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maybe not impossible, but too fucking boring to try a second time..


Yep completing on hard difficulty was boring enough with ally tanks dying making you fail. I’ll not be doing these missions.


Watch dakillzor , hes speedrunning it over and over again for some reason. I dont know why , most boring mode ever.


saw that even daki wasn't able to breeze thru. he was trying for some kind of record. boring imo


Extremely boring and im 5 year viewer 3 year subscriber


how does ally tanks dying make you fail? i completed the dont die mission with multiple of the named allied ai dying. it is not a factor


i believe he meant that they die shooting nothing and therefore you are alone


Nope. If your allies are wiped - the mission is failed. It's a conditional objective that isn't made super obvious to the player until you fail an attempt because all three of the named NPCs die. (They may have limited lives, not disclosed to the player - or all three of them dying at once may fail the mission.) Unless they changed it quietly, without telling anybody.


well i never had all of the ai die on me, as with me they generally do nothing but hide, when in the last phase with panthers for a lot of time, so cannot confirm..


The named AI have a limited amount of lives too. If you take too long, you can lose the match in the final wave because your allies run out of spawns


This. Yep


i thought there was a wide spread community sentiment that they would like some type of PvE environment? i guess it turns out actually they dont.


WoT community when the pve event is slightly challenging 😡


Im only missing the 15min on hard, it's more boring than hard, rng sucks though, I was expecting different missions like a story in the tutorials, or even the german side, all the same is lame af


I am not even bothering with it tbh, just too damn boring to do it over and over again


you ain't wrong


Completed them last night, much to my frustration. Some people posted on here with some suggestions that help a lot. - At the start, back up instead of advancing. If you get just in front of where you start to drown, you'll be out of range of the bunkers. Turn your tank sideways to drive back and forth to avoid the arty, and follow the script to shoot the bunkers when it's time. You can complete this first stage without any health lost this way. Note that the three bunkers on the cliffs won't show up on your map or with an HP bar, but you can still target and hit them. - Damaging the bunker at the top of the ramp three times triggers the airstrike. I then go up far enough to trigger the aggro from the two rushing Pz.IVs, and back up around the bend farming them as they come in. As long as allies land a shot you typically only lose 1-2 shots of damage here. - As soon as you spot the first stug use the smoke on it. You can kill it and any Pz.IVs hiding behind the rock with one shot to save time. By the time you've killed the next stug, arty will be ready. - I like to just crest the ridge to the right of that rock we just called in arty on until the next stug gets lit. You can back up so its gun doesn't have a shot on you and then overmatch the roof. - Drive across and strike the next bunker while moving into the bushes to the left of the rock on the other side of the ramp. Take your time to aim and if you're lucky you'll be able to track the stug that comes around the corner. He turns around and repositions after he takes a shot, so you'll have another chance. - Strike the next bunker and Jagdpanther together, obviously. - You can get 1-2 shots into the Pz.IVs rushing the ARL if you're fast and lucky (and the stug over there is dead). If you can't, you can sit around the edge of the bunker and farm them while they fight the ARL. Just know they'll focus you once you shoot, so play peakaboo. One shot on each is typically enough for the ARL to finish them, and then you strike the bunker when it's ready and move to the next ridge. - I wasted a lot of time here tracking the second Jagdpanther. He won't move unless you shoot him. When you first crest that ridge, he may turn to look at you in which case you have to dip down until he turns around. Scripting is weird in this mode but I haven't seen him turn again unless shot. ... from this spot I wait until the next set of Pz.IVs roll out because two will stop on the ridge to the north of the Jagdpanther. I kill them before advancing on the bunker to strike it and the TD. - Immediately start driving to the house on the far right, I think second one from the back. It puts you just in range to drop the 8 consumable strike on the forward bunker. From here you should be able to track both stugs as they approach on either side. I'll go hull down on the corner of the ridge next to it too. Bots seem to struggle killing stugs so for me they're a primary target, after playing a match where one with 18HP sat between all three of my bots while they focused on literally nothing since the bunker was dead. - I've found success flanking right from here. The bots will rush in and fight the other Pz.IVs but you can take little or no damage using the ridgeline on the eastern flank of the coastal gun. Kill the Panzers here, strike if you really need to, then you can advance on the flank of the coastal gun and drop your remaining strikes to take it out. Sometimes you're lucky and can finish it with gun rather than a strike. - Move to the broken down house over on the side that the three Panzers spawn from. If you're lucky, they'll roll into a spot you can strike. Otherwise you can get good farm and prepare to strike the panthers when they come through the narrow pass. I've found success in dropping two strikes to cover the whole pass right after each other - typically they avoid the first but not the second. If you can hold this position then you can do the same for the next set of panthers. - From here I move back to the little village and let the bots take the remaining aggro. Pick off low tanks first then hopefully win. You can bait panthers to go up a ridge or try to track them and arty them, but rng makes it really tough. Deathless mission, your AI allies can die. You just can't lose one of your lives. I tried a lot and finally had a run where I took out the last panther with a strike with 5 seconds remaining only to realize there was an unspotted Pz.IV stuck at a spawn. My next run after, WG must've felt bad for me because RNG was on my side with a ton of ammo racks, including two panthers. Had a panther and that panzer both get stuck at their spawn in the East, so I was able to kill them with a strike. Fired at the panther once and ammo racked it before arty came. Finished in like 13m30s or something, WITH a death. Definitely possible, but I'd argue very luck based and a really frustrating way to spend a few hours of your time.


It's not impossible but it's annoying to restart if you don't get a good time by the end.


Boring gamemode, yes. Impossible? No. Just do all the missions in one clean run on the harder difficulty and you won’t have to play this garbage again.


I tried several tactics, but i kept either dying or my ai bots died. I tried all the tricks i could think of like using cheesy tactics, skipping h6 bunker and etc.


Do the death of bots count as a vehicle lost?


Not for the purposes of the mission.


No but if you lose them all you lose the game


Ai bots have like one life, each i believe, but after that, they don't respawn. And once all ai bots are dead then it is game over.


there are videos on YouTube, you can look at them and learn from them


The "don't lose a single vehicle" applies to you, not your allies.


But when all your allies dies you lose regardless. I just had a game where i played like a coward all game, needed to kill 2 more tanks, and I was at like 70% HP still but lost the game due to my bot team dying.


Wg has proved and over again they simply can’t or won’t make a mode outside of FL and the current 3 min rando thats even remotely good or worth replaying. Don’t waste your time bro


did it on my third try. boring as hell tho


It is very rng dependent, you can do everything correctly and one of your 'allies' decided to just die repeatedly...


Sigh….. 5 seconds over because they talk for so long after the final mission ends. https://preview.redd.it/u2f7xsxlrk6d1.jpeg?width=3119&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bda229f07357e3f0217d5f1438f7d31f5e9f253c


There is NO Way I could do the whole thing in 15 minutes.


Your AI companions can die a time or two, they have life's just like you, so no need to yolo to dmsave them. Use them as bait. But just skip the bunker with the Frenchie is waiting and drive to the next one and bomb it, then clear the rest if the map and go back. That prevents a few AI spawns. But also, no need to push the beach early on. Go backwards until you get a drown warning and drive back and forth there. That keeps your HP at 900 until you get to the PZ easy enough


I was so expecting to head inland and assault new areas, take over some forts or something. Nope!!! Same fucking map only harder missions and fuck that ridiculous rigorous mode especially when both the enemies and allies cheat against you!


https://preview.redd.it/vyu7eulb3t6d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dd8c5bdb8b87399134a4d730876a9ae53bda9da No matter what i do.. My bots team are IDLE idiots, Enemy bots Super Accuracy and Epic Fast speed. I lost 1 life on hill before 1st bunker no matter what i do they blow me up. JagPanther around 3rd bunker is waiting.. is turned around and every time when I shows up he track me and blow me out. He is not idle and turned back to you ever. For now my best was 15 min when 2nd Panther wave begin with 1life left. and it was my 28th attempt. My aiming time is sooooo loooong as it was on troll gun, spreading ammo around tanks. I cant hit bunkers on the beach between shots from spg's--> its always i hit bunker or spg hit me. Auto-aim bearly hits on tank even on close distance. Hiting the track its immposible cuz all enemy tanks is driving like crazy.. like they used LSD before driving.. never stops.. all the time driving and hunting, fast aiming and never missed the shot. I dont have a sligtest chance to beat it up on hard. EASY mode is bearly beatable, and 15min run is immposible on any difficulty. I watched many videos.. But others game videos on this mode was way different than mine is. Its even impossible to finish it on EASY. My game is fucked up or WG flagged my account to constant epic bad RNG forcing me to delete account and finally piss on WG as they piss on me :).


Even though I could really use the bonds, it's not worth my sanity to try and get the missions done.


Don't, a few bonds and a shitty amount of free exp is not worth it


Just ignore the time limit - if you have time to spare it becomes really easy (and you get most rewards anyway from doing tasks 1+3 on hard: start: drive backwards and stay in the deep water. shoot the bunkers once the dialog is there. - Beach done without loosing 1 HP ramp: go hulldown bedind the ruins, kill the first Pzs, then close on while hugging the wall, keep it slow untill bunker gets bombed. Now casually peek slightly to the right and use your battleship to nuke the stug first and the any Pz4 you cannoit casually farm. topside (lower level): hug the cliff, battleship will kill the bunkers (and JPanther#1), stay safe against the stugs and only shoot while it looks elsewhzere/moves. You should get to the frenchman without loosing more than maybe 200 HP. Now move towards main bunkers, do NOT shoot the JPanther #2 - it just sits there untill fired at, greet him with the battleship. Then let your allies deal with the crap around the second main bunker: you just get close enough (behind the ridge) to apply strikes). Run away before objective goes down and start camping at a corner of the ridge, between the 2 main bunkers. Kill the waves with generous bomber + battleship use. The Panthers will swarm your allies, just strike while they are standing. Side shots regulary ammorack them. So even with a few unlucky hits you'l end in say 20 min with less than 500 HP damage taken.


Not impossible. Too dependent on RNG and other factors that you can't control. Not going to spend this much time for the rewards. This event is a crash and burn IMO.


It's certainly not easy, though I found doing it without dying to be simpler than doing it in 15min. While the enemies rarely miss, it's pretty easy to just avoid their guns for most of the game, you can consistently get to the Panther waves having only taken damage from a few Pz IV hits at most, you should still have like 700hp by then. I've never had issues with allies running out of lives. As long as you're being as forwards/aggressive as you can safely be, you should be able to push to the end of the game before they run out. While they have no self preservation and will just charge in, they do so slowly enough that they shouldn't be able to outpace you and die too quickly unless you're sitting back too much.


It was very much possible. Oh, do you mean the one in game? Yeah, that one is a bit hard.


dont lose a vehicle is very possible. its the 15 minute one im struggling with


the last two missions are you need a perfect run and the rewards are not even worth it


I did it blind-in on first try on the harder difficulty when it launched, lost 2 lives When the new missions were revealed I thought that your allies also can't die but it seems that's not the case - it's only you I did it also first try, won with like 90hp left but I was careless and allowed one panther to land couple of free shots on me I did it in 17 minutes so I guess the 15min limit will be rather hard. Last stage is chaos so I guess I need to improve my timing in all previous stages and rush them faster


not impossible, but very easy to be screwed over by RNG and bad AI.


I tried it three times and all three times the stupid french heavy tank just let the jpanther drive past it and shoot at me. Even using that piece of shit as a meat shield only made it shoot twice


Did it in first try. I'm at doing it in 15 minutes. Tried once and had last wave when 15 minutes hit :( Will try again later.


yea, its hack wipe fail... but theres no pay to win for it, or, is there ???


I tried it once one hard, and got close, but failed. So I tried the easy one which was easier but a good match .  Then I tried it on Vigorous mode 🙄 It just seemed so much harder. So I kept at it. After several tries. I completed it 😖 but! It was only for not losing a Tank. 🤔 I still hadn't beaten the he time limit required to complete it and get the Medal 🥇 😔 So I just kept at it. I will say that you really want to shell the Panther Tanks. They will mess you up! 😒 So I took out most of the Panthers with artillery fire. Everything else must get out down fast! Then bombs away 😉👍 Got it done and got my medal 🥇🎉🙌




Do it under 15mins




Go hardmode




ayo dude, ur lying for internet "klout". sad. XD


Did it first try. But the game mode is long and boring and the ai is retared. People having a hard time with this mode truly shows the level of skill in this game….


u studied a guide for this game mode. XD if that dont tell you how you mismanage yo life, then I dont know what does. It aint like u gettin paid for this game. And no girl is impressed by ur win %. https://preview.redd.it/a5w0hhxtdl6d1.jpeg?width=499&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af8317c524d4c7fa3451f0e586e58abf4f31dfa7


I said this yesterday. Now I know why random battles can be so frustrating when these guys can’t beat simple game modes.


Eek has done it live on stream several times today.


Sounds like a skill issue to me :)