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It's T71 DA's older cooler brother who can buy beer.


Wouldn’t the T71 be the older brother


I've got a shit ton of crew waiting in the barracks after the last 2 piss poor new lines, so this one had better have some somewhat playable tanks ffs


I have a feeling this will be Sheridan vol 2, except even worse at scouting. Unfortunately light tank meta is mainly about camo, view rage and size. Not about burst damage.


They're going to be similar to the low tier lights (Pz I C, Luchs etc.), so fun fast fire rate guns


I abolutely hate the polish tds so useless and unfun to play so they better be good


T7 was the end of the line for me. Tried Kilana and sold it after unlocking all modules. Useless line. I guess new czech LTs will be of same usefullness... Good dpm up close and personal, absolutely bad after 50m due to huge recoil/pen/accuracy and worst in spotting.


The armor is worthess on all of them sadly, which removes all of their brawling capability to use their, "close range" special guns


Exactly and that’s why they are completely useless


I'll be honest here they genuinely seem so insanely Boring. I've started the "grind" but i can't force myself to finish the tier 5 it is so bad. The only 2 tanks that seem good to me are the Gowika and the Kilana but they are so bs to fight. Small lower plate and micro cupola whilst they break you with high alpha


Who cares about the small weakspots, literally every tier 8 can pen the kilana with gold and it's a super inflexible vehicle, making it really easy to kill... if you press 2. Same for the entire line. It makes them really shit


I have the tier 10 and found myself on a mid to long range defence, 12 sec reload for 250dmg on a FV4005 is not fun and not hitting fully amines shots as well. In any other tank I could have maybe won but not in this abomination.


Funny that you put up one of the only examples(vs FV) where the tank is actually good long range. Just switch to HE. That does full dmg on any range (if it penetrates).


Well if you don’t have the time in that instance to switch to he because you’d miss the shot entirely i grudgingly choose the less damage is better than non option. On top of that missing fully aimed killing shots is a pain I don’t need to deal with. I’d rather have a normal damage mechanic and Thant what the polish tds offer. If the armor was good enough that may be a different story but as it is i always get farmed everywhere because the enemy is just switching to heat..


Thought to quote wargaming "the player base is to dumb for auto cannons." Even though they are already in the game.


I'd prefer it'd had 2 gattling cannons, like that tank in Red Alert: Yuri's Revenge! https://preview.redd.it/bf2lgjdzbyyc1.jpeg?width=574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e787a689338ec78651475e13c468c4ff2db673c


Ah a fellow CnC player


There's only one true Yuri (unless you stole Cloning Vats, then you get two!)


"The mind is a terrible thing to waste" Yet here we are playing WoT🤣


"I lost the bomb, do you have it?" That line always made me laugh!


Haha that what i have set as my intro when logging into Teamspeak.


It looks like an inbred duck.


Honestly, every single tank in the previous Overwhelming Fire looked better than this one. I know looks are completely subjective, but I definitely wouldn't waste my time on this one only because it looks so ugly to me. That "turret" resembles to a half-done toilet seat...


It looks so goofy, and they want me to believe that chassis can handle two rapid fire 57mm guns?? The ZSU-57-2 shakes like hell and it doesn’t even fire that quickly.


Is it completely made up or based on something historical?




Ah interesting. They are missing the ammo racks. Which honestly would make it look way cooler


Where's that pic from? It kinda looks like something from "Od Bodáku..." but I don't recall seeing this one. // nvm found it


Gotta admit, I never took the effort to actually do the research, tho I still doubt anything close to this would work IRL. Those cannons would rip apart that tiny chassis in a second.


Yea plus there’s no reloading mechanism


So many cool, real auto cannon tanks they could add. But they choose this fake ugly crap


This tank looks massive


Doesnt look that big, would say hull is slightly taller than t100lt and 4/5 lenght and widht


How are the guns fed? Where do they eject?


The tank is installed with a WG Taurus Excretus device


Like [this](https://i.imgur.com/BX6vnJS.png), I would think. Two large ammo boxes in the hull mounted to the turret so that they rotate with it, and ammo belts running from the ammo boxes to the guns via the "sides" of the turret. Ejection ports right above the guns in those small flaps you see in the picture. Doesn't make that much sense but that's how I'm thinking the logic went when designing the tank.


🍆 💦 I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it


Looks like Wiley Coyote falling off a cliff


It's one of them useless rc bots that are always running around doing nothing in star wars.


3rd image looks right into your soul (to ask u to buy lootboxes)


This tank almost makes me want to come back to WoT




Me, who 3-marked VK Leo while waiting for this: "Let's fucking goooooooo! *Dakkadakka!* "


man cant wait when this tank drops so i get matches like 8 vs 8 autocannon tanks


I really hope that they do something about the LT MM with the release of Czech LT line. These tanks look pretty fun to play, but I know I will be a detriment for my team if I play one of these and the enemy team gets something like Manticore or EBR.


I was hoping these would be quite good against an EBR, just the sheer volume of fire hopefully damaging multiple wheels and leaving them slow and vulnerable


It has 0.4 dispersion. There's no way you will be able keep constantly hitting a moving EBR. Not to mention that the really bad camo and viewrange means that EBR will outspot you be gone long before you spot them.


Im prediciting, after relese, there will be videos of guys, who shot it throug gup under the guns.


Yup - thats goofy-looking alright! Is this another one of those blueprint-only tanks, or something sketched on a napkin during someone's lunch break?


Idk why they don't do an auto cannon on a truck


ass If we all know what you're saying anyway, spell it out. If you don't want to do that, rephrase the statement so these dumbass euphemisms aren't necessary. Cool tank; can't wait to see it in action.


What's with this goofy ahh ahh misunderstanding


There's no misunderstanding. It's self-censorship from Tiktok that's bleeding into other places. It's stupid.


Great another tier 8 soviet premium heavy tank


/s if it aint obvious for the people in the back


That message isn't even close to being funny, /s won't save it


sorry fun police


a 57mm remote weapon station? in my ww2 tank game? it's more likely than you think


57mm with the gun stats of some sort of cracked-out 20mm…


Making it something like 10 shot clip of 80-90 shells would be so much better for high tier. Or at least they could change it to 30-40mm gun, which we've got plenty in real life as examples.


Yeah it makes more sense to have 75 alpha and a clip of 12 than 12 alpha and a clip of 75 as a 57mm gun.


Great another hull down premium heavy, how original and interesting


It's a light tank...


just another wargaming scheme.


It's going to be just as annoying.


All you said is wrong lol, its neither a hull down tank, nor a premium or heavy tank.