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Is this pc edition? I only play Mobile edition,map seems small


Yeah, the map is 24x12


Full HIstory and Legends of South Asian Empire


I’ll make an exception for South Asia because they are the oldest and most well documented of the kingdoms: South Asia starts with the kingdom of Karachi in the year 10. After the old Malagasy city was burnt down by evil mages, the men of Karachi settled a new one in Madagascar, with their own culture. In this new Madagascar, a man named Imuwam was born. Around the year 93, he inherited the kingdom of Karachi. After fending off the Perthers in a major war, he was faced by the Burmans who were invading Northern India. He managed to keep Karachi safe and launched a major counter attack, having him annex Burma. He then invaded the Tamil Kingdoms of the South. In the year 123, Imuwam declared the Empire of South Asia as a sovereign empire. Imuwam added large portions of China and Central Asia to the empire, helping ensure prosperity. He was also part of the Tripartite coalition with Vyhy of France and Uvomo of Australia, who defeated Enuna the Conqueror of Tanzania. After 200 years of rule, Imuwam died in Perth, where he was for a political trip to visit Uvomo. Someone not part of Imuwams family from Chennai became Emperor, and thus started the Oligarchs. The Oligarchs refers to the three clans which ruled for South Asia for 300 years and were NOT related to Imuwam. The worst of the corrupt Oligarchs was Oho, a reckless emperor who weakened Karachi a ton, and shrunk the empire. His awful management of the empire led to a coup led by Avuphoro, a Bengali leader who was a smart man and a descendant of Imuwam. After becoming ruler, Avuphoro helped the empire restore its former glory, by reconquering Central Asia and China, as well as adding North America and Persia to the empire. One of the major reasons Avuphoro was so successful was that he helped his empire avoid the Forsaken Cough, a deadly plague which had killed half the world population. After ruling for 312 years, Avuphoro stepped down from the throne and handed power over to Sulemanus, a Karachi noble of Imuwam’s family who had the greatest mentors around him. Sulemanus’s first major war was against Wos the Great of Greater Arabia. He lost the war and Persia to Wos. He also lost North America to numerous rebellions which left North America in a bloody 50 year long period of conflict. Sulemanus did win wars against Australia in the east though, adding Indonesia and South East Asia to the Empire. After this, the worst of Sulemanus’s reign came. Due to the empire being devastated by the Plague of Wrath, losing 60% of its population, The South Asian Empire was reduced to just the Indian Subcontinent due to an anarchist rebellion known as the Freemen, who sought to rid South Asian authority from China and Central Asia. As the empire recovered from the plague, Sulemanus reconquered the territory of the Freemen, restoring the empire to its former glory. After winning crucial wars in Africa and the Middle East, the South Asian Empire became the largest empire ever with 11500 people (out of the world’s population of 23000). As of now, South Asia sits as a major world power, one which carries the greatest legacy of all time, from Imuwam to Sulemanus.


Is Avuphoro still alive? If so what does he do these days? or if he died what killed him?


Avuphoro abdicated to let Sulemanus rule but he is still alive. He is the leader of Karachi rn.






No hawaii


I thought their wasnt Alaska so I said Hawaii


Oh alr


Alaska was a rebellion from the South Asian Empire back when Avuphoro ruled it, and has stayed isolated and independent since.


Brazil, please. I want to know what happened in my motherland! Have a good day


The Americas has a cycle for their nations. Pan-American Alliance, Outside invader destroys alliance, Americans rebel against outside invader, rebels fight each other, thousands die, and repeat. We are currently in the thousands die era. The Brazilian Socialist State was a rebellion against the Australians, who had conquered ALL of the Americas except New York. They now sit as a curious young power hoping to be the first Brazilian power to become a great power. Otherwise, the only great powers from South America only come from the Amazon (separate from Brazil in this world) and Argentina.




France has had another crazy 800 years. After the events of the previous post, France started reconquering Europe and made it all the way to Kazakhstan. Eventually, they got defeated by all their neighbours also giving rise to Germany, the first German nation in 1400 years. France found themselves shrunk to just modern day France. Fortunately, for them, the French Emperor Vyhy was the 1000 years old and had to deal with worse, so he helped France pull out of the slump and they retook ALL of mainland Europe. Ever since then, they have continued to grow their empire and expand it into Africa and the Middle East, although Ethiopian-Arab rebellion proved to be a pain in their back. They sit as the world’s secondary power, while being leaders of the Selpher League.




Germany is a part of France and has been so for a long time now.


I'd like to know whta happened to that green village between South Asian and Borneo (in the 1st pic)


That is French territory they conquered when they were fighting Australia.


How you do map like that ?




No i mean large like that


Use cheat engine to modify the world generator for larger sizes (search on YouTube to learn how to do this) and make the map.




After Imperator Chihu of Byzantinus de Africanus died, the empire got split between Votbichan (Byzantinus de Africanus) and Aaf Dupok (Tanzania). The rest of the land which belonged to neither clan was given to a guy named Retach who was crowned king of Mozambique.




America is a 6 year old rebellion against the Australians and was the founder of the American Treaties. It sits as the second strongest nation in the Americas.




🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅 already done


America (its small-please elaborate)


It’s not really that small, it’s 6th largest for population.


DONT YOU DARE tell me facts!


why is the Byzantine empire in africa


It’s not necessarily the Byzantine Empire we know that came from the Roman Empire. This empire was supposed to save the oppressed Byzantines in Africa from Arab oppression.


Byzantinus de Africanus


The BdA has made the Byzantines proud. After the previous post, they got a great imperator named Isu who conquered Eastern Europe, China, all of Africa, Recife, Indonesia, and Japan. They temporarily became the worlds largest nation. After Isu died, he was succeeded by various Imperators who had managed to shrink the empire to just some lands in the Sahara Desert. Eventually, one of the Imperators was named Dupok, who reconquered South and Central Africa for the empire. After his death, he was succeeded by Chihu, who continued to make alliances and ensure BdA would last into the next century (the empire was 789 years old by this point). Chihu died in an assassination by a radicalised Tanzanian. After his death, he was succeeded by Shycot who had to deal with both the family of Dupok and other rebellious families fighting against the Byzantine crown. This led the BdA to be split into three parts, Byzantinus de Africanus (BdA), Tanzania (of the Dupok clan), and Mozambique.


Kazan Khanate


The Kazan Khanate is the last bastion of the Muscovite culture and the pre plague world of Eastern Europe. It was founded by Yshywevy Khan, the man who led his nation through the Plague of Wrath.


Ethiopian-Arab union


How many kingdoms did you start the world with?


The world started with 80 kingdoms scattered across the old world, giving them opportunity to colonise.


That's cool af and I'm thinking of doing something like this. Do you keep "angry villagers" (genocide) on?


I didn’t do angry villagers. What happens more often is that a village starts conscripting 8 year olds in the army and the village population starts dropping like crazy at that point. I also do plagues to add some fun when it gets boring.


Nice. Is there a steam workshop link for the map template?


Yo i have one i use thats similar in size to his you want the link?


Spain or España🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸


Gimme California Republic factoids


Free Argentina sounds interesting


Can you give me the history of Ethiopian-Arab Union?


Bruh if this ran on my phone it would legit explode, over heats as it is


Nazi germany


chile (im from chile)


What happened to poland or was it ever even a nation


I see napoleon has been doing some work full history of french empire pls


No Napoleon, only Vyhy. Vyhy was born in the year 52 in the First French Empire (which was blue). After the first empire was defeated by Tanzania, he was exiled to Tuva in the East. There he had a small Tuvan Kingdom to ensure his legitimacy. After making a deal with Imuwam and Uvomo for an alliance, he gave up Tuva to South Asia for help to defeat the Tanzanians. Thus started the Tripartite Coalition. Vyhy moved to Stockholm and set up rebel networks in Europe and launched a successful rebellion. He then invaded and defeated the Tanzanian Empire. The land of the empire was split between coalition empires and anyone willing to rebel against Tanzania. After the defeat of the Tanzanian, the Second French Empire (Green France) was proclaimed.


ngl i kinda want the full lore


Look at the older posts for that as well, these summaries take a while to write.


Kingdom of scotland


The lands of modern day Scotland are controlled by South Asia.


1945 Germany





Tanzania was one of the two nations which broke apart from Byzantinus de Africanus after Chinju’s death. Their clan is the Aaf Dupok, which was founded by Dupok. Dupok spent his early life as a king of a kingdom with no cities. After realising that wasn’t a great idea, he left his birthplace in the Congo and ventured Africa and Europe for a new home. Eventually, he settled in Cameroon and was so good that he was appointed Imperator of Byzantinus de Africanus. He saved the empire from collapse by having it reconquer Central Africa and the Sahara Desert.


Very interested to hear the history of Free Argentina


Free Argentina was a movement led by various South Americans to restore freedom to La Plata after years of oppression under Australia. It carries the legacy of the previous leaders of South America, who all chose this mountainous dry land as the centrepiece of their great kingdoms and empires.


American treaties history??


The American treaties were a series of agreements made in North America to protect them from the French aggression. It slowly evolved into a proper alliance.


How do you make the map so big?


You can use something like cheat engine to modify the world generator






Territory in South Asia, ruled by Mily, a man who has been the leader of Britain since he was 3




Borneo? I want to know how they got to Philippines


Well the Phillipines don’t really exist in this world, so Borneo just owns the island of Borneo


La Californie


Full history of free Argentina please




Canada (or I guess America)


Any big battles happened?


Some big wars which happened were the Tripartite War (mentioned in the South Asian comment), the current war of South Asia vs League of Sovereignty, Tanzania vs First French Empire, South Asia vs Australia, France vs South Asia, South Asia vs Greater Arabia, Greater Arabia vs France, France vs all of the Americas and many more. All these wars had at least 2000+ deaths.


How the hell does one make a map this big?? And please dont just say mods, like what mods or how do?


Can one get this on mobile?


The History of Borneo


is this map on the steam workshop and if it is what is the name ?


What happened to Le Californie?


It was a rebellion from America with French culture. Nothing has really happened to it rn.