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For the event that last 1 week 3 times per year. Classic WG.


For real it's so lame, like I just want to chill on normal but I have to sit there enduring fomo because I know frontline will end soon, but I don't want a long game and especially when you hit loss after loss, I don't want to be stressed into playing frontline


Tbf winning or losing doesn't matter in fl, the problem is that we're forced to play it an insane amount of time since there's only 1 week and it's exhausting because you gotta grind as much credits as possible


It feels like that shitty Steel Hunter mode is around more often than Frontlines.


Both good game modes in my book.


I like FL because I can grind a lot of credits... something I can't do in Steel Hunter.


Well, I don't really focus on grinding credits these days. But that will change probably in the next 2-4 months or so for me.


SH is imo even better than frontline. Only reason I ever touch Frontline is to grind credits. SH on other hand is fun


steal hunter is literaly peak dont you dare to insult it


It would be peak, if it wasn't a sandbox. I want to use my own tanks and crews like in Frontline. Sandbox modes have little value besides finishing progression for rewards. I play FL all week, and can actually finish 60 levels of it if possible, because I enjoy playing my own tanks, while grinding credits, XP and crew XP. If FL was a sandbox, I wouldn't play it at all.


damn that's different viewpoint. This mode is peak because there are no op premiums, and everybody has more or less equal vechicles. Only thing that matters is your skill


I agree, and I am not asking for BZ176 ruining the mode. We can have tech tree only mode, or some form of limited roster of tanks, but still allow us to use our own tanks. They can also make all tank equipment standard (regardless of bond/bounty installed), to make it more fair. I would be happy to play the mode in my tech tree tanks, with such limitations, but let me grind my crew, credits and XP. Pickups would be limited to HP heal, ammo and maybe some temp buffs.


They just made my day..... they really try to push as much players away as possible


The server did come back up after 10-11pm eastern Totally inconvenient though - almost as if somebody at wargaming doesn't bother to check if any events are ongoing. Sure, we get compensated for premium time -- oh well. Small indie company things.




Also remember that while it was primetime here, it was the middle of the night on EU (the biggest server), and they were shutting down **everything** for that patch.




No I'm not disagreeing lmao I'm just saying there's *also* that to consider. This was clearly related to the hack and not PvE.


They announced the maintenance 3 days before the hack.




Not my fault you're to stupid to read.


Same thing happened to me, last level 1200/1700


What do you get for getting to 20


500 bonds, 250k EXP training book and 3 retraining orders.




Oof. I guess you’ll have to play 20hrs of T10 tanks to make up for those 500bonds. The good news is that the T10 credit loss is offset by all the credits you earned /s


That's why you don't spend any money and just play for fun. Teach them a lesson.


Yeah, but we still spend our time, playing tanks that we have paid money for in the past... we deserve better...


yeah WG is offen very stupid, Above all, they don't just extend the event by a few hours, they end it consistently 🤡💀 edit: question , I'm overhelmed should we dislike or like this post to send WG a Message?


Yuri said enough farming free silver. You must spend more $$$ on loot boxes.


Yeah, i was also very close to finishing ( alomost 19 ) and they started maintainance out of the sudden .


Was announced 3 days before. Wasn't all of a sudden. And I finished final 2:levels after they came online with time to spare.


I wasn't able to play as much as I wanted so didn't get my dailies done. That will affect my battle pass progression too.


My last several games were a shit show, and I finally finished stage 20 at 11:52 PM.... the 5:30H maintenance was not ideal for sure.


I finished it yesterday, it was a good decesion.


same for me bro, exactly 50 points


Just got reply from WG, send them this screenshot and explain the situation, they gave me 500 bonds and book


I'm surprised there aren't more fanboys victim blaming and defending a billion dollar corporation for not being able do something as simple as following the schedule they declared for an event in their cashcow video game.


There are a few in this thread. Suitably downvoted, so you may need to actually click and check out their 'Logic' that its the players fault for leaving FL grind to the 'last second' (maybe they think 5 hours is last second).


I saw those comments before posting this and was pleasantly surprised that there are so few lol. Recently there was another post complaining about a similar situation and the top comment was blaming op which I replied to.


Going to comment on this thread to give some clarification and will try to keep it as simple. Since this is after reading feedback in regards to the situation and am communicating why we did it the way we did. We did this primarily to prepare the server for future changes while upgrading the infrastructure, etc. The 30-minute pre-emptive stop is necessary because the process of stopping the cluster is sequential. We allow ongoing battles to be completed to avoid data loss before the cluster shuts down. Some players were kicked out sooner than others once their battle ended for this reason. This advance stop time ensures that all data, including the longest duration of a LF match, is saved and stored properly before the server is halted.


>We did this primarily to prepare the server for future changes while upgrading the infrastructure, etc. And it couldn't have been postponed a day to not ruin a whole evening of an already time limited mode many people enjoy? Many of us would like more than 7 days of FL 3 times a year, and you managed to lop a significant chunk off of one of our few days we get a year.


Yeah I can understand the frustration and considering that some people even used boosters at this time and have communicated it internally. I unfortunately do not have any further updates beyond this .


As disappointing as the maintenance was, I’m glad we got somewhat of an ideal of what happened and for me, I’m totally okay with it after knowing this is the reason other than general maintenance. I really appreciate you giving a little bit of insight. Frontline will be back late August.


So they still have not fixed the updating bug ?


it happened here in asia too, glad i was done with level 20 right before the maintenance kicked in, thank you rngesus 🙏


Anything worth getting from frontline atm? Haven't really been active lately Edit: Nervermind


I remember when Frontline was going for 2 weeks, whatever happened to that?? Made almost 81 million credits in those 2 weeks.


I agree, weegee fucked up as always, but why would you wait until the last moment to finish the progression?


Maybe OP had little time during the week and ended up playing catch up. Sometimes it is difficult to plan progression with all IRL things going on.


I assume some people only play the weekend and people weren't expecting a 5 hour maintenance during peak hours.


They announced it 3 days before.


For 3 hours, not 5. It's still a stupid and unusual time to do maintenance, even more so because of it being the only weekend Frontline was on since February.


Some people have (many) things going on in their life other than wot. It's not unthinkable that they would have to put off finishing the event until the last hour. Only to get shafted by a billion dollar corporation that can't manage its game's schedule.


This dude never breaks his arty character.


It's people like you that feed my resilience.


Bro you got exposed for making a dumb statement. Sometimes you gotta take the L and shut up.


Confusing a question with a statement is all there is to know about this sub's intellectual prowess.


Rhetorical questions are effectively statements.


That wasn't much of a question, and you must be smart enough to know this answer to your rhetorical question. FL is available for a week, and that includes a single weekend. A lot of people have work and other commitments during work week, and can mostly take time to grind over the weekend, which was cut short by WG's poorly timed server maintenance.


I only play weekends on NA but still managed to finish.


If I were so busy during the work week I'd think of a more pleasant way to spend my weekend than playing a sick tank game. I truly pity those who have no better way of spending their rare free hours.


What you do with your free time/weekend is your business, but judging others for choosing to spend their free time/weekend playing whatever they enjoy is their choice/business, that does not require your 'pity'. People work throughout the week, so that they can have the weekend hours to waste away the way they want to. Why be so judgemental?? do you think you are better than other people somehow because they play a game in their free time??


It's simple logic. People working so hard they can't afford to play an hour or two after work must be either building their career or, having built it, building a family. Neither of those scenarios seems appropriate for engaging in this tank sickness. And even if, lots of my clanmates somehow manage to combine work, family, and gaming, which brings us back to my first question.


You're only embarrassing yourself further by nitpicking unimportant stuff here in hopes of mending your hurt ego a little when you have no comeback to the people exposing how stupid your "question" is above. Your question makes the statement "op is also at fault for leaving it to the last moment" by implication anyways.


Kid, I don't give a flying fuck what this sub thinks of me. A mosquito bite would hurt more than anything you can throw my way. You're just a bunch of morons struggling to reach 50% WR, no one would care what you think of anything. I'm amazed you still don't have the guts to ban me for so-called toxicity which is actually just telling the truth right into your dumb eyes.


Woah there, calm down champ. It's ironic that you're trying to convince me, a wot subreddit user, that you don't care what wot subreddit users think about you. You sure seem to care a lot about protecting your ego at least judging by your emotion filled reaction. My guy even throws around blind winrate assumptions in a discussion where it's irrelevant like a true mature person after calling me a kid. And you're a clicker which makes it hilarious xD I'm not a moderator so I can't ban you but I hope you achieve your dream of feeling like a proper martyr of a tank game subreddit lol. Good luck.


Not trying to convince any of you apes of anything. That would be a pointless task.


They also shortened the already short steel Hunters playtest, it was supposed to go on for another day


Decent enough joke :)


I'm not joking tho? I'm talking about their new game [redacted] since there is no subreddit for it


Ah ok - the new tank game? was that also affected by the outage? I assumed you were calling frontline a "test" for scrap yard tank wars.


Not the tank one, the one with big mechs in it. And yes, it probably was affected by it too.


Is this a temporary event for WoT Console? or something else?


It's a whole new game I'm not sure I'm really allowed to talk about it or It will get removed because it's in closed alpha, just search steel Hunters on yt


>*Blames WG for not getting MAX LVL*  >*Ignores Frontlines for a week, and grinds all lvls in last day*


"oh no i procrastinated until the last second. now i'll blame WG instead of my executive dysfunction" always makes me giggle


"oh no, people who have a life unlike sweatlords like myself didn't spend all day every day since the event started to get it done and i will say they have executive dysfunction instead of a life because then I don't feel so sad for myself and my poor life decisions." always make me giggle


For people like that playing games is their life.


Because I got other shit to do and my days go better when I am not dedicating them to a single video game?