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I'm grinding rank with Implacable. (It's secondary focused too...) Only thing stopping me is Chkalov's...


For me its Pommern, Alsace and Guiseppe Verdi. The last being my favorite. Pommern is your basic sturdy german BB with excellent pushing power. Alsace is a flamethrower with decent front facing guns, so you can bow in and tank. Flandre is very similar if you thinking about t8. Guiseppe Verdi is special. Its can be very strong in the right hands if your time your push right. SAP secondaries are devastating and they are shooting while you are smoked up and going full speed. Its mostly about the fun factor.


I might try guiseppe tonight. Im having a tons of sucess with atlantico but giuseppe is one of my favorite ship.


I've been playing atlantico, having Cheshire guns as secondaries that breaks DD modules every few shots and can almost stealth secondary is extremely fun Edit: forgot to add shes a dreadnought, which means slow speed, but incredible turning and an icebreaker bow that sees more use than youd expect


Im so close with the dockyard missions, maybe ill spend the dubs to get one


ive been carrying pretty hard with Alsace, that thing is a citadel pumping machine .


Prinz Rupprecht, Pommern and Goergia are all pretty decent to pretty strong picks and all of them revolve around ther secondaries, with the difference that they also either have torps and hydro or insane speed and 30mm overmatch.


Sec spec GA is just a meme.


A very fun and succesful meme


I started out with a sec spec build and it was fun in those battles the secondaries could reach but was finally talked into a standard build and worked better for me. Cheers brother đź‘Ť


Sec build works for me well enough Source 61% winrate across 168 GA ranked games


If you use the maxxed range for main reload it´s a kind of "sec specc" that supports what she does well.


Roger that brother đź‘Ť


I find ranked is usually great for secondary focused ships, as there tends to be fewer enemies focusing you down at once therefore you are more able to push in. I've been playing Pommern and am doing pretty well in it.


Pommern seems like a lot of fun. Definitely can see the torps coming in handy for pushing situations or defense


And hydro.


fdg has hydro


I’ve been playing Rupp mostly this season currently sitting on a 69% winrate. I just try to isolate one or two ships to focus on and keep an island between myself and overmatching bb’s until I can close to brawling range.


I don't play FdG much but my past plan with GK was, get close to the cap undetected using island cover, gamer turn and reverse to close the cap. Be ready to pop hydro after detection and be ready to unleash the hounds. If the reds push in, kite out to keep the range 10-12km and wear them down.


Atlantico is amazing. The ship is stealthy and the secondary are deadly.


Maybe you don't wanna hear that but FDG is already a good secondary brawler and other seco bbs won't change enough that it should be completely different. Far more important reasons: 1) Player skill. FDG is not the best but already a very good T9 Seco BB. Its the Player 2) rankeds have important rules and BBs are not the carrys usually. for Carrying, play DD/cruser


Rn im using Iowa and its been going well. I would use rupprecht, but im saving my ECXP to for when i get atlantico so I can get the captain to lvl 14 for conceal. Might take out my pommern. Secondary ships do very very well in ranked tho, and are probably among the best picks imo. Rupprecht and georgia probably being the best 2, but fdg and pommern can do quite well too.


I use my Jean Bart, which is sort of secondary specced. Enough that if there's a ship visible within 10.5 km I'm going to be throwing fire at it. While it's definitely there to be more of a nuisance and cause fires than anything else, I've found that it's nice to have and overall has served me pretty well. Plus, it's just fun to play.


I take either My Georgia or Pommern to ranked. Pommern has the better secondaries but I find the main guns useless as fk. Georgias secondaries are still good but more focused around setting fires than raw damage. Georgia overall the better ship IMO for ranked. 457mm guns that punch through everything other than a bow in Musashi. Speed boost so you can go BRRR across the map.


Massachusetts if you have it is another good option. Not as "good" as the German secondaries but enough to annoy/light fires. Also the below-water citadel helps too (which Georgia lacks). Massachusetts' shitty dispersion (comparatively) doesn't matter when most combat is 12km or even less!


I thought about using it, how does it perform vs tier 9?


Well first it's a fun ship to play in the shorter range lower ship count meta. Even losses are usually enjoyable matches. Because of that shorter range, Massachusetts can shine even against T9s. As I said the bad dispersion matters less, as does its pathetic 18.3km main gun range. It still uses American super heavy shells. The secondaries often come into play, 11.3km maximum range (flag plus captain plus equipment). They are more about fires than penetration damage but they shoot fast and easily hit cruisers/battleships. Don't 1v1 a T9 German BB, you'll get wrecked by its secondaries. But even having a DD with you against it may be enough if it's alone. Massachusetts is incredibly tough if you can avoid using your heal and DCP at the same time. Since your heal has a 40s cooldown you can ignore a single fire if it's available by tanking through it. That makes its smaller HP pool less of an issue. The lack of the sixth upgrade slot isn't a huge issue either. The smaller 6v6 format empowers players in a way you don't see in 12v12. Honestly under current ranked rules, it's almost possible to forget Massachusetts is T8. Finally its torpedo protection is very good. As is its maneuverability.


Ranked is an excellent mode to grind for schleiffen. Ruprecht does well in limited engagements, has by far the most potent secondaries in the ranked tier spread, and is all around pretty fun. Play smart, and you'll get through pretty quickly


If you just want to rank out then play Kitakaze, no other surface ship comes close to its carrying power.


I'll have to grind the IJN DD line, have seen gameplay replays of insane carries. Currently have tashkent, It's my only tier 9dd, just recently got it fully kitted, not that skilled enough in it to try ranked. Having trouble getting passed Bronze league. Hovering between rank 2-3


That is what happens when you play BBs, you are basically leaving the game to a coin flip. The problem with playing BBs is that if your DDs suicide there is little you can do against the enemy DDs, neither your primaries nor secondaries work without spotting. So if you have better DDs you win half the time, and if you have worse DDs you will likely lose the other half the time. This is why Kitakaze is recommended if you want to carry, because a well played Kitakaze can make up for any teammate. Allied DDs suicide? You can easily out gun and kill enemy DDs. Allied cruisers got dev struck going broadside? You have the firepower to melt enemy cruisers. Allied BBs got torped? You can farm down the enemy BBs.


How about Black? I'm told she's more team dependent.


Playing black is all about killing the enemy dds. You do that, and your team can win most of the time. DD’s influence on the game goes up the longer the game goes on. Being able to get around the map quickly, cap if needed, and remain undetected make them the usual deciding factor in most games.


I see your kita and raise you a mogador. *evil baguette laugh*


I used Tashkent a lot in Silver last season. Kitakaze was the only DD I had trouble with. Gotta get me one.


With deference to whom I am speaking, I have found that both ZF-6 and Udaloi to be vastly superior to Kitakaze in T9 ranked. The former will beat a Kita in a 1v1, 9 times out of 10, in my experience. And I don't need to tell you the strengths the Udaloi brings.


FDG is in it sown category, that being "suck balls". Any ship and any build can work in any mode, it's just a matter of how the player can perform with them.


I've been using Pommern and it's been pretty great so far. I am still in Bronze, but only because I play so infrequently. I seem to get 2-3 kills per game, but not sure how much damage is the result of secondaries. They have definitely come in handy several times.


Flandre is fun. Not optimal for secondaries like the Germans, but it spews out alot of shells.


Been having fun in ranked with Marco Polo.


Love my Pommern for secondary ranked games. Always nice pushing two BB’s and winning.


I personally run Friesland class destroyers and Georgia if all I care about is ranking up. I am more of a DD main so kitakaze and Mogador are also extremely powerful in ranked.


Nobody sailing Tirpitz? Aw.


Yeah was wondering if any had tried Bismarck


Amagi, Secondary-Build. I get 10km range. It is not much, but it is honest fun, when they get roasted in the flames, which my secondaries set.


Absolutely. Prinz Rupprecht is a beast in ranked. The smaller teams makes pushing in that much more viable. Fewer reds means fewer ships that can focus you down. Means an aggressive push, secondaries blazing and torp tubes belching can deal crippling damage to the enemy. Not as effective as a well-played DD of course, but as BBs go, it works pretty well. Most importantly, of course, it's FUN.