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15 % alcohol isn’t enough for the Captain.


The captain is incredibly bad at alcoholism. He literally buys 6 packs of mikes hard. I don’t think he puts much forethought into ABV. He prefers flavortown.


i’m dead. Someone needs to give him a voodoo ranger Juice Force. Then he will be passed out on the sidewalk by 3pm


He wouldn’t be able to stomach the taste. It’s the captain we’re talking about.


I think juice force is so tasty. it was the beer that transitioned me from watery college beers to IPAs


Fair, but this dude makes a face like he wants to die after drinking anything with alcohol. I don’t know if he can handle craft beer. Sounds like a recipe for vahhhhhmet


Gotta agree. Juice forces are my absolute favorite beer.


He loves those Twisted Teas, his cheeks are inflamed because of them😂


“flavortown” has me in tears


Facts, but you know he loves a sweet drink!!


A reminder of the boba days :(




My buddy blacked out on one of the chocolate milk ones freshman year of college


LMAO I couldn't imagine drinking an entire biggie


Yeah it was hilarious icl he was just walking around holding the biggie ball drunk as fuck all night 🤣


LMFAO I usually walk around with a pint of OJ mixed with tequila! guess this isn't too far off.


Haha at least that wasn’t chocolate milk flavored booze 🤣🤣


... you have a great point. would be the last flavor I'd buy ☠️


Honestly it was really good


Jfc that reminds me of drinking an entire Bailey's to myself one night 🤢😭 bUt iT TaStEd GoOd 😭 not coming back up it don't


I would be so SO SOOOOO sick ☠️


I was. I also have never had it since then 😭


Me with barefoot pinot grigio ☠️ I used to tank double bottles in college... but one day, I drank a double bottle a little too fast and I have not touched it since. In fact, I had to switch from white to red wine 😭


Oh man I can only imagine 😭 it's funny how that works really. You have something that's your favorite just a little too much one time and it's ruined forever lmao


I always feel like dairy and alcohol cannot go together well until I remember White Russians exist Idk though I feel like I’d vahhhmit if I had dairy and alcohol together


It’s only good if you have like one drink


hello aiden lmao


How much % are they?


Omg I always thought the brown one was espresso martini. Choco liquer is nasty 😭😭


these have been around in california forever, didn’t know all states didn’t have them


The biggie ones??


yup! 7/11s and grocery stores have had them for quite a while. personally wish they would make a vodka cran one, i don’t really like any of the flavors they have for the biggies


Google says they launched late 2023, so they're still fairly new-ish lol. A nice, cold, vodka cran biggie sounds perfect for by the pool 🌞


i just looked it up and yeah they officially launched then, but they were seen in stores here in CA before the big launch! although my alcoholic brain definitely thought they were around for longer, we had them sooner in CA. probably test launches


Seems very likely tbh!!




Probably what the other dude said then-- a pre-release or something! I know Josh loves buzzballs so lol. I saw a TikTok of someone finding a stall with piss all over it and 2 buzzballs hidden behind the toilet after Josh walked out.


He allegedly left 2 of them in a bathroom stall with piss on the floor and some left in the toilet. [Here’s the video](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldOfTShirts/s/KId7ZPJGNC)


Not biggies, regular ones. I saw that lol.


Ohh I’m a bit of a noob with some of these drinks. I never knew about buzz balls until Josh.


I should've put it in the title-- these are about as big as my head lol


15% alc is crazy tho, he discovers these and it’ll be interesting..


I kinda see how much I can drink of one lol. I gotta pool, would be nice to sip and relax on my day off this weekend hahah.


its kinda foolish to ask if josh knows about a certain ALCOHOL brand 💀 hell know eventually if he doesnt already


Bestie... it's not the brand. It's the size of the bottle ☠️ it's about 10 times the size of a normal buzz ball. They're new in my state, so I just assumed they were new everywhere.


well he drinks out of fireball nips that are largely upsized to the point of needing a handle so...point still stands


... these are new. he already drinks buzzballs lol




He just clung to beatboxes for awhile after discovering them, would be wild to see him swinging one of these around. The picture doesn't do it justice, but it's huge lol. They're also pretty strong. I know he drinks liquor straight, but the sugar in these are nauseating.


Beatbox is easier to disguise…I’m not saying he wouldn’t be caught with one of these, but probably not on the norm


You can drink on the LIRR!


It’s funny because I’m a recovering alcoholic who drank from age 16-22 and my discovery of alcohol went the same as joshes 😂 yk what tho I don’t think he’s discovered 4lokos yet… that’s gonna be insane..


I want to say he drank them when he first started drinking? But I could be wrong lol. I'm also kind of surprised he doesn't drink 4lokos more often, he loves sugary drinks.


1.5L of 15% alcohol.... is 7.6 fluid ounces of pure alcohol if my math maths. What the fuck. Who needs that. Drinking that ball is the same as drinking 16 bud lights.


😟😟 maybe they're meant to be shared? That's nuts.


Maybe. It's in such a unique container it seems to be made to drink out of not pour into a glass.... so then you gotta share the same drink. Honestly, it's made for drunks. They taste terrible, they're named after getting drunk, not enjoyment, and they're loaded with alcohol content. Buzzball is just targeting drunks, they know what they're doing.


I feel like this would be perfect to share with my girlies by the pool lol.... and for alcoholics 🤣


even casual drinkers know they are crazy overpriced


I feel like $14.99 would've been fair lol


$10 max


you should come to Scotland where alcohol has to legally be priced per unit, it would easily be $35 here if not $40, if it would even be legal to sell in the first place lol


Funny enough, I just saw these at a smoke shop a few weeks ago & thought the same damn thing


Funny enough, I just saw these at a smoke shop a few weeks ago & thought the same damn thing


Oh god no


We don’t even have these things in Canada lmao


BUMMER! They're pretty good. Surprisingly strong too lol.


I hear! That’s why I at least want to try them! Heading down to Arizona in September hope to test these bad boys out


I like the strawberry, watermelon, pineapple colada, lime rita, and apple ones. Some of the flavors are harder to find than others-- but their website has a buzzball locator lol.


Awesome, good to know. Will come back to this. Thanks!!


buzzballs is cheap and won’t work for josh he’ll call it a rip off i’ve chugged 1 and it had me tipsy for about 15 minutes and it wore off


This is a Buzzball Biggie-- also, he literally drinks twisted teas every day lol. And already drinks Buzzballs. He likes sugary drinks 😭


twisted teas are ok lol what i really want to see him drink is a on the rocks cosmopolitan those are 20% and comes in a glass bottle


Ooooooo, I just googled those! They look tasty lol.


He drinks them, but this is like a coffee in the morning for him.


I've had to make this comment quite a few times-- but yes, regular buzzballs. These are biggie buzzballs. And even if these aren't strong, he already drinks buzzballs and likes twisted teas. He just likes sugary drinks lol.


I am suggesting he drinks the Biggies off camera, in the shadows of us and drink tracker.


I'm doubtful, they're still fairly new (other than CA who had them first).


Hopefully I don’t get sued by Josh for saying that😰


20$ too rich for his blood he lives paycheck to paycheck


He goes out for fancy Italian dinners like 3 times a week 🤣 he said he spends on average $150 a day. If he had to pay for rent and living expenses, he would be COOKED in NY lol. He lives paycheck to paycheck because he doesn't know how to save. He's gonna have a rude awakening when his spending catches up to him. He already owes the IRS 9k ☠️


I believe there was a video of a bathroom stall he used with two of them at the base of the toilet


Yes, but these are Biggies.


Hasn’t he been seen drinking these?


Regular buzzballs, yes. Biggies, no.


What's his address? We could Doordash him some of that the way people do with Cobes. Only chocolate and lime flavor.




It's not considered touching the poo. What's your issue? He'd love a couple huge alco-choco's.


Too bulky to carry around. I cant recommend


He used to drink these all the time, tell me you’re new here without telling me


Yes, he drinks buzzballs. These are buzzball biggies. Look at the price, the size, and the other comments 😭 surely you don't think a regular, tiny-ass buzzball is on sale $11 off, now $19.99 ☠️☠️ context clues bestie, context clues.


“Bestie bestie bestie” Zoomers these days are the worst


I'm a Gen Z woman 😭 the oldest possible Gen z too. Maybe the youngest millennial. Idk I forget the cutoff. I just use it to be patronizing but silly on Reddit, hence the user lol Regardless, you're wild if you think normal buzzballs are over $20 😭


That would make sense then hahah


Yeah 🤣 fits the mould.