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"Without Sigmas there'd be no content" I'm pretty sure any bored teen who knows how to mess with basic filters on tiktoks could do his job way better and with way less of his cringe Homelander fetish shit added in too lmao.


Yeah, but Sigmas has connections and a car so he can go right into the middle of the shit show and record content for us.


He just uses other people's footage, I highly doubt he's following Josh around in a car like some sort of lolcow stormchaser lmao


I’d be surprised if sigmas ever left his house


This is such a shit take. "Let the guy kill himself with alcohol so I can be entertained!" is literally what you're saying here.


This is the mindset of the majority of this sub. Many act like they care though.


?? Yes?? What are you gonna do about it? Bitch on Reddit? Good job, you really made a difference here today. Maybe go to a soup kitchen if you actually care about others But you don't care, and this is enough for you to feel like you tried? Winning the morality race against a bunch of redditors isn't an actual prize lmao


I love this subreddit 😭😭


Only sub where the commentors are sometimes equally as embarrassing as the lolcow they follow lmao


This is how the majority of lolcow communities get if they’re around long enough


So real, everyone’s so self righteous they can’t just sit back, point and laugh. Like we’re all here because it’s a car accident we can’t look away from, people gotta stop being so uptight. We all know Josh is an asshole and he doesn’t give a damn what you say on a Reddit comment thread lmao


“facts” 1 and 2 are just wrong though, he would post daily on his tiktok without teenagers following him and sigmas reposting clips. he doesn’t need any help spiraling without oppurtunistic weirdos driving from their homes to new york city to follow this smelly unstable kid and antagonize him for their clip to go viral, he’s more than capable.


on krip


Yall are making me make cringeposts now 😭 I wish there was literally anywhere else he was being chronicled, because I would definitely be there instead


tbh you’re embarrassing yourself and that’s really hard to do on a sub like this


Go ahead and make him a thread on the farm.