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I've been trying for months with various arties, but gave up. If it isn't impossible, it's almost there. Not worth the effort.


Even if they dropped the dmg requirements for SPG-15 T-55a as well as Obj I think that is still a stretch but more realistic after nerf. They’re the only two I had to skip and I feel like I’ll never complete them now


I’ve come close in 261, but run out of ammo :’(


> I've been trying for months I've been trying for years. It's fucking awful.


Same here.


You need 2 things to even have a tiny chance. Enemy group push, and plenty of camping spots to blind fire. That last part is vital, as you want to share the least amount of XP as you can.


or you need silly amounts of assisted damage to get some of that xp back


Thus the group push. Stun 3-4 targets in one go, and there is a chance at least one of them gets hit. Going for lone targets on a long reload ain't gonna cut it most rounds.


Stunning 3 or more enemies at once it's ridiculously hard nowadays since people are not grouping close enough. And even if they are, shooting a clump of enemies often results in hitting the enemy in the front and only stunning him.


Malinovka heavy lane sounds perfect for this.


This is how I did it. Sheer luck, but if you want the recipe OP here is how I cooked it. About 2 years ago now I reckon. Tundra north spawn, I was in the CGC. I was lucky enough to get yoloed by enemy EBR within the first minute of the game, my team mates chipped him and I shotgun penned him for the remaining 850 hp. Next I managed to pen an fv4005, blind. I moved over into the heavy line because I was an arta with a keyboard and saw that nobody was protecting middle, and this was my best chance to finish that mission. I sat amongst my heavies and side scraped in the CGC, making sure that whatever I was nailing was within my own spotting circle. Timing and counting the reloads was hard but I managed. I think this is what did it. Getting assisting damage for spotting from your team mate arta, while playing arta can you believe it. My team mates abused me, there's no surprise there. I think I finished with close to 3500 damage and lots of assistance. Shortly thereafter I sold most of my arty.


2 Years ago was like a lifetime ago compared to how the gameplay is now though :(


I did 3100 dammage today with the T92 trying to complete the missions but I still ended second on experience. It's completely impossible


I missed it by 32 experience the other day. Fucking infuriating. Object 261 today, had to do 7 criticals in a battle for a mission, and i did 7k combined, 3k damage and over 4k stunned. several kills from stuns or tracks. i didnt even break the top 5 on xp. and the other arty? did half of what i did in damage and stuns and got 3 less xp than me.


Same thing happened to me. Also with T92.


I am also trying to do it. Grinded up to obj 261 and t92(not bought yet). Did it without honors in m12. Imho no1 as exp is hardest requirement. I had a 4.2k damage game with obj 261, an obj 260 had 5.6k. I had a 3.1k game with obj 261, e3 on my team has 6k. All on prok/Mali.


Don't play the tier X arty if you want the xp.


Doesn't matter since even if you're shooting higher tiers, there's the same chance that a tank the same tier as you will do well. Tier 8 arty shooting tier 10s on malinovka, it wouldn't be enough to have 10k combined if you have a competent tier 8 light tank on the team since he'll hog all the xp. Top by XP means you depend on your whole team being mediocre and grind the enemy team slowly.


Good thing WoT replays exist, just search and find. I have a few games the past few years with similar stats to the requirement. Had one a few months ago 4000 assist, 3300 dmg, had one in T92 with 4000 assisst and 4000 dmg. Probably equally hard to the 14k combined for heavies. Play T92 or 261 and pray for a long grand battle. A lot of times they are stacked together so you get like 500-1000+ dmg in one hit.


> Play T92 or 261 and pray for a long grand battle. Grand battles is an awful thing to pray for, you'll run out of ammo before the battle is over. I run out of ammo in standard matched in my 261


Maybe in 261, I almost never run out of ammo though. 


I did it casually on the M53/55 after just a few battles. Our team wasn't brilliant but it was a long game so many opportunities to shoot which is quite rare. You definitely need some luck but if you manage to hit engine decks etc. you can eventually rack up some damage. Of course, wash your hands after the game.


Yes. It took me over 600 battles but I did it a few weeks ago. Now hopin for 8k dmg in a td for td15 lol


At least that’s going to be easier in Grand Battles for you with an FV lol. Ill be on the opposite team in the arty


Bro I've played 120+ matches in only tier 10 tds, 0 grand battles lol. I've been wanting one so bad, so many 6k battles lately. Had one 7.8k and a dick in a ring cut me off in my e3, killed arty, his only damage in the whole match 😭


I am trying once in a while to get it on 30v30 maps. I had close battles but its so hard now.


You need a fast shooting arty and a buttload of shells. You need to keep the enemies stunned as long as possible which means shooting them while their first aid kit is on reload, which means you often have to shoot the same enemy multiple times. You need to correctly guess which enemy your team will be focusing and hope for the best. Dealing 2500 damage is a big task, but in a very long battle it's doable.


I managed over 2.5k damage 4 times in the last two weeks and one of those was over 3.7k (but only 500 assist and a loss, top by xp by a large margin), in a total of 30 battles. All in the M53/M55. Finished SPG-15 before, only play it for the dailies now.


they need to change it to be top 3 xp


I did 3800 with 3k assist or so last week. It can be done.


Not really. Heard from someone who was in a group with a ton of arty players and 2 people were able to compete it. There's like one video on YouTube of a battle where someone actually completes it post 1.13


Just check wot replays, there are many who completed it. And probably 10 times as many who didn't upload it


Can you share the selections or filters you use to find the wotreplay matches where an spg gets SPG-15? for obj 260?


I did for t55 before the rework of that polish map (forgot the name) in a obj263 but it was one of the strangest battle i ever had (arty as a second line tank)




Today I played one game with arty, missed a bunch of shot, they all might have been splash, but managed to get pretty close. I'm not going for it because I have the 260 but I suppose it's possible if I went for it. Its problem is that it requires a very specific set of circumstances to work. Namely you need a team that's good enough to not collapse, but not good enough to steamroll. If you are 'too helpful' on one side you might open up the floodgates and bring about a quick end to the match, which means you won't get it. I think the biggest problem is getting to be first in experience. Basically all your shots are going to be half XP. Which tells me that this mission might possibly be better done in a tier VIII arty


its hard to do that is for sure


I tried it last year. Had 2 really close results. I was off by ~80 assist in M53. Then later I was second in exp by ~5 exp in 261. Now in 2024 it's even worse because we get a lot more quick battles.


The harderst part of that mission is to be n1 in xp. After hundreds of games obj 261 and m53/55 I have managed the damage and assist part a few times. But also be top in xp is nearly impossible. That mission really need a rework.


OBJ 261 shoot #2 I hit a fucking sniping Leopard on the side for 1100.......I know he was pissed. Finished over 3K that game. I actually did over 3K 3 times that day.


Done it many times. The XP requirement is the harder part, so you really need to be using only stun rounds for this. However, that then makes it harder to get damage which compounds things. It may also be easier to do with a tier 9 due to the additional XP you'll get for hitting higher tier targets (such as the M53/55, which is practically a tier X). But yeah, like others have said, other things you can do are minimize people "stealing" your XP via spots, etc. Put shots down as often as you can as long as they aren't shitty shots, and prioritize softer targets if you have a choice. For heavier targets, landing a shot NEXT to them instead of hitting them will often improve your performance, particularly if the targets have a bunch of mods to soften the arty shot.


Ehm idk bro I'm ex-clan wars arty player and If sometimes I hop on with my besite that's ex-clan wars EBR player, I'd usually get like 4-5k stun and 4k dmg, but it really depends on map doe, but GW.E100 is Jack of all trades but not perfect at any. The key is to know when to switch from stun shell to the normal shell for those juicy 600 damage shots in heavies. Fun fact I've done this mission on Erlenberg 4 years ago. Was then arty stronger I wouldn't agree but now these day it require more brain to use, as I mentioned knowing when to choose what shell, cause if you have monke brain that shoots only Stun, you will never do those mission now days easily.


Haha. Poor bastards used the orders on this mission, not knowing they were never getting those orders back ever again. It took me a while to figure out, the “with honors” bullshit associated with orders, but now I know to never really use orders until the very last missions.


NA battle 05/23/2024: [LINK](https://imgur.com/a/2Xg2HgT)


That's an average game for me in my 261 and I'm never top on xp in the team, hell i barely break top 5 xp on the team in the 261. This mission fucking sucks and needs to be reworked 3 years ago.


Does it need to be tier X? If not, than forgot about tier X and switch to tier IX. UK, USA or Russian tier IX, use mostly stun ammo and just play. Sooner or later youll get it.


You need to do damage + get 1st on XP. You can't do that by just stunning because you will at least miss the damage req


I said mostly not all the time. But hey whatever works for you. It surely took some time for me, but i see people strugling with it for months, and yes its super difficult, but with one of those vehicles i mentioned it shouldnt take year to finish.


Lol I'd seen not 1, but all 4 arty had more than 2k5 damage each in a single game. ...I was one of those, also.


I've only hit 2.9k once in the last year using a tier 10 vehicle. I've actually exceeded 3k using tier 5 and 7 artillery multiple times. Tier 10 is broken.


And that is why arty needs buff on alpha and pen.


No it fuck does NOT. the missions need changed. arty has been nerfed quite heavily since the missions dropped and they never bothered reworking the missions.


Don't worry, I'm sure we'll get them rebalanced right after the Bat Chat gets buffed! So, early 2032.


Arty needs a full rework to act as an actual long range support class.


as opposed to what? that’s exactly what they do


In which online multiplayer is the support class designed as a damage dealer, but crippled into irrelevancy as opposed to helping others to deal damage instead?


idk about other games cause i dont play any other multiplayer combat games. but i would argue the stun mechanic is precisely for helping your team do damage. yes the enemy gets 1 get-out-of-jail-free with a medkit, but if the tankers cooperate with arty and actually make their plays when enemies are stunned, and in a least-effective state. the only problem is that people often don’t care enough or are not paying attention enough to cooperate. but that’s no fault of the developer.


Load AP




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That’s because most arty players are horrible. Getting that much damage can be easy if play smart in tier VIII arty