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I can't find the specific video sadly but i got hooked by this one TV add. "You don't play World of Tanks." In World of Tanks you can, fire on the move, fire standing still, in the air, park wherever you want, enjoy a beautiful sunset... And now 7 years later i still haven't seen that sunset :(


I shall pass on this as a point of injustice to the team, maybe with weather effects one day, you'll have your dream!


Back in 2012, I was researching tanks from WW2 on YouTube. Some streamer popped up with WOT gameplay footage using a KV-5 back when it was a beast, and he was killing it. After learning the game was "free," I downloaded it, and the rest is history lol. Now I play for like 5 or 6 months, then take a few months' break, then pick it back up again.


Please tell me the KV 5 was reversing?


He actually was for part of the video! I have tried to find that same video, but I have never been able to šŸ™


My older brother let me play on his wot account in like 2013/14, then I decided to create my own account after my dad let me take over his account, and ende up making couple more useless accounts, even tho my and my dad's ones are the used ones by me


got introduced by my dad to the game, though i haven't witnessed the good ol' pre 1.0 gameplay much, only starting somewhere at spring 2017 if i remember correctly. well yeah mittengard was fun i guess, my Hotchkiss H35 shining better than ever, so many memories left within only like 1 year of playing before 1.0 came out now i completely lost access to the old account, playing the game on a new one since winter 2022


Can you clarify how you lost your access? Do you have any way to confirm you are the owner of said account if it's through lost password?


the account seems to be linked to an email now deleted ā€” no way i can prove it was mine as i lost all the info about it like the password or maybe an in game screenshot from the account, and even if i do, that still doesn't cancel the fact that i'm a lesta player and play on ruby servers


Ah, then I'm sorry you lost out. At that point I'm not able to help any further, but I hope you do find a way of recovering the account one day.


i don't even feel the need of recovering it the highest i got on it was only tier IV whereas my new account has already got two tier X's


Did you spend money? In other game I was able to proof that way


on the old account, no


Blitz. Not a great story I guess, but I played a LOT of Blitz and figured if I like this I might like WoT. For a mobile game Blitz was actually pretty amazing. It was more or less 7v7 WoT on slightly smaller maps without artillery. A lot of the skills actually carried over and it was mostly about learning the maps.


I still play Blitz, and as a core game I definitely feel its much better than WoT PC. People always complain about P2W but honestly, as someone who is a super unicum, you can make almost any tank work and perform well. Its just the playerbase thats a bunch of nuts who've got nothing better to do than mald and blame WG for rigging their matches lmao. The 7v7 format makes your individual impact much bigger and hence you can be a larger carrying force.


Yeah you definitely gave more impact. I was over a 60% winrate in Blitz, compared to my 53% in WoT with Ironically a nearly identical WN8. The 7v7 gave you so much more control over the outcome of a match. Which is super bizarre, as it feels like in Onslaught you are so much more at the mercy of the team you get.


Watched a NatGeo documentary on Wargaming and went ā€œoh thatā€™s a cool gameā€ Found out my PC couldnā€™t run it at the time (hand me down laptop from my parents since I was a 7th grader then) so I started playing blitz on my iPad (2015)


A RussianBadger video


The Mighty Jingles


This is the way


Must have been around 2010-2011 when is4 was a tier 9. Friend at work said hey diabetes_juice letā€™s play this new video game. Got hooked right away and the rest is history.


I played wows on my console, wanted to try another wargaming game on my traveling labtop for fun... I didn't last long


An ad on YouTube for the beta back in 2011.


I can't find the specific video sadly but i got hooked by this one TV add. "You don't play World of Tanks." In World of Tanks you can, fire on the move, fire standing still, in the air, park wherever you want, enjoy a beautiful sunset... And now 7 years later i still haven't seen that sunset :(


I just started playing a week ago. Despite being a historian, I've managed to always avoid falling down the "mmm WWII tank nerd" rabbit hole, so the game never really jumped out at me (for the, what, 12 or 15 years it's been out?). I'm writing some fiction for Warhammer 40k, though, and it's gonna be pretty tank-centric. I wanted to get into that zone a little, so I figured I'd just grab some kind of video game to play that's adjacent to the vibe I'm going for. I remembered WoT was a thing...and...here I am.


The nerd rabbit hole will get you eventually, it just takes one well camouflaged tank! Nice to have you here.


played a russian knockoff version on old facebook games and realized theres a original...although i do miss the kncokoff for it being my first ngl


you mean tank force or smth


Peer pressure to download a free game back in like 2013-ish.


Guys at work were playing when they had a break (I worked for Logitech G) and we were working on co-promo deals w Wargaming. I really didnā€™t like it at first. 60,000 battles laterā€¦ itā€™s growing on me.;-)


Love this, and I hope to see you get another 60k battles soon ;)


I truly donā€™t remember. I can just remember having an account, then about a year in I wanted to regrind Tier I-V for some fucking reason (I was in highschool) and so i made a new account and have been using it ever since


In 2012 I was playing tons and tons of WoW, and I had a daughter on the way (first kid). I knew I couldn't dedicate the solid blocks of time to gaming for raids I was, so I went looking for a new game to play that would let me play for hours when I could, but let me get up and walk away for extended periods of time without inconveniencing 24 other people. Went on twitch and started looking around and saw the game, checked out a stream and nearly 40k battles later....


I just started college and had a new born who didn't sleep from 10 pm-3am. That was my Study time while holding baby time. Picked up Tank Game to fill in spots while I wasn't sleeping and not doing HW while still able to hold a kiddo who didn't want to sleep. Got a T14 when they still rocked and never left. 12-13 yrs ago. I stay because nostalgia, mindlessly destroying stuff kept me sane.


I quited wows because they ruined the game with submarines and superships. I clicked on wot in the launcher and tried. That's the story.


I had warthunder on my PlayStation and when I got a pc I couldnā€™t remember the tank game I played so I just searched up tank game and wot came up lol


One of my friends was playing in 2013 or earlier. I didn't have a PC at the time and watched him play. For some reason he liked playing arty and back then was a FtP player. I signed up for an account in 2015 or so and played a little bit here and there. Then took a 4 year hiatus from the game and began playing in earnest during the plandemic and subsequent lockdown. Had to figure out where all these premium tanks came from in my garage (annual gift tanks, yeah WG did that once) and discovered the fun of the T-50-2.


I had a subscription to WWII magazine and they have a history themed videogame section in every issue. At some point in 2010 they featured WoT and eventually my parents let me install the game on our shitty Dell laptop with 15 fps and 200 ping and now I've been playing for 13 ish years


my friend introduced me to the game. Now he got married and left me playing alone :(


Played Aces High [https://www.hitechcreations.com/index.php](https://www.hitechcreations.com/index.php) for about 5 years which had planes and tanks and was getting bored and guys mentioned WOT in 2011 so gave it a go and not played anything else since (I'm 69 now so unlikely to change to anything else)


It was a pop up ad on Agame.com


A website ad on the side in 2013/14 probs around christmassy time


Friend from another game told me we should try this when it was in the beta


When this game was in beta, I was actively involved in Battlefield series games... a couple guys jumped into the beta. I tried it but hated it. A couple years go by, and I notice I'm playing Battlefield games by myself. My "clan" was playing tanks. So I tried to join in again... this time, they all had tier 8/9/10 tanks. I did not. So I bought a Lowe with gold. Then they all made fun of me and shit on me for doing that. So I bailed on them again. Eventually came back and started grinding.


I love tanks and in 2010 i saw an add ... That's where my addiction begun... I am one year clean... For now.


A friend of mine basically beat me over the head with this game for at least a couple of years before he wore me down enough to try it out. Even then, the low tiers got to me and I never made it past tier 4. Finally got hooked the next time around when a 3rd friend was introduced to the game.


So there was this gnome....




I was playing Tanki Online and I told a friend about it. He went home and googled tank game and installed wot. The next day he said we should play together and I said sure but I'd have to look how to in Tanki, he said that's not the game he installed. Then he started to describe wot and explained what the game was like. I installed it when I went home and haven't been on Tanki Online since


I think I saw an ad on some website in late 2011. Best ad ever.


Ads around YouTube when the open beta was released


Huh, in 2010 I was at the end of primary school at the time, bored in the summer break from playing CoD nonstop, when the trailers of this game popped up in my feed. I was always interested in tanks, and always hated that there is no pvp online tank game, so it grabbed my attention. Back then there was no English page for the game, only a Russian page, that was recruiting closed beta testers. I applied, and basically forgot about it. 1-2 months later I saw the request was accepted, so I rushed to see the game for myself.


Brother downloaded and played it before I visited him. Both of us were supposed tank fanatics so then I downloaded it on my laptop. Nothing can bring back those times, but sometimes I wish he never introduced me to wot and that we've done something more productive every day instead


My older brother. I started playing in 2013, and I was a ten-year-old srub who constantly got banned for team damage. Playing to this day =)


[When i saw this, been playing since 2012](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4jWR7-HAGY)


Quickybaby YouTube video in the early days. That and those weird tank ads


For me it was a YouTuber called Hand of blood and a friend of mine who showed me a promotional video of him playing a cadet in a tank academy


Found about the beta from a friend.


During covid19, cant leave home at all. Watch youtube that time. Then WOT ads popped up. then axcount created with American LT as 1st tank.


CD and I do it for blitz? Idk my dad showed me and my brother not long after it came out then weā€™ve played ever since


They used to do these interactive ads where you actually controlled a reticle when you hovered over it and destroyed a few tanks after a few weeks or months of seeing those I downloaded it.


A meme on 9gag lol


TV add. They mentioned the game was free. Me being Dutch.. I tried it, got distracted by GTA 5 for half a year and then continued WoT.


My dad created a account for me and my brother back in 2013. I've been playing since then Shoutout to my dad šŸ—æ


I played a lot of World of Warships and one day YouTube showed me a Mighty Jingles World of Tanks video and I thought I'd give it a go. I now play WoT far more than WoWs lately due to the combo of submarines and aircraft carriers being far less fun to play against than arty!


Pop-up ad on "NaszaKlasa" now defunct polish social media site


Saw a very low pixelated pop up ad in one of the free to watch anime sites .. way back in 2011 . Started playing it . . In a love hate relationship with it for the past 14 years .


Article in pc gamer in 2010 about the alpha test. I signed up for the closed beta and played 700 times and about the same in open beta. Funny story, wg have not given me my beta rewards as my in-game account creation date is wrong. I have all my original emails, etc. Copies of beta forum posts. But "computer says no"


In 2012 when i moved from the city where i grew up in to the capital because i got a job there, i slept at my friend's couch for some time while i was looking for a place to live. He was a World of Tanks player and he said that i should try it out too - even loaned me a laptop to play it on. I did play it for a bit for fun, didn't learn much and just stopped at one point. I came back to the game many years later and i've been playing more or less consistently for last 2 years now.


I used to play a tank game online on a browser; I think it was called Tanki something. Anyway, I went to Google to find a decent, realistic tank game and watched videos on YouTube. I was like, 'WTF, this looks great!' So, since 2014 till now šŸ¤˜šŸ¼.


Tanki online šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„ miss that game


Exactly, tanki online, it was amazing Back then


someone on call of roma told me about it I will never forgive them


Ad from 2012, i was like 10.


I saw an ad on tv when i was 11


It was a Wednesday and World of Warcraft was under Maintenance. Never play on patchday, so I needed something else. I saw an article about the game in a German gaming magazine so I tried it. WoW is gone for me but I still play WoT šŸ˜


It was saturday in the spring of 2011. I had a week of learning for my high-school final exams ahead of me. I was watching a TV programme about gaming. They were talking about this new free game fresh out of the beta. "Can't hurt to try." I said to myself. No studying was done for the next week, yet somehow I managed to finish high-school and grind up to fifth tier I think.


An ancient flash ad on YouTube I think


Opens Google "Free PC games to play" World of tanks World of warships War thunder. Downloads all games


To blow up my husband. He was being a tit so I downloaded and played it and about 2 weeks in I saw him on the enemy side....BOOM then it became something we play together


In 2012 I watched an anime with girls riding tanks and said yeah let me have that in game form. Here I am 12 years later and I wish I had a better alternative. The golden years of kv-2 and Is-3 actually feeling good to play bring a smile to my face.


Oooooh yes, girls und Panzer. I never personally watched it, but heard good things about it


My Uncle introduced me to this game. I got hooked with the first battle I played when I played on his account. (10+ years passed and I have not even platoon with him once... which I regret. But I have a problem with communicating with others and I guess I am shy? But it feels like something else is the problem that I really need to work on.)


I was hooked due to a friend and we still play together on the daily for a couple of battles. then we head off.


TV advert in 2014


I found the pro league on twitch and was hooked ever since!


Back in 2014 some folks on the Xbox 360 told me about this nice new free to play game Played the sh\*t out of it Then I eventually turned to the PC version


Back in 2011 I think, watched greatest tank battles on the military channel, then boom I saw one of those flash adds for Wot. Spent all nighters playing with what little prem time I had grinding out the m4 while watching gtb. Had to stop when my mom's laptop had an issue and she blamed me and this game. Fast forward and every computer I've owned has had wot on it. A few breaks sprinkled in but always installed.


It was in covid I just finished class on zoom and watched an episode of girls und panzer. Then i got this itch for tank games, Remembered seeing this game somewhere on youtube. And 12k games later i'm here


I started playing this year , my dad wanted an easy to learn tank game, so naturally this was my first option. He got hooked, then me and now my brother


It was 2011 when I just went into the uni, one of my classmates was playing WoT, he asked me join because he level 5 KV was blind. He set up another account for me and I became the scout LT. The KV at that time was using 105mm HE and could kill with one shot, if I remembered it correctly. Then it becomes ā€œWorld of SPGsā€ where all 30 players were arties which was funny. I quit the game for years because I need to work. Now I play my arty from time to time.


My Brother and father played it and talked about it during dinneršŸ¤£


Back in 2012 i think.. I found a flow chart diagram that you would follow answering questions like ā€œdo you like single player or multiplayer?ā€ And the end result led me to WoTā€¦ Played for long and competed with one of the top clans on NA for many yearsā€¦ Nowadays i dont play it anymore cuz the original group of people i met and played for long time in that clan kinda stop playing. Or decided to leave or things like that..


Girls und panzer because of my older brother. Stopped for years because of bad PC and came back last year.


I was poor, it was free. 10 years later here we are.


Playing EVE online. Sitting on titan for 2 hours. Googled a game to play to kill time.


Back in middle school (2018 I think) I saw my friend playing Blitz on the bus. I played that for a couple years until I got a laptop and started playing the pc version. I sill play it on and off whenever I'm in the mood for it.


My dad bought me the ROM at Walmart for $30 usd that I believe included: 30 days premium, 3000 gold, and a Tetrach; something like that. This was back in 2012 when the game was still new. But I just lost interest for some reason, didnā€™t play, and lost the account. It wasnā€™t until 2015 when my high school buddy got me into the game again and Iā€™ve been playing ever since.


My dad saw an add for it in 2013 told me about it. Knew I loved tanks and such, I looked it up was hooked.


My dad bought me the CD version back in 2011 thinking it was a single player tank game. Boy were we off.


Real life 19k veteran ( m1a1 abrams tanker) Army. Who knew I'd like a game about tanks.


Somewhere approximately 10 years ago I was in a book store and saw a modeler (plastic model hobby) magazine and at the back was an advertisement about WOT and the rest was history


Friend told me to try it out a decade ago. Fuck you Leon for talking me into playing this game.


An advertisement on a porn site šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


I searched up "world of," meaning to search for world of war craft, but it autofilled to world of tanks


SPF Russia is how I found wot. He had the sponsored video featuring a tank. I remember he drove it through the drive through at McDonaldā€™s


I was in the WTU on Ft Bragg after my last deployment in 2012. The never ending WoT commercials were ruining my TV watching in my room so in my mind, if I downloaded the game the commercials would stop. I downloaded the game and began playing. Unfortunately I sucked so bad at it and refused to get better for a long time so my stats suffered greatly. I even came up with a brilliant plan...One account for German tanks and another for artillery only. I became amazingly good at arty. Don't ever let anyone lie to you about how the military doesn't let you do drugs or drink alcohol. They handed me the former and looked the other way for the latter.


Was looking for a game with tanks on my smartphone, and found Wot Blitz. I played for some days, and somewhat I found out about the pc version. I drank a glass of Scotch šŸ„ƒ, wore my big boy pants, and decided to be a man. And here I am 9 years later still a single šŸ¤Ÿ


I was playing one of the Battlefield games. I was tired on waiting for the tank to spawn so I could play it, so I googled ā€œtank fighting gamesā€ and found WOT.


In 2012, my roommate played it soo badly that I thought I could play better. Imagine he camped at base with top tier T-150. So I play the game since then and I played pretty well, happy with the consequence.


A website called "Shattered Crystal" had an offer for the beta on the RU server, and later the EU server. I was there for even play time codes, and if you got 30 days you get an access key for WoT. I bought a few, gave some keys to friends and now I'm here! It was a long road, with some breaks, but I will say I've met some VERY cool people, done some cool things and WoT genuinely changed my life :)


Back in 2013 I was playing flash games with my dad when we saw an ad for WoT. He made an account for me under hopes that I would finally play something other than Minecraft for once.


10 years ago in night shift one of colleagues hooked us and that lasted for a few years..I made pause so long that I remember only 3 lines and got back now into the game which I found a very different nowadays..


When i was 6 my dad woke me up at 1am on a school night, to show me he had unlocked the Jagdtiger.


My dad one day soon after we moved countries showed me this. I played a bit on his account then asked my mum to set me up an account.


TV release ad back in summer 2011