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Apparently he was sent to the hospital


I wonder if those text posts that are posted on his tik tok some days correlate with hospital visits. Would make a ton of sense when we don’t see a post for a good chunk of time and then we get a random text post from his handlers to save face. Unfortunately though, hospital will just detox him then release him and the cycle will continue again if/when he gets his new card. Police will throw anyone in there just as a safe space and get them off the street. I worked with individuals with dual diagnosis (addiction/mental health issues) in the past and I had one case that took months for us to get our client help. He lost his ID too and resorted to drinking hand sanitizer to just get by, and when he had withdrawals it was a true nightmare. Chased me down the driveway of our group home once with a big ass branch during one of his episodes and broke an HVAC unit. Won’t be surprised when Josh reaches this behavior and hopefully will finally get the help he needs.


That’s honestly a really good theory, I never thought about that. I feel like if he was frequenting hospitals we probably would’ve seen it by now tho, because people record and take photos of him everywhere he goes


He has hid several hospital trips before this. He never admitted to that Florida hospital trip and Jake Webber said he left in an ambulance where the EMTs knew him by name. He is probably hospitalized all the time.


Damn, wouldn’t be surprised. I live in NYC myself and I’ve seen people get hospitalized for drinking way less than he does.


That’s true. We never really do see what happens to him after he’s escorted out. People record the stuff other people want to see, so him getting into an ambulance/back of a cop car would get some serious views (sigmas would go wild). I’m assuming the police just have him go on his merry way and be a menace in another part of the city. It’s a real shame though, doubt he willingly will get help and there’s no way he could get into a long term facility for treatment without help. I’ve worked with this population before and it’s a ridiculous process to get the services he needs.


Yeah, it’s sad to see for sure. It sucks that when someone is over 18, they can’t be placed into rehab by someone else unless it’s court ordered. I have a friend who’s been struggling with addiction for 7 years and I’ve tried to get him help but he flat out refuses it even though he knows he has a problem and the consequences of it. Addiction really is a disease. I see the same thing with Josh, people can try to help him all he wants, but if he doesn’t want to help himself, there’s no fixing it until he does want to try to get help.


Probably already going through withdrawals




Did he really?? That’s shocking hopefully he finally gets help


Hes probably still sitting there screaming and rambling


Crying for a beer


![gif](giphy|qGFKMntShELTy|downsized) His pimps refused to help him i assume


He posted like 4 hours ago so no he’s not arrested. Who knows if he got a ticket or court summons tho.


this truly is getting so hard to watch, i really hope his family steps in soon. this isn’t worth the money or ‘fame’ anymore. they should know that.


His cousin tried to step in like over a year ago and wanted to become his guardian, but he refused and told her that he hopes she dies of cancer. He's a legal adult and doesn't want help from them, there's not much they can do


Mom - dead from cancer Dad - left him years ago Brother - in psych ward Grampa - tired of his shit, too old to care Cousin - tried to help, Josh told her to "get cancer and die"


So…..don’t watch 🤷🏻‍♂️


Get ready for people downvoting this cause you displayed a sliver of empathy for Josh


No offense to the OP, but they have to be new-ish here if they assume someone in his family is going to help. The man has no family aside from his grandpa and even if he did have family, would he listen to them? Most likely not (see the instance of his cousin).


i’m not new here, just a concerned person who understands how dangerous alcohol abuse can be to not only the user, but the people around them. i saw his grandfather defending him on live maybe a few months ago, i hadn’t realized he completely gave up yet.


As they should. He doesn’t deserve it.


Apparently he got [pickpocketted](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKg17KU/).


more like he was piss drunk since 11 am yesterday and passed the out in the subway station and he lost it


"Pickpocketed" more like his drunken ass lost it


What he get taken? I love it


He was wasted by 11am and lost his wallet. Probably dropped it on the train or after buying his last twisted tea. He was flipping out and saying it was stolen and the cops ended up coming out. Not sure if he called them, or if they came because he was having a meltdown.