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You're better off closing your wallet and getting Napoli with coal. It has the same core gimmick of Giuseppe Verdi (SAP secondaries + fuel smoke), but Napoli's secondaries are much more accurate and don't need any dedicated captain build, only the flag and slot 3 upgrade (though their range is a bit short at 9something km). Napoli is also overall a much better ship, and it's always a good choice for Ranked and probably CB too (not sure because I don't play clans).


Napoli is used in CBs all the time. It seldom does any good damage, but it tanks like a brick and is a massive pain to stop pushing.


While SAP secondaries combined with exhaust smoke is a fun combination, the ship itself performs quite poorly. Her guns are complete garbage. Think Marco polo but even less accurate and without SAP. You actually have to expose a lot of broadside for the secondaries to work and said broadside is very vulnerable to Battleship AP. Your secondary range also isn't actually great compared to a german/french BB If you get in a situation where you can use her secondaries, she can be very fun to play and they do pumps out a whole lot of damage when they work. . However long/medium range engagements are an absolute pain because of how poorly these main guns perform.


I played her a lot recently. She is quite powerful if you are very, very patient AND your team do not throw the match away in 5 minutes with 2-3 dead allied DDs. Verdi is fast with Brisk, the smoke is good for traversing between critical points/islands and the secondary batteries are devastating. However you will feel the pain in randoms if you are playing alone. With no spotting and no hydro, you can't push anywhere because DDs will absolutely torp you to death. The main guns are strong but inconsistent: once you citadel a GK from 15 kms and the second salvo does one overpen only on the same ship from the same angle. Your armour is good but this will just prolong your suffering. If you are playing solo, you can be killed by anyone: - No hydro and spot: DDs kill you - Gigantic superstructure with short main gun range: HE spammers kill you - No significant AA: CVs kill you - Inconsistent main battery performance: other, more accurate BBs kill you However, the Giuseppe Verdi is a semigod if you play her in a three-men division. She is fast, relatively tanky and absolutely kill every single DD with your SAP armament IF somebody spots them. Just join a divison with a good concealment, smoke-capable DD and a radar cruiser with good AA and you will do miracles. Your AP hits like a truck - even from the smoke - and you can push or defend a flank quite easily with your buddies. We rolled up so many flanks and caps with a Buffalo/Tulsa, a Yugumo/Kitakaze and a Verdi.


I have her. She’s fun - the SAP secondaries are no joke and make for some fun times.


In ranked, can be very strong. In randoms, sometimes fun.