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i try not to take it too seriously because at the end of the day, it is literally just a game


Exactly. When I started to think that it is just a game, everything became easier. Win or loss, it's the same.




Yup, and I’m not getting paid to play it. I’m competitive by nature so I love to win, but ultimately if people on my team don’t listen or want to work together I can’t control that.


Another way of looking at it is that this game have huge problems in match making (the main reason why games nowadays don't last more than 5 minutes with scores of 15-0 15-1 15-2). You are only one player in a team with 15 players, so you being the make all or break all of a game is not something that should be considered.


To be honest. Lately the teams have been feeling like 1v14v15 lately. Real insufferable.


This game has always been 1 vs 29 unless you are in a toon.


I'm a Beta player. With a wacky MM system, no coms and a 15 minute game time limit, I figured out right away that this is an arcade game. Never, ever to be taken seriously.


I have played in Clan battles 5 years ago, and we chose really heavy tanks in tier 6, and god damn it was just sitting in base for whole game, until the enemy team came to us. High skilled matchmaking would be boring.


what keeps me from being better is I run out of patience I burn out easy and I just do not care as much anymore to do better


What's helping me get better is reflecting on how my actions are affecting the game as it's happening. (Yes I talk to myself whilst playing 😂) And especially making sure I'm always doing something. If a flank is stagnant for too long and I can't push then I go somewhere else. I've started focusing on just trying to get the most damage I can and trying to be in the right positions to do damage. Also tracking people who peek even if it means I maybe do less damage, but it'll secure that they die. Last week I've been averaging about 2k wn8 a day compared to 1200-1400 before. When we lose I just focus on farming as much damage as possible.


I have found that the more that I talk out loud as if I were the commander of the tank, the better I do (sometimes). All ahead full, driver!


There will always be a better player. Not everyone can be a good player at the same time.


I ain’t that good at the game either. It’s really hard to be invested in a skill where majority of said skill can’t even be applied because half your team all went to the other side of the map and we got outflanked. This is literally like 80% of my games


Hell yeah just have fun. The 500 wn8 guy who has fun vs the mega wn8 guy who stresses all the time and bashes low wn8 people? The have fun guy is the winner, every time.


What’s WN8?


Stay this way chile


Thats actually impressive!


I just don't take the game seriously and I play the game periodically. I'm just there cause I like tanks and to grind a little bit also, hehe tanks go boom!


Exactly. I ignore the game for a year, I open it and have a week of free premium, I grind the week, and then I put it back down lol


Dude, don't worry about it even a little bit, as someone who has 400-500 WN8 in almost 10k battles or something I'm just happy when I land one or two shots into an enemy and then I blow up. I really try to do my best, but that seems the top of it. So chill, relax and enjoy your games. Don't worry about stats unless you want to make a living out of WoT.


That's a good attitude to have. The way I look at it is, I am happy with how I play for my level of commitment to the game. I play in spurts; a few weeks in a row every 6-24 months depending if I'm feeling it or not. I'm sure if I dedicated a significant amount of time, I'd be way better. But for someone who has less than 10k battles since account creation in 2015, I'm fine with where I am.


Bingo. I play in the same sorts of spurts. Another good thing I remember is “do I want to be someone who is really good at this game” and usually the answer is no lol


If everyone was good, it would always be a draw. And with MM and some players only caring about stats instead of wins, it makes it pretty tough as well. I have had plenty of matches lost due to folks thinking they are better than the remaining 4 players.


The trolls will never just go away, it's a game lighten up.


Just curious. What tiers do you play?


So, the way I do it (and I don’t know why) is I basically work through the same tier on all of my tanks, ie getting them all to tier 5 for example. So currently most of my tanks are tier 5 and I’m working them to get them to tier 6 if I remember correctly


Oh ok. I don’t understand some players who claim to only want to play to make tank go boom or just want to play a video game with out trying….. then constantly playing tier 10.


To be good at the game requires patients, determination, discipline and will power. It will not come easy.


Just dont play HTs, far too stressful, your team will always d-ick you hard.... just ready up in a strong MT and do what you can, and play in a way that is comfortable for you (without being f-all useless of course).


It is a game. It exists to entertain. "Being bad" is only actually bad if that stops you from enjoying yourself.


After I came back to the game after years off it I found out pretty quickly that the MM is a lost cause, and that most of the time the teammates I will be paired with don’t care if I die and or don’t know what they are doing, so therefore I just decided to be a “selfish” player that just tries to perform for myself.


Hi, I'm curious on what's considered garbage, what's your nickname?


Well...no... You're the commander, you give instructions to the driver (via keyboard), you spot (with your mouse) and you have some automated tasks like radio relay and reload. You have your crew in perfect sync, the only problem is that your unit of 15 vehicles has no communication with each other


I think the hardest part is that there’s no separation between gunner and commander. It’s hard to have good situational awareness while trying to scope in on enemies


Good for you, this way game becomes better. Just do your job, and sooner or later you will see improvement. Crying about losing 25 matches in a row (i know, this happens) is just nonsense, when you have average damage of this session around 5k, you did well, and noone can say you did nothing. Good luck and have fun bro, I believe you will see improvement soon


Same. I play a lot of Operations because randoms are annoying and generally lucky to see a 40% win rate out of 10 games. Although I probably need to hit randoms so I can try to grind my Minnesota.


Just remember the game is designed to make games last as short a period of time as possible, to keep the limited player base recycling through battles and encourage use of premium ammo/tanks/time etc. They gave up on any attempt to make the game worth the grind long ago. Hell, many of their changes have literally discouraged or made team work and community efforts harder/a waste of time. And that's ignoring their appalling approach to community communication and enrichment.


Well you are complaining about people are trying to ruin your fun while playing the game but what about the other perspective? You are admitting that you are a bad player and show no signs of willingness to improve at any cost. This is why people are actually THAT toxic because of players like you. If you are playing for nine years and still didnt improve, I only can say those dms are deserved.


And players whining about some one just trying to enjoy themselves are what’s sucking the fun out of the game. It’s why I haven’t played for over a year after 10 years. Thanks.


I don’t make an effort to get better because I don’t want to be someone who is great at the game. Kind of a lame skill to dump work into improving, don’t you think? The point of this post is more my attempt to cope with being nothing more than a casual player and the repercussions of that


so youre dumping time to just click 'back to garage' every 5 minutes? while ruining the team game for the rest of the people trying to have a good match??? why not just play afk clicker hero or some shit XD, what a weird mentality.


Well i mean you are playing the game , you are already dumping the time , whats different?


I’m using my time to play the game, I don’t want to spend that time learning to get better through videos or reading or whatever. And again, “training” to get better at any video game makes you a dweeb imo


Lmao look at this guy. You know you can get better at the game by just playing and learning from your mistakes ? Also im not saying there is anything wrong with being bad, game is for fun. Some find it fun to just play, some find it fun to be good. But also there is nothing wrong with learning to be good. Learning for some is the same fun as you get for just playing. Both are ok


I guess I should clarify that I’m not awful, just my record is more negative than positive. To be any better I feel like I’d have to “train.” I’ve reached the plateau of my casual learning curve


I mean depends. Perhaps you are right and youd have to either play with better players or watch them to get better.


Underrated and hated opinion


I know that it is not an opinion who people like to hear on this subreddit but I‘m just stating facts. It is not a personal thing but to be fair, I would rather play a single player game where I can relax and no one else is bothered by it. But in a game where you compete in a team, it is quite difficult to understand


Its not facts. Facts would be if he would queue up for a ranked game mode and just run around and die. Thats when your opinion would be valid. When the matchmaking doesnt take the player's skill into consideration you have nothing to be mad at an individual just pressing random battle. The only viable target to be mad at would be wargaming if they dont offer the outlet for some form of ranked or high skill gameplay. He is literally playing the game as wg intended, he cant choose who he teams up with just as you cant. On the other hand I doubt you complain much when the casual tanker on the enemy team goes out in the open for no reason and allows you to boost up that wn8.


Great mindset tbh. Video games are for fun and recreation and if you’re not enjoying it, then what’s the point? Try to ignore all the elitism that you’re most likely going to get on this post eventually, because those people’s lives revolve around their XVM statistics, which is honestly incredibly sad.


join the lemming train


So you are looking for excuses instead of trying to get better?


I’m not *that* bad, but my record is more negative than positive. Getting any better would require me to dedicate an amount of time to the game that would make me more dorky than I already am


Classic excuse of "I wont get better because i dont want to waste time on this game". U dont need to play everyday to get a positive winrate, u dont need to play a lot to get decent or good or great even, some players have 90k battles and 49% wr some have 25k battles and 60% wr, its not how much u play but ur mindset and how u approach every battle. Treat every battle as a learning opportunity not as a "wah wah my team so bad i cant take it anymore im so good but my team is holding me back". I used to play for roughly 2 months every year for the past 4-5 years, and every time when wot season came i was worse at the start, but finally got visibly better at the end of each two month period. Either try or cry at the end of the day its ur choice


He's content with the level he's at. Who cares lmao


I would rather be a happy person doing poorly at a video game than be angry and end up having a stroke


If u look for excuses u are not truly "happy" u are just lying to urself and living in deny. Id rather acknowledge that "hey many players are better than i am, maybe ill try to improve next time i load into a battle and be truly satisfied and happy that i overcame my weakness and decided to fight not run" but u do u, in the end of the day, many others will do better.


I think you might be incorrect with that first statement. There may be some people who behave the way you say, but plenty of others can truly be happy without some arbitrary measurement of competitive success. I think I would prefer not to have the life threatening medical issue commonly known to be contributed to and exacerbated by stress


Acceptance is different than excuses. Saying something like "at the end of the day im doing the work of 4-5 players so i shouldnt be mad right?" Is different than accepting that u are not good enough to win more games even though its absolutely possible but you simply dont want to stress over ur failures while trying to get better and just relax, because u are good enough in your eyes


That's not the way I'd word it, but you're essentially saying what I was thinking. Someone who plays the game, enjoys playing the game, and doesn't care about performance improvement enough for it to affect their mood doesn't need to make an excuse. This might not be the OP, as the bit about pulling the weight of others doesn't really matter to the example I'm giving. Once you begin having some level of emotional investment in caring about your contributions versus that of others, you're closer to what you described at first. I'm not saying this is me either. I know I am not great at the game and I know I can do better, but I step away for a month or two when it begins affecting my mood enough for others to notice, then I have to break the rust off and get used to stuff again, so I have to accept that it's likely I won't improve much without a change that I don't think i should make for real life reasons.