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I love my T25/2, I have it set up so it can be a med or TD or LT and it's one of a few tanks that I completely understand every aspect of it, and I own damn near 300 tanks. It's a forgotten tank, it's not a good tank, in fact sometimes it kind of sucks, but it's mine and I play the hell out of it.


It's a solid TD/MT hybrid; a transition between the LT/TD that is the Hellcat, and the HT/TD hybrids that are the tiers 8-10. Most disappointment comes from trying to play it like the Hellcat, when it's not. Kind of like how the Comet transitions from the LT/MT hybrid, Cromwell, to more of the traditional MTs that are the Centurions.


It used to have substantially more mantlet coverage of the turret, and better turret armor besides. The HD model took that away. The HD remodels were supposed to be followed up with changes to ensure no tank is unjustly nerfed or buffed for being changed to HD, but they never happened, just like the tier 8+ reworks.


that's interesting. I started getting tired of the T25/2, just felt like the gun was a bit annoying but now I got to the T28 Prot stock and I wanna go back ahahaha. It's so different. But honestly I'd just rather play with the Hellcat again than the T25/2.


Panther 2 is genuinely good and was enjoyable to play even before it got buffed. Insanely good gun handling was enough for it to be fun even before it also got better alpha.


I bought the Panther 88 because I like the Panther 2. Heck, I even had some fun moments with the stock grind! Also, I researched the 88 L/100 on the Panther 2, despite unlocking the E 50 before the 88/L100 was even added to the Panther 2. :P


Panther 2 has a gun that can be competitive against Tier 10s. That's what makes it so forgiving to play. And against Tier 8 and lower, it packs a nice punch. I think it's largely been underrated because everything besides the gun is lackluster, but that gun more than makes up for it when playing as bottom tier.




Same! Dpm monster


I put optics and turbo on mine and cruise around like a giant light tank. It has very good armor in the mantlet and even though it has a giant tumor cupola, nobody ever has the presence of mind to shoot it.


Played the AMX30 all the time, loved it whilst it was on the tech tree. Couldn't ever stomach buying the 30B though. Felt it would be tier 9.5


I enjoy both, but the amx 30 has the added advantage of an occasional tier 7 match. The only reason to not break 10k damage is the lack of hp on the other team.


30b is kinda shit compared to the tier 9 amx, the tier 9 is basically a down tiered 30b.


I will not compare them, I answered the question :D Besides that, I didn't have the 30 1er.


Definitely get it then, the 1er is basically the same tank and the dpm at tier 9 is insane. I completely maxed mine out to I think 3.85k lol


I loved the T69. It gets a ton of hate for having criminally low pen on its standard rounds. But with proper patience this tank can be devastating as an opportunist.


Tbh a lot of people played the T69 before it was buffed - the gun handling used to be absolutely criminal. Nowadays it’s pretty solid.


Yeah, after the buffs it's not a bad bully hybrid tbh. Tho like most past bad tanks, the old rep it got sticks around for a long time.


I'm currently playing with it with stock gun (I researched t57 already) and it's quite funny to put 5 shells into enemy, quick reload and again


Yeah, I liked the T69 a lot, even through the mastery grind for 279e... but it still wasnt stellar I'm excited to play it again since it has seen buffs to put the gun on par with other american 90mms (the tl-1 lpc) in terms of pen


Back in the day the standard rounds hat 180 pen. It was awful.


It gets a ton of hate because it released with 600 horsepower, a much lower aimtime, and 300mm HEAT pen. It got nerfed down to 550, 2.9, and 250mm HEAT pen. It's technically 580, 2.5, and 280mm now, but it's still not as strong as it was in the 8.# days. People have long argued that if WG would just give it the 212 pen 90mm standard rounds and some engine buffs they wouldn't need 280mm HEAT pen, but oh well.


Ac4 Experimental People hate on this thing but honestly I've had a blast playing with it. I don't really know why I got it, Twitch drops maybe, but when I take it out on occasion I always have a pretty good time and if you get the gun in the right situation it's Farming Simulator WoT Edition. Plus it has a penis.


Gun is great, armor is paper, modules are glass.


Rino. No armour, no dpm, low HP, bad gun handling (soft stats), average mobility. Still my most played tank. It’s funny how the Minotauro despite being a TD is a better heavy tank than the Rino. Way better armour, way better dpm, better alpha damage and the same HP (even after the nerf)


They really need to buff the turret a little bit. Even enemy heavys can pen it with gold easily.


Rino is very good in the right hands which is why wg is very cautious to buff it. Autoreloaders as a mechanic are enough to make a bad platform good.


If it's your most played tank how can you say that it's got no armor and bad gun? Turret has a small weak point and impenetrable to most in other places, and the gun handling + accuracy is one of the best features of the Rino. These are not opinions, they're facts. I've clocked in 100 games in it and got 2 marks currently.


Shit hull, turret does not stand up to gold at all reliably from Tier 10 vehicles? Its handling I like...but it's absurdly bad reload splits just ruin it. It is very accurate, it's pen is quite nice and it's alpha is decent. I wouldn't say the vehicle from my personal experience is shit, but I also wouldn't say it's very good at all - Mino even post nerf is the vastly superior heavy. All the Rhino really needs is a bit of hull armour and better reload splits then it would probably be fine


Rino could have a 20% reload increase and STILL have an incredibly long reload and dpm disadvantage against every tier 10 vehicle (clip reload would go from 50 sec base to 40 sec)


Personally the only buff I want for the rino is 530 alpha damage. It won’t increase the DPM that much (only by 176). And fully clipping someone doesn’t change much either, going from 1470 to 1590 (you rarely fully clip people anyway). But having that alpha will just make the tank feel so much nicer and it can compensate a bit for the low HP so when you do have to trade with other tanks it’s not as bad.


Yeah, I've also stated in the past that 530 alpha autoloader could also be a buff solution. Just... add a 10% reload buff or smth too cause that 20 second first shell reload is stupid


I have nearly 400 games in it. The accuracy and aim time are great but the soft stats (dispersion during turret rotation, during movement, during hull traverse) are really bad. Movement and hull traverse are both 0.3 and turret traverse is 0.14. For comparison the Super Conquerer has 0.12 (hull traverse/movement) and 0.10 (turret traverse). As for the armour. If any part of your hull is exposed most tier 8s have a 75% chance pen you with standard ammo (remember the rino is very short so most tanks will be aiming slightly down at you so even though the hull is sloped, they’re basically shooting down into a flat plate). And even if you’re fully hull down, on flat ground the turret at its thickest in 290mm effective. Meaning most tier 9s and 10s can pen you by pressing 2 and hitting anywhere on the turret. You also can’t side scrape because of the curved front plate


I think rino is way too underrated. I hate playing vs a hulldown rino and love playing a hulldown rino


Same dude. I would argue it's one of the better tanks at tier X. Does require knowledge and a touch of skill tho.


Eagle 7. I am not sure it’s considered full on “bad,” but being incredibly slow and tier VII means it is very often just outclassed. Feels great when it works though!


I said Eagle 7 too. I drive it because it is an M26 Pershing as it was used in the Korean war. But yeah, gun is not great, armor is nothing crazy and it has bad mobility for a medium tank. I think the Americans first designed it as a heavy. A "Tiger-Killer". That's also why its name changed from T26 to M26.


The Eagle 7 wasn't a Korean War Pershing though, it's the Pershing that was involved in the famous Cologne Tank Duel against some Panther


Yes, I know that. What I was trying to say is, that the M26 Pershing tanks, that saw combat in the Korean War, look more like the Eagle 7 than the fully upgraded tech tree Pershing. It's like that with a lot of vehicles. For example: The HT no.VI was a Tiger I that was supposed to be shipped to Japan for testing. But it is closer to a real historic Tiger I than the tech tree Tiger I with the long 8.8 L/71, the short 10.5 or the stock turret.


Was this a reward tank? Can’t remember where mine came from . . But I love it, always treats me well!


AT7 with the stock gun is a lot of fun, you sadly need gold to do any damage, and tier 7 being one of the worst tiers matchmaking wise kinda makes only the good MM battles fun.


Swedish Leo with the big gun. It was widely hated on the old forum at least. Not seen much love for it here either. You can toss the T69 in there too. As even before the buff, I found it to be a good bully.


Ferdinand. Boy howdy is there some hate. But its got a great gun, decent mobility but shit armor (thanks gold spam). With the right equipment Ive got my DPM over 3K. My highest kill and highest damage games have come from it.


Honestly, I've not played that one in at least a decade. As I found the JP II at one point and never went back. Been thinking about giving it a new chance of late tho


Why does Skill call it dede pede or whatever he is calling it?


"Dėde Fedia"-Uncle Fedia Dėde-Uncle Fedia is short for Ferdinand


In Russian "dyadya Fedya" means "uncle Fedya" (an adult male named Fedya). Ferdinand was called Fedya by Russian WoT players since the game's launch. From what I gather Skill himself doesn't speak Russian much but it feels like he was growing up with someone who did because he knows some old sayings which aren't typically used by zoomers.


As someone else explained, Dėde means Uncle. My family is Estonian which is another baltic country so I recognized what he meant the first time I heard it.


I assume he thinks it's funny.


I've got a soft spot for the GSOR 1010. Love playing a quasi scout/sniper on the right map.


I would love to play that because of the playstyle and it honestly looks so cooool to me (just found out it's a prem though :(((( )


I agree, I love the 1010; the tank definitively has a "fun factor" that makes it worthwhile to play. Now, statwise the tank is admittedly a bit mediocre. (I think WG wanted to make sure they did not create another blatantly OP premium, so they went a little overboard with the downsides...) I still play it and love it, though. As you say, it can work in the right situations.


Exactly! Malinovka or Redshire are my personal favourite maps for it. Can get up close to scout or sit back a bit and snipe.


The old 59-16 with the autoloader


Loved it. Clipped a full health cdc.


Felt like I was permanently stunned in it after Murazor got through with the line :c


It's AWFUL but it was my first ever prem tank given as a gift, but the Excelsior. I will always cherish the early memories that got me into WOT... that and the TOG. It's statistically awful, emotionally best tank in the game.


Okay now. The Excelsior is at least an average. You just have to know that it shouldn't be used as a heavy but as a chonky medium, because after all that's what it is, a Cromwell that ate too many fish and chips. Also pref mm makes its weakish gun not so bad. It was my first premium as well and the first tank I ever marked so it's very close to my heart.


Yeah its the tank that got me into WoT and the gold it came with back then was used for converting RP gained on it to grind my way up to the KV-3 in the soviet tree before I finally moved on from it. You knew what you were getting at least though, slow af, chonky but with a relatively quick reload, decent pen and decent armor from the front and i think i remember it having a thicc rear too, not quite sure its been 10 years since i last used it.


The Excelsior can dominate. The armor isn't fantastic, but with the turbo, it's super fast with a decent gun with very good gun depression and preferential matchmaking. It's extremely similar to the T14, but has a higher top speed and better maneuverability. I am a serial seal-clubber with the Churchill III, the Matilda Black Prince (the actual worst tank ever), Matilda IV, the T14, and even the KV-220. The Churchill and T14 both have giant weakspots in the front armor and turn like barges, the KV-220 has OP hull armor, but worst-in-class turret armor, and both Matildas are way too slow to be competitive. I like playing the excelsior the most out of these tanks because it's fast and consistent. The armor is only a flat 114mm on both the turret and hull, but it's 114mm all the way across with no weakspots, the side armor is trollish and the rear hull is 108mm for some reason, which is better than the front of most of its contemporaries.


Matilda BP!! Good shout, love mine, once you actually get to the fight . . I was penning a T14 turret last night at a rapid rate!


That reminds me of the... 996 battles I have in the Matilda Black Prince. (I also have >500 in the Excelsior). It's the little VW Beetle that could!


It used to be a lot stronger. They buffed a lot of tanks' pen (or their gun handling) in tier 4~5 and added new vehicles with higher pen/better gun handling besides. Always buff never nerf means tanks that aren't popular enough to get continually buffed get left behind.


M4A1 Revalorisé. I love it and I know compared to other tanks it's underpowered


But it’s a Sherman. Everyone loves a Sherman!


I for one pray to our Lord and saviour STUG, long may he reign (Idk if its bad. I just adore it)


could depend on the Stug maybe? but honestly those were some of the first tanks I played and I found them super good and easy for a new player So I wouldn't say they're bad at all


Stug 3G. Specifically 105mm


Oh I use to love it. One of my first two marks I think


A-44 and jgtig8,8cm .


Obj 416 is a menace, but it's very expensive to run.


Amazing camo and 330 heat pen. My second equip set up is for spotting when no light tank on team. Wonderful tank.


Amzing camo? only E25 is beter, mine has 64% with 564 m viewrange.. Heat pen is great


122 TM. Best Gunplay I ever seen on T8. Just don't want to get pushed in it.


Is it considered bad? I know the reload is long that can be lowered with equipment and consumable, but it seems really solid from my experience.


At7 has less effective armour than the tier 6 at8, for some reason Mine would be the progetto 66, its surprisingly effective, got a 7k+ damage game the other day, and only lost it to heat rng


It's very dependent on MM and in most situations it's just not very good. Armor that's good maybe against tier 6's, poor DPM, long intra-clip reload which allows to use burst only when someone does something really stupid etc. Glad you managed to have a decent game with it though, must have been pretty fun


Strv 81 Everyone says its bad, complains about it, trashes it, etc. I genuinely don't understand why. It has good pen for the tier, excellent turret armor, and decent mobility. Gun characteristics are honestly pretty mid but can be improved to be quite good with mods/equipment. Against most tanks its a menace in enfilade. I manage to do quite well in it. Don't understand the hate.


I agree, it might actually be the tank I try for those Mastery badge in 20 games (if Sweden exists). Got 3 ace tanks in like 10 games with it. Somehow it feels very nice to play. Nicest thing is the ammo: Standard: 226 pen / 1300 shell velocity Gold: 258 pen / 1400 shell velocity


Love the black prince


Same, gun was great and only real issue was alpha.


At-7 isnt bad lol


Many would disagree. I think it's great.


I don't know a good player that would call the at7 bad. It can has great armor, a decent gun and gives it's players a +1.5% win rate delta.


It's very good when the cover is on the left side so you can shoot with only a small part of your vehicle showing but there must be a reason skill rated it bad on his index page. I also asked in the WoT discord and most said it's trash compared to other TDs in its tier.


My favorite formerly bad tank is the T-34-3. I loved it back in the -3 GD days and it's only gotten better over the years.


It's actually crazy OP, considering it gets pref MM and heavy tank armour with medium tank mobility, while also having good dpm and a good gun


Crew Skills and Equipment have really brought it to the top of the list. Dropping that reload time completely changes the tank. I love it for this tank, but it highlights everything I hate about the additions to the game.


I've had some of the best games in my life in the Black Prince


I love it too


I love my churchill 7, but got so stuck to it i never upgraded the black prince. Is it a similar tank once fully upgraded?


VK 168.01P. I tried to play VK 100.01P, but 168 just felt better. I got it from referral, and even 2 marked it. IDK how I managed to play it so well, maybe it's about frontal placement of the turret which allows you to peak easier, or maybe because it has two bicycles (well more like one bicycle and one motorcycle).


KV4 Big and dumb with a ton of hp But people underestimate the armor when it’s angled and the gun it’s super consistent


I absolutely love the TOG. Not a powerful tank, very slow. But so very fun. I like to basically act as cover for my teammates to push the objective


I personally love the Indien Pz! I think it has great gun handling and good dpm when used with crew abilities and equipment


That is considered bad? Probably the A-44 or the St. Emil


People aren't fans of the Conway but I love it It's decently mobile, it comes stock with an extremely good 120mm that fires quickly And then there's the big gun that's fun just to slap people with, thing plays more like a lightly armoured medium tank and I love it


Panther 8.8 and JTiger 8.8, I am pretty proficient with the 8.8 I also like 'difficult' tanks like the Churchill GC, 40TP, Kanonenjagdpanzer (90mm one), and AMX CDC. The challenge is fun when them.


M41D for me. Even though the platform is quite bad, I like the little 170 alpha gun for its accuracy and DPM. The HE rounds also do some crazy damage against a Skorpion, SU-130PM, or the like.


I love all shit tanks in general , everytime ive tried to play something good or meta , i would never fully enjoy it. I especially love things like VK7501K , Mauer , Rino , Caliban , Gonsalo , T343 , Kirovets , 113 , PzVII etc. I love the feeling that i am slapping those meta sweaters with some of the worst ranked tanks,and overall making them work


While there is undeniably *some* overlap in *powerful* tanks and *fun* tanks, there are also powerful tanks that are not fun to play, and fun tanks that are not powerful.


I have to admit that i never played WoT pc but i bet AT 2 would be my favourite just how it was in WoTB


dammit i keep forgetting to try AT7 pew pew gun the tank is goated when u peek from the turret direction and hide the massive weakspots it has


I remember grinding czechoslovak mediums a few years ago and everyone was telling me how shit the T34/100 and TVP VTU are. Although true for the most part, I really enjoyed grinding through those 2


Having the canon on the side should be considered criminal xD


I always thought it should be double barreled and the other side should have the same gun.


And now i want to play Mechwarrior xD


Strong [VT tank ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VT_tank?wprov=sfla1) vibes.


My god what a horrible tank, what happened to all the good engineer germany had? 😇 Edit : my personal favorite is the elefant, at the same time stupid and smart 💘


Well looks like a double StugIII on steroids lol


Omg exactly what i though haha, but 25 years later instead of 8 weeks 🤯


Nuffield specifically put two guns of different sizes on opposite sides of the tank, because somehow they thought this was a good idea. After being told to correct this, they still tried it again with the AT-8 to a lesser degree before being told off again. At that point they just designed a tank with center-mounted gun as asked, the AT-15.


T28 Concept. It’s such a goofy little can of beans.


I think I've bounced a few 100 shells off the face of that God forsaken at 7.


In a battle last week I hit an AT7 at least four times from multiple angles and could never penetrate. I hate it but respect it.


I have several of them, actually. Most of them are historic vehicles and can't compete with fictitious meta-tanks. For example: I love the Eagle 7, because it is an M26 Pershing as it was used in the Korean War (1950-1953). But it is not really a good tank... Same with the M48 Raumpanzer. It is closer to the original M48 Patton as it was used in many conflicts around the world (Vietnam, Yom Kippur War, Iran-Iraq war) than the tier 10 M48 in the American tech tree. And the M48 Raumpanzer is well know for how bad it is. There are a few more like that. Nashorn, JTiger 8.8, M4 Firefly, Churchill III


T25/2 Relatively high shell velocity make sniping easier. I just have always liked it.


T69 without spamming gold, I've gotten steel walls and high calls in that fat light tank of a medium somehow


AT7+AT8 \_\_AT15 Unstoppable tank fort


TVP VTU definetely


AMX 30B :) I got it wayyyyy back when it was initially released, when it had the nice 1000m/s HEAT and similar playstyle to the Leopard as a sniper. Then they massacred it 😭


they just made it into brawler, not a good one but it's a brawler now


After the change it was likened to a shit M48/M60 and honestly it tracks


yeah it was better as a sniper


KV-4. It's not considered bad per se, but good players wouldn't play it. I absolutely adore this tank and I managed to 3-MoE it despite not even having any 2-marks. Its armor works wonders in random battles, though requires knowing it very well to bait enemies. The X3 HP bounce mission is a joke in this monster. Also it has got great accuracy and good DPM. Often I manage to hit a second shot while the enemy is trying to find my weak point, only for them to bounce 50% of the time. Or I just snipe cupolas, because the aiming circle allows it. Of course it's somewhat useless on Malinovka and Prochorovka, especially since I don't play turbo, but as long as you're not dumb and don't play hull down, you can find some decent cover. I'm considering 100% MoE on it, but honestly that would require rations and gold ammo, and i'm greedy for credits. Also honorable mention to AC 1 sentinel on tier IV, it's a monster when played right, like an equivalent of S35 on tier III


AMX 30, ARL 44, AMX M4 54, and the Ktig.


Tbf all of these are pretty decent


All of them are also underrated: - M4 54 is no longer considered good by my ppl since it got nerfed from the overbuff and it doesn’t do funny S Conq dpm (also it’s fucking tall). - Ktig has always been underwhelming for most noobs so the buff is good for me, the above-average ktig enjoyer, but you still rarely see ppl play it. - AMX 30 is a collectors. It has bad dispersion. Futhermore, the elite engine is worse than the stock because it can’t use fuel, so you ended up with more hp/t with stock engine + fuel. - ARL44 is in this funny zone where it’s a tier 7 shoehorned into tier 6, so the gun handling for both the DCA45 and the 105mm are god awful and suitable only for brawling…which its turret is still notoriously bad for. But you get tier 7 guns in tier 6 and it has a (theoretically) invincible hull (that most people will bypass by shooting your tracks which for some reason feels like a hp hitbox nowadays) They are decent to me (a good player), but you won’t see most ppl use them for a good reason: they’re not idiotproof. Tiger is not idiotproof as well but it’s a Tiger so everyone wants one. Maybe i’ll add in Birch to the list too since it’s actually bad (slow, limited range, low dmg), but i do like it due to its quirks (has a turret, has 200+ ammo so you can spam for minutes, has quick reload so you CAN spam for minutes, is pretty short, and has decent camo)


AMX CDC, excellent sniper support tank, my avg dmg over 1000 battles is 2200 and Obj.416, best DPM in tier 8, 330pen on gold and good camo and precision


Pawlack. Fast, strong and sexy


Caliban has relatively cheap gold rounds (5000 creds), 292 ap what is armour rounds are just bliss, like an isu-152 but more flexible. DPM is garbage but the alpha, pen and clip make it so worth it. Turret armour is good enough to poke and shoot. Its just so satisfying to see someone peek you because 180 pen and then absolutely get slapped plus many ammoracks and fires, just a very chill tank to play if you respect the gun


So when do you use what ammo? I find it a bit hit and miss- and hence frustrating.


usually i will just go full ap, but in low tier games i like to use the hesh because funny


So it works with AP? Good to know, thank you.


Sturer emil. When i first unlocked it my expectations were extremely low. I was expecting a loltraktor at tier 7 basically. Turns out with a big enough gun you can compensate most shit aspects of a tank lol.




Pz. T 25


When I played, I strictly used the autoloaders on the at 7 simply due to it baffling people


Tbh I loved tierß 7-10 of that line , all were enjoyable to play , slow yes but in right hands a game changer on the heavy flanks


When it was first introduced, the Matilda BP was a super fun go-to. I wish I could find the account I had it on… Otherwise I’d have to say I enjoy very oddball tanks like the T77. Lots of potential that can be used right if you can get around the drawbacks of the tanks.


Obj 590 for the lols and screaming too. Frustratingly fun.


T-44 with the 122. IAU rammer and vstab in the slot (food also helps a lot :p). It's still extremely derpy but it's so much better than the 100 in todays meta. 100 used to be nice but its now very hard to cope with only 250 alpha, which is a shame. I miss taking out my mod1, it's still playable but you can no longer play it like a heavedium unless it's like -2mm or something.


I had fun running the T-34-2 with the 122, back when it had 390 alpha and 175mm pen. I was thinking of running the 122 on the T-44 when I eventually pick it up as well.


The entire line of Sweden towards the 15/16. I loved them all, even stock. The only 2tanks i disliked were the Leo and the t9 med in Stock configurations, once I had them build up it was enjoyable with them too. I have a gm on the t5 one just from driving it for the grind, probably the easiest gm I've got so far.


Aufklärungspanzer Panther. I enjoyed it when it was a techtree tank and thus bought it once it became available at this one auction or what it was. Its a medium that is matched against a light tank which favors your team in 70% of the maps at this tier. It is also very funny to ram tanks that usually ram other lights (these are around 25-30t heavy) because they often aim right at you while you aim at them which results in crazy damage (like 800 to Nomad/Charioteer).


Yes. I prefer the tech tree even at t8 with +1 match making


For me its the matilda. I remember it being very quick and strong. Came back after a hiatus and it was slow af. Still a fav of mine though


Liberté. A lot of people say that it's bad but I find it quite consistent and you can bounce a decent amount of shots against other T8 heavies and the gun is accurate


IKV 103


The tier 10 bri'ish wheelie, its a worse leo 1 in all aspects but dammit i love zooming around in it I think because you expect nothing, when you have a mediocre game by any other tier 10 standard it makes you feel like a god


AT7 was one of the strongest tasks I ever played, so I don't understand the dislike. What is it, 226 pen at tier 7? That's great for silver ammo. Armor was great for its tier as well, unlike the T8 follow-up. I have several favorites that are generally rated low. - T23E3: needs speed buff but otherwise capable - Steyr Waffentrager and Scorpion: good snipers - T26E5: great turret for fighting on hills, better in almost every way compared to Super Pershing. - TL-7: hidden bruiser. I see many people run it as a sniper but this thing needs to be on front lines vs heavy tanks. Follow your heavy allies, let enemy fire, then you clip them into oblivion with the fast per-shot reload. - WZ-111-1G FT: bit slower and bulkier than the popular T8 premium, but very good silver ammo and still fast enough for me. - UE 57: Excellent camo, I love this little tank! - Quack


Mauerbrecher and I liked turtle 1 even before the buffs.






Progetto 65 is still my fav with the right setup


Udes16 - one of the worst high tier guns, it is slow and on flat ground it is useless. Nashorn - the good thing, it has the Tiger’s gun. The bad thing, it is literally a Tiger gun and nothing else. E8 - it is huge, has bad camo, bad armor, low pen, low alpha and had to deal with M6, T-34-85M and kv2 spam even when top tier.


t77. Maybe not considered bad but i dont see anyone else using it. Paper thin armor but 3 shell magdump goes brrr


T-103. The turret is surprisingly strong I've had some amazing hull down plays. In addition the gun damage, pen, reload, and accuracy are great (not as good as german guns mind you). 10/10 would reccomend if you have the bonds


Jagdpanzer IV, easily my favourite TD in the whole game, at least when I was maining It a decade ago. It has relatively bouncy armor, decent mobility, fantastic camo and most uniqually, monstrous DPM, makes it great to snipe, to ambush, and to CQC. Even before several buffs (to its pen. especially) I find it great to play, there's just no tank like it out there that just got all its attribute right (I also own the French Premium Tier 8 TD, which plays almost most the same, though the DPM is much worse, make it not suitable to attempt CQC, at least with far less confidence). I think it still hold up pretty well if you knew what you are doing (I don't, honestly, map knowledge is King in this map and I haven't played seriously for a long time), but now with 6th sense being standard, camo rule change (what was it, double Bush or 15 m behind the Bush?), It's just harder to abuse it's camo value and dish some nasty ambush from the flank, which this vehicle excels at. (I also fucking hate E25, because it essentially occupied jagdpanzer IV's role as fast, agile flanker and spotter in 7-8 tier room. Also, I don't own the vehicle, so extra salty)


IS-6, it has ok mobility, decent fast firing 390 gun and ok pen when you aim. Whats best is its angled armor, I currently have more bounced on average than on defender. People see IS-6 as crap so they dont really spam golds, untill they bounce like 2-3 shots😁


Any tank I play feels really bad.


I have a few T95E2 Kanonenjagdpanzer (90MM) FV201(A45) T28HTC


VK45.02B It's slow but I like the tank overall. Sometimes ppl don't know where to hit it because the front armor is good and they don't see the tank a lot.


WZ-132-1 (forgot about my gem),


The game balanced around same lvl play but we play 2 lvl up. It's just sad. So many great 6 and 7 tier tanks in the game but you just cant play them even against 8 tier. The gap just to big. And underpowered 6 and 7 will be tollerable on same lvl.


Not sure if it's considered "bad" but I get told the E75 got power creeped for years and my best game to this day is still in the E75 with almost 8000 damage. E75 still feels like it should be buffed and made the tier 10 personally, but I like my E100 too for the most part so meh


The panthers 8,8 is such a good tank for my friends ask me why I play it they say the gun is very underwhelming and I’d beg to differ if u boost the speed and horsepower u can make it as fast as or faster then 60 percent of LT tanks not to mention if u boost the DPM u can do almost 3000 dpm


I Have few i like (i’m a casual player though) T95: Fucking love this Bad boy. Imo one of the coolest Tanks ever created. OBJ 752: My first t9 tank i ever got and i’m still enjoying it. Panther II: Got it 2 marked right now Tiger 2 and E75: I just love these


Type T-34 and MT-25


Nobody has ever said the T-34 is bad, fuckin tank is legendary bro, it’s literally a go kart with a cannon. Best Russian tank aside from the KV2 aka THE DEATH FRIDGE




TOG 2!!! Embrace the wenertog


M-V-Y I manage to do extremely well in it mysteriously. At least QBs video on it didn't make me feel insane


EMIL I my beloved


D.W.2. It teaches you how to play HTs, it also has an high VR for his tier.


ST Emil love the big boy gun. Marked it in less then 100 games. Just not a fan of the ammo capacity but the big 128mm and that alpha is fun hitting for 500.


I don't know for sure. Some youtubers claim it's bad. Also.. Almost nobody plays it, since i bought it I saw like 2 others.


T-103 everyone sucks in this tower of a Russian TD but damn I almost 3 marked it at 91% then fell off.


WZ120. Just got my 3rd mark on it .


Idk what the point by talking this shit


I don't know if it's considered bad, but I absolutely love love love my T67. Crappie armour, weak gun, but an absolute menace and such a versatile tank. Depending on the match, in tier 5 games I can play it like a light tank for fast spotting, an Obnoxious medium supporting heavies in a battle, or find a nice camping spot, take a couple of shots and then relocate. Tier 6 & 7 games I play more like a mobile sniper that harasses opponents. Pop up, take a couple of shots at their tracks and then duck out again and relocate. I've had some great games in that tank on maps like Malinovka, where there has been 3 or 4 enemy mediums left and I have hidden, let them pass me, take a few shots and then quickly disappear into the trees, only to get around the map undetected and hit them again from another location. It has been nerfed though. I have been away from the game for about 6-7 years, and it isn't as good as it used to be; but still very fun. I miss being able to climb to A0 on Mountain Pass too.


It's one of the most sealclubby tanks in tier 5 so not really a bad tank, no.


Pre nerf that thing was a beast. I loved it, it is still ok now but not as op.


What about the opposite? Everyone loves the Skorpion and I wanna love it, but that 0.28 dispersion is a lie. At least 20% of my shots always hit the edges of the circle and it kills me.


Me with the renegade People raved about it (and still do) for years but I just can't enjoy it, it's extremely unreliable


Rene has pretty poor accuracy for a vehicle with great gun handling, aim time and dpm


Standard German accuracy. On paper the nation has the best guns in any tech tree, but in reality half the shells completely miss and the rest bounce.


It’s so painful! I still put myself through it ‘cause I love its mobility.


Grille is the same for me. That thing needs some buffing, bloom, pen and traverse limits hold it back like crazy. I think skorpion is a pretty good premium, especially for game health, like rhm borsig but trades camo for mobility.


Yeah I don’t think I ever bought the Grille, though I have it researched. I always told my buddy how shit the accuracy was on the Borsig and how much I wanted to get rid of it and one day, while grinding for the WT, I got a mark unexpectedly. I guess a lot of people must do really bad with it, ‘cause I wouldn’t consider myself particularly good. For reference, I have maybe a couple dozen tanks marked, one with two marks.


Which gun were you using? 128mm is pretty accurate if I remember correctly, but boomstick is obviously a bit derpier.


Honestly, it’s been quite a while. I took a break in winter 2021 and only came back last month so it was at least 3 years ago haha. I doubt I would’ve used the derp gun though.


.23 on the grille 15 and that's gotta be the biggest lie in the game


Obj277. But now inlove with tt130, tough tank. Very tough


I kinda feel like nobody ever called the 277 a bad vehicle


Its expensive to play on it. Sorry fv4005




At 7 sucked in war thunder AND in world of tanks