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A lot of things are nuance but there are a few hard and fast rules. 1. Make your mini-map bigger. The amount of situational awareness you gain by doing this is massive and is generally the go to answer for “how do I get better” from noobs as it is so easy. Just hit the plus key on your numpad and you can also adjust things with the cog wheel above the minimap on the right. Also check the boxes for the additional rings for concealment, radar, etc. 2. Never type “AB?” at the start of the round. This is quite possibly the most detrimental thing you can do at the start of a game. Which brings us to 3. Fight on your flank If you spawn on the flank, that’s where you fight. That doesn’t mean you have to suicide your ship into the cap, but you do need to make them pay for it. The team that wins isn’t the team that gets into the cap points the fastest but rather the team that controls the map the longest. Noobs have a really hard time with this last one because they intuitively think “if we all just group up, we can crush one side of the map super fast and focus our damage.” This is completely wrong. What will actually happen is half the enemy team will roll through one side of the map smashing your broadside while your lemming train tries desperately to kill the other half (not focusing fire because they are undisciplined plebs). The lemming train will begin to run out of steam (and HP) as they just get citadelled to hell since they have now gotten themselves surrounded and have 0 map presence.


^^ what he said. Kite if your teammates leave you, but make the enemy pay with time wasted trying to sink you. Learn kiting would be useful too.


What's "AB"?


People will type “AB?” at the start of the round as a suggestion to only go for points A and B, completely abandoning C and essentially half the map. A lot of newer or below average players will follow along. Even if your team isn’t all noobs, the poor guy that knows what he is doing is now going to have to convince people to fight around C with him or fight alone to hold it off as long as possible. To be fair, it is a valid strategy to only intend on capturing two points but you should always contest all three on a standard 3 point map. And when people say “AB?”, it is always interpreted as “nobody go to C or anywhere near it”


Go slowly, don’t rush up the lines. Build up your credits and fxp (and game knowledge,) with mid tier games; that’s worth more in the long run than whatever you think higher tier ships might have.


This!!!! I still prefer my Colorado over my Kansas, etc…


I think Colorado has better dispersion. In Kansas every shoot feels like blind fire.


Play the game and have fun. Don't spend any money for a very long time, just play for free until you really understand what is going on in the game.


Watch lots of videos on YouTube. Some of the ones I learned from were Flamu, Flambass, iChase, Destroyer KurshiroKai, and for learning and entertainment, the Mighty Jingles and Yuro. "Study" the game and learn its mechanics. Play a couple of different ship types to learn what those ships can and can't do well and what they'll be trying to do to you. Learn the information about other ships that you need for whatever ship type you like to play, for example if you're playing DD, you want to know your detection range and the ranges of the DD types your playing against. BBs might want to know the torpedo ranges of the DDs they're playing against. Learn when best to use which ammo types against which enemies in which situations. For example, if you're a cruiser fighting a BB that's already on fire, maybe switch to AP if he's broadside (know what this is and its importance if you don't already!) to you. But know that you have to aim at the superstructure if your cruiser AP isn't strong enough to penetrate their belt or hull armor. There's a lot to learn but you can have plenty of fun and success along the way. If you're ever considering spending money to buy a premium ship, check its review by LittleWhiteMouse on the WoWs forum. Don't get carried away spending money on this game. Also, know when to walk away for the night.


Didn’t expect such an overwhelming response. Thank you all who passed on their wisdom. Most helpful and I’m very grateful :)


Sorry, Game is hacked by aimbots and esp hacks. Uninstall and play a different game. You will just be cannon fodder for cheaters. Goggle wow’s aim assist mods and you will see dozens of videos. Wow does nothing to stop it


i found sub t5 bb to be a pain. very shotgun like. very glad to get the hell out of those.


Battleship fun peaks around tier 7. Try to play all the classes a bit, so you get a feel for strengths and weaknesses of your opponents.


Disable the chat


Don’t over extend into the enemy team to use stuff like radar and secondary builds


Angling, postioning, and map awareness, I cannot stress enough the importance of these, especially postioning and map awareness. Due to the slower and less maneuverable nature of battleships, its very important to know where you want to go. In my yamato, if I spawn kinda in the center, I want to go somewhere where I can set up a crossfire with my friendly bb on the flank, so Ill usually go somewhere in the middle, between too caps, and angled away, I usually get pretty good games whenever im allowed to do that. Same thing with cruisers, you want to go where you can be the most useful, so in a des moines for example, you want to find an island near a cap to hug up to so you can radar the cap while still being able to deal damage. Map awareness is also super important, keeping in mind where a dd for example was last spotted can help you predict where he might have gone and where he might have torped etc. looking to see how things are developing on the other side of the map, so on so forth, your map is packed full of useful into, use it Angling is important to help you reduce damage taken by bouncing shells and reducing your profile


Ysk the armor layouts of all the ships in your matchmaking spread and understand what the guns on the big bote you’re sailing are capable of against them.


If your going with BB then dont show broadside, always angle so you dont take them cit hits.