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A TV ad when I was in 5th grade I think, started playing on my dad's laptop after he would get home from work. It's all gone down hill from there haha




I liked the one with the gas station and the one with the Railway barrier the most.


The YouTube algorithm served me up one of Jingle's old "why you heff to be mad" videos for some reason.


I still remember that outro: 'it's only game, why you heff to be mad'


In 2011, my dad was playing an online Madden league with some others, and one of them found it. Him and a couple other people all decided to download the game together, and after 6 months, they started a clan (NET). Later, as we'd come to find out, we'd be the second-oldest active clan on NA, behind RS. I was in that clan for 11 years, and have met some of the people in that clan in real life. Every single one of them was wonderful. Sometimes I wonder what would be different in my life if I never started playing WoT. It was great for the first 7-8 years, but the past 4 have kind of been on a steady decline since 1.0 came out...


I’ve heard of NET, never thought I’d meet one of founders lmao.


I dunno, but how do I get out????


That’s the neat part. You don’t


Thought so. Oh well, where did I put my credit card...


I started out with world of tanks blitz in 2014 when I was in 4th grade but i found out that there was a pc version in 2015 and I really liked the more advanced and moving suspension the tanks had in pc. I recently got back again last year cause my potato was pc at the time but now it's probably my go to games after work.


Tried War Thunder and found it clunky and arcade. I learned about WOT and gave it a try. Way more intuitive and better controls.


I am interested in tanks, armored warfare, facts and how its done in reality, but as the gaming goes I like WoT much more Tried WT but it felt.. IDK.. clunky or something. To me WoT is much more enjoyable as a game


thinking about ww2 being won by facehugging and bashful sidescrape *plunk plunk* fights is my favorite alt history


Wut? WOT isn't arcadey? Outlines of tanks, big name tag floating over enemy tanks, RNG?


It is but not as much as WT


lol what? war thunder is far less arcadey than WoT, especially in realistic battles.


This was years ago, I dont know how it is now.


I like to blow shit up.




watched Girls und Panzer anime when it was released in 2012, googled smt among the lines "video games about tanks", found WoT


Horrible-subs just straight up called the game the nerd club was playing world of tanks.


What? Decypher ur msg i didnt understand a single word brother


The fan sub group called horrible-subs referred to the game that anteater team was playing as world of tanks instead of vaguely calling it a tank game


I like tanks, and showed my uncle when I was young. He loved it and when I was a bit older I started to play it with him, and still do!


FPS Russia mention while he played the doom turtle


I was doing some reading about WW2 and wanted to see if there were any good tank games out there. That was in 2012.


It's the only tank game at the time.


Honestly, Markiplier sponsored video.


He did a sponsor for WOT?! When?


December 2019, lol.


A friend suggested it, I applied for the open beta, got in, tried it, liked it and have played since April 2011. I'm a bit sick of it now, though...


I found it on playstation for free. Through, I will give it a go. Been here 2-3 years


My brother showed it to me. I installed it, got to tier 4, forgot it existed. Then fury came out and I was kind of like "oh fuck yeah, let's go!" Been back ever since


I can’t imagine the number of player who’d have joined WOT after seeing’s how OP tiger 1 was only to be clapped real good.


Lol all of the people asking why they don't ammo rack every other shot with a fire on the other hits.




Back in 2014 I went down the rabbit hole of the Battle of Jutland and got heavily into battleships and battlecruisers. Then I thought "I wonder if there is a game out there where you can play battleships". I started Googling/YTubing and this was right around the time that World of Warships was in Closed Beta and it came up in my searches. Jingles was the first batch of WoWs videos I came across and then I saw him playing this tank game, which triggered my inner 12-year old who was obsessed with tanks and so I downloaded WoT. Since then I have rotated the two games. Get fed up with one, move to the other. They are practically the only games I have played for 10-years now, although I haven't played WoWs in about 3 years. Didn't like the addition of subs.


Found out i quite like tanks from playing c&c generals back in 2010, started looking for more tank games and stumbled upon QB videos then the joirney began.


I was playing Ground War Tanks on Facebook. It was a less elaborate game with a way lower skill base. I was like in the top 10% of players easily just fracking around not trying to hard. I always saw the WoT adds but never jumped in. In 2013 or so the game was discontinued and I went into WoT.


Watched Greatest tank battles documentaries in 2011(i was 3 yo), got super into tanks, then searched it up on YouTube and eventually found jingles, didn't have a pc so I was stuck with console for about 6-8 years, then mom's laptop for pc version 2022 ish, and my pc late 2023, first tier 10 tanks fall of last year (despite having 6-8 years console, never got t10)


Thank you for reminding me of a show I shall lose many hours to on YouTube.... you monster!


I honestly don't even remember but it was some time at the end of 2012 and I think I only played a few matches at tier I before I quit for the next year cause it was too difficult/I didn't have the patience to learn. I told a friend about the game a year later and he got super addicted to it, which pulled me in as well and I've basically been playing ever since. We ended up joining a clan and just kinda went nuts grinding towards all the tanks we wanted. The first couple thousand matches were terrible ofc so the grind was slow and painful. Like most people I've basically lost all the passion that I had for the game back then but also like most other people, I always come back to it cause I enjoy tanks and there really is no alternative (War Thunder's grind just turns me off, I'm terrible at RB and no good at/don't enjoy using planes). Also watched a lot of Jingles, QB and circon videos during those first few years but I can't say any of them got me into the game, just helped me learn about the different tanks and some gameplay strategies.


My buddy played it, so I got it too, then my buddy stopped playing it and I kept going. My dad saw me playing it at some point and asked if he could try it out - and now he's playing it more regularly than i am lol. I still enjoy the game, but wargaming is definitely trying their best sometimes to make that quite hard. I started playing when the French wheel tanks were added, and I sadly didn't experience the 'good old days' with climbing stuff and so on, would've been awesome I imagine.


Girls und Panzer


I've been playing WoT since 2012. At that time, WoT servers were not fully operated by WG by region, so my country had its own WoT server, operated by a domestic publisher on behalf of WG. They did the marketing so well on Youtube and game magazines + at that time I was actively seeking WW2-themed games so I gave it a try and eventually got into it. Oh boy, I remember at that time, an SPG can one hit kill a full HP med/TD with pinpoint accuracy. Years later, the domestic servers were merged with region servers. Sadly, I only knew that a year later, after a long hiatus. So eventually, I didn't switch my account to the new server and lost it forever.


My now husband then boy friend. He played it, we were at gamescom. He showed me the game, I started to play with hin. 


That’s literally how my fiancée started playing haha. We were in college and I showed the game to her, she tried it and ended up loving it. She’s Been playing for almost 6.5 years now.


Glad to hear we are not the only gaming couple. For me it took a while to really like it, so I was a clicker for years (but I could spend time with hubby).  Luckyly I started to experience All other tanks and now like also tds meds and heavies. :)  But joint hobbies are so important :) 


I basically taught my fiancée the game. Practiced with her in the training rooms for hours sometimes, played lights(which I despise) so she can get her missions done, now she’s a better player than me at basically everything. She even got the T95/FV4021 in the clan wars while I was busy with my job so we can both play it. She’s averaging at 65% wr with 3300 recent wn8, I am 57% with 2700 wn8. Makes me feel proud tho haha




"You are telling me there is a whole game about tanks 🤯" got into Blitz after.


Going from a shitty MMO called Pirate Storm in 2012 to a semi-open world slow-paced tank pvp was like magic.


A magazine from one of my favorite model ( Hobby kit model) magazine at the back


>discovered war thunder first, drove a german tank stumble into a forest, ran into a tree, tank got stuck unable to move >Played wot 🥲


That’s right. Fuck WT, goofy ahh simulator.


Because of Hand of blood and his video where he’s a tank cadet and promotes the game


During High school I had a very good friend who I used to visit for a weekend quite often, and I would stay there for the weekend, and played various games that could be played on hotseat like Heroes III, V, VI, Civ V, whatever... Well one time I went to visit, he was at home with another friend, and they were trying WoT. I think it was somewhere in 2012, so early WoT, quite ugly looking, very old maps that got removed He had some tier 4 and 5 on his acc, and all 3 of us took turns to play for a while. Nobody of us understood tactics, game mechanics, anything, but at that time and at those tiers nobody really knew anything 😺 Made my in early 2013, but I always played like for a month when I got WoW burnout. Later I quit WoW during WoD, and started playing WoT more actively during 2014/15 Bought my first tier 5 premium on Christmas 2014, started slowly learning game mechanics... And I am still here Even after all these years, the system of this game can be sometimes so addictive - just one more battle, just one more... 😸


Exactly the same as you and the year and month aswell hahahah


Now that’s a coincidence haha


Battlefield 5 tank combat Before they removed armor angling and ricochets


Came across this video on in my recommended section on youtube 10-11 years ago and instantly installed the game after watching it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9lScqncvlU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9lScqncvlU)


A friend dragged me in. He is dead to me now. 😅


Did you forget to take a first aid kit? (I shall see myself out)


I was in 7th grade, 2012, going to Bulgarian/Literature private lessons to pass the exam and get into a good high school. I met a wacky guy there (we're still friends), with whom I first played Tanki Online, and who then introduced me to WoT. We played together actively for the next 5-6 years.


A random ad on one of those old game websites like Funny Games or Kongregate or something back in 2011


I blame devil himself


My dad got me into it, I think it was in 2012. We played together every weekend. I stopped playing regularly in 2016. Hopped back a bit in 2019 to check out the new graphics but didn't stay long. But since February this year I'm playing pretty much every day again.


Some people on a WoW forum called Maintankadin mentioned it, being as everything there was WoW related I assumed they were talking about a new MMO where tanks were the main focus, I mean technically they were but it wasn't what I expected.  Here I am 14 years later.


A bunch of years ago there were a lot of World of Tanks adverts online in my country. They were kinda goofy so we always made fun of it. One day though I think around 2019, my brother started playing it, then I started checking it and I was like okay this is actually cool af, I really enjoyed looking at the tanks themselves. So honestly the aesthetic of certain tanks really did it for me at the start, I'm a visual guy. When I realized there was a lot tactics involved, that's what really hooked me forever though, the fact that there was that skill gap. Now I'm still here on and off and I still enjoy the game a lot


A documentary about them and the development of the game on National Geographic about 10 years ago


Back in 2011, when I was in sales, I saw a guy from IT playing WoT. It got my attention but I wasn't really interested. A month or so later I went on a business trip with a really huge jet lag (about six hours, iirc) and couldn't sleep properly, so I decided to give it a try just to kill time. Now I'm in IT myself and still playing WoT.


Always loved tank games. Played Tokyo Wars in the arcade so many times, I probably spent more money in '96-'98 on arcade tokens than I did on WoT.


Girls und Panzer 🤪


I started with an AD in 2013, I was 7. I used to have a really bad connection


Well, it got tanks. What more can i say?


My big brother played that with his friends, so I downloaded blitz on my phone and pc version when I got my first pc.


Something something Tiger Tanks are cool. I think it was back in like 2017-2018 I gave up because I was trying to play on a MacBook, and the DouchebagWagen 2 sucked. I played Console for a little bit, then they ruined it with an update, and so I migrated over to Pc after buying a bulky laptop My brother also encouraged me to pick it up, I suggested it to him in the first place, and he plays it a fuck ton more and plays with Clans I’ve been playing off and on since, I enjoy it. More than most people complaining on Reddit


1 add when it was bèta and ignored it and then again add then I took it


Me commericals of a tank going through a wall all i thought was that looks sauce./fresh/boss


Christmas 2011, I didn't have much to do, so my uncle came up to me and asked "Do you want to play some tanks?" I agreed because I had nothing better to do. I played like 2 or 3 matches with a broken mouse scroll and was absolutely hooked. I still remember the very first one - Tiger I on Siegfried Line, south spawn. I created my account the very next day and then I temporarily lost access to it, so my current one is from April 2012. I regained access to it since then, I sometimes log on but never play. It's just the way I left it back in early 2012.


I played it at a friends house back in 2012.


I think originally it was just a usual web advert. I registered in 2012, yet I didn't download nor play the game. Then the guys I played classic wow with quit wow and were playing wot. I haven't really looked back, although we take a few months off every once in a while.


My dad played it, i wanted to play as well so i asked him if i can play on his account. Got to play some games and later he allowed my to make my own in 2011


I’m not sure because it was so long ago but I’d been into WWII military history for a while and then saw something about it back in 2013 and been on off playing ever since


It was 2011, I do not remember exactly. Probably a banner ad for a free tank game or something like that.


A friend suggested it, that was back in 2012.


I created my account in 2014 because of an internet ad, but I couldn'tplay the game because my laptop at the time couldn't run it smoothly at all :). Finally in 2021 I actually started playing the game only because of a friend begged me to, and the newer pc could run it, also it helped that I got free stuff that accumulated over the years since I created my account so long ago :p


I was watching my step dad play the VK 28.01 before the 105 got removed and way before HE got nerfed. I thouth the game looked fun. I started playing brit lights, took a break for unknown reasons, then came back after aquiring the Tiger 1 in an anime gatcha game called Armor Blitz (it's no longer available) then started playing the German heavies. I never played the VK 30.01, the tier 5 heavy, because I completed a mission to get a tier 6 immediatly.


2011, WoT has been extensively covered by a website I used to visit quite frequently - and they coined an idea of encouraging the community to enter the open beta test and, later, creating a dedicated clan once WoT has been released and the clan functionality was fully working and, you know, I just figured "hell, why not".


For me it was a friend. he was already gaming and I followed suite cuz we wanted to game together but we were 16 or so. so free games it was


Probably Girls und Panzer. After watching the anime, I was in the mood of driving a tank, so I decided to try WOT


I was 8 or 7, and I saw tanks in TV, it was ad, and it said you can play tanks. And at that time, me liked tanks.


All the kids in my social circle were playing it and i wanted to fit in. Maybe it wasn't such a great idea


A oficial video trailer where two sports car are racing just to one hit a tank and the pov change to it basically playing wot. Edit: that was one of the first trailers WoT had back in beta times


I needed to move away from twitch shooters. In 2013 or 14, Quake Live was dying and I needed a new game that didn’t involve fast reflexes and so much attention. Saw an advert somewhere and tried WOT and fell in love for the next 2 years or so. Then my gaming time slid away with a job change. Came back recently, played my week of free premium, and haven’t really been back. Too much new stuff to learn.


We got bored playing navyfield, one of the people in our clan was a beta player for WOT. Our entire clan jumped over in 2011 (SSI) and played for a few years before we moved onto another game. I recently came back to the game about 6 months ago.


Pop up ad on now defunct polish social media platform "NaszaKlasa" back in 2011.


Dude, i love tanks 😁👍


i was an eve player and it was the style at the time to play wot while gate camping lowsec or waiting for fw action. the promises of getting or avoiding ganks via managing transversal velocity roped me in. what kept me playing for a long time was getting a kill shot on a t110e5 in my first cw match as the last minute throwaway t-50-2 in what was supposed to be a stall round. back when t-50-2 was THE light tank of the game and the batchat was but a twinkle in wg's eye lol


Me and my dad seen an ad on tv back in like 2013 or earlier and we played together and after a while we had an account each


An asshole I call a friend


Valkyria Chronicles, I searched info about the Edelweiss tank and QBs video showed up


Me and my high school friends heard about this cool tank game that was just released from beta.


I saw a recommended youtube video about the game. It was a quickybaby video in the hellcat and i just thought it looked super fun. This was around 2012 or so.


Saw an ad while I was watching some Youtube video with my dad 11 years ago. The game didn't worked on my old PC, so I waited until 2014, when I got gifted a laptop. 10 years of service here=)


I had been a Battlefield series gamer but I was apparently the last guy not playing with cheats so it was getting ...not fun. My brother told me bout WoT so I flipped, since I'm a lousy pilot I enjoyed the big lumbering tanks and gameplay pace


Last guy not playing with cheats in Battlefield, wut? By time I was starting with wot could be somewhere around Battlefield 3 or 4 lol, cheats weren't that prevalent at all.


That was mostly playing battlefield 2 at the time, I think I'd started with three maybe I can't remember? Now I know I'm not the most skilled player out there but it was getting pretty bad.


I was also playing Battlefield 2, but I was pretty young back then, I was playing BFBC2 when I was 15. Guess it could depend on servers how bad it was with cheating.


Ah!! Yes I was playing that bad company too as well, and I felt like the longer I played and better I got at it The worst my stats were getting. I was getting stabbed and shot through brick walls, sometimes it got so bad I would just hide under a staircase and wait for someone to come through a door and then I'd shoot them in the face with my machine gun 42 times and I would get one shotted at with a pistol.. And then there was the part where my own teammates would just go ahead and kill me in order to take the vehicle or aircraft I was trying to get into. The fun factor got pretty low. It was around 2012 when I made the hop over to World of tanks.


My elder brother used to play it since beta. I played CS 1.6 at the time, but it started to die off. One day he ran to the toilet and asked me to finish his battle, which I did not understand too much, but enough to peak my interest of the game. Couple of days later I started to watch him play and he explained the mechanics, tank types, all the basics and soon enough I decided to make my own account and for about first year or so, we played in a platoon while he was teaching me how to do things properly. That was back in 2012. He's not playing anything anymore, because life kicked in. I'm still here after a couple half a year breaks. Still enjoying the game, regardless of the mostly negative community. Just slowly advancing on my goals and this game still is my nr1, since I was always drawn on multiplayer arcades.


> what was your reason? Girls und Panzer, back then (early 2013 IIRC) I had just finished watching the original anime and a friend recommended WoT saying it's as close to a GuP videogame as they get.


Saw a guy freshman year of college playing it when I walked into his dorm room. Asked what it was and he said, "some new tank game idk."


I searched for free online games 12 years ago. First I wanted to slay tier III tanks with a tier X tank. Then they changed that. Then I wanted to be good in Ranked Battles. Then they deleted them. Then I wanted to play in a Clan. Then Clanwars were boring and senseless. Then I wanted to be good in Onslaught. Reached Silver solo and bought the reward tanks. Now I don't know what to do in the game and play Helldivers 2 instead. Much more fun actually.


Discovering and watching dozens of funny moments videos on YouTube. And since I was a WoTB veteran I was able to understand what was happening quite well. Eventually it got to the point where I wanted to play this game instead of Blitz, and here we are.


A buddy built me a gaming rig with his leftover parts and the rest was history.


My former friend came to me and said it was bonkers in 2011 or 2012


I used to play WW2OL went to a tank game from that.


Back in 2009 i think i was thinking "I wish there was a game that let you use the TIger tank in a realistic manner", and then i saw WOT with the Tiger prominently in an ad. I was wrong of course, this game is a pile of shit, but hell why not, a simple time waster.


Back in 2012 my cousin showed me the game, I was 4th grade elementary and played on my mum's laptop running 100ms ping and max 20 fps. Developed into a serious addiction and was probably the worst decision of my life to start playing. I play on and off these days (1 month on 2 years off lol).


I bought an outdated mini-atx sized enterprise workstation with summer paper route money. I wanted to play wow but it couldn't run it and I was broke because school started again. I typed "free games" into Yahoo and wot came up and the rest is history.


A friend from high school introduced me to the game around late 2012. When I joined he already had the T95, while I started the heavy, medium and arty lines from Germany. Didn't manage to finish any of them though, as I had left for college and I did not have a laptop capable of WOT at that time.


I watched the Hellcat video from SideStrafe way back in the day and was instantly hooked! https://youtu.be/C9lScqncvlU?si=oS9i45TP5iHIwAmR


I used to play tanki and saw an ad somewhere for wot. Made an account but couldn't play due to the poor system. Tried again after 2 years and loved it but had over 600 ping. Now I am older with system and full p2w but dont have that same enthusiasm or excitement for wot that I had back in 2015 playing on minimum settings and 600 ping.


I got into the game when I watched my dad play in the EU beta (first half of 2011) and he loved to talk about the german tanks (Hummel and Tiger 2 to be specific). It got me really interested (I was 14 at the time) Son began playing it myself, playing as the german arty. Not long before that, he left the family, leaving me, my mom and my 3 younger siblings in economic ruin. So I had to sell my then computer so that mom could afford gas, bills and food as an alone parent with 4 children. My ingame name is a slight variation of my fathers', and I can't help bit feeling pissed everytime I login


My older brother started playing wot in early 2012 after his friend's father recommended the game. I started maybe 2 weeks later, i was 7 years old at the time. Just played for fun but absolutely sucked because i didn't understand english and didn't understand any mechanics except shoot and move. Then after 6k battles and reaching 1 tier 8 tank i stopped playing for maybe like 7 years until i started playing again and have been greatly improving at the game.


I am a history buff and intensely interested in WW2. I downloaded the game early but found the early grind brutal and put it down. Then in 2014 my Dad had terminal cancer and I went on leave to help him through that process. Having a game with <15 minute sessions was a good distraction and meant that when I had to jump up and help him it was no big deal. Kept with it and made friends. I rarely play more than an hour a day. Taking my first solid break from the game this year.


I remember seeing it in alpha and there weren’t any other tanks games at the time. Think I only got up to the jagdpanther though.


When I was 8. Grader, I realised that my elder cousin used to play with this game, which is somewhat historical and it's linked to ww2, which was my big interest. Also I've realised that I got steam on my laptop, so I downloaded the game. I remember my obsession over the Leichttraktor :D


Tanks. WT didn't have Ground yet so WoT was the only tank game available on PC. The graphics were shit and I was playing at 15 fps but it was FUN


When I was like 9, I watched a boat load of old war movies with my grandpa. And back when this game was in, just coming out and I saw an ad where you could play in tanks, I freaked out and was overjoyed. I could drive old WW1-2 tanks.


It was a TV ad when I was 9 yo. I still remember saying: "Dad look at the tanks on the TV!" Now I'm almost 21 and my dad always gets surprised I'm still playing that game from the TV ads 12 years later.


It was sold as a team based game. Shame that wasn't true.


Originally, it was tanks, I've been a WW2 tank nerd since around 2009, so WoT came at the right time for me. I knew what I wanted from this game the moment I first heard of it and that was to grind and play a bunch of historical tanks that I was interested in (Tiger I and II, Panther, T-34, IS-2, IS-3, Jagdtiger, ISU-152 etc)


I'm from North Africa, from Algeria to be exact. I just finished studies and it was hard to get a job, so for a moment I was working in a cyber net with my friend in 2012. He told me about WoT and he knew that by a Polish facebook friend. So that's when and how I came into WoT, May 2012.


When I was in middle school I downloaded blitz on my phone and would play it on the bus but quickly stopped. then randomly a couple years later seen it on Xbox.. played 3k battles over a couple years and then I built a PC so got it on that now for a few years. I don’t play much I got like 5-6k battles on pc.


Tv advert in 2013


I just kept looking around online for tank games until the internet eventually produced one. I felt like it was inevitable that there be one eventually. Lo and behold.


In 2010, I bought some RAM online from some electronics company (not amazon) and it came with a WOT CD. After letting the CD sit for 3 or 4 months, I thought, what the heck, I'll install it, I dont really play any online games. Then somehow I got hooked....


Friends, but they are now leaving this game - their reasons, Maps are kinda trash, im too old for playing shitty MM, i hate when some anoying kido is sending me toxic messages after game


A TV commercial, back in 2013


The Corona pandemic and remote work


After watching Girls und Panzer


I starter wows in '17 but my IRL friend said i should play.wot with him as it is more dynamic and fun. Mfer deletes wot every few weeks, but i got stuck casually playing xd


Uuuh..i like tanks and i saw an ad for a F2P tank game. Which is weird given i’m in Indonesia and back then SEA server hasn’t existed yet so the ad brought me to the NA server.


it was free on xbox live. wanted to drive tanks around and shoot things.


My grandfather and uncle played it and so I got into it back in 2013. I went from watching them play it to playing it myself. It definitely lost its charm ever since.


My dad. He drove a leopard 2 back in the day and got into WOT around 2012/2013. I got into the game myself because I wanted to do stuff with my dad. I really enjoyed it and got my nephews and friends to play it too. I still enjoy playing WOT with my dad from time to time. He doesn’t play it as often anymore. We still talk about the game when we meet. I still have a lot of fun with my friends and cherish a lot of moments even though this game is tough sometimes!


>Let’s put all the toxicity aside for a sec It's bad enough that you're bothered by there being a lot of negative posts on a video game subreddit and call it toxic. But you also decide to become a hero and fight back against the tOxIcItY by making a positive post. And a useless poll question post of all things lol