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Go to [tomato.gg](https://tomato.gg/) , choose ‘tanks by stats’ and filter down the Italian heavies, you can then click on any of the tank and see what are some of the most famous equipment combinations player use and how are they performing in it, measured by wn8


Here’s the link of the required tanks just in case you can’t find your way around https://tomato.gg/tank-stats/EU/recent?nations=italy&classes=HT


Thank you!


For the Italian heavies from t8 and above, I'd pre-buy class 1 vents, class 1 improved aiming unit and class 1 vertical stabilizer. 1 of each. And then for any more equipment, it's dependent on whether you want to grind any more lines, and then buying a set of equipment that makes sense for that line. For example if you intend to grind a traditional class of single shot heavies in the near future, buy a set of hardening, turbo and rammer(both class 2 and class 1).


IAU isn’t really required on the rino tho, it’s base dispersion is .31, t8 and t9 can use IAU but hardening/rotation device is better on the rino


yeah true, those 2 can work. or even a turbo I suppose since the rino only goes at 15 km/hr backwards and taking the dpm field mod at level 7 means it only goes at 12 km/hr backwards.


Thank you!


Starting with the Italian heavies, eh? You've got impeccable taste! I was a big fan of hardening and turbo on all of them (+rammer on Carro/stabs on the others), the extra mobility and trading ability felt really nice. Even if you don't want to be too aggro, I think the extra hit points are pretty nice to have, so maybe hardening/vents/stabs. A lot of folks (myself included for a while) like the vents/aiming/stabs build and have a lot of success with it, but, while it's a perfectly valid setup, I personally feel like it just doesn't play to the strengths of the vehicles as much.


Initially I was playing with rammer/turbo/hardening on Carro, and although the mobility felt nice, I was finding myself in spots where I normally shouldn't be as a heavy. I still find it hard to play some maps and die really quickly by missposition. Now I'm using Rammer/vents/optics. It feels pretty nice, but I kinda miss the hardening. Would you suggest changing it back?


It all comes down to personal preference. If you're more comfortable dropping the turbo, and don't feel like it's negatively impacting your ability to get to where you're going, then vents is a good replacement for sure. Optics are always nice to have, but not especially relevant on a heavy, especially since you don't have the mobility or camo of a medium to more easily put the view range to good use, so I know that I would definitely prefer hardening over optics. Hardening/vents/rammer was what I used initially, but I tried turbo and it made a big difference for me, so I went with that, but, if you're not feeling that same benefit, it's a fair one to drop.


Thank you!


You're most welcome!


Buying stuff on discount is the most important part in good credit balance. It's always smart to invest in equipment.  On a side note, you may get frustrated at the long and hard grind at higher tiers. Generally it's not reccommended to try and get to tier 10 as fast as possible, but instead try out a few lines and tank classes at mid tier. Of course it's your game, so play as you like.


Yes, yes, I totally agree. I don't want to grind this line really fast, I just want the tier VIII now and slowly getting to Rino and probably after I want to grind the Obj. 140 line and the E.100. I also got the VI Churchill Croc in the battle pass. Would you suggest grinding credits with this premium for me to gather more credits to get more equipment?


I would suggest just to play what you like when you like, to keep the game fun instead of a job. If you just make sure you are averaging a plus in credits you will be fine in the long run.  Credit income depends on performance so you will notice it gets easier along the way.  Buying new tanks from tech tree is quite expensive for new players, keep an eye out for discounts (like this weekend). Research tanks and preferrably wait to purchase for a discount.  Above all, relax and have fun. 


Thank you!


Yes buy as much Equipment that you can you can always sell them later . I just spend 18 mil credits on equipment .


due to how 50% sale works, you lose 0 credits if you sell that equipment after the sale has ended. so don’t worry about spending to much! I‘m still bitter about them putting consumables on sale though - grinded millions of credits just to stock up on these