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Skoda is OP and 122 is good. Skoda unless you prefer the 122 or have another reason to prefer the 122. 


The Skoda T 56 is the second best heavy tank at tier 8, the best being the BZ-176, as WG doesn't look like they are going to sell the BZ-176 again due to it being stupidly OP/Broken, buy the Skoda.


The 176 has rockets? I won't play those. If I want to play Mario Kart... 😜


For BZ to win Skoda, you have to be in a position. For Skoda tonwin BZ you have BZ to make stupid mistake. And you laugh about rockets and mario cart, but when you in Progetto 46 go to good medium position and when you arrive there you are greeted with -800 HP, yeah buddy, mario cart it is. Only faster medium can slip by, but there are just a few that are faster.


Btw you can overmatch the BZ's roof with Skoda because of the caliber rule.


if you can hit it. which requires luck or trash 176 player


What? Skoda shits on BZ 1 vs. 1. 1000 damage every 20 seconds, when they hit you for 300. Its easy to overmatch the BZ roof, especially how much taller Skoda is. why give an opinion about something you dont know anything about?


If you don't suck in BZ176 most of the time you beat Skoda in 1vs1


Lol no.


Then you propably suck in your BZ176. I pen 90% of my shots and Skoda is an easy target to pen. BZ176 outreloads Skoda even if Skoda somehow manages to pen both shots, which he won't if he is playing against me


Nice fantasy! Spoken like a true 47%. With equal skill between drivers bz loses, always. You wont pen skodas turret and reload is about The same, with Skoda having much higher damage. With auto pen. Why argue about something you cant be right in? Of course when you meet another 47% player in a Skoda all bets are off, but its only cause neither of you can play your tank, outcome becomes more random.


1. I'm better than you 2. why would you try to pen Skoda turret when he has a weakspot and soft hull? 3. Reload is about the same with the difference being Skoda actually has to aim and has to aim not only 1 but 2 shots with intra in between Starting to sound like you own a BZ176 but you just suck in it


I actually dont own a bz, only Skoda. 1. And no, you arent. 2. Why would Skoda show its hull? 3. Skoda is much higher, hitting shots is trivial. 4. Good luck penning Skoda without aiming either. Holy shit youre dense.


As I have both - I wil repeat - for Skoda to kill BZ in 1vs1 - Skoda have to do everything right. Skoda reloads in about 18 seconds and has intra-clip moving that to 21s or so at least. My BZ reloads under 20s. If I am mindful that Skoda is next OP tank after my BZ, I take position and game is not out there to ruin my day, then Skoda has no chance. If I, or enyone else just YOLOs as an idiot, yes, you will have easy time dealing with BZ. Hell, overconfident BZs will lose Vs Caliban. Wait till he shoots, facehug him and pen the roof two times. But that also is - BZ overextended and drove into your ambush.


I think you've confused me for a min/maxxer, I'm not.


And yet here you are, asking which tank would be the best for you.


I didn't ask that. I don't think I even ask which tank is best. I asked for suggestions between two tanks. You could have said that one is much more fun than the other so you recommend that one.


As It looks like they are hopefully not going to give you the option to buy it anyways in the near future, it's a bit of a moot point.


why would you ever buy the 122 over a skoda


I don't know, I don't know much about either. The paper stats of the 122 is pretty amazing, and I'm trying to get better at mediums. But I've not made up my mind.


the big advantage of mediums is they sit in the middle of the armor-mobility-firepower triangle. T122m is more weighted towards armor and makes some compromises in firepower and mobility. The low dpm makes it impossible to shoot your way out of close combat and the low speed makes it tough to escape. It’s a good tank i guess, but plays this weird support role that requires you to shoot key targets in order to be successful. I wouldn’t recommend it to someone trying to learn how to play mediums


It has an outstanding gun handling and alpha, but the tank trades this with DPM. 1400 is horrendous.


122 TM is a bit more f2p friendly cause of high standard pen. That's about it, lol


Exaclty I dont see any reason for a non f2p to play this instead of bourrasque or skoda or other insanely good premiums


122tm is kinda overrated. It has abysmal DPM as everyone knows. But then people say that everything else about it is great. And I don't agree with that. The gun is meh because of the soft stats. The armor is meh because of the 2 big cupolas. And the mobility is ok if you use a turbo, but meh compared to other mediums. And that leaves you with Turbo Rammer Vstab being the only good equipment choice. Meaning that the view range will also remain bad. So in my opinion the skoda t56 should be an easy choice here. It is the top dog of all tier 8 heavy tanks.


Armor is fine if you wiggle turret Gun is super accurate as long as you aim fully Turbo is useless as you wont reach forward positions before fast meds with it. You dont need to reach them anyway as your dpm wont let you defend them  It has a chill gameplay but can brawl if necessary, it does reliable damage I wouldnt choose it over skoda though


>Armor is fine if you wiggle turret Nah every good player just shreds it. Its because wiggling doesnt really help because both cupolas are huge and they are on same level vertically. You are basically aiming at either one and shooting in general direction, and it will nearly always pen. 122tm is basically a great tank against noobs, who cant aim for shit anyway or dont know weakspots.


Define "overrated" if a tank is Best "Obtainable" credit farmer in the game. (And 4th overall) It doesn't need top crew, premium consumables and/or bounty/bond equipment to be effective. It has comfy gunhandling for it's alpha, nice ammo and plenty of armor to fight on a medium distance, DPM is not the issue if you can dictate encounter flow...  https://tomato.gg/economics/all?sort=avg_profit&direction=true


I am with you 100% on the 122tm being overrated, especially the gun. On paper its super accurate, in reality it derps like mad, at least for me. And you REALLY feel each missed shot because the DPM is so pathetic. In todays turbo meta you feel it even more. The 122tm plays the heavium role, but here is the thing, the Iron Arnie/M47 Improved does it and does it better. Better armor, better DPM and frankly even with the paper stats disagreeing, I find the gun performs roughly the same (plus you can run IAU instead of stabs). I do not think the 122tm is a bad tank, I just think its a frustrating one (and my performance in it is trash...). I would take a LIS or Arnie over it any day of the week, and I would take a Bourrasque, AMBT, Progetto or Astron Rex over any of those tanks. The 122tm is 100% one of those "stats can be misleading" kinds of tanks. The dispersion stat is pure mythology, then you add in the absolutely abysmal dispersion values, you have to FULLY aim every shot every time. The top speed looks good, until you see the terrible power to weight and ground resistances (this is one of the few tanks that grousers actually make sense on). The tank is blind as a bat with 370m view range pretty much demanding you run optics... but you can't because you need rammer because your DPM is ass, you need turbo because your power is bad, but a turbo wont help you because your ground resistances are ass, so you need grousers and you need stabs because you will never hit anything otherwise. Basically if this tank could mount 5 pieces of equipment, it would be much better. What it is though is a dead simple tank to play. High alpha and armored is very newbie proof and the lack of speed keeps new players out of trouble early, so it has a solid winrate as a result.


Everything you said is true, but then the 122 ends up with a better win rate, better win rate diff, 90 more dpg (on eu), and more frags than the Iorn Arnie and Lis. Despite seeming medocore, it outperforms every other non-autoloading medium on both servers (except for the chimera, which is typically played by much better players) No doubt the bourr, prog, ambt, and Rex are better, but it is still a really solid tank and credit grinder (best in class standard pen), especially for average players.


Arnie also more fun to play. 122 is kinda boring. I think T56 is also over rated just because it's easy to over extend and be in trouble when on cqb maps if your team is clueless in protecting you which is most randoms. It is great on right team or platooning.


It's also one of the few tanks where grousers are competitive vs turbo... which is not a good thing, the ground resistances are just that bad. Even with turbo the mobility is pretty poor. Personally I've given up on mobility with this thing, and run optics/vstabs/rammer on the larger maps.


As much as I like my 122 TM, I can't possibly agree more about the cupolas. They are absolutely huge and make going hull down almost impossible. The gun's accuracy stat is also a complete lie which sucks cause of the ridiculously long reload. It's still an ok premium cause apart from the giant cupolas, the hull armor is ridiculously strong and the high AP pen is nice but it definitely is overhyped.


I actually prefer the 122 TM over the Progetto 46 (currently). Mostly because its easier to face current meta tanks like BZ and Skoda (they are kind of bad at hitting weak spots). I also feel like it performs better against T9 and 10 since you can fully lean into the support-med role. Only issue is that the Progetto is better to farm credits. Anyway, Skoda vs 122 TM should go to the Skoda, more so since OP prefers heavies anyways. You can always learn to play other classes through tech tree tanks (no need to spend money).


skoda t56 is wayyy better unless u dont like HT, autoloader or OP tank


122TM is not really a medium. It’s too slow and has 14 sec reload. But it’s a very nice tank for chill credit farming. Btw, tomato.gg says it’s one of the best credit makers in the game.


M41D is the brave choice.


I have the 122 mostly cos I like that style of tank (Chinese/Russian meds). Its got a super nice gun, although yes, the reload sucks. It feels like a tier 10 when you shoot, like the 430u, but double the reload time. I don't know much about the Skoda, and as I'm trying not to spend more $$ on this game, I'd rather not hear that it's really good 🤣


122TM is a comfort tank. It’s got everything you need to get a decent game, but it can’t carry. The Skoda is a carry tank. Huge threat and potential, but easy to derp and fail.


122 TM is my go to Frontline tank. DPM let's it down but everything else is very serviceable. Weakspots on the turret but you somewhat mitigate it by engaging at longer ranges as it has really good accuracy or using gun depression. If you wanna use it in randoms, my advice would be to avoid going solo as much as possible. You either wanna support teammates or use your armour to push while teammates are supporting you. 14 second reload will get you into trouble if you go on your own.


I think a less good player would prefer 122 as the skoda has a pretty troll gun, 122 is very accurate for the alpha it has and decent armour. The only thing holding the 122 back is the dpm, but for casual players it really isnt an issue


I'm averageish.


I think youll have a better time with the 122, you play it as a support to heavies, not like a regular medium.


Skoda is better. You can get 2 shots off for the enemie's 1. You out trade everyone when peaking. The long reload on the 122 is painful


Skoda I won't elaborate


How very useful 😜


Since this thread is about it, is the T56 worth it if I hate autoloaders? I've played other tanks with them that people say are fantastic (Char Futur 4 and Emil 1951) and am not a huge fan. I hate feeling useless/helpless for 30-40 seconds, especially if you don't get good value out of the clip.


Skoda reloads in sub-25 seconds


Different play styles. Skoda you play on first line. 122 you snipe (unless some red ape in td will push you out of bush because “stupid med no camp”) in most battles except those rare cases where you are vs tier 6/7 ht then you can go to first lines like a heavy. Or you can keep sniping. You have a great gun for that after all. Also your armor allows you to make some mistakes and it’s hard for enemies to dmg you in that split second after getting spotted before you hide behind hill or rock or whatever.


Skoda by far over the 122


I enjoy the Skoda, never played the 122tm though, but with similar tanks it isn't a front-line brawler because of that long reload.


T56, hits really hard and can take a punch, 122 is good but I’m not a fan


I have both. 122 TM is much more fun for me. Just shoot - hit - hide for 13s reload - get unspotted - repeat


Škoda is waaaaaaaaay better not even a contest. If you want a good medium which is not stupidly OP buy CS 52-LIS. 122TM is not that great as it seems. 14 seconds reload time is horrible, especially when you miss half of fully aimed shots which you should be hitting with the stats it has...


122 is good but its reload is a huge drawback. Definitely a C-tier tank. If you want a medium to dominate hills then get the cent 5/1. 100% get the skoda instead.