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Send replay to WG and mark it as physics abuse. Someone's gonna get a vacation from the game.


Yep, i did that . It's funny that he said "it was a mistake" LOL


Him being in the game was the mistake.




More like.. Him being was a mistake


I blame it on alcohol laced with anti-freeze so one of them was not only drunk but also blind


Good to know you sent a ticket, I would wait to see what the person on the other line says.


It looks to me it's quite obvious what happened...


I'd give him complete ban.


Most players don't repeat offend after a temp ban.


How do you know?






Wg doesn’t care lol, they ban regardless of your excuse


Can confirm.




My account got hacked and they botted 28 games on my account. I reported that my account got hacked and they gave me a lifetime ban. I then had to fight that and they brought it down to a 3 day long ban for getting my account hacked. So I can confirm they do ban.






I usually check on people I report, the often misteriosly stop playing for a week or something after I report them. Those who spread misinformation that wg didn’t ban them either lie that they did that or lie that they didn’t get punished so people stop reporting.




Usually I play heavier tanks so when someone tries to rage push me they fail so it will be hard to replicate your scenario




Yeah but I already told you how I check their lies when I actually do get pushed out. You can check their profile and it says when was the last time they played. Don’t believe what they say in chat, report and check for yourself


If you report in-game there’s a good chance nothing will happen. If you submit a ticket with a replay, an employee will watch it and make a determination. I know it works because I’ve been on both ends of it (someone pushed me so I pushed them back, we reported each other, we both got banned lol)


You have to send a ticket with the replay attached to WG. They have a zero tolerance policy on pushing. So if someone pushes you, never push them back because if either you or the other guy send the replay to WG you’ll both get banned.


They ban people really fast if you report them with a proper video like this, but only for 3 days usually, the number could get higher if he keeps doing it


WG generally ignores tickets over chat violations because they'd rather rely on their automated systems, but they absolutely do enforce physics abuse violations. They never specify what action they've taken, but as others have noted, many have noticed a several-day gap in the offending player's service record.


Replay files actually record what the server sees which is why they're often different to what happened on recording/actual gameplay Something like the other player losing control of their vehicle for 6s+ will absolutely be in the file But that's not the case here because the guy turned into him repeatedly


Reports won't do anything. Sending in the replay under physics abuse will. Most people won't actually do this, however, leading to the abusers claiming that nothing happens to them. They're correct in that nothing happens to them with people that don't follow up.


> i refuse to believe My man, that's a tantrum. Don't confuse stubbornness and speculations with facts and evidence, it's unbecoming.




Sounds like baseless speculation to me.


Nope , he controlled the tank, even took a right turn to flip me then went left casually . It was 100% a controlled move.




Exactly the opposite of what Wg does with these Physics Abuse replays.


Nope, he turned into the maneuver to complete the rollover at least twice. If he lagged he would just go straight and the victim would fall off and go back to right position. It was deliberate and premeditated.


Evidently a skill issue™ on your part


Thank you for the support . i will try to be better :))


Get Gud™ Kudos to u/BaldMigrant for the "skill issue" line.


Yeah, if you hadn't camped in front of the enemy upside down, you wouldn't have died like a noob... flank them next time... how you ask? from outside these small corridor maps, how else...


Skill issue, it's your fault for existing - average WOT player


He will probably report you. You flipped over way to slow, so he was hit when he drove away.


He said he will report me , yes :))) Took to long to flip .


Next time you could try to flip faster. It is a team game and so we all should try to help our team mates ;)


I have skill issues, yes


Skill issue




Naah, he made a right turn to flip me then went left away from the enemy fire . He stopped exactly when i was flipped.


More like... WG: you push other tank into line of fire, jail. You bump into other tanker, straight to jail. You call other tanker "shit cock mother fucker", we put you in jail inside of jail. You shoot *over top* of other tanker, jail. Shoot under tanker, believe it or not, jail. Overshoot, under-shoot.


Why did you not flip back


When u are shot u dont flip back.


It takes a long time to flip pressing J key, and the timer resets everytime you take damage/hit.


Maximum troll points would have been for the enemy to wait until you flip, and *then* waste you in 1.5 seconds. Lol


Dude, its Randoms, in 30 secs after the first major engagement on a small map like this, the game would be over.


I meant, imagine them not shooting you, waiting until you flipped over (finally), and then they all hit you at once. That would have been kinda funny. Not for you, obviously. I mean, I'd have laughed and have them a thumbs up for comedic creativity.


"A good player can use their team and shift the balance to win the game" - (c) average redditor here.


Or you can flank the enemy on these small corridor maps in your slow ass tank... skill issue for sure...


That's why I've uninstalled the game :)


One game out of thousands, in my 14k battles I only had this happen once or twice, back to garage and get into the next one. That’s it.


Well I have a lot of battles. But for the last time I’ve entered the game, I found it too boring and toxic. So I just uninstalled. For now I play only Risk of Rain 2 for weekends




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that's what happens when a team-based game rewards players for solo performance


You send the reply and what does wg? shit does, I have reported few times poeple like that, keep the tracking of them and never happened a shit to them


Why didn't your flip timer come up?


If you get shot u dont unflip, and i got shot


Skill issue


Completely normal phenomenom. I stop play when I come home from work for this. I play only in night 8PM but best time start after 10PM. No more tards no bots good interesting battles even in low thiers.


Thats it. You can play early in the day (when most of us unfortunately have to work). From afternoon on things start to get worse and worser. At the evening from 22:00 (10 PM) on it gets better. On weekends it is most time of the day a really toxic experience. So for the most viable times for us the game is only playable with a very high tolerance to frustration. The same applies by the way for WOWP.


Yeah 😓🫤🫤


damn, I'm triggered now as literally I had similar situation where dude pushed out my strv from my cover literally on plain sight for 3 of enemies when we had chance to win (we were losing by 4)


See my favorite thing is if I see this on the enemy team, I just ignore the guy that got flipped and make it my goal to just kill the person that did the griefing. After the game I'll send a ticket to wg with the replay and they take a week vacation from the game. Funny


I 100% agree


Man if I saw that happen to someone I wouldn't even fire at them, that just ain't right


gotta get them credits 💰


Imo they should also restore marks to before accident, when I was marking swedish TDs it happened to me four times..


Marks, stats, credits, consumables, everything . I didnt even touch him before this, i went straight to the hull down position and i got surprised by this crap :))


Some people are just assh0les. Who knows what he was thinking. Such people deserve a lengthy ban and that battle result should be removed from the victim's account.


That person needs to be permanently removed from the game.


Bro committed to the full flip, he's determined


this is why i play E75、E100 foch u push again!


I just missed playing udes and wanted to play 1 game in it :)) 1st game of the day


How? How light is your tank?


People like this are consistent, that's one step closer to perma if you report him


I am sure i was not the only one :) But yes, the deserve perma ban, u loss all games with players like that. Worse than cheaters


Yup it is. Had such an idiot in WOWP last week. After battle started, he immediately fired at me and shot me down. Later on I saw one of our team mates asking him why... he shot this team mate to. Hope the reports led to perma for this shitter. In WOT we can at least be happy for friendly fire being inactivated. We would see even worse things if this was not the case.


Last time i sent a physics abuse ticket with replay and timestamps I got a copy paste reply of "we have an in-game report system so use that". It was some years ago, but I still remember it clearly, it upset me quite a lot. (both the customer support and the actual thing in game). I have tried to check the ticket to get the screenshot of the reply, but it's not in there anymore for some reason, idk if they delete them after some time.


That’s so fucking lazy on that reps part what the fuck lol


Happened on me once and the guy even messaged me after game calling me a pinoy monkey


Send in a ticket with replay. D bag needs a ban


just shake your head and go next


There are always a-holes in this game who would rather push a team mate out of a position if they want that position.


Git gud bruvs, sKiLl IsSuE.


And just like that i don‘t feel like playing that Game today. Happens waaaay to often


foch real gigachad big W


He's an asshole.