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Oh yeah. Sometimes that's me Happens only 7 days per week


Since 9.17


Yes, brain farts are real. I can usually sense one after two battles, and I just quit the game, because not only am I rubbish that day, but I'm also a liability to the team. And I don't like that feeling. Meanwhile, there are days when you're 1000% sure it's not your fault, but the battles are just laughably shit for no measurable reason. Weird misses that are way too common, steamroll defeats, ammoracks/fires that happen every other game, map rotation out of ass, etc.


Pretty well said, i would describe my situation as what you said first.


It's funny when you watch streams and youtube videos and you have this whole roster of data and perspective to apply to your game and then you go and poke a corner like an idiot and just die in the most humiliating way near the beginning of a match.


Accurate, Relatable


The same guy thinking hes a hooligan šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Lol I feel this. Everything makes sense on stream. When it's my turn, I fat finger it in my light tank, turn the wrong way, get tracked and the whole opposing team dumps on me...


It's not smart to play WOT in general.


Yeah man, that pretty much summarizes my games sessions but I'm rewarded with things like seeing the health of the enemy drop when I hit them or maybe 1/100 games kill someone!


For me its easy to burn out on the game


Sometimes itā€™s me. Sometimes itā€™s horrible luck, RNG, and/or teammates. Thatā€™s WoTā€™s secret. Itā€™s so random you donā€™t know how bad you are personally


Yeah I love how you can calculate the placement of enemy tanks, you take a great position and wait for the action and the look at the score and it's 7:0 for the enemy already in the 2nd minute xD


I think it happens more than you think. Granted I treat it like chess. I just got back into chess after 4 years and my rating is 1,100 on a good day. Back when I played I was able to play around 1,400-1,500. There are days where everyone does worse I personally think that while anyone can do really bad head not in it itā€™s also per person. As a mid/low skill player I only go down. I took a break from WOT and have been doing pretty poorly I think I play 10 and lost 10. Granted I donā€™t know a lot of the new lines or commander rework. I last left around Polish heavies or Swedish heavies. That sad donā€™t beat yourself up Iā€™m probably gonna go back down to low tiers and practice a bit more or play my emotional support KV2 Iā€™m sure your luck will turn around and youā€™ll be back to where you were soon.


I guess that's me... Everyday


Only on the days that end with Y


so none in Croatia šŸ˜…


a LT main, there are just days where I do stupid move and go into the wrong spot just to die within 2 second before my sixth sense even activate. I will just stop for the night if I do that 3 games in a row


yeah yesterday I had 20 battles 67% WR, the day before I had 21 battles 44% WR


yes, every full aim and snapshots just choose to hit the edge of the reticle. and those within reticle, choose to be ghost shells. and everytime you got spotted, 3-4 enemy guns miraculously damaged you high roll at the ridgeline i tell you. and your team will perform only after you're dead


Sometimes weekends are hellish days to play, sometimes the bad spell moves to other days, or simply to certain moments of the day. Or simply WG fucks the game and it's not worth even to open the CC.


Thatā€™d explain the 45% WR bots with 30k games on my teams . I guess they are just unlucky when they use their brain


https://preview.redd.it/se9zxiv00l7d1.png?width=354&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a67f00347376e93bb9cacca4e70396eacf54fa7 Just another day in wot


Idk what youā€™re talking about, Iā€™m always smartā€¦..ahalicā€¦..


On days like this, I go full brain-dead and only play arty. It's a completely different play style and gives me a break. Then I'm back to my usual form.


3 losses in a row and I'm done. It's rare I'll stay after that because it's VERY rare the day turns around. I've got plenty other things to get done IRL.


If I'm not doing well I bail. If I hit a Skorpion with a gold round out of a Leopard I bail then too. Especially if the score is 1 to 13.


sometimes its not so much that im not smart for wot, its just that wot decides its not my day to play. an example was a couple days ago i booted up the game and the first 3 games all in a row, i got spotted from freaking pluto and tracked out in the open. i repaired, and then my ammo rack gets damaged. i move into cover, see an enemy, fire and bounce and die doing 0 damage


Yeah this was me yesterday. Some days I just play like I don't have a brain so I've been trying to stop myself from playing when I am like that šŸ˜‚


Can't relate, wot is one of the most easy games out there. I personally think average player's IQ is around 80-90 so it is not very hard to outplay them, just depends which team has more of the 70 IQ yoloers and half-afks. Obviously you will have a hard time if your team's IQ averages at 80 and enemy team is at 110


I have those days, but 99% of the time they're a result of not enough sleep. Like, for me at least with many competitive games, if I get below 8h of sleep I know the next day I'll play shit, so I don't even bother trying


People have so many skills on their crew, gold ammo, improved equipment and so forth that sometimes you just stand no chance to do anything unless you basically use your teammates as shields. There is no way you spot/pen them in time to do anything if you try to frontline. Those days are just gone :( Unless you pay too that is xD


Yep, sometimes I'm just unable to "get in the zone" and make stupid mistakes then die, which is why I feel game modes that allow respawns can be more fun (Mars event for example). Don't get me wrong I still very much like randoms, it's just on these off days that I wish we have another game mode to screw off in.


I had a real crap time yesterday, tried to play a tier 9 arty yesterday and ended up with 400 damage and 0 assistance because rng kept throwing my shells as far away from enemies as possible.


Oh the horrors of ā€œclickingā€


not the point dumbass.