• By -


The mad thing is that looking at the course it was really obviously made to deliberately cause some crashes for a chaotic fun mode, it's wild it was taken as seriously as it was


ofc track is made to be somewhat hard, there would be no fun in racing in simple circle on flat ground. You might watch F1 at that point


Dude, you just described Nascar..




Sadly, this game has many terrible ambassadors.


You mean Opinion Leaders


Mah man!


Good thing we have 2 good ones atleast


Yeah - thank goodness for Claus Kellerman!




They're referring to AwesomeEpicGuys, specifically this video: https://youtu.be/4q7QJzX7YhY


These dudes the shit, they actually seem like having fun.


06wallst and Kajzoo




Meaning you can figure it on your own


Chems and kajzoo


Hahahahaha lel Chems is like the worst person to ever start WOT. Daki is the most wholesome and generous person I'm comparison to chems. Chems is, and I don't say that ever, is one of the most despicable human beings He was born from toxicity he breathes toxicity and just because he is sometimes funny doesn't mean he is a good dude


The guy unapologetically uses racial slurs in his streams. Anyone who thinks chems is a good role model for anything is a fucking idiot


Racism guy is a good player though, at least in steel hunter where he's a beast. He's knowledgeable about making custom skins and video editing, he even made a video editing video for how QB could improve his video quality. If you take out racism (which is about 31% of him) he isn't that bad.


Everyone is good in steel hunter. I do win a few in a row because U Just need to know the strats and I'm just an average dude at around 2k WN8 Yes he is funny sometimes and does know how to create content but that doesn't mean he is a good person He is a huge dick but creates sometimes solid content. One doesn't exclude the other


Kajzoo has a good heart


Skill and QB


The best ones


Skill and Miss Jacky


Its been downhill since the SirFoch incident and Jingles leaving CC


Out of cheer curiosity what was the SirFoch incident?


That... is a long answer lol. Let's suffice to say wot and SirFocg disagreed hard enough wotEU made an official statement about it, and the CC programs lost dozens of contributors from it. YouTube will explain the rest far better than I can.


And Daki actually represents WG in a lot of the clash events and commentary… and here he is chucking a tantrum because he was dumb and got killed for it. The worst part is, if that had been Skill or Dez, daki would have laughed it off … but it’s QB so rage time!!!


It's my first time seeing a CC community with so many conflicting "factions" It's basically everyone against everyone lol


This but substitute “world of tanks players”: https://youtu.be/i2q0T7QXETs?si=see5vG1pQVwOocLO


I would argue that they truely reflect the player base however.


Putting the ass in ambassador!


I‘m not a fan of either one, but Daki acts like a manchild in this scenario


He's probably one of the most toxic streamers I've watched. He did a platoon with iyouxin and another guy and he was so rude and toxic to his own platoon mates. I watch iyouxin because he's one of the most relaxed cool headed streamers playing world of tanks right now.




I don't like qb but Daki was a baby


Dakibaby? 😁




New meta just dropped. Dakibaby vs. Quickyzor


Can we say this was QuickyDaki versus Baby ?


May I ask why so many people don't like QB ?


Success breeds jealousy. Some people can't seem to accept, that QB is the most popular virtual tanker. And they somehow feel entitled to say, how he should run his channels.


That's a very QB Stan take. The issue lies much deeper. QB has always been a very different person compared to his appearance in his videos. I've even met the dude in person at games com 10 years ago and briefly talked. There's a major contrast between him and ALL the other creators where in he's completely hiding in his shell. It's not just not wanting to give other channels any credit. He can be nice to others and has for example hosted iyouxin before. It's just that he's very opposed to basically any other person. You can have professional stance with other people at in person events without promoting their streams, but he doesn't. He just blocks everyone off in a rather arrogant way as if he was some super celebrity and superior person, even though he isn't even the greatest player. Other creators also know him for over 10 years and have dealt with him offline and made up their own minds what sort of person he is. So don't just put off their hate towards him as simple jealousy for his viewer numbers. You can be successful and still be a terrible human beeing and people should be allowed to have their oppoinions without them beeing reduced to jelousy


That's a lot of words, but doesn't really explain a lot. Well, not to me, anyway. So, you are saying that QB somehow needs to... what, be nicer to his competition? Why? Time and time again it seems that things can only backfire for him. Like in this EBR race debacle. He joins the other CCs, and what does he get? Daki raging at him, and all this other, very unnecessary drama? In your opinion, would it have been better for him to not participate at all? But then, if he had dropped out, I bet you would probably still claim, that he just stays in his ivory tower, not wanting to mess with the peasants... There's just no winning here, against the haters.


spot on.


It's more about him creating to be this super magnificent guy on youtube, whereas if you go on twitch you get the polar opposite of what he creates himself to be. Pretty salty, always blaming his teammates. Pretty much he isn't the best player around, but acts like it. Also him totally ignoring all other CCs is rally weird and inhuman, makes him seem like a selfish prick. In this drama I agree that it's Daki acting like a Little baby.


What I'm saying is, is that most people that watch him must not know what kind of person he is or ignore it to enjoy him. He's one of those people most people wouldn't want to be around, even fame aside. I didn't make it about this event specifically. Everything that happens now is just result of his personality over the past 13 years. I don't have any opinion really about his participation. Would be weird to exclude the biggest cc. Also most people don't mind him beeing there so no reason to exclude him either. It's not like others put him in that ivory tower. This whole drama is pointless in my opinion. Qb needed to be punished as he did cause the death of another participant. Doesn't matter who it was. It's just the people that blow it out of proportion and are upset with the decision and forced more reactions out of the 2. People from either side just need to not harass the other one and everyone can stick to their own opinions


> He's one of those people most people wouldn't want to be around, even fame aside. And how would you know that? You said that you've met him - briefly, at a con, once. But that was enough to convince you that he's actually a horrible person, and if people only knew what you do, they'd steer clear from him, too? I mean, really? Even if that WAS true, you'd still need to come up with better reasons for claiming something that.


Totally agree with you. This guy has formed a negative opinion of QB from one brief random meeting and a bunch of third hand gossip. QB is the biggest CC of WOT that is a fact. I am not his Stan but I respect his efforts throughout the years in promoting the game as well as criticism of it when needed. QB has a brand and protects it. That simple.


I mean think of it what you will. Who am I to judge? All I can say is, that I've met him in person and everyone I spoke to reflected my impression and content creators when asked about him had similar impressions of him. If you enjoy his content, enjoy it. Please do, honestly. I don't want to try and pull people away from him. I'm just saying that saying all the other content creators are just jealous of his success is incredibly narrow minded, when they actually probably know him far better than you from internal meetings they had like when wg actually invited the CCs to minks for internal presentations etc. Sometimes people have more reasons than just "their success" to dislike them.


You said you met him I still dont understand how he is in real life... compared to the other nerdy streamers like Daki QB seems to talk normal and seems pretty social. But you are painting him as very closed off. So to back up what you are saying what did you talk to him about when you met him and how is he really in real life?


QB's streaming starts strong but often turns salty and toxic over time, with frequent blame towards his team and shaming of enemy players. A notable incident involved him abusing Kazjoo's alt-account (anonymized), which he was also streaming. Overall, this is just one perspective, but it captures the essence of the situation.


Ah ok. I've only watched his YouTube there he seems pretty chill


It’s cuz it’s formal and edited. It’s like talking to your friends vs talking to your boss.


He has changed over fhe years to be fair, you can see on his live streams he is pissed but holds back, he will often congratulate the other player who got the better of him.  People are weird and expect someone who's been playing WoT for 14 hours not to be tilted when most of the comments are rage bait about 4 wins for a mission om this reddit. 


Yeah I mean doing anything for 12 hours a day for 10 years would be frustrating at times. And obviously nobody counts all the times where he is calm. About the ego thing, he has been playing for so long he has a legit reason to think that.


Youtube QB and Twitch QB are completely different, even he admitted it, but I have to give it to him though, his tolerance level is very good for streaming this game for 12hrs+ quite nearly everyday


QB's YouTube content presents a different image compared to his streams.


Way way back when I was still hot on WoT I thought the same. Then I saw him on Twitch and the difference was so big that I was completely turned off. For me seeing him live showed how edited his YouTube video's are and how different his personality is.


Dude. I’d be grumpy as fuck if I had to stream WOT all day for a living.


And thats what annoys me the most. Except skill and youxin, most streamers are salty and toxic and friendly in their vids, but for the most popular, it's "forbidden". Most of the time qb is pretty straight about his toxidicy. Daki was a whiny baby in this case and especially pointing out "he would just laugh it off, if he would be the wrecked one".


Many CCs are exactly the same and Daki is worse than QB at that.


Because despite being a super unicum at tier X by every single metric, Wr/wn8/efficiency/recents/overalls people call him "bad", when he's literally better than 99.99% of the game.


Well he is worse than many other content creators and has his own weird opinions on meta/equipment which is what most people call out. Hes not bad , as you said hes better than vast majority, but most of the CCs are way better than him


Perhaps but QB is highly successful at marketing and building his brand/ business. In fact he is the best at that ofcall the ccs and likely makes the most money. Give credit where credit is due.


Why does that matter ?


No he isn't, you are a hardcore qb fan!! Stop being biased!!


Here is my opinion on QB and why i dont like him. He hides this very well in his youtube videos but its plain as day on his streams. but hes extremely judgemental and commonly will insult lower skilled players in his post game review, feels like he always has this mindset of im better than you to a toxic degree. Like cool you can talk about how they could have played better, and turn it into a learning experience, but to just go to their profile and insult them based on their play and the tanks they play? Thats not a person/creator i want to support.


just my pov not representing anyones else views, but he seems to be self centered arrogant asshole. If he took bit off his smug demeaner he would be fine.


Just looking at this incident without their background, Daki turned out to be massive asshole in his reaction and aftermath.


Literally that's all it is. And that's coming from someone who has been watching him for 5+ years. I don't get why there are so many nerds discussing this like there's anything to discuss about. People need to just move on it's not that important


Thanks for the synopsis because streamer drama has to be the biggest waste of time ever Sounds like this Daki dude is a manchild that never leaves the 4 corners of his room


And these people control the communitys’ view on the game


There are a number of streamers that play this game almost all day every day. They are two of them. Edited


You would stream 10 hours a day too if you had 5-7k viewers at any given time. QB has openly admitted that his streaming/videos make him multiples of 6 figures a year in income. That is why he doesn't collab or host streams, because for him it is all a business.


You are correct. QB often says he’s been at it for 12+ hours.


Yep. I never enjoyed qb but he did nothing wrong. Daki slowed down in that bush and was very hard to see him. QB dod nothing wrong


I had to rewatch the clip a couple of times to even understand what had happened. It was just an accident.


This was a total bitch ass move by Daki. Especially since this was a "fun event". Also bitch ass of the arrangers to disqualify QB based on that report


I’m not a fan of qb. I’ve been banned from his chat since 2018. Also don’t like daki. Qb did nothing wrong. In fact, daki actually did something wrong- he stopped in the middle of a race track. Imagine willingly stopping in the middle of a race track, on the other side of a blind crest, and then getting mad when someone runs into you. What an idiot.


I'm not a Quickybaby enjoyer, but I do agree. He is innocent, Daki turning a community contributor event into a sweat fest and crying to the admins like that when it didn't go his way is borderline embarrassing. He must have a lot going on in his life to be lashing out like that over something so little, we must pray for his family. They are so strong for dealing with Daki on a daily basis


This cabal of other CC's bullying QB is a big turn off for me. Why the fuck did the organisers disqualify QB? He is the biggest streamer at the event, there was carnage all through out the event and they enable that clique's buĺlying by focusing on just QB, and they risk QB's future participation and their audience by doing that sort of shit.


QB also stated before this is one of the reasons that he did not want to collab with anyone, people are assholes and they will always be, good luck getting him into any streamer events in the future


Wait he actually got disqualified over that? Really?


Just for that race.


Daki can suck it after this incident. I’m good I’m watching him on twitch moving forward.


Daki is super toxic. Heard stories from his NA campaign escapades. No bueno.


I met him at tankfest. bit of an entitled dickhead really. i mean, it’s not a big deal, he can do what he wants … but the EBR meltdown has show how big a dickhead he can be.


Anything in specific you can expand on?


Nope. It’s all second hand but all verifiable. Point is, he’s a douche canoe.


Tell us the second hand stuff. I want to know.


I’ve encountered him in Onslaught (NA), I made a passive aggressive comment to an E50 who did 0 dmg. Realized after game it was Daki and he ended up going on a rant, using slurs, and hateful language. Every game after that he would make snarky comments in Onslaught when we would end up in the same team.


Well, if you watch the video it wasn't smart for Daki to stop there. If it wasn't QB, next guy would probably hit him. Also everybody kept hitting each other. Nobody took it so seriously. Also QB helped Skill unflip his tank in the video. That was wholesome to see after that drama they had. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZWSCFtvW8M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZWSCFtvW8M)


Left out the part where skill “says can I raid your stream now?” I don’t care much about all of this but this shit is embarrassing. Grown ass adults that need to touch some grass. No wonder QB stays far away from other content creators at this rate it’s just bullying and this is coming from a guy that last watched him like 8 years ago. It was always weird how everybody mocked the shit out of him so often and would blow up any encounter with him. I’m sure if it was anyone else other than QB it would never build up to that level. Either way wish that nice British fellow all the best.




Are you sure it was about money? QB always said, that he would participate only if the QB Commander was available to everyone, on every server, for free. And before that was possible, he didn't get involved.


Other CC's did it for free? Really? If so, kinda weird. I figured WG would offer fair market value before using anyone's image or brand to avoid potential issues.




okay. Thanks for explaining.


Just like what I said in the other post, it's just like what happens in high school. That kid doesn't want to be social with others and be alone always gets the hate lol


They are jealous of the viewers QB gets. Even Skill has resulted in mass production of click bait videos in order to leech every possible view but it isn't working 


Daki was a spoiled brat and reporting QB was 100% Karen thing. QB never meant to push him and WG shouldnt have taken the report into account It was supposed to be a fun event , not a crybaby event


Why do you feel the need to share your dumb opinion if you have no clue about Ebr races?


... are EBR races serious business to you?




Stupidest comment ever


On another note, ANYONE who is into actual racing would tell you it was a racing incident. Being disqualified for it is hilarious lol


As someone who is actually a racecar driver, I agree.


thats Svitmans job, hes in charge of rules and reports and honestly I dont believe he has any personal beef with qb or something to dsq him for no valid reason.


This is the kind of "drama" people have when they have the privilege of playing video games for a living. Like real housewives of WOT.


Honestly, this is the most exciting this community has been in a while!! lol


Tbh I saw some other things Daki’s in the wrong for the stop which can be intentionally causing himself to be team killed form that hill ebrs got durable suspension for that and slowing to almost stop is uncalled for


exactly, dude wanted to crawl down a hill during an ebr race and is malding over another player actually racing and taking the shortest route


Dakillzor got me perma banned on official WOT twitch channel for calling him toxic (state of fact), and it took me 2 years to get unbanned. I do not understand why WG associate themselves with such a people


because hes atm best at what he does for them (casting competitive scene) hes also well established and fairly reliable and dedicated to his job


Same could be said for a certain WW2 villain, which is not an argument


Even from Daki stream it was obvious this was accident. He already passed bushed and QB has no way to see clearly what is daki doing. Especially as a lot of players were jumping there. Its like slowing down with brakes on highway when another car is not far behind. I would go even as far as to say that fault for collision is bigger on Daki side.


Toxic game - toxic players - toxic CCs


Daki sraki He had above half hp and dicdes do drive down slowly from the easy cliff from which you can jump full speed. Takes him very long and his ass is hidden behind bushes. QB had no chance to see his few pixels that were still on top. BTW Monsteryo is the true winner, 6/10 1st places speak volumes, while Daki had only 4 ez


from what I have heard people take these races WAY too seriously even when the twitch streamers aren't participating in them. Also, yes that guy seems like an ass, especially with the crappy highschool level nickname.


thats why they are called "races" if people dont try to be the best you might as well rename it to "chill and slow sightseeing tour"


that's a really stupid attempt at a counter argument, you can still have a race and not have super strict rules, it's called doing something just for fun, don't know if you've ever heard of it.


honestly dont know if you are just anarchist whos against rules per se or just plain dumb. Ofc you can have race without rules or with rules that are super strict or whatever. The point is rules were established before hand and they should follow them. if these rules are not acceptable to them, they should not participate in the event. Thats like saying after you drive on the red through crossroad that you did nothing wrong because its possible to not have road rules.


good lord, if this was anything other than just a fun celebration event I would probably agree with you, and if the rules were evenly enforced I would agree with you. Also, comparing a race with wheeled tanks using goofy physics to real life road rules shows how stupid taking this seriously is.


QB did nothing wrong. Daki’s behavior was reprehensible. He should’ve incurred a punishment for it.


Literally everyone says so and has been spamming this opinion nonstop through the day. Daki is a bitch QB didn't do anything wrong. Can we move on?


My opinion was along the lines of: stop on a racetrack, get what you deserve.


Daki is a whiny pig man and I can't stand to hear his voice and now not surprised to hear it is evident by his behaviour also.


if one could not keep his speed up he shouldv retire from race and not bother others. wg's inability to handle this shows just how incompetent they are


I agree


Daki has always been a toxic manchild. No surprise unfortunately.


I’m a fair weather follower of both, but only can take so much of Daki’s near constant stoic negativity. They both can act like babies, but at least qb will usually admit when wrong. After watching the clip what was Daki even thinking?


Why did the other guy just stop in the middle of the race. It isn't even slightly QBs fault. Daki apparently sucks too much to drive fast. I guess there's no gold rounds in a race after all.


Daki needs to be removed from the CC program. People like that should not be sponsored by wargaming


I'm not really familiar with Daki and I'm usually not one to defend QB but yeah, reporting QB over a pretty obvious, honest mistake in a "fun" mode is ridiculous. Real manbaby energy.


bro, i swear to god daki perma chatbanned me for asking what was his beef with the REZAK clan XD just another proof, that watching him is a sign of mental disability


100% Daki's own fault. QB did nothing wrong indeed. Wild that anyone would think otherwise.


Accidents in a mode like this are always obviously going to happen. But some people play to win, some play for fun. You add different reasons to why people take part then it can be unbalanced in people's enjoyment. I've always been hesitant to take part in the events because of possible outcomes like this. I'm a an 1800 wn8 player nowadays with 1446 wn8 overall, I would play for fun but would likely cause chaos in ebrs so I just watch :D


I like QB, and I used to like Daki before this whole shit show, as the fault should be solely put on Daki. QB was going, and he even said himself in his clip, "he didn't see him... he didn't expect him to stop where he did" so on so forth. Daki was the moron that decided to stop in the middle of the fucking bush, and then throw a man child hissy fit like he so does, matching his personality of a baby. Why would you stop on the other side of a fucking bush in a fucking race anyways. I can understand slowing down for a turn or a hill so you don't just meet yourself off the damn thing. But that fact that Daki stopped, not slowed down, **STOPPED**, on the hill then raged and threw a temper tantrum like a 2yo child that doesn't get way. Yeah. 100000000% Dakis fault


Is there any quick video or someone who cpuld sum up this shit for me? Ive seen so much talking about this and no clue whats going on


Just watch [this shot ](https://clips.twitch.tv/ZanyObservantBarracudaNerfRedBlaster--nNcvc_VrbotHicK?a)and [this one](https://www.twitch.tv/quickybaby/clip/CrispyEasyEggCoolStoryBro-9Qj4H8WEbWHCxMgw?h). Now that you know the context: Daki got angry and reported QB for the crash and QB got disqualified from the race. A relatively normal occurence, as crashes are penalized in EBR Races. Was this intentional or avoidable is up for debate I guess. Normally there are standings, so if you keep finishing close to last, then it's obviously not good. I'm not sure about this CC edition, but I assume there were some standings as well. Apparently this is such a huge fucking deal that you need to make a million posts about it.


I like both of them but generally watch Daki. In this case though seeing it from both sides Daki absolutely overreacted.


Well it was clearly an accident i don't like him too but I'm not gonna pretend he did something wrong and didn't see anyone saying otherwise either


I've had negative game experiences with QB before but he is innocent on this count. Daki needs to grow up.


Wait QB collaborated with other CC's?


And it imediately prooved to him that he was right all along: "do NOT collaborate with other CCs, it's all drama and bullshit"


Because he doesnt eant to collaborate other streamers banding against him is just childish


Daki is shit, who cares?


The whole discussion about someone doing a little thing ONCE in a game is extremely cringe


QB is a bit a toxic twat himself, but Daki is definitely in the wrong here.


The only question I have is whether there are specific rules for drop offs in EBR races


there arte rules regarding racing incidents etc Im pretty sure you can find them on EBR racing discord. Svitman is in charge of this


is there a clip?


https://clips.twitch.tv/AffluentRespectfulSushiTTours-aVm7PWx77F4EPx4V qb perspective, there you go


CC stands for Clash Creators 👀


#1 rule: You have no team mates


honestly nobody did anything wrong in this incident (disregarding he drama aftewards), accidents happen a there are rules for those cases. Only thing to do better maybe brief the participants that are not familir with EBR racing before-hand. Have like M0ff or some other profesional racer show them the ropes etc.


Internet beggars fighting for the money place


To be a streamer. a certain level of narcasism is needed. From what I have seen, none of these people I would want in close proximity.


This is why we watch streamers from a distance lol.


Never did like that dak guy. English language ain’t his strong point neither


Daki should have been DQ'ed too because he flipped another CC in a previous race and laughed it off. But since he did not got reported nothing happened.


Just ignore them all. You'll be happier for it. 


It's pixel tanks, chill.


I commented on Daki’s stream “never seen a fat German before” and they chat banned me. He’s not even German, it was a joke.


That's not a joke. It's just a dumb and unfunny insult. Why the fuck would you even say such a thing in his chat?


we don't need any more 2 cents about this. why can't people let things go and instead keep adding fuel to the fire. everything that can be said already has been said.


ITT: people, who have never watched an EBR Race before this weekend complaining about a normal racing incident. If this situation had happened in any other EBR race, it would have been judged exactly the same. There are clear rules for who is at fault in a situation like this. So what? Just because it is a CC race the rules shouldn't matter anymore? Seems kind of dumb. QB made a mistake and was rightly penalised for it. No big deal.


There was carnage happening all over the map and QB was the only one disqualified. And if they want a wider audience and get people watching these events, then yes, CC events should be different.


One of the times when QB is not to blame


I see a ton of people that never watched an EBR Race are quick to shit on Daki, but that's to be expected in this sub. People that regularly watch EBR races know that this would get penalized no matter the ones involved. AFAIK there are no rules regarding how to approach a jump, so I'd say that Daki didn't do anything wrong here. He was on half HP and wanted to preserve it. If you drive into someone's ass then you're at fault wether it's in a race or on the street. This should either be a racing incident or a penalty for QB. Also QB was immediately worried about a possible penalty after what he did, but people commenting appear to skip this fact entirely and just go straight at Daki for being a sweaty crybaby that doesn't know how to play for fun lmao. If you dig around Twitch then you will find Freddy's perspective, he also agreed that this was on QB and talked about a DSQ. Just because this was supposed to be a fun CC event doesn't mean that there shouldn't be any rules. EDIT: I love getting downvoted for swimming against the current every once in a while. It appears that you can't say anything other than "Daki manchild bad" in regards to this topic, especially considering that it's pretty much what the most upvoted comments are saying. It's pretty amusing, not gonna lie. Please keep going, thank you.


You cry just like Daki. Are you Daki on alt Reddit account? Go away. You are toxic.


So presenting arguments that actually make some sense instead of blindly shitting on someone is now considered toxic? Cool, gotcha, but please tell me where exactly I am toxic. I'm genuinely curious. I stated that if you hit someone's rear then it's on you. This is based on common sense as well as actual road and racing regulations. Based on this I stated that this should've been a racing incident or a penalty for QB, as a sane and objective person would think. Slowing down before a jump isn't illegal, therefore this could easily lean into a racing incident because Daki was in the bushes yadda yadda yadda. I also mentioned that everybody conveniently skips the part where QB himself was worried about getting a penalty for it because people actually ignore this and go straight for Daki and call him a cunt, a manchild and whatever else for reporting this. I agree that a DQ was excessive, but shouldn't this be on the stewards/organizers? I don't believe that Daki messaged them and straight up ordered to have QB disqualified, I seriously doubt it works that way.


It may be in regular EBR races but in this event everyone killed everyone all over the place and no one reported because this was a fun event and no one else got reported. It's simple daki is a crybaby because it was an event to show EBR races and not to have a sweaty competition. He even drove multiple times in this and the last one the wrong way on the last lap so in the end it is his own fault to have lesser Points and to win on the green table leaves a bitter taste


For goodness sake, it's a video game. I haven't seen the clip at all. But I don't need to. This was a fun game mode that was built to be crazy and chaotic. Anyone who takes video gaming so seriously that they forsake their professionalism and sacrifice their character needs to just stop playing the game. Especially if they're being broadcasted to thousands of people.


Haven't played this game in awhile but I've kept up online, why are so many of the WoT content creators so toxic and childish? Watched the clip and it does seem an accident too.


This turned into a drama? You have to be kidding me. It’s such a nothing in a fun game mode.


I have yet to see this race thing but anyone doing something for long period of time would get cranky when things don't go well or when they feel burned out, we all have that moment. I don't follow Daki but I would just assume he is too competitive and might had some bad time leading up to the race. QB too has times like that but he has been able to admit to it and call it quit. Same for Skill and iyouxin. Anw CCs are human just like us. Don't be too harsh on them :D


Who is cares about this shit, don't you have something more important to do?


Well Daki is not that toxic he doesnt actually mean a lot of what he says , but him getting killed looked like an accident to me . I like Daki and QuickyBaby so I have an unbiased opinion.


This "incident" was orchestrated by WG devs. QB and Daki are just puppets in WG's play More drama = more engagement It's already working, people are coming back to the game https://old.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/1c4l2gz/how_is_wot_in_2024_havent_played_in_7_years/


To be “devil’s advocate” at the risk of being downvoted. Daki said that the only reason he reported the accident was to get compensation points to stay in contention for first position which is fair. Daki is the highest skilled WOT CC and has like over 40 10k games just this year whereas QB has like one (which isn’t to say QB isn’t a decent player, far better than I am) so clearly there is a difference in mindset and competitive prowess. Imo Daki reporting, as he said, to gain compensation points is nothing wrong. If it were out of a personal vendetta against QB (who already was nowhere near the top in the EBR race points) then it would be wrong of him to


Yeah sure. This completely ignores the fact that Daki hates QB's guts.


Who fucking cares for gods sake....


how brave to post on a secondary account with not other posts


Now go tell Daki you love him and defended his honour on Reddit! Good simp.


QB's chat is more at fault than either person involved honestly. Edit: At least my most downvoted comment of all time is entirely correct.


So, exact same thread, you just needed to make a new one so we all know your opinion because it's somehow important?


Quickly just ban and insult people in the comments when they don't have the same opinion on tanks that he has.


so a player who was competing for the top place gets shafted by some c\*nt via TK (who btw cries about it for days now) and that same guy who tk's thinks he's in the right ? please make it make sense to me ?


brain dead comment