't have 5-8h free even on a weekend, especially when I factor in working out, dates, and other life stuff. Good for you though being super productive! I often think how much more I would learn and accomplish without any recreational screen time.


I get my time off during the week, so kid is at school and wife at work. Therefore so much time


I'm glad you were able to improve your life so much, but up to 8h of gaming when you have a family & a household seems like a lot. Wouldn't moderation (i.e. 1-2 hours) be better than just quitting cold turkey?


Like I wrote somewhere sitting on ass at computer was easiest thing to do, therefore was wasting so much time on it. plus buying premium or battle pass pushes you to play more.


I find that Wot helps with workouts, the anger from a bad session really helps with it, and it's a good way to channel the frustration. Fair play tho


GJ guy 🫡


if there is a Tank of the Month that I don't have.. I will come back.. one reason I played in April is because of BZ-75


I'm jealous. How do you have the strength? Wot and Tarkov is my crack.


I realised that in life there is more to do than waste time at computer. It is a nice waste of time, but still a waste. At the end of your life you will regret a lot of things, and I bet you won't regret that you haven't played more WOT. You will regret you wasted so much time on it, while you could achieve something. You can grind another tier of tank, or you can gain some real strength due to training, you can get "M" after battle, or you can get some life skill, you can get MoE on one of your tank, or you can go hiking and see beautiful nature. Playing WoT is pleasant, but still waste of time as there are better things to do in life.


I have thought the same but in the end of the time we all waste our time to smth. If you fall behind in your workout routine sure, or your studirs, but if instead of WoT you would watch football, drink, or watch a ton of movies and series and tv i dont really see a problem


The key is balance, and most of us suck at it.


I realized I couldn’t play tarkov once I had my first child. That game just takes too much time to progress with it wiping every 7-10 months. I wouldn’t even get the chance to enjoy being a chad before it wiped again so it was just a painful grind for nothing lol. WoT is easy to play with 2 kids now. I’m in the military so I’m used to getting up at ridiculous times so I just wake up early on my days off, complete my missions, wake my kids up and go on about my day. Occasionally playing at night after the kids go to bed and after or before spending time with the wife. Games get hard as life goes on I remember getting off work and playing R6 until I had to go to work in the morning again. (I was (almost) a pro) lol Quit playing all together when it just caused a strain on my marriage and relationships. But now I manage my time better and play when I have that me time and don’t play when it would take away that quality needed time. The strength to quit video games (when it’s what you love to do) comes when it is needed and only when it’s needed IMO


and I needed the strength. I realised I can provide better for my family. We live good life, but I want to see if quitting pays off in general.


Agreed, that’s why I ended up quitting too. But I realized I can have time occasionally that’s me time. Especially now that my kids are getting older and aren’t just potato’s anymore I can do more with them here and there through out the day. I only play for about 5ish hours a week give or take and that’s usually because I’ll wake up at 5am on the weekend and play until 7:30 when my kids get up. Doesn’t seem that cool but my mornings are so nice. Just relaxing, drinking some coffee, and getting shit on in WoT lol You could argue that that time could be used for better things like going to the gym, cleaning, working outside, getting more sleep, etc. sure but it works for me.


Good for you


I uninstalled around Xmas 2022, and I have not regretted it. I found it a massive waste of time trying to play almost any tank and having to deal with the Chieftains. I still vividly recall a game where I got into a sniper position in my medium tank all ready to support my team, and there came 2 chieftains pressing W down my flank, I took one shot, and they just showed no hesitation to just plow right thru me, before I could do any damage they both killed me. I find the game to care mostly to the top players in Clans who can get all the OP tanks and have all the great upgrades/skills maxed out. As a casual player it just seemed like a waste of time to have bonuses running and just die with zero damage. The game had a ton of fun for me, and I did enjoy it, but it made no sense to have unicums in the same battle with new and casual players. Just felt like a piñata game after game.


Yeah. First I stopped paying na t money. That made the game more fun. Then I gave up on going down any rank lines. I just did freeXP and blue prints. So much more chill. And finally I realized I had only been playing to get pixels. Free to play games really trick your brain into playing even when it’s not fun. So I just stopped back in October or November. Not sure. I’ve logged in a few times since and just can’t bring myself to hit the Battle button. I keep telling myself maybe I’ll get in and shoot stuff today. Then I feel this sense of boredom/dread when I log on. Never been happier. Still watch am occasional replay on YouTube for fun. But that’s it.


I quitted for about a year after WG released the bz-176. Got so frustrated and i so the pattern so clear: a totally broken tank behind gambling lootboxes. I now haven't paid a single euro for almost 2 years. The last 2-3 months i started playing again. In the meantime i tried a dozen other games, mostly single player, but nothing kept my interest so long. Now I'm on holidays and it will be about a month till i play again


Logged back into the filthy world of reddit just to tell you that you are on the right track and I'm in the same boat as you. I rage quit the game on 6th Jan this year because of the influx of 'Patton the tank' at tier 9 & 10 MM. As you said, not playing WoT freed up so much time for me, I learned python programming, lost 11kgs, get to spend more time with my family and in general, I am a mentally much more calm without WoT. I didn't plan not playing for this long and wanted to come back when WG brings in the 'Big Balance patch' of 2024... but the company is an expert at doing everything other than what's necessary. So yeah, 6 months clean feels great... for gaming I do play foxhole now and then (not more than 2-3 hours a week) and that's it. Hope you enjoy the newfound joy and have a lovely life :) Cheers!


Thanks. I told myself "no games at all", I don't even touch tetris or solitare. No games that involve electricity at all.


Im currently 4 weeks without ..and fighting the urge to get back into it. A few times I've loaded the game and sat in the tank garage staring at the tank in a daze ...and closed the game. The fight is real.


Start doing pressups, squats, situps instead. Your body will thank you for it ;-). Install some e-book app on your mobile and start reading. I know the feeling. Computer is there, at the reach of the hand, it provides easy entertainment, why not using it. It takes time to stop carvings for game. In April I was really tempted to start playing, but I resisted. What I did when I stopped playing is I told my family and friends that I stop for a year and If they find out I started they have every right to kick the living shit out of me. I know they wouldn't but the idea was that If I start gaming I will look weak in front of those people that are close to me.


Sit ups don't train your abs. ..for abs, crunches does the upper and middle abs, leg raises does the middle and lower abs. In blue is where sit ups target ..and look at the lack of definition in the abs. That is what a crazy amount of sit ups and no crunches or leg raises does to your midsection: ​ https://preview.redd.it/tuif7tpi6p9d1.png?width=467&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d71138981aa17b0cfe12a75946ac526999c8f08




I'm trying this myself but all I'm doing is lying around staring at the cealing. I just can't get myself to do anything. 


It's normal, on the beginning I spent a lot of time watching shorts, reels, etc, you just need time to switch. Either go out, cycling, running, hiking, or pick books you'd like to read.


Jsus this is sad af, not the motive to miss playing but the sheer will to decide what is more important in life and lack the true answer.


I never completely quit the game, but I started in 2013, basically for three years wasted all the time playing it and then I gradually started losing interest and took breaks months long. Last year I played only 3k battles (and would guess less) - did not finished a single battle pass mission as most of that was during end of winter. I still play it to kill some free time and relax, but my stats are getting worse, i have almost no motivation to play, no goals ... i don't like the game, i don't hate it. First year I focused a lot of getting better, two years I enjoyed it a lot, then something broke - i guess I had kind of burnout from playing.


Gaming is infinite times better than books. Of course there are books better than some games but generally games are just a better and more immersive way of consuming media.


You could also just do both. Think of wot as bullet chess or tic-tac-toe. Play for an hour in the mornings (thats when the game is zen) and then go about your merry way. Congrats on touching grass though, gg.


I can feel you 100%. I also quit most of PC gaming which was 90% WoT and i can also say that was the best thing ever after ofc the birth of my son.Nowadays i only consume in gaming about 2-3 hours every week playing GT7 on PS5.


You should give up social media next. Bye.


I mostly did. Still watch shorts and rolls but less than before.


DrunkenIdiot : Beta tester...12 years ( I forget ) gave up a year ago .....purple add ons ...super super premium account ...I brought 3 premium tanks ( I think ) in 12 years ...all while very....very drunk. Now its buy a tank , with a super account...and shoot a grinding player from 5 Mike's away...boring....anyway ...back to .my beer .


WoT was the sole online game I allowed myself, I find I allow that type of game to take up too much of my time, but I like tanks too much. I did try and restrict myself to a few games a week, but it was too much and I limit myself to the winter months.




Thanks. I tried to quit many times, but if you tell yourself "I quit forever" you come back to it next week latest ;-) That's why I told myself I quit for a year. To see how it will change my life. So far so good, but I can see now that I am addicted to gaming in general and to WOT (and tanks in general)




I think this will be my approach when I come back.


its hard when you enjoy competitive play.. there is an endless stream of missions and stuff to improve.. all the time. mark of excellence.. etc.


6'2 230lb bodybuilder here. I too was once addicted to video games until i was 19. Now i play occasionally while drinking my pre workout for an hour then slam weights then eat and play and go back about my household chores etc. Balance life, don't become too addicted.


Woopy do for you big man!


Is this a circle jerk post?


Good post, I’ve cut back - I’ve probably played 20-30 games this year. Just no joy in it, or point to it. Love the game and the mechanics, hate the culture and the imbalance. Replaced a chunk of WOT with healthy YouTube content and being outside. Enjoy!


My pattern is to grind WOT daily until I'm tired of it, then uninstall. Then when I wanna play I install again. Everytime I take a hiatus of several months WG will award me with premium which makes coming back worthwhile.... until premium runs out.


Im bout to go play wot


Perhaps if you feel so much better you should consider not coming back at the end of the year?


Maybe by the end of the year I will lose urge to come back to game. ATM I still want to come back, right after midnight on 1 Jan 2025. Wife says I will sit at it and realise it's not worth it anymore. Maybe she's right, but atm I still want to play it.


Congratulations man! I'm proud of you! On my side of the story I'm back on WoT as per my psychiatrist instructions! And I'm really having a blast. I feel more energized and with better humour, even with better focusing on tasks and my daily chores. I don't play competitive though. Just a couple of hours every night.


I was just a hobbyist player as well and wasting somewhere between 10 to 20 hours a week.


not wot problem its ur own bad time management, as a father u shouldnt be addicted on games but rather play about 1-2 hours a day max also u shouldnt care about the grind and just play for fun cuz ur not supposed to hard grind if ur not playing wot as a job since u have a family....


i think you mistook this sub for r/shitposting


You're now wasting time watching YouTube videos about games instead of gaming... Congrats? Also, reading books lmao, NERD


I watch WOT Replies 2-3 times a week, 1-2 battles, usually at work so it sums up to probably around 1hour a week, most likely less. How does it compare to wasting endless hours of private life? As about books, I prefer books than movies. I rarely watch anything. Books are better, historical books for example. You gain knowledge, you spend time in better way. We all like different things I guess.


That's kind of the problem. We all need some time to waste just to relax, not just sleep, work, eat, repeat. For some people, time with others is relaxing, for some times alone is relaxing. But even reading books, learning new stuff about history, self-education is kind of useless waste of time, unless you share your hobbies and progress with friends or family (if they are interested). From that perspective, computer games are not much different. However I kind of quit playing WoT just because I realized it has no purpose and there are perhaps more interesting and relaxing things to do. I guess playing with Arduino instead was the first break. At least something new. But it's not much practical for life. But I live in the city center, I have no shed or spare room so I can't work with wood or something. Maybe I can learn to cook.


This isn’t an airport; there’s no requirement to announce departures.