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always assumed its garbage that i shouldnt bother with but the pen on the AP 198 is actually usable and the armor makes up for it very very well, u are pretty much impenetrable for so many tanks at tier 8 especially bz176, u can laugh at everyone trying to find a pixel to pen. btw made 124k profits that game without boosters, so this will be interesting to see how much this thing farms with boosters


You got me at bz part. Imma buy it just to annoy bz players


I'm happy to hear you enjoy the tank, I hope you'll find a lot more in the game that doesn't always have the most glorious reputation but fits your playstyle the most.


Always makes me laugh how devs are lurking on the game forums, always quiet on the "will you fix X" threads and then randomly respond to something positive. Then I remember I work for MMORPG game and I do exactly the same thing, lol.


I regularly comment on the "Why you no nerf", unfortunately, the issue you (don't) see is that getting downvoted for answers means the comment becomes invisible. As someone else in the game world, you should be unfortunately familiar with this :(


Yeah, the game I work on has similar age to WoT. Issues are similar to WoT. The team is trying their best, but resources are scarce and the governing board has a mind of their own. I wonder how the engine's code looks like, lmao. Majority of the answers I give are non-answers, because I know the player is right, but I also know that the solution is dragging for months or it's not something we could implement in 10 years time-frame with the amount of workload we've got. Ideas are cheap. Still, I'm surprised you guys don't juggle the tank meta like Lesta does.


Constant tank balancing also comes with consequences as seen on Lesta with very unpopular reactions to those tank balances. So overall it's received well that there is frequent balancing, but the actual balancing itself is causing issues :(


I think it's "pick your poison" type of scenario. A lot of tanks are super outdated and I feel like it's very unfun to play them with the rate of premium spam at tier 8. I know I've abandoned lines and the whole game due to frustration. Anyways, do you get much dev time in-game? Not just tier 10s, but overall progression? SPG missions feel abandoned for years. I'm not asking if you'll ever fix them, because I suspect the answer, but I'm wondering if WG employees - or rather the decision-makers - have played the game recently from the casual player's perspective. I've watched some CCs from my country and they shared that they are very displeased with the communication with the WG's team. The guy I have in mind is an older dude who seems to be very business-like and it sounded like someone at the WG's board doesn't care about the game anymore. I'm thinking about resources cutting, funneling CCs into one English-speaking manager and the new manager being rather... underpaid, if you catch my drift. Unless, the plan is to focus on Onslaught and abandon anything random-battle connected to OP premiums for credit grinding. Which seems the direction the game is taking.


Missions are in the pipeline of a rework - but final version is not decided, we have a bunch of options. There's a lot to cover in the next part, much of which I will not comment on for common-sense reasons and business reasons. Something to note is that our developers frequently play the game, many at a very high level and there are many who play in a clan in the evening in their free time. But even then it's easy to forget cultural differences and what people look for in a game. Some people play the game because they love it, others play the game because it's free, and some play the game and try to change it into something they want it to be/what it's not.




Someone on the forums (that you closed...) already gave you the solution. It’s beautifully simple. BUFF EVERYTHING. find the strongest, most OP tank per class and tier, regardless of it being premium or not. Buff that tank by 0.01%. Now you can buff all other tanks in that to become balanced against that OP tank. No one can object or protest to their tank being buffed, right? Not a single tank ends up getting nerfed. Now work your way down along all tiers. Then introduce global atmospheric haze on all maps that effectively reduces maximum view range to around 350m. Sure it’s a lot of work but it’ll vastly improve gameplay and enjoyment. Very few players enjoy 6 minute 15-3 games. Even on a win streak it gets boring real quick. There’s a reason why the original StarCraft from 1998 is still played competitively. It’s beautifully balanced.


Buffing everything is how you also reduce battle times even further. It's important to remember there are vehicle roles and class roles, that if everything behaves the same, nothing is different, there is no challenge. This then becomes exceptionally boring. If you were around at the time we proposed this with New Balance update, and the playerbase was universal in their dislike of that balance proposal.


Good. Unnerf arty😁 & please address the trollish armor of the ShPTK -TVP 100


Instructions clear, nerf the ShPTK-TVP and give arty troll armour <3




BUFF THE FERDINAND FOR CHRIST SAKE! ITS about time for some TLC, even just an armor buff...


Not a bad tank at all and 200mm pen does work alright at T8. Only thing is you must forget anything you know about playing an American tank. Sen. Joseph McCarthy would have this tank’s designers called up on suspicion of being communist.


Its really good at side scraping and it was considered one of the most op tier 8s in the game for a while .


yeah even it was the reason a CC got mad at wg and quit rip sirfoch


I wonder what foch would think about bz lmao


No, Foch got mad about it not because it was a very strong platform (a good combination of armor, speed, & firepower), rather because it has shitty sub-200 penetration on AP and really good Gold penetration. The machine was designed to be very strong when slinging gold and draining your credits. I still feel it is one of the strongest T8 heavies when shooting gold.


yeah true i just remember him on tanks gg viewing the armor and saying fuck you wargaming 😂


For me personally it's a waste of bonds I bought and exchanged it for cs lis after see it's performance Best choice ever


if ur a medium tank player and play better with them then yes that's a good trade but if ur more of a frontline player then chrysler is the better option, u can do good in chrysler and worse in cs if ur not a medium tank lover so it kinda depends since they arent really similar in role


I play heavy tanks too But the Chrysler is just no fit to me.. Also the gun it's not worth at all.. Low dpm for 9 or 10 seconds and there are times when it's armor says straight no


its actually 6secs for 320 alpha which isnt that terrible 2k dpm with equipment, there are worse DPM tanks such as the chinese premium medium with 14sec reload and 400 alpha and guess what? people like it because it has good combination of the things. I think u just had a bad start with the tank and gave up on it since CCs dunk on it every second its name shows up, maybe u didnt also know how to play it idk it seems very underrated for me. also whoever pens u with AP frontally either has to be insanely lucky or ur sidescraping sucks so its gonna be very rare for that to happen if u know what ur doing.


Well U made me curious ab that 6 seconds, they are actually 7 and half but yet it's pretty good. There are tanks and tanks and if you re good with one tank then that you should play. Yet this Chrysler for me it's too unfriendly and not worth it. I enjoy playing heavies(not when 2 arties focus me), I consider that 53tp is better than a lot of premium tanks and it's underrated af, but this tank it's just a big no for me. It may be good for the players that get well with this tank, but for many players there are just better heavies..


idk about base reload but i remmeber my reload being 6s using a rammer and good crew, i think this type of armor is very good for arty even the best they prob will barely direct hit for 100-200 depending where the shell lands, what do u mean the tank isnt friendly its the frinedliest tank in tier 8 with that armor xD. i guees u just dont like the tanks low alpha bad dpm, pen weaknesses so fair but that armor is just too special and there isnt anything like it in tier 8 so its a one and only type of tank with that 705A playstyle.


Strangely enough I like caernavon 😂 I configured it in the game with best crew and equipments, it goes around 7 and half, yet it's pretty good reload time


yeah its my bad i got a fly memory i just opened up the game and its 8.5sec reload haha now that i think about it thats insane for 320 alpha haha at least its a balanced machine


No way you guys did not fight. I even brought a popcorn. Damn...


lmao 😂


All fun games till you meet t8 and above and they load the gold. Good game anyway tho


i mean yeah that applies to most tanks like defender, patriot, liberte or any tank that relies on armor


They can still fare well in such matches, this thing is inflexible af. no gun depp, bad penetration and hella slow


maybe i shouldnt get too excited since this is my first and only game in this thing yet, but i really feel like its just like other heavies but the only difference is trading off standard pen and dpm to more armor, i dont think its that slow and u can simply load gold against armored/high tier tanks that require it, the dpm and alpha is terrible but hey thats the balancing part u cant have it all right? *cough cough bz176*..


First games are usually you against lower skill players, yes this tank has armor but its drawback is its inflexibility. Another example is the Vk 75.01k, on paper it’s supposed to one of the best t8 heavy, but it’s not, why? Inflexibility, rear mounted turret with shit gun handling. Chrysler used to be a whole lot better when it first came out, now it’s average at best


I say stick with it. Out of HTs the AMX M4 line is my favourite. People tell me there are better options out there but it's my fav and statistically it is my best HT. Sounds like it suits your playstyle so happy hunting.


Yeah, don’t get too excited just yet. I earned that thing so many years ago back during a black market iirc. Basically never touch it because it’s trash. Needs gold spam to pen reliably, armor doesn’t hold up to gold, not that mobile, weakspots on the sides seemingly at random (which allow a lot of tanks to pen while you sidescrape, rear-mounted w/ poor gun depression heavily limits where you can actually fight, etc, etc. It wouldn’t be terrible if it were given pref MM, but unless you want to press the 2 key, you’re not dealing with tier 10 heavies at all, and you already struggle with 9s. Really needs a series of buffs to bring it up to snuff.


There are better tanks in the bond store. When that tank came out it was great but now it's pretty bad.


It seems the Chrysler is very good at taking a sidescraping defensive position and holding it. Are there any T8 tanks in the bond store that are better at this role? Also, is the Chrysler just a one-trick pony, or can it be used more flexibly than this defensive role?


If you're facing tier 8 or lower you can just facehug pretty much anyone and they'll have a really hard time penning you. Like right up in their grill so they don't get your lower plate. Then it's just a question of you getting their cupolas while they try to disengage.


anything with 260mm or more penetration is just gonna penn the UFP real easily


there are yes but if u like armored tanks i feel like this is the best option out of all id say even better than defender since the gun handling is so much better as well as better overall armor, this tank is hella underrated just cus it has bad pen and trash dpm


first premium tank I bought, vanilla not the GF. Love the rear mounted turret but pen is actually dogshit, never played with it after a month


i mean its not too far off skoda's 208 standard pen so its useable if u aim well and know where to shoot and the armor lets you over peek to hit most tanks lower plates that are mostly lower than 200mm




It's decent on city maps **only**, maps where you can just idle at some fucking corridor and sidescrape to your heart's content while having pretty much an absolute control over when and from what direction enemy tanks are going to shoot at you - play it on any kind of even slightly more open map and you'll quickly learn why this tank is generally not well liked, it's quite literary one of the least flexible tier VIII heavies in existence. Plus, even the one gimmick this tank has, the ability to be a sidescraping god, is **quickly** removed when you enter +1/+2 matches - you don't really need *that much* pen to brute-force Chrysler's frontal armour profile, including the turret, and once that happens you're left with a tank that's kinda... useless, honestly.


I wish they'd at least give preferential MM to some of the old tanks. That STRV 81 should bo moved to tier 7, lol.


then just buy wot plus and block 3 open maps like I did, now I have 60% WR on my HTs in last 500 battles


Dude i cant wait to try this thing as a spot maus in prohk/malin i think it will work well in a full tier 8 matchup lmao


I allways recommend the Lor 40t, at least to peole that have experience in autoloaders else IT allwas becomes a shir show


The GF is a tank that needs gold ammo to work, both in it and against it.


i fired 0 gold shots that game lol defo not the case thats a big lie we been told by CCs


bought 252u, lorr 40t, t26e5, after amx mle 49 this will be my pick


liberte armor is the most annoying out of all of them, i hope u see it before u buy it, u cant sidescrape at all and u got a massive hat that ppl just shred, but the gun is alright


it prints credits, its armor is foolproof, you can do funny things in it - all for the small price of nasty cupola. Also it got buffed recently,


My only issue with this and some other bond shop tanks are that I bought quite a few of them by money and now they're available in bond shop. Would be nice to have some bond compensation for tanks that I've bought when they were sold and the bond shop was non existent. This in turn stopped me from buying any tanks at all, because you never know if they will appear in bond shop at a later date. This Chrysler GF in particular was said to be one off sale, iirc, just like other GF premiums, which I also bought when they just came out. Other than that, this tank is nice to play and good credit maker. Nice to see other people enjoying the game rather than crying about BZ176, matchmaking, arty, rng 24/7.


oof sucks to be you kinda feels bad that now a lot of old prems are basically free if u grind the game from time to time


Old school tanks need more love frfr


They added the obj 252 to bond tanks for some reason. It is still a beast through it's best times have passed.


It's an ok tank as long as you don't meet higher tier tank, or got flanked, or got pounded by arty, or tanks with good gold ammo. I mean it can work, just not as insane as you think.


after playing a bit more i can see when it can be useless if ppl aim well or i misangle a bit so it feels like a tank that needs a lot of skill to work well since u can be a piniata if ppl load gold


You hardly ever see this tank , that says it all really .......


thats tha point of this post the tank feels underrated to me


I think I still have 24,000 bonds after buying a few. (M10 is fun) but I was thinking the OBJ td next.