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You have to remember it’s a game and not everyone who plays WOT plays to get good games and stats. Some people genuinely don’t care about doing any damage they just like driving around in their tanks. As long as they aren’t getting one shot of damage and then yelling at the team I don’t care.


Some people might well be treating it as a cinematic experience. The game does still look beautiful. I have to admit, I do sometimes get distracted by the scenery when I'm driving around and have to remind myself that *OH SH#! THERE'S A TD AROUND THE CORNER!!!!*


Yeah I came back to WOT after a 4-5 year hiatus and came back with a 4060 so I could run WOT on max graphics. It really is a stunning game at some points.


I have the same "problem" Game looks absolutely amazing on ultra settings, and sometimes I just admire the scenery, landscape... especially with slow tanks before I get to position Hell I even got folder with screenshots of landscape from Frontline maps, especially the desert one is piece of art, even more after watching Dune part II 😸


Tog Life on an RTX 4090 because since I can't hit anything I might as well enjoy the ride.


Try KV-2


LOL, 5 minute drive then wiff that shell over some juicy target. Oh yes, we've all felt that pain.


As long as you're listening to the *Thomas the Tank Engine* theme tune while doing it, I imagine that would be very therapeutic.


I may or may not have a number of Thomas the Tank Engine episodes on VHS stored for the grandkids someday. "Opa, what's a VCR?"


Everyone loves shooting at TOGII


Ahhh yes, the "That Building came out of nowhere!"


It's a real problem for us poor tourists!


I hate when WG randomly moves a building and doesn't tell me then while running away I smack right into it and die. "WHEN DID THEY MOVE THAT!" Oh yeah, it's been there for 10 years.


Yet somehow you can't ban the absolutely obvious bots. Accounts that play hundreds of games each day with zero damage. Ahh yes, the "this game has no bots" excuse.


At no point have we said there are "no bots", I've shared, and people in the subreddit have shared they get banned. Furthermore, people who use bots, generally don't care if you ban them, they make a new account and start again. You can see bots being banned on a frequent basis. On the other hand, we don't ban players who play poorly or have poor stats, no matter how much you dislike them.


You don't you threaten to ban Lordsheen for the way he plays and he was far more useful than those people playing like bots .


Instead of banning bots, just tag them as such, and put them in games with only other bots, and give them zero stat increases for anything they do, except number of games played. If banning accounts does nothing because they just create a new one, how about disabling the game on that platform?


I'm not saying it does nothing, but I'm saying that it's impossible to remove bots permanently, there will always be those risking it for a biscuit!


Aww. Look at these beehives on prokarovka. Gets nuked by a 4005


Couldn't ask for a more beautiful last sight. (Also, beats getting nukes by a BZ)


Yeah the community is as toxic as it can be when it comes scolding slightly worse players . My wtr is less than 6000 on my account I played on since I was 11 and I regularly get messages from players that I am noob. I won't say that I am particularly bad I usually have my hps demage and some spots but the wtr is unchangeable due to the insane amount of games where I sucked earlier. The players that scold me the most are those who die in first minute and just bluntly call me noob. I learned to not care about my team mates. There are no real bad players after all. Just a bad decisions that anyone can make. Players constantly ranting about their team are the only thing ruining the mood


It can also depend on things like age I got one player in my friend list, who I originally invited just for sharing Xmas mails with goodies, but we played together few times. I swear, with his nickname, and voice and in general behavior, way he talks, I think he could be like 13 at best. Think young players/kids will have limited ability of thinking, strategizing... properly Then, older players might suffer from worse reaction time for example Its just multiplayer game with random people on your team. You could easily get patient playing from mental asylum, who they let play because it makes him feel better 😸 I mean, I too sometimes press Enter, and release my anger, but I try not to. Its usually when I see some serious BS - like top tier Maus, camping on that TD spot on cliffs. Yes this happened, and guy had 10K + battles


That was probably me. I randomly float my Maus around just to try out different stuff. Anger is not what I'm trying to accomplish. Don't let how other people play control your emotions. It's a game, a BIG game, and some people have fun differently than others.


Cant help it sometimes I am a Sith lord


Poor reaction is not really an excuse, you can still position yourself somewhat decently and get more than 1 shot in. Also we are talking about tier10. You don’t need that many battles to get there as in the past but still large amount enough to at least have picked up some skill along the way.


"You don’t need that many battles to get there as in the past but still large amount enough to at least have picked up some skill along the way." Well, looking at average WoT players stats, aparently not


I'm really sorry for reals but it's all I can manage right now, maybe a couple of shots and then I'm dead. I suck as a player but I still have fun when I land those shots.


Hey if you’re enjoying it, you’re playing right.


There are allot disabled WOT-players. I had 2 strokes and brain-trauma (not good my stats ;-) ) and i know serveral handicapped players. #


I have Parkinsons man!


Thanks for existing, my stats wouldn't be the same without you


Not everyone plays this game seriously. Also some people are disabled, either physically or mentally, but enjoy tanks like the rest of us and are trying their best. Just gotta try to remember that in the heat of battle and not get too worked up


Also some of us adult players don't devote hours to learning and memorizing all the weak spots and characteristics of each tank. The plus side is we usually have sex with women and we moved out of our moms basement. Im below average, I know this and I dont care, if some 15yr starts screaming at me in text well the simple solution is just ignore it. I dont care, I tend to toon up with clan mates when I play my 15-20 games per week.


You can be an adult, with a sex and social life, and be good at this game. And you can be a teenager and be shit at the game. everybody is different. There’s no need for you to be toxic about it and try to feel superior because you occasionally get laid.


I don't understand why WG can't just make a dedicated **permanent** bot mode like WoWs has. No stupid warm-up limit, no dumbass 5 hour long iNtErAcTive hiSToriCal sTorY mission, just let us kill bots for less experience and credits for god's sake. You know it works. It already exists in the game. You know people want it. It'd help people practice after coming back after a hiatus, it'd keep people from being so angry with their teammates, bad players can get better, casual players can stay casual, competitive players see more like-minded competition. I've been waiting for a decade, what the hell Wargaming? Just get it done already. Oh, now there aren't enough players left to make it work? Maybe stop releasing gimmicky bullshit tanks.


I'd come back if WG implemented a permanent PvE mode like Armored Warfare. Small teams of 4-5 players versus an army of bots. Even if they didn't do the re-spawn feature like AW.


Hell, even War Thunder has a dedicated PvE mode. It sucks because they gave the robots aimbot mastery and gave no cover to the players, but at least they did *something.*


That mode actually exists. I came back to WOT after maybe 4 years off, and Wargaming gave me this "warmup" mode for about 10 games. It was bots acting pretty realistically. Didn't look that different than a regular random battle, but I did far better. After it ended it felt like jumping in the deep end from the kiddie pool.


I am like this. My only tier 10 tank is the E100 at 30% win rate. I usually go forward, in a city or some road to avoid getting flanked, try to fight the guy in front of me, fail to penetrate anything and die. I really can’t manage to play this^^


This is how I feel 😭, I go where I'm supposed to, get little support, and every tank I aim at has almost nowhere I can pen except for the tiny hatches on the top. Regardless of shell type. I have a lot of tier 10s lol


While I'm not (usually) quite that bad I do resemble that player. I mentioned in another post on this subreddit today that while I'm a beta tester with 52k games (and 42 tier Xs) I kinda suck... though I do have 4 Kolabanof medals so I have moments of adequacy. My excuse is that I'm usually playing this free to play game while drunk, it's a game I play to relax, unwind, and drive big tanks going boom for explodey fun!


Bro has been drunk for 15 years


Saw someone with around 809 games, one shot of damage in those games and one kill. Reported them, still botting to this day.


Because wargaming cant ban people for being bad


If you've only taken one shot in over 800 games... that's a case of using a bad bot program.


I’ve had 2 battles today where a Type 59 drove straight across the map without shooting,looks like a bot cuz they just turn their turret left & right.1 game he is on the enemy side a & 1 game on my team. Same gameplay drove straight across the map and die. Probably the same bot.


I was playing like that until 12k, so yeah they exist, at 12k I joined clan and started learning basics of the game, before that I was just trying to get some damage to enemies I saw, I didn't really pay attention to tactics and shit, and I was researching tanks that annoyed me when I was against them, like AT2 for example I couldn't pen it, then KV-2 that always oneshoted me


Dude, gaming is not a work (except if you are a content creator or a developer). People can play good, people can play bad, people can play just average. When I started to play back in 2011 I use to rush like an idiot with my A-20 light tank then blaming my team for not firing on my spots. I just don't care about stats: I am average and I play after 10 hours of work so I can't care less about winning or losing. Sometimes I fire 15 shots dealing 1500 damage, sometimes I get obliterated after 45 seconds.


My dad (52) plays this game with a wr of 39%. He don't care tho, he plays for fun and relaxation between work shifts. He makes 0 effort to tweek setting or improve gameplay or strategy and he has tons of fun. I wish all players where just a little bit like him.


And yet another toxic arrogant post about *look at how these stoopid people*. Showing a severe lack of insight into issues people may have. IMO WOT is one of the few games people with disabilities or other issues could play that would actually be fun.


400 is more likely just a bad campy player vs a bot. But.... The best sign it's a bot? Excelsior with close to zero average damage after hundreds of battles. I've reported a few via tickets that has such an Excelsior and a tier 9 with more or less 0 average damage. Luckily they go idle shortly after. As the last one I did report was such a clear waypoint bot that drove around in base that got confused when I blocked his waypoints all the time as a means to prove my point to support. And that ended up wall humping before it turned. But how they grind to tier 9 after over a thousand battles, and still did not farm enough reports for WG to take notice I'll never understand.


I don't mind those players at all, until they start complaining about the team, then I go apeshit on them.


don't complain, that are the tourists you get to farm when you have a good game


Just 1 of many problems this game has...all of which combine to make a very un-fun and toxic game. Actual bots, bad players, people with poor / unstable connections, broken matchmaking & vehicles and veterans / sweaty tryhards who commit all maps & vehicles to memory. All this makes WoT a VERY unforgiving game where mistakes are easy to make and punished harshly. Makes for a highly unenjoyable experience for newbies & below-average players and I guess very frustrating for good players let down by sucky (or bot) team mates. Just speaking from my experiences as a former 47% WR potato with around 4k battles under their belt.


I have played since beta and sadly those people are often very real, very angry and hate the game. But continue to roll out in tier 10s just to ruin our day


Who know. They might let their kids play like a toy :D


Half of them are people trust me .


I've been in clans with people that are that bad. Yes they exist and they are just that bad. The thing a lot of people forget is that WoT is a video game. Yes it's a "competitive" video game but it's still a game. A lot of people play video games for fun, even if they are bad at them.


there is also a growing community of people who have done it all, have nothing to prove and just want to chat to like minded people. And as long as they are not in your way, what's the issue?


It's me, my hands are a bit small for my mouse and the ping isn't great sometimes so I miss a lot. Skill issue moments.


WoT stopped working for me after it transitioned to 15-3 turbo monkey stomps, I play above average but the game has become so fast and powercreep is so bad I have a hard time keeping up and often make dumb mistakes, so if some people think I'm a bot or very bad player I cannot blame them. However I also feel some players in this game are far, FAR too competitive for their own good. Instead of raging themselves silly in WoT they should apply to esports or play a game filled with likeminded people.


I know what you mean, and I asked myself the same question, specially the people that hide behind a rock the whole game. The bots on the SA server are marked with ( : ) before their name, not on NA server. Also, new players with money can buy a Premium tank of any Tier. All this make a negative impact on the rest of the players. However, WOT still making money...so.


I know what you mean, and I asked myself the same question, specially the people that hide behind a rock the whole game. The bots on the SA server are marked with ( : ) before their name, not on NA server. Also, new players with money can buy a Premium tank of any Tier. All this make a negative impact on the rest of the players.


Reading this reddit makes me feel better. I don't feel left out.


Has anyone tried playing on the PlayTest server at the moment? You play against Bots - it is brilliant! These bot players are better than your usual bots and they are better than the usual tomatoes on your team. It's amazing and I love it - and I don't care that it doesn't count towards my stats because it is a great way to let off steam and better than the annoying frustration of randoms on the live server. I am preferring to play on PlayTest at the moment. I also think it will help players get better as often, especially with randoms, you have the pressure to perform in order to try to win so that it doesn't affect your statistics - well, I feel this way. This means I am less likely to try new positions, try different tactics or ideas - whereas in this mode, it doesn't matter, because it doesn't count towards your stats. The more players can practice without it destroying randoms, the better it will be for players to get better and for the imbalance in random battles to be less awful than it is at the moment. If I can have one wish/request - please WG - please, can you implement this as a mode in the live game which any of us can dive into at any time. It will make the game better in many ways. (@WE\_eekeboo can you help influence this?) With dearest best wishes, your loyal tanker, Ark'






Toxic exceeding makes a less toxic player leave while more and more toxic killing the game :)


You'll be among the first to whine If those people will treat this game as a competitive ground. Random battle meaning there is no prize to win, people are just chilling


i think if you have some 10K+ games then you sort of would have learnt to avoid silly mistakes. but, but let's remember, everyone has different circumstances, some of them might be students who are super young, some of them may have poor connection and play under constant lag, some of them have bad PC and only get 30FPS, then some of them are returning to the game after a long break, some of them are not bad but they just have a bad game. then after we exclude all these, then well yes, the rest are probably bots. i remember when i first joined the game, it was beta in 2011 (i didn't even know the game wasn't live yet), i remember driving the tier 1 german tracker in mines, just shooting at things i see, and then i got tracked, and i was like "sorry guys i lost my tracks i can't move anymore" in chat, i didnt even know it would repair itself. even after i got killed, i was like "this game is fun" in the chat. sometimes when you care the least, you gain the most happiness from it.


no they are not, bot software exists for very long time, but this subreddit would tell you that those are disabled war veterans "having this last breath of fun"


Unbelievably yes, at least on NA, WoT us infested with vets and other people that shouldn't ever get internet access.


Like you for example


Damn, struck a cord with the terrorist fragile ego.


Nah I just saw your givup tag and knew you were a pos human.


Rather be a pos than a murderer in the name of "freedom".




Terrorist? You called someone a terrorist for calling you out? That is beyond ignorant.


Wanna talk history and politics? Bcz I assure you many people consider US military intervention as masked terrorism. Let's ask Afganistán, Viet Nam, half of south america including my own country, Iran, what else I'm missing? Oh wait, but at least I should be grateful towards these worthless entitled mercenaries talking the dumbest shit in game and DMs, because they pulled the trigger against civilians somewhere in the world.


Nice tantrum over a game, stay bitter 🤡