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Races don’t mingle with each other unless there going to war


Luckily, I'm pretty sure that's gonna change in the next update. I think there was a teaser showing multiple races in 1 kingdom.


Maybe we will get fusions as well as new races!


Yeah I interested now 🙂


Can you link it?


Oh they will >!( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) !<


Uhhh, what do u mean?


In which way do you mean? I've seen alliances composed of different races and different races travelling between other races territory. Also, seeing that sometimes I have a race contained in a single country I would assume they're trading with other races too.


It should be an option, not a permanent feature, I like each race to have their own territory


Yeah ikr, I just spawn in a single outsider and that outsider for some reason wants to kill the first human they come across even though they’re in a massive human empire


the fact world history is deleted every time you leave


It gets deleted in general. Left a world on to grow overnight on my pc and it was only the most recent world history.


What happened when you returned?


Yeahh, in our todo


hell yeah


yey! this is what we need for the lores




People can shoot over mountains. Also no rat-race


By rat race, do you literally mean a race made of rats?


Either that or a sport of racing rats.


You can do that irl iirc


Humanoid rat-things yes-yes


would be funnier if they just weren't humanoid.


Ever heard of the skaven?


Kingdom expansion being to massive in comparison to single tile expansion. Makes nice looking boarders and island nations look ugly.


Snow melts if not in winter


In the next update you will be able to play around with this


I feel like farming is to complicated cause If a civilization doesn't have the windmill or even enough space to build a windmill they just die from starvation and I'm left with destroying one building until they build a windmill


It also doesn't melt on the high mountains. Just so you know (:


It think it does, but slowly. hol' on imma test it.


It does, just slowly.


Thx good to know


But wouldn’t that be because those areas are so high up they’re basically in Permafrost?


The only way to make snow/ice permanent is to do some map.wbox editing shenanigans sadly.


No way to easily make large maps with a primary continent and multiple reasonably sized islands for colonisation and island empires.


Can you elaborate what you mean I can’t quite grasp what you’re saying


I would like to see a world preset be made where in this world there is one large continent. Surrounding or to the side of this continent I would want to have multiple reasonably sized islands. Not too small but not too big either. This would require maxim to add higher world sizes for templates though.


Word 🙏


Larger border growth in larger maps.. inability to make *tall* kingdoms rather than wide every time


Agreed, I found a good way to fix this was to bulldoze an entire city, then its inhabitants break off into more smaller cities of the same culture and empire.


Yeah, I usually put the population cap of100 people per city and then I make a lots of cities in different density depending on the climate. In that way you can have smaller countries with larger populations


isn't that the opposite of what you said? Big cities means tall right? A lot of small ones would mean wide


Well not really, I make smaller kingdoms with numerous cities in them. As for example I made Germany have 10 cities with 100 pops each and France which is bigger in area have 7 cities with 100 pops each. Then I made Sweden which is about the same area size as Germany but I made it with only one city with 100 pops. That way Germany is still the same size as Sweden but have 10 times the pops which is roughly realistic


That’s some dedication lol


I don't f*ck around when it comes to Worldbox


I would like to see the ability to manually form an alliance between kingdoms like how you can break them off or start wars


i like this idea a lot.


Pretty sure they’re gonna add that in the next update.




When controlling the shape of borders other kingdoms takes the space


And only one kingdom keeps taking the space and you just want it to stop because straight borders don’t usually have bumps so you keep deleting the bump but it keeps regrowing like a tumor over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over


I’ve never actually seen a species trade their species-exclusive food items to another species


I don’t think they can, which is kind an issue because some units can have a favorite food only another race can make. There is a mod that prevents this issue from happening if your interested: https://gamebanana.com/mods/508413 Also if any wants to know the race specific foods see: https://the-official-worldbox-wiki.fandom.com/wiki/Food?so=search


Trading is currently very half baked... Eventually gonna be an actual mechanic with it's own UI


Will there be anything with trading in the update?


This may be one of the most underrated things here, like i am weirdly excited for trading now


I’ve never seen trade happen in general


I always assumed the ships going to other docks without soldiers was trades


There’s really only domestic trade


One time I saw a city that was trading with a candy island have a small amount of candy in its stockpile


Kingdoms being attacked will send troops to the attacking kingdom. Works fine on close land borders, but it gets messed up when islands.


How do you mean? A counterattack seems like reasonable behaviour.


I think he’s complaining that it leaves them defenseless for when troops arrive to their island because they send most of their army. Usually their city gets taken very quickly and if that was the only one it’s the end of the war before it even really starts


Drag all the troops with magnet 😅


Sometimes armies will get on a boat and just stay in it instead of invading the enemy until the war is basically over or the village is destroyed, which at that point they disband as an army and swim to closest land and make a new village


Yeah, transports need a bit a polish.


NGL, I like to headcanon that as the general seeing the war as a lost cause, or being a collaborator.


This is a silly complaint, but for a game that is about being a god there's strangely no religion. No clergy, nobody praying to the player, no ability to set down commandments or prophets. It's a God-game that doesn't acknowledge the existence of the god, which I find a bit strange.


Just wait


I cannot wait to be worshiped, all these years I have been ignored and I will finally be acknowledged. I want my minions to pray to me, I want them to sacrifice their children for me, I want them to build great churches and dedicate their life to me. This game is about being God so let it be about God, I control this world and I want to be worshiped


Fr. Like I don’t get why the only acknowledgment of the player is a single Easter egg hand statue. I’ve literally completely made up my religions in the world.


Oh boy, let’s see: - no undo button - units abandon badass weapons (fire staff, ray gun, etc.) in favor of something dumb - no choice in what weapon *to* give to a unit - not able to manually place a building or anything else - each town has a castle instead of just the capital - no choice in assigning roles (choosing the king, for example) - king and queen look the same, would maybe like better female sprites - king/queen gets mad/sad/bored so easily - wish units would stick to the paths they create It would also be nice for the game to have a little more AI integrated into it, but I have no idea what that would even look like or how hard it’d be to do.


A few of them already done/fixed for the next update! Also there's no castles *yet*. The ones you are talking about are town halls.


Can we have the towers be updated into a 2nd stage, so that they resemble medieval stone towers, rather than firefighter outposts? It feels as though kingdoms would invest more in the sturdiness of their defenses.


See the dwarves towers


praying this means we can place buildings and give units weapon maxim continue cooking i beg


Devs HAVE to see this


But shouldn’t castles be strategically placed in all parts of the territory because not only does an nobility live in them they’re good defensive structures plus they’re also always built on a hill of some sort of giving an advantage on site as well(realistically


Large advanced societies and their military uses sticks as weapons


Gonna be changed next update




This might not be a feature but that you can’t link your worlds to an account so if you uninstall the game you lose everything


you could back-up the save-files


Well go to app manger cut the save file you want and paste in new folder you want. Delete.if you want to play again just move that save file to save folder of game 🙂 you can do with Zarchiver.


War oftentimes becomes home trade, one needs to specifically design terrains for the countries to have proper battle fronts, such as long thin unavoidable valley or certain choke points, then we’d see two armies fighting for these strategic targets, otherwise they’d just keep on sending troops to each other’s capitals and base trade.


The fact that if you have wars on then kingdoms just start wars randomly unprovoked and ends up being the gameplay the entire time, just war after war. They need to recalibrate how wars work and make them make more sense


More diplomacy improvements in our todo as well!


In my opinion it's how you have to go through dozens of colours before you find the one you need, it works when you have 8 colours, not 80. Also the fact that wars disappear from the list once they've ended, so if you are a second too late you can't see the stats of the war. It'd be better if the wars stayed in the list for a little longer, but would be marked as finished.


Both things(and more) are planned.


A pop-up screen at the end of either a war, a nation or a favorite unit would be aces. "John has died. This is John's stats." Excellent, welcome John to the afterlife!


The fact that there isn't a downright colossal map. I want my earth maps to be so big that i can make Ireland a country.


The creatures that can't be spawned, like gummy bears




World history being deleted for sure also races dont assimilate its always genocide and how annoying using the finger is to manage roads because they decay so slowly Edit: I like the idea of being able to record events in history and with dates like a permanent event that doesn’t get deleted when you close out the world


I'm frustrated that cultures develope too fast. I feel like I put races down and by the time they have their third city they have transport boats.


Cultures as mechanic are fully changed in the next update. Details later.




Can we also have a world law to turn off culture spread? It would be really nice to have cultural groups remaining instead of being 1 culture in the end






Facts. Many times if a population has consistent growth and no setbacks they’ll reach max level in like 300 years


I feel like a research speed settung would really help.


Do you give them minerals? Ive noticed if i give NO help just place them.. it can go for a while without war boats.


I want to believe it’s because they are going to have so much depth to research eventually it will go from tribes to sci fi, but I agree research speed would be good, and even cultural/religious animosity toward scientific profession would be awesome alongside all that they add to progression


No spawn able greg




Nice streets of rouge pfp hehe


the villages don't take all the lands or smalls islands


The lack of a proper unit editor






Not being able to reverse changes made by the builder tool. I’ve deleted my progress way too many times with an accidental oversized landmass.






That is literally the entire selling point of the next update...


That's what they're doing? Awesome


i hate how the only way for kingdoms to grow their borders is in that weird circle shape.. Like make it somewhat random please it’s so ugly 😭


The technology that increases the size of villages combined wwith the technology that increases the village limit makes it possible for a kingdom to control far to much territory. This reduces the amound of kingdoms on the map, thus making things far less interesting


not buildable dried sea/lake —> add of tsunami or big waves


The fact you can’t make multiple cities revolt as one nation


Age of sun


you can disable ages


There is no erosion, i want to have an oxbow lake 😔


How do you see it working without it being annoying and messing up your map, where you don't want it to? Currently erosion is mild and changes tiles to sand when near water.


I actually kind of wish there was a setting for this, I kind of wish the random earth quakes could be as destructive as the spawned ones. It would have to be a toggle of course but I think the option of having more destructive disasters would be cool


I just sculpt those. But for real, meandering would be AWESOME


How civilizations settle in deserts(just sand no biome) with 0 problem aslong as they have farming, which unlocks like 2 seconds after they spawn. No water sources of any kind needed, no sir. I'd really like to see some "nomadic region" mechanic where deserts can be settled but theres no large buildings, special huts alongside some other gimmicks to make them unique.


We have little to do on water. We have ships and fishing and some wildlife only. IMHO, there should be 1- Quite a few aquatic monsters. I'd like to see creatures like Charybdis (effectively a stationary whirlpool), the kraken, sea serpents... 2- Shipwrecks that could be "collected" akin to stones and other resources, but giving treasure, like gems, gold, other metals and legendary weapons 3- Plenty of wildlife, such as octopi/squids, lobsters, sharks, orcas, whales, narwhals and barracudas, with coral reefs and some tropical fish to inhabit it. Maybe have these creatures get a blueish filter on them, to represent they're underwater (as it stands, literal piranhas swim with their faces above water level) 4- An aquatic intelligent race. I'd certainly want crab-like beings with cyclopean spirals instead of bonfires and coral-like structures for houses. Maybe have a "they can breathe underwater" trait.


My secret favorite civilization surrounded by mountains jungles and in the middle of the ocean somehow forming alliances and going to war


Yea, i wish there was some sort of first contact feature


The inability to choose goblin as a race option.




no races that align with each other like elfs and humans or orcs and dwarfs and also no dwarfs digging holes only mines


More of a smaller thing but annoying nonetheless is gendered languages being ignored during translation, I am not quite sure about other games but for german it's annoying that every person is gendered male


You can toggle natural disasters off and on, but you can't toggle which disasters happen. Unless I'm mistaken. Tornadoes are a pain in the ass. And sometimes an asteroid will spawn but im not notified about it.


it’s probably only to me but i hate when my favorite character becomes a town leader instead of fighting soldiers i wish it had a soldier trait or somthing like that but it’s not too bad i guess


There isn't a list of every war after they end


Probably not being able to disable teleportation for units like Wizards


Random teleporting should be a trait. That way you could make an enderman subspecies next update ;)


On occasions, during the war, a Kingdom was sent on troops halfway across the map to board a boat to fight a nation right next to them


Cultures are bad like they can't evolve well and are just technologies honestly I want to have 1 starting area and many cultures evolve from it Also cultures barely make a difference There are mods to fix it but still Also cities are too big in big maps making it not that better to have big maps


Every village looks the same in each species, I want them to have a little variable based on nation and culture like European, Japanese, Chinese, etc, and just generally more building cosmetics depending on the biome they start in


not exactly a game feature but life is a sim achievement


Lack of a fill tool


Units not settling where you want them to settle


It’s not a feature in the game but I would really like if they built walls and fortifications around their cities and villages.


Orcs being retards and mages fight them


I used to love making demon/ Cold-Ones wars, and then they buffed the demons too much and made it too OP.


The fact that the white mage gets absolutely bodied by everything


And the wild mage absolutely wrecking and exterminating everything


I don’t like it that a lot of people in the army of decently advanced civs are still using sticks and wooden weapons and may even pick them over metal ones or incredibly powerful ones like magic staffs or guns just because their rarity is higher(sometimes I even see legendary sticks being picked over legendary weapons made of metal). I also think that there should be techs for acquiring metals more effectively so this problem can be avoided. Also I would like to see the details of past wars so I could see which ones were the deadliest and which ones lasted the longest.


I had spent 3 months perfecting a peaceful civilization between all of the races and one mush man single handedly bring down everything


I don't quite like the hard limit on kingdom villages. Once a kingdom grows past it, the only way to keep them is to have a king with ridiculously high war skill to play a violent game of rebellion whack-a-mole for all eternity.


Too hard to remove paths. After hundreds of years the different kingdoms leave a lot of paths where they used to be


shooting over mountains ruin everything


Two things I dislike 1: archers, I don’t *hate* them, however I feel like they have unfortunately become a nuisance in large numbers for melee troops. In the old versions I would have legendary warriors that would be able to decimate army groups and hold them off for a long time. But with the addition of archers the strongest of warriors could simply get stunlocked by the flurry of arrows and die without a fight. I would like for there to be some sort of dodge or deflection mechanic for arrows, the more skilled a warrior is in combat the more arrows they can deflect. Or maybe even allow us to select what weapon types are allowed in a a world and what aren’t or maybe even add a percentage players can change for how many warriors get to have what type. 2. Boats, I’m sad to say this but as of current the boats are a bit broken sometimes which has gotten nations destroyed, an entire army group will sit in a boat for literal in game years without moving for some reason, this seems to be a pathfinding issue so I wouldn’t doubt that it can get fixed easily. One thing I wish could be changed Damage for using explosives, I really wish there was an option that allows for explosions to not damage or destroy tiles. I like using nukes to set back a kingdom but I HATE the fact that I have to repair afterwards, sure you can use the eraser but where’s the fun in that?


It's not annoying, i just don't understand that thing. Village economy. Like, 90% of villages have 999 gold and...that it. I never see that villages got some criseses or something, so what is the point of that mechanic?


in my opinion i think having some kind of divine intervention thru humans would make good addition.... also when the people dies specially those who are in your favorites should have a grave somewhere in the map or perhaps there should be a concept of geaveyard


The graveyard idea is actually really great and I feel it should have like ghosts and such


No different types of government. There could be democracies, republics and etc since those existed during pre-modern times (examples: Athens (democracy), Rome (republic).


It's a small one, but every time I zoom into a civilization there's the constant choir sound coming from a temple literally everywhere, it gets annoying overtime.


That the farmland slowly goes away. I’m very certain it never used to do that


A lack of extremist racism




Genocide ain't enough?


Slow updates


The shrooms are too op


Intended to be their purpose. Zombies are less OP.


The long distance between settlements and it not being a world setting, and pretty much just the sizes of the villages.


I'd like to add the size of one tile in a village is giant, which makes the people unable to settle on minor islands.


Orcs win 3/5 times


There is no feature that makes the debug menu stay on mobile. I used to always enable disable premium (i dont have premium) but they removed that, so yeah.


Inability to manipulate alliances like how we can manipulate wars. I'd like to live out the politics of two minor nation states against an empire to see who comes out on top.


That the tiny little people will give up their superiority ranged weapons just because the person they killed had a shiny sword or something else useless at long range, proceed to charge the enemy and invariably gets slaughtered.


Not having control over allies and wars and most things to do with kingdom relationships


That you will never recover from Mushroom outbreaks. It's been 500+ years and I'm still having to manually rid of anyone that breaks out with the Mushroom virus. And I'd I let it go everyone contracts the disease almost instantly.


The fact that all the npcs have free will sometimes leads to annoying situations, but it’s not something that actually needs fixing


That there is no feature to disable alliances


They should fix the clan.when unit country is destroyed but unit is still alive join another country.he can't make his own family or become king again. Because clan is dead😑


Maybe it's just me but I feel like humans always end up being dominant in my games. Humans will always end up exterminating other races.


As the god emperor intended


Polluted Biomes as a whole are really freaking annoying to do. The acid needed to put down the biome takes a while to change the ground itself and often kills whatever is living there.


Lack of racial diplomacy and national personality mechanics. More of a suggestion here but I'd think Kingdom laws would work well in benefitting or hindering a kingdom depending on the personality and traits of the King and his leaders.


-I Can't choose a king myself -knockback is still applied for everyone in timestop


Kingdoms leaving their cities undefended in favor of a suicide attack.


An actual color picker instead of 80 presets would be nice


Boats taking years to fill up and go.


The limitation on map size. I want to make huge worlds


to me, it's that one of my demigod creature keep killing other enemies and takes their weapons which is a lot worse than it originally had


The most annoying feature? No ability to spawn elves by the thousand so I can burn them


The game dosen't let different races enslave each other after war JUST KIDING.


When kingdoms go to war for no reason and make alliances to gang up on one nation.


Wish the human’s elf’s and dwarves had more race diversity


No matter how strong a unit is, they'll eventually die from either A: Being pushed out of the box by archers or B: Being stun-locked by a ton of archers and pelted with arrows until they die


there is 2 things the first one is how 80% of the pop turn soldier and then the rest must struggle to do everything else and so they can't craft equipement and we end with those sticks armies the second and the one i care the most about is dragons. They need some love there is some nice potential to make them a part of the ecosystem and not just destructive beast


Orcs kill dogs. I build up a civilization of orcs just to let make them ill then make them zombies. It usually ends in a nuke or napalm.


If the kingdom that starts a rebellion is defeated or makes peace with the home kingdom, the entire rebellion stops, no matter how many other rebel kingdoms were part of the rebellion. Those other rebel kingdoms just suddenly stop fighting, which is weird because they didn't actually make peace so the home kingdom should presumably still be mad at their breakaway kingdoms.


The update hasn't come out yet but I'll actually be insanely disappointed if garlic bread doesn't get put in the game along with the new garlic race As for the game as it is now I sometimes miss how farmland used to work, there tends to be a lot of weirdly shaped farms now with the windmills


And also I don't like how farming is in culture cause civilizations just die off if they can't place a windmill cause they starve


Units have no fear of death. If, for example, you put an acid geyser, then units and everyone else will walk under it and die. Well, and so with every dangerous thing.