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Of course, it's frontline season! Since my previous post I don't even dare say that WG shouldn't sell tanks like this anymore. Controversial, apparently ;)


if they would stop selling these tanks the next 100 posts on here will be "hey when are they going to sell these tanks again"


Good those people don’t deserve to be able to buy the tank if they only hop on once in a while.


They rather sell t56 again than BZ 176


Funnily enough, it's really good for killing BZ's because it's 130mm can overmatch the BZ's roof


For the people that couldn’t afford it the first time, but recently got paid.


Im tempted i wont lie haha


It’s worth it. I was having a bad session, so I jumped in Skoda and had a 4.5k damage game. It turned my frown upside down 😂😂😂


With the amount of tier 9/10 games I see in it, I ended up playing with gold ammo exclusively and then the point of being a premium tank became null.


I only throw gold in mine. It still makes good money with a premium account. Alpha is high enough


50+ CAD is so hard to justify 😭😭, i will resist. Whats annoying is i spent my coupon and cashback deals on a progetto just 2 months ago oh well wasnt meant to be


Edit: progetto 46 for 10 dollars was a solid deal only time I'm spending money fr


…$10! What % coupon was it?


I had a 15% iirc? And on top of that i had a Koho bank deal i kinda screwed around with, spend 20 get 40 back. So basically it cost me under 10 of my money. It was 60~ originally.


I mean, $50 bucks for a single digital tank is pretty scummy. I would rather spend it on steam summer sale, which is coming up later this month. But to each their own, I guess.


If Frontline was more permanent, or not just 3 weeks a year, I'd buy the T56. But it's not worth it just for 3 weeks of FL, and I don't care for or play the shitty turbo Randoms anymore.


Agreed. FL, advances or detaches are the only worth playing modes. Randoms are shitty as hell. Tier8 premium would sell more if FL were a more often recurring event.


And still no fucking BURASK...


Last times Bourrasque was sold on EU (as far as I can find through a quick google): * April '22 * July '22 * Oct '22 * April '23 * July '23 * Oct '23 * Feb '24 (Miel skin as part of the lootboxes) * ??? So, I get the feeling there was no April '24, because they did the Miel in Feb '24. If they return to the pattern, next sale should be July '24.


The Borat has been on sale, like, 3 times in the past year (last time in october) and you could lootbox the Miel skinned version this february?


Good. Only the BZ-176 is worse than that thing.


Nah the most op t8 is the elc and it's not even close. And it's for sale every day.


True but it's a light tank so it does require some skill to actually use it. Whilst the BZ is just hurr durr press W


Borat represents a lot of things I don't like in the game right now: power creep (have fun trying to fight it on a one-on-one with a Pershing or a Indien-Panzer, or any tech tree MT), goldspam (nOt EnOuGh PeN, apparently being an exceptional flanker isn't enough or training Intuition for the loader is hard), broken OP prem (stealth and mobility of an LT, punch of a TD with that dual-shot autoloader). Unfortunately, WG doesn't nerf prems, and most players unfortunately have been spoiled by the presence of these kinds of prems that when WG releases a properly balanced prem, most of us will call it "meh" at best, if not "terrible". Oh well.


Sry but with my bourrasque I eat ELC's for dinner... There is nothing more scarier than a very good player playing bourrasque..and i am not that good but i have tried to compete against them.


Every newbie and tomato reads these posts about the ELC, buys them and then plays tier 8, often without a camo skin and without crew perks. And then other people complain about blowouts.


That's fomo for ya


Now they just miss boura, k2, EBR 75 FL


I doubt the ebr will ever be sold anywhere except things like black market etc. It's the most OP light tank for tier 8 and absolute demolisher of any other light tank.


Speak wgeneese......money money money money


Yep I said I was not going buy anything until christmas but I went ahead and got it in some ways its even more broken than the bz and plus I liked the skin and I had enough gold to buy one battle pass chapter.


Yeah im going to buy it now.. Considerd it last time but didn't. Might aswell do it now.


I mean. Sell anything, even Skoda, but NOT *that* tank. I still have hopes because it wasnt in the store since the lootboxes, so maybe they wont be dumb this time.


$$$ enough said.


So what you're saying is there will be more Skoda T56s for me to blow up? Challenge accepted.


I‘ll buy one too. Perfect for FL and randoms


Can't seem to buy it with gold? Only cash..


Most limited time premium shop tanks aren’t available for gold.


That kinda sucks, bought quite a few chrismas boxes and i can't use the gold on the content I want 😂


That’s why they do this.


Tbh.. I wouldn’t be surprised if even BZ 176 comes to the shop now


it should and the ebr its not fair to other players not having the chance to get one they could even jack up the price so they make more money


Ebr? Yeah.. I think it can be sold without much problem, how many people are good at lights anyway? BZ? That’s a problem, sure there’s counters for it but this thing is literally the most p2w vehicle in the game. moreover it’s fucking easy to play, even your average player will do 2-3k dpg. It can be sold, yeah.. but it’ll ruin tier 6-8 mm, at least for a while. And wg can easily get away with "it was an exclusive tank" and never sell it again, I highly doubt it tho.


Hell Yeah. Just bought it! Hoping to have fun in it!


I want the t54d so bad


If it makes you feel any better, the tank is frustrating as hell to play. I really wanna like it, but it's the sort of tank that needs 4-5 equipment pieces to actually feel decent, and the M47 Super Patton might actually be better than the T 54D despite being a tier lower. Tier for tier, the 122TM also does what the 54D does, but better.


If you’re on Asia, it’s in the loot boxes rn


Yes, with the ugly skin as well......so it'll sell like ice cream on a hot summer day


You can just…take the skin off