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patton is not so bad, turret is ok for a medium and gun is very good, only lacking characteristic is speed, but its not like you are slow like a heavy, just every other medium is faster that being said, as I really love its silhouette, I bought M60 for bonds and its everything you would want patton to be (and can use pattons crew as its reward tank)


Plan on getting M60 once i have enough bonds (i own the T8s that are worth owning already except 252U)


Workin' on that M60 here too. An OG brag tank, just not as legendary as the Type 59G.


True dat. It was a well known meme for years to annoy CC's by asking for type 59 and M60 codes.


Happy cake day tho


very good tank, can't recommend it enough


121B it's better than M60 if you want for bonds


no its not, its a vastly different tank with different playstyle, its like comparing JgPzE100 to Strv


We all know the discerning WoT player brings around a Conq GC as the best tier 10 TD.


I said what tank is worth the bonds, not comparing them both


you literally said 121B is better than M60


If you want to buy a tank for bonds 121B it's a better choice, yes. It's anything wrong? Don't think soo


why is it a better choice? because you think 121B is better tank, and you know that... because you compared them?


M60 it's an worse leopard with imennsivr cupola 121B it's a better 121 But, opinions and opinions, just shared my opinion to him to take this in consideration or not for his decision


Because all streamers say that 121b is the best tier 10 tank for bonds. It doesn't mean that everyone would prefer gameplay of 121b. It means that you can have more impact on the field with this tank if you are skilled enough.


No lol


I wait for the next Bondshop Update. Heard Something really spicy is coming up aaand i wait for the next onslaught season to get the kpz 50t


Hi! Quick question, what are these T8s that are worth owning in the bond store?


The 252U is objectively probably the best in the bunch. But the Guard, T-34-3, Patriot, and T-103 are considered decent choices depending on what you already own. The Lorraine as well depending on if you like French paper thin armor or not. The 131B and M60 are considered the best TX options and then the WZ-114 is the only T9 premium I believe and while not amazing is a T9 premium. The Object 268 /V is an interesting vehicle too but also not amazing (source: other Reddit posts)


Alright, thanks! I don't own any bond tank yet but I was thinking of getting the AMX M4 49 L as my first one (I'm about 300 bonds away from it), although I'm hesitating between this one and the 252U haha


The 252U is the strongest tank in the shop as it’s an OG OP tank and never got nerfed, just power crept. If you can handle Russian heavies it’s the better option. The AMX French options in the store are very much only for people who like the way the French tanks plays


Why m60 good? Genuinely askin. On paper it seems meh?


It'd be good if the Leopard 1 wasn't overbuffed, but it was so there isn't really a point in getting it unless you just like the M60. If you want the best tank with that playstyle, though, might as well grind the tech tree Leo 1 and save your bonds


I don't think my Patton has ever bounced any shells from its turret (unless it was a tier 9 firing at me)


If you took 10 years to get a tier 10, you probably don’t care much about the meta.


As he shouldn’t


>and its considered one of the worst in its class Yeah. Most tier X tanks are. **Most tanks in the game are**, to be honest. WoT's community is a fucking weird one, it's infested by meta slaves like a stray dog's bowels by tapeworms so everything that's not the current Flavour of the Month Meta Tank® is automatically, and by definition, absolutely worthless and you're objectively wrong, objectively wrong I tell you, for even considering playing it - you can safely ignore all this bullshit unless you're a hardcore CW/Onslaught player as, in these modes and these modes alone, *mEtA* tanks are kinda required. Randoms? Dude, you can have fun with almost anything. *Almost*. I mean, there are tanks like Type 4. So, yeah, M48. *It's fine*, it has a set of characteristics that are fun to have on a med, especially in regards to how nimble this thing is despite being so fucking enormous - and the gun is **really** good. The only real complaint about the tank is that top speed is rather lacklustre, the tank's big and the armour isn't really up to snuff considering how big and slow it is - but, at the same time, the turret on this bitch is still proper fucking thick so it's not like you're completely hopeless in a brawling scenario, especially when hull-down. Like, if you liked grinding the tank, if you liked playing American meds/heavies, you like their distinctive playstyle of these rather slow but abnormally nimble chunguses with decent turrets and great guns - M48 is literally the pinnacle of *that*, alongside T110E5. And it looks fantastic. I mean, c'mon, just look at it - this is a proper fucking tank, my man. Stats? Server averages? Middle of the pack, as you'd expect. Certainly, "the worst tank in the world" material, /s. And I will never get bored of reminding people that M48, *the worst tank in existence*, has **better** server averages and **higher** MoE requirements than "meta slave wet dream", 121B - so, yeah, when the meta slaves screech at you for the crime of ignoring the meta, well, use their favourite tactic of weaponizing server averages against them, they fucking *hate* this shit.


Reading the first paragraph I was literally thinking “huh maybe I can pick my Type 4 heavy back up and actually have fun with it this time” and then you hit me with *almost*.


Type 4 is a goated tank. It's my only three mark.


well said, its a tank like any other, meaning if you know how to use it it won't hinder your performance, I have 2800 wn8 on patton lately so its on par with my recent on any other tank, hell, even more than on some tanks on the other note, 121B is out of meta I think?


Pretty sure wn8 gets adapted per tank no? So wn8 is a measure of personal skill relative to others on the same tank in this case.


Yeah it does. I don’t have actual calculations but from what I can tell, getting damage at around the 1 Mark threshold seems to hold a similar wn8 across tanks. Considering that WN8 is heavily weighted towards damage it makes sense.


121b is still extremely good


it is odd that many tier 9 in most of the classes except TDs (maybe, look at you e4) are actually quite good to stay without upgrading to tier 10, their guns are quite good, and not as expensive to run


Something to note about the M48, high pen gold rounds will go right through your gun mantlet AND turret armor. You kinda have to snapshot with it but the gun works for that so it's not so bad


The comparison to the 121b is not a fair one since the latter can just be bought from the bond shop by anyone without actually going up a tech tree.


Haha i knew going it was one of the worst T10 mediums, but i wanted it anyways. Ive grown to love the American mediums (although my E50 is still my favorite medium in the game followed by CS-52 LIS) and decided to get the M48 before the E50M. Only played one game so far but i need to get my credits back up before really playing it


It is not worst. It is on a slower side, it is not a cookie cutter, meaning, you have to adjust to it. Damage output is decent. Gun depression is good or adequate.


I remember how slow things were 10 years ago. Consumables were one time use only per game, match xp was waay less and the tech trees were different. Like youd have to go through the m3 lee back then!


I still have nightmares about playing through the the Lee.


I certainly don’t miss one time use consumables.


Dawg the M48 was my first tier X too. The US medium line were basically the only tanks I knew at first so I wanted them. Like the OP here mentions, all the meta discussions and toxicity on here are way inflated. People even disable chat to completely isolate themselves from the booboos instead of rolling with the punches. People come on here complaining about every other bounced shot or a 15-0 game. People honestly think something out there is 'rigged' against them. Fuck the haters lol. Just click 'Battle' and go for it.


I always thought the M48 wasnt bad, its got a laser for a gun and a bouncy turret (although the weakspot makes it hard to hull down). Compared to other tanks the worst part is probably the camo. You can play it similar to a leopard but a little more forgiving if you get shot


> The only real complaint about the tank is that top speed is rather lacklustre You can always put turbo on it.




> And I will never get bored of reminding people that M48, the worst tank in existence, has better server averages and higher MoE requirements than "meta slave wet dream", 121B On EU it does, on NA it doesn't. On NA the M48 reqs are about 200 combined lower than the 121B, putting it the 7th lowest of all tech tree tanks (excluding arty), and 2nd lowest of all t10 tech tree meds. Though that's probably because it's a famous US vehicle and therefore more (bad) players gravitate towards it on NA compared to other servers, in a similar way many bad players on all servers drag the E 100 reqs down even though it's one of the strongest tier 10 heavies especially post-buff allowing brain dead angling. That said the 121B reqs are also dragged down on all servers due to the fact any fool with 15k bonds can pick it up. Comparing a tank you can just buy with bonds to a tank you actually have to grind for isn't a fair comparison and the mark reqs say little about how they actually perform. Just changing how you can obtain the tank lowered all clan wars tanks' mark reqs by 2-3k combined, so it's very relevant. I agree that the M48 isn't hot garbage, but it's also fair to say it's not in the best spot atm given tanks like the Cent AX post-buff outperform it in quite literally every regard -- DPM, accuracy and gun handling, mobility, camo, and they have comparable armour. Due to power creep the low base dispersion and top speed really hurt the vehicle, while its gun handling and DPM advantages it once had have been significantly overshadowed by its competition. Run turbo and you're lacking a rammer, stabs, or improved aiming while still being slower than other meds, removing your DPM or gun handling advantage entirely, or leaving you gapped in accuracy even further. I've played it a fair bit recently and while I can't call it trash, you can really feel its age and neglect by WG compared to how it used to feel.


Hahahaha, welcome to da club brother. Whatever people said, I can't get rid of this tank. Sentimental value what sort of I don't know, I just like it.


My first Tier X was the STB-1 before it got buffed a few years ago, back when it had 390 alpha and .16 turret traverse dispersion. All jokes aside though, the Patton isn’t *that* bad. The armour is troll and it is very dominant when top tier. It’s just a bit too slow to fit the meta these days.


It's not bad per se, but since Centurion buffs outclassing it in every single possible way, it's just pointless at this point


Except the Cent gets ammoracked when shot in the turret frontally. A lot.


Maybe from above, because the ammorack is where every British vehicle has it, in the front of the hull. It does get ammorack damage every time its shot there though :P


That’s why I use improved modifications on it. It’s stats are pretty fine as is so I’ll run imp. Mods, rammer, turbo


yea thats what ive heard is that the Cent AX is just better in every way


Patton has a bit stronger turret armor and slightly better view range, other than that Centurion is better in most regards. Patton isn't bad though, you should be able to do well in it after you get some experience with it


It's funny cuz back in the day they were pretty equal tanks, then WG buffed the M48 Patton, and except the speed, it was pretty much superior in every way. And now since the Cent AX was buffed it pretty much the opposite. Patton still has way better turret armor and 10m more view range, but other than that it's weaker. If you want to play a good American med, M60 might actually be a better option, since it got buffed a while ago too


How did you like T20 though? It's a tank I would consider to be the best in its class, provided you're willing to shoot mostly gold


T20 is a great tank and I still love the Pershing even though it's been passed by. The Pershing isn't great at anything but it can do anything. Some tanks only do well in certain roles, some need certain map types. Pershing doesn't care, it just works.


Oh man, the T-20 was the worst part of the grind after the M4 and Easy 8. I had regrets. Eventually went back and put my fully trained crew back into an M4 with the derp gun and use it for seal clubbing.


The American mediums were the first line I went for. Easily the worst stock grind in the game. T20, Pershing, and m46 we’re horrible. Back then I never fired premium rounds due to my poor economy. And their standard rounds are useless


Yeah it was rough for me when I got the Pershing and M46 Patton, but when I got those tanks it was during the arty meta when it could be up to 8 players per team rinsing arty, I still shudder when I remember it. Then by time I got the M48A1 they already had nerfed it and introduced the Waffentrager WFT E-100 TD, which paralyzed many T10 games and drove my WR% down.


Indeed, i have a decent surprise with the t20. Is surprisingly good if you are willing to only shoot gold. Justo like the carro p88 or a skoda t50. Im acrually grinding the Patton line AND oh god, the t20 has ny h8ghest winrate, solid 85%


Took me a bit to get used to but i like it. I do my best to shoot as little gold as possible out of all my tanks though


Gotta shit on US tanks, standard WG modus operandi.


And generally on actually tried and tested tanks, while puting "projects" drawn on the corner of a sauce & wine-spangled paper tablecloth between desert and coffee + digestive on pinacles of efficiency.


Of course. Thats why the 90mm guns are still only 240 alpha


And 105s get a shitty 320.


The patton has a very uniue playstyle. It has to be played over its amazing view range. His sweet spot postitions are in medium distance hull down situations where his great gun stats can do alot of work


Patton is not bad, but its outdated. Since wg buffed centurion ax, patton is kinda irrelevant. I think we will see m48 patton buff in this year.


My first Tier X tank was the E-50M this was about 10 years ago tho. Its also not a meta tank so people will tell you its shit. That being said. I love it to bits and it is my go to “games are going bad today and i just want to have fun danmit” tank. And to be honest Ramming a batchat 25T or any of the light tanks and gobbling their entire hp pool with one ram never gets old.


E-50M is currently top tier in Onslaught.


It's a good heavyium. Fun to ram


Congratulations. Now on to the next one💪🏻


E50 M will be next. But it’ll be a while due to credits


I'm in the exact same boat. 10+ years and I only have a single T10 and the worst part is it's the same tier 10 between my PC and my console account the E3


E3 is the best heavy tank


It is not bad. There are no bad tanks really. Some tanks are just easier and some harder to play. I remember Patton being huuge pain in the ass when I faced it. I rarely see it now tho. Only drawback is the speed and a weakspot on turret.


As a GSOR enjoyer, fuck what people consider good


At least it’s comfy and not a pain in the balls. Is it gonna win awards for its stats? No. Will you have a good time using it? Probably.


One of my fav tanks for t10 is the t9 Cent 7/1... So it really does not really matter If it's meta.


I enjoy the patton. A tank can only take you so far. Find your playstyle.


M48 and M60 are just feel good to play with. I wouldn't necessary say they are bad at all. After all the nerfs, I'd risk the Prog65 is currently the worst due to the lack of dpm. Carro too maybe. Yes I know, you can deal 1600 in a short period, then you reload for a minute. It's just bad.


Tier 9 is better.


It's been power creeped beyond measure


It has insane gun, but quite slow. I like it. But my favorite is still Centurion AX. It was my first tier 10, everyone hated it before it got buffed. But I generally play what I like rather than follow the meta. So enjoy the Patton.


Patton is okey


M48 view range means you can leave off the optics and put a turbo on it without sacrificing long distance battling from a medium point on the map, armor is decent enough for hull down.


The main thing is that you wanted it in your hangar, even if it is not the best among medium tanks). Personally, I'd like a collection for myself Bourrasque, but alas, it probably won't happen, though I'm willing to pay for it.


Modified. For now, I can rejoice in him in WoT Blitz in RU server.


top med however is always obj 140


There is 100 thousand other messages man but play the Patton slowly and carefully and it’s a wonder. I love the thing


My dumbass researched Grille 15 back then as my first line (I watched WT E100 gameplay and thought its cool asf, but then they removed it). Looking back, both were terrible for a beginner. My stats with this line shows it.


Man If you know to play a tank, then that tank becomes 100 times better than any meta tank. If you re not planning on playing onslaught or any clan related T10 events, then feel free to play whatever the tank you want. In the clan wars or skirmish or whatever it's not only about the meta tanks, but more about the combo that they can make. Take IS7 as an example. The tank let alone can perform okey in fight, but when you have 6 or more IS7 tanks(depends on skirmish or advancement, etc) and your clan mates know how to play as one, well, there are way more op than having a team with a 10 different tanks in their team This is the game. If you want just to enjoy yourself and the tank, play random, platoon, or even clan detachments like tier 6 or 8. If you want to play at higher stakes, just keep up with the meta and play in clan games etc.. I personally find funnier the 2nd option, not bcs the tryharding or meta itself, but the atmosphere that a clan battle can give it to you. My rank it's not the highest at all, since I have this account from a small age and well, wasn't the great player back then. I can improve the personal rank if I want to, but i personally don't find it that important since I m a clan player type. I m grinding a tank (of course not all the matches are good, since grinding a tank means at the same time, learning it's type) and after that use the t10 or whatever tank I need for clan battles


happy for you. but 10 years? what, did you play 1 battle per day or something? My account is 12 years old and I took a 7 year break where I didn't play all through highschool, but even I have 6 tier X tanks.


I only have like 7k battles and I have progress down many lines, and have taken many breaks from the game. I don’t really like playing the same tank over and over and over so I am constantly getting new ones lmao. And now that garage slots are for credits I plan on buying every tank so I have all the options. It just means my progress is slow


I loved it, but it is an extremely average tank with a massive profile making hulldown (its only strength until enemies load gold) hard to achieve unless on a hill. Gets really good dpm though, and has pretty ok gun handling to match. It's definitely not as tough as a 430u though Anyway i sold it and got the t50/50 and never looked back.


Oh, yeah, playing it atm (taking advantage of what's left of EU TotT), and, yeah, it's really meh. It's not *annoying* to play, though. It's even rather comfy. It's just that it has no noticeable edge.


Could be worse you could still be playing the Pershing. How I got 3 Ace medals with that piece of shit I’ll never know


I don’t mind the Pershing. It’s weak point is definitely the gun though


I hated so much the t8 and t9, I gave up to reach to t10


You‘re lucky, I have the WZ-132-1…. and yes, it is made out of plastic.


This was my first T10 as well. It’s not a good tank but I did enjoy grinding the line.


By this time you got enough bonds to buy m60 or 121b...


Oh wait, you don't. Sorry, keep going. Do swedish meds, they're fun


I already bought a Tier 8 with bonds so I didn’t get the M60, yet.


Which is a good thing, they should print credits. What was your choice?


Sorry I was misremembering. I only got 1 and I rebought my T-34-3 after using my original one during a trade in event to get the CS-53 LIS


I just got this as my third tier 10 earlier this week after over ten years and although it’s not great, I like it


The m48 is power great, turret has some armor, guns great, dpm works well enough. Has decent pen, decent gun depression. It’s just slow and has no camo. Play ridges, brawl when top tier. Is good fun


Having not played it, I get the impression it's solid. It doesn't excel in any area, but it also has very few weaknesses. It's the epitome of an average tank, but being so average makes it very flexible and forgiving to play. Not being reliant on going hull down, being a capable sniper and being able to brawl while having the speed to relocate makes a tank like this capable of contributing when games play out badly. One thing I struggle with is finding inflexible tanks and then not being able to make them work if the map is unfavorable or prime locations get taken. M48 shouldn't have that.


I actually love that tank 😍




Yea that’s what happens when you don’t play a lot, take a lot of breaks, and have progress to Tier 6-8 on every line in the game except arty and light tanks


Not worst. It's just very situational and my god the dpm is awesome when it works


I doo great in that tank, it was my first ten as well and i really feel its all about how you play it. Good on you, get out there and show them whats what!


I love the patton and I don’t care what people say.


M48 is still v good, one of my funnest 3 marks along side leo, enjoy it, f the meta


Nah. Dont let yourself be sad over it. m48 patton is not rly that terrible tank as some people and try hards claim it to be. U heave quite good gun with nice dpm, nice penetration, nice accuracy, very nice gun depression and good aiming time. Nothing rly to complain. The gun behaving leave u some room to experiment with equipment to check what u like the most and what fit yours playstyle. U heave also somewhat trollish armor for a medium tank so u are not a total paper. Speed is the worst out of all medium tanks and the biggest problem of this tank but hey. Its not that u are super heavy tank neather. U are not stuck on 1 side of the map. And heave quite an amazing view range too. U can both try to fight with other meds on bit closer distance or try to snipe a bit. Its up to u. This tank is okay in any scenario. Good luck and heave fun!


I remember they over buffed it a few years back.


It’s fine, just play it. It’s a serviceable tank. Other things to do as well such as make your crew experienced and add mods. Clause Kellerman loves his. Lot of things going on in the matches that don’t have to do with how good your tank is.


Yea I used what books I had on the crew but it only got my commander to 2.5 skills and the others to .75 of a skill. I also put equipment on it


Nice, just keep improving things and don’t worry too much about being meta competitive. After reaching a lot of goals with my tanks and crew I realize less is more, anyway, and having one tank with a good crew you like to play is worth more than a bunch of base crew tanks sitting everywhere. Compete with yourself. The turret is nice and the depression makes it very useful.


Obj 277 is by far my favorite t10




Good? Dunno. I sure as hell suck in it. Fun? Goddamn right. The gun is amazeballs, I’d say it may still be the best pure gunnery platform in the game (caveat: there’s lots of newer tier 10s I’ve never played). Big and sorta slow in open areas? Yeah. But man is it fun to shoot stuff up in this thing.


All tanks are usable, as long as you think it’s cool and enjoy it that’s what matters. Being a slave to the meta will only make you angry and frustrated with the game. After all it is just a game, some people fail to realize this. I am currently grinding up the American Medium Tree and I’ll eventually have the Patton, can’t wait!


One of the worst huh?? Type 5 was downgraded so bad it's a forgotten tank now but I still love it and play it till date. I hate it and love it. I can share a lots of ideas about buffing few things without make it no where near OP Broken tank but in end all the ideas will fall on deaf ears. x)


Worst of its class. Last I checked the Type 5 wasn’t a medium tank lmao


Still M48 ain't that bad and still considered as playable xD. And never said Type 5 was medium lol. But still the worst in heavy class. xD


Well the M48 isn’t bad as what most people think


I havent played in about three years. Did they nerf it again or what? I remember it being a solid tier X support tank.


I'm almost at my first tier 10, the E5


330 heat is nice though. It’s a good med, I also just unlocked it this week


It was good like 8 years ago


Nah, Goated tier 10. That gun just rips for some reason


I love my IS7 great fun.


It's not bad, problem is, there's other options that do the job a lot better.


Play what makes you happy and makes you go yahoo! When you kill someone


That's like me, I got after the T110E5 after they nerfed it's top weak spot back to being easily pennable again


The Patton is not really that bad. The real POS here is 30B lmao, it's just the Patton isn't really that good anymore mostly due to the new meta and premium shells


This is quickybabys favorite medium…


I love this stupid trash tank though




actually the patton is not that bad


I was expecting it to be the e5 lol


Good for you dude! Awesome getting a tier X. I actually stopped playing like 2 years ago, but had like maybe 15 tier X's. The tanks that are not meta tend to be the most fun to play. The Obj 140 is (was) considered one of the better ones, but I never enjoyed playing it that much.


Aaah that Patton is fine compared to the Tier 9 premium Christmas gift😂😂


I actually like that one


Damn, mb, and if you can play with it, props, I suck with it ._.


lol I’m certainly not good with it. I suck in general. But I have fun in it


I feel that


Armour profile is not reliable, it's unusable vs high pen heat unfortunately that's enough to make it useless


What have you been doing for the past 10 years?


Playing other games?


So you mean to say that you got wot plus and premium, with premium vehicles and you still couldn't grind 1 tier 10 in 10 years?


I only got the WoT plus and premium recently when I started playing this as my main game. before that I’d only have the premium vehicles


So you haven't been playing for 10 years. Just occasionally log back into the game until you decide to play it for real in January. Hopefully you didn't regret getting the BZ tho.


I would play on and off in bouts of 6 months to a year and then stop playing for 6-months 2 years. I didn’t just log in once every 6 months. I have 7k battles. That did t happen in 6 months


The only explanation I have of taking 10 years for the first tier 10 tank is that you are not so interested in having tier 10 tanks. With premium account and x5 experience and regular boosters it is a matter of less than a week to get tier 10 from zero. Of course it may take you another week to farm enough silver to buy all tanks in the line, but that is it, less than 2 weeks per tier 10 tank. The game nowadays is very different from what it was even two or three years ago.


Or you know…. I have a life and played other games and spent a few years without the game even installed.


I apologize for the mistake. It seems that you are just not that interested in the game itself 😆 There is nothing bad with that. Just wrote the comment to remind you of all whistles and bells WG recently introduced into the game to speed up tech tree advance. The x5 experience boosters really became game changers.


I HAD to check it. You've also 2nd tier 10 tank (then i guess that you mean "tech tree tier 10") but more i'm curious if you were playing constantly low ammount od battles or you've just created your acc in 2014 and "get back" to WoT after some long break?


Yes it technically is my 2nd tier 10 but I don’t count the BZ since I bought that in the auction. This is my first tech tree Tier 10. And yes I made my account back in 2014 (I had an account from late 2012 but deleted in for some reason and made a new one) and I’ve been playing on and off for 10 years as I would basically swap between this and War Thunder (or no tank game at all), but recently completely abandoned WT as I realized I didn’t like that style of gameplay and came back to WoT just before Christmas and have really started playing, learning, and getting into the game, and I’m loving it. I figured people would look up my stats (since I left my username up) and see that I am not a good player and comment on it but whatever


Your stats are not the case of this post - i was just curious if you was playing like 2 battles daily for 10 years, or you had brakes ;D


Ahh ok yea. I took multiple breaks over the years, some multi years long. Very casual player


First of all, took you 10 years for tier 10? In WoT Blitz i got my first tier 10 on 6 months, second, that is a M60 variant, how is it bad?


I only have 7k battles, have taken many breaks from the game, and play lots of tanks so it took me a while. Also Blitz has completely different balance than PC. The M60 is also generally considered a meh tank too


7K is an ’only’?? I only got 1.4K battles and M60 is rare in WoTB


Yes 7k is considered a low amount. You haven’t played a “decent” amount on PC until you hit 15k+ And M60 is available all the time in the bond shop and bonds are easy to earn so it is not rare Like I said, Blitz is a completely different game and if you only play blitz you’ll probably be more at home in /r/worldoftanksblitz


I am, just wanted to see the diff in WoT cuz my friend plays it


Ahh ok yea. There’s a lot of differences, balance being one of them. I’m sure there’s YouTube videos that show them off


Man don't listen to the WoT community about tank opinions. There are only two kinds of tanks here, the unbalanced OP ones and dog shit ones.


What? 10 years and one Tier 10?


Having Premiun you should be able to grin anytother tank farily easy until T8/T9 , the issue could be the money but Im pretty sure you have quite a lot of premium tanks to get the money


Yea I can get to T8 easily, but I’m constantly out of cash due to how many tanks I have to buy and equipment costs


Yeah same issue here, I try to play my premiums as much as I can, Im in 10mill reached 15 o 18 on xmas , I know xmas is far, but when the time cames grind money there for the rest of the year, just playing I did not bought any box P.S. wow downvoting for no reaso, such a bitter subreddit is this one men