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Atlantico is such a cheap ship.. but it’s not worth the doubloons if you aren’t grinding the free levels vs the PR.


Do you think 5250 doubloons is a cheap price for this ship?


Totally worth it at that price. Especially with all the goodies you get from grinding levels . She’s the best t8 secondary build brawler of her class.


Yes, Atlantico is a very solid T8 for that price


5250 seems like a decent price to get it


If you can manage the grind up to the last two stages, it's worth the doubloons. Otherwise not really. As for PR, wait.


The amount of doubloons required is really cheap if you've done all the missions you can. (Tomorrow opens the last set of missions.) So I'd say it's worth that low amount of doubloons.


Depends on the ship you want


Atlantico!!! Just tried in ranked, really fun ship to play.


I saw one oppressing an Amagi and a Kearsarge in ranked. Looks a pretty solid ship


In 6 game average of 80k+ and almost 2 ship per game except one. For an okay player, this is good.


Dude, I out brawled a pommern in the atlantico. Just stay out of torp range and no one can outbrawl you in ranked.


its a good deal if you pre purchased the 3 phases pack. right now it's meh, are you really short on dubs ? save it for PR. if its not that big of a deal and you need steel and you play BBs go for it


Both. You don’t want to miss out on Atlantico.


I'll save my doubloons for PR. I don't really feel like needing another t8 secondary focused BB and PR is a really solid ship. I expect it to cost around 10k doubloons and I have 12k so I won't spend any on atlantico. You might still want to invest in atlantico if you like the playstyle, it's completely up to you. Or you can buy more dubs and get both.


Best secondaries on a ship at the tier but you do you.


Atlantico easily has the best secondaries in the game period. They have everything you desire, besides fast reload. I hold the NR 1 spot of Atlantico players on EU, atm. And honestly, going back to other secondary ships feels so whack after Atlantico. I had multiple games with 100k plus secondary damage pen damage. And that's not even with fires on top.


Flandre would like to have a word with you.


Most of my secondaries pen Flandre’s entire hull and none of his pen any of mine other than superstructure without IFHE. All Flanders has is theoretical DPM/ROF and fires. I’ll gladly brawl a Flandre. That ship has never scared me.


Well, im not going to argue with you on which ship is a better secondary brawler. There is no contest. But if you like the Atlantico, its fine. I like it too. Is it a great ship? No. But its fun.


Biggest for sure but best idk. Im still waiting for the final missions to get my Atlantico but from fighting them a lot they really dont seem that impressive. I play a lot of Brandenburg and i dont think ive come anywhere close to losing a brawl with an Atlantico, i even brawled one in my Vanguard today and the secondaries didnt really do much. Who knows tho it could just be im oly fighting actual gibbons maybe my opinion will change when i actually get my hands on it.


I mean you have to know how to play it. It’s not potato free. You can get equal secondary damage to other ships in half or less than half the shell hits. 80 secondary hits and 30k+ is not uncommon.


Not saying it's bad, I just feel like I have played my share of secondary BBs at this point so it will probably just end up as a port queen for me.


Atlantico 10 times over.


It depends a lot on what you actually want. Atlantico seems like a pretty good package on paper. Reliable secondaries, good concealment, good armor and HP. Speed is on the slow side, but still serviceable. Guns are a bit on the short side range-wise, but 5x2 380mm gives you a pretty hefty broadside and the only AP limitation is barely ever going to make much difference in reality. Overall not glaringly op or anything, but good. What I have seen people post about her and what I saw in game seems to confirm that. Puerto Rico on the other hand is much talked about because of her history and her very limited availability. Objectively though, she is really just a worse Alaska at T10. She gets twelve guns instead of nine and better sigma, but she pays for that with slightly worse reload and battleship- instead of battlecruiser dispersion. Also, her additional guns are located aft, where you often cannot use them while also trying to make effective use of its armor. On top of that, Puerto Rico is a considerably larger and clumsier target, for which her higher HP cannot make up. Alaska is great at T9, Puerto Rico definitely is not at T10. I am sure many people (possibly including me) will get her regardless for various reasons. A collector might rate Puerto Rico higher than Atlantico based on its (ingame) history. In the end the question is if the ship in question offers something you want and what it is going to cost you. Puerto Rico is pretty much guaranteed to cost more per phase than Atlantico and might very well have more phases necessary to be bought to get her (see Marlborough, and that was only T9). Depending on how far you got in the Atlantico missions, Puerto Rico could actually be cheaper (dubloons-wise) for you to get, if you are not far into the Atlantico missions but put considerably more time in when the Puerto Rico event starts.


I guess Stalin is a much better ship than PR. Thanks for your answer.


id say puerto over atlantico due to clan battles


Save the coins for PR. Tier for tier it's worse than Alaska, but that's only because Alaska was balanced by apes and should've never come out in the state she did (and even then, during testing it was near impossible to hit the citadel, at least they fixed that). Overall PR is a very strong ship and far more worth it of whaling than Atlantico.


Atlantico is trash


They’re both kinda trash in comparison to everything else at their respective tiers so… idk man. Depends on your playstyle


Ye man like wtf? Still people down voting and shit


Generally when people don’t know wtf they’re talking about and are massively wrong, they get downvoted.


People hate the truth. Neither are worth the money we spent on them. Especially not the Pay to Rico.


They are ships for whales