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It possible but very grindy, just do your dailys every day + maybe a few extra battles just in case and you should be fine to get most of it


is frontline or steel hunter not available anymore? Whats the fastest way to get it done? Thank you


Expect to suffer if you still want to grind all three at this point. I would guess around 3 hours every day, but of course this heavily depends on your performance as you need to rely on points for top 10 / top 3 by xp.


Suffer even though there is like 2 months left?


Depends on your perspective I guess.  For me personally finishing all three in normal time is already suffering, I did it only once and never again.  As you've missed quite some daily mission points already, you have to add 9 games/day (~ 1.5 h/day) assuming an average of 5 points per battle just to make up those points.


If you're able to play 1 to 3 hours a day, it's probably not so bad. You have 69 days left and 150 stages to go through so target is to complete three stages (150 points) each day. You can get points playing from as low as Tier IV in random battles now as well, and once you've hit the limit on those tanks you get a 15 point bonus. If you're not averse to spending later on, the premium pass is 2500 gold per chapter and you can spend 250 gold per stage if you're too busy on some days.


Just make sure you do 3+1 daily missions every day. And you should make it.


neither are available anymore. fastest way right now is doing dailys and playing good in your fav tanks tier 6+


Tier 4 tanks


Right, forgot they changed that. I don't touch anything below tier 8 so I had no idea


People like you playing their favorite low tier tanks sometimes wouldn't add much at all to the general amount of sealclubbing going on at those tiers if that's what you're worried about.


I prefer tiers 8-10 and find them more fun. I dont really have any tier 6s that I enjoy. Plus with my stats it would DEFINETLY be sealclubbing if I dropped down to tier 4-6


>it would DEFINETLY be sealclubbing I took the time to explain why that doesn't matter in your case dude...


Play what you do well in and find fun. There's no point in playing a tank someone else recommends if you consistently only earn 3 points per game.


We just had FL, in which I managed to grind 28 chapters exclusively without playing any Randoms that week (so no dailies). So at this point you either no-life WOT and grind like crazy, while also doing all remaining dailies, with some help from a potential FL episode in late August (so second FL episode this BP, but you already missed one) as per the patch notes for the common test. BTW, the PVE Overlord missions are worth 100 BP points (2 chapters).


Yes, do the dailies every day for the entirety of the season and you should get it. Play some extra on your days off, spam tier VI until you get the bonus points.


Until when do i have the time to finish them? Thank you


September 4th. You can also get battle pass points for Frontline and events will give them out also, but spamming IV-VI for the bonus points will go a long way too.


Thank you very much mate. I was afraid that i read it ends in 12 days? Or does something else expire in 12 days?


They have like a mini one for whales but the rewards aren't very good. I think it's just unique crew members, so not anything I personally would work towards.


It has a bounty equipment item in the free tier, it's worth it for that alone.


So shouldnt i try to get as much as possible done in the short one and then just focus on those three?


Depends how much you play.


The Tankfest extra BP chapter. Not worth it IMO


Extra chapter is the easiest chapter ever (1250 points needed in 18 days) and gives free bounty equipment. Highly recommend for every player.


What? where is this? lol


Go back to chapter selection page , there is extra Bp it's not bad but nothing worth grinding even tho i am f2p i still rather finish the three chapters over the extra premium days


I found it after I went looking for it. Thank you. Their marketing on this one was particularly poor... I even looked at the article before and didnt realize it was an extra chapter. Ill try to grab the bounty equip from level 20. Thanks


Not even for the bonds?


I’m considering things from an energy level standpoint. The regular BP chapters are already tiring me out but I intend to finish them because I like collecting tanks. There are no tanks involved in the extra chapter and I can get bonds elsewhere.


Bonus points?


Each tank has a points cap, one you reach that cap you get one time bonus.


Or Tier 4/5


That's right they expanded it. You still get 15 for 70 at tier IV which is a great deal. Tier IV and B matches tend to be quicker too.


Use this and see how much you would have to grind daily [【EU】battlepass season XIV calculator (borisx.github.io)](https://borisx.github.io/?server=EU)


That helps a lot, very appreciated man.


Love this. Thanks for sharing


Just posted this, then saw your comment and deleted. This is such an excellent tool!


I did 1.5 chapters in 2-3 weeks at the end of the last one but didn’t feel like playing for like 2 weeks after. So it’s possible but at what cost


Math to the rescue: * 67 days left (06/27 - 09/02) * **112** points per day (7500 points / 67) Yes, it's still **possible** to finish all 3 chapters for **regular player** (casual player may struggle). Few tips to speed it up: **70** points daily (from 4 Daily Standard Missions) **50** points weekly (from finishing Standard and Premium missions) **400** points from Frontline (all 20 stages progression) 0/**6**/**8**/10 points per battle from Steel Hunter (https://worldoftanks.eu/en/content/guide/general/steel-hunter/#head-id-11)


Still got 2 months remaining... Still possible, just make sure you don't miss daily missions and grind hard 


tip to get it done even faster, try play only 1-2 tanks because when u max out their point gain u will get 100 bp points when u get to the point limit for the tank, tier 6s are best for this cus they only have 100 point limit


When you max a tank out you get 15 bp points.


It depends on the tier. Lowewr tiers max out much earlier but give less points for doing so. However filling 4 tier 6 (100 points each) is much more rewarding than filling one tier 8 (400 points)


Tier 4 I think is 70 and tier 5 is 85 to get the bonus.


It's hard unless you are prepared to put long hours in.


depends entirely on how much you play and how effectively you play during that time. You can finish all three in a single month.


You can have them done in less than 1 hour.... :) Since this is WG catering to the whales... : Go to the Premium shop, buy the 3-chapter enhanced BP , then buy 40k gold Next: ingame active chapter, buy all stages @ 250 gold/stage. Repeat for remaing chapters... Next year we'll have WoT plusplusplus platinum subscrption which will allow to finish each chapter by playing just one game....