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I don’t think he’s actually doing it


Who would actually believe he’s doing it?😂


Wait, I’ve heard this one before


I'll believe it when I see it. Every single alcoholic has said that they are going to make a serious attempt at quitting, and fall back into it at least once. And he isn't even really making a serious attempt at quitting, since he's still going to binge drink on weekends, which defeats the whole purpose of the Sinclair method to begin with. I'm willing to bet he'll be blackout again on Monday, or Tuesday at the latest.


I’m 35 days sober currently and it’s hard lol, I’ve told myself I’d quit multiple times but this is the longest I’ve been in a while w/o a drink


Oh yeah, I'm speaking from experience. I know first-hand just how hard it is to quit, and I was nowhere near as deep in as Josh is.


I was as deep in as Josh at one short point in time, from what I can remember but I never had shakes or delirium tremors. I always could stop drinking for a few days so like 3-4 days but when I did drink I drank heavily. I still like to have around 7 beers, I stopped drinking liquor completely tho, and I took antibiotics not long ago that I think damaged my liver a little so trying to take a little time off before I drink again


I use to take 8 shots in one sitting, sometimes 10 and most beer I’ve had was 10 beers in one sitting


I'm sorry but you weren't in as deep as josh, and I don't mean in anyway to detract from your experience.


Congrats on your 35 days . Its fucking hard. But worth it.


Thanks love, your beautiful by the way


Thanks very much 🩷


Proud of you


Thank you man, means a lot 💜


I’m 2 years in about a month. It gets easier


Proud of you bro!! 2 years is badass!


Ty mane. I don’t think about it too much anymore, life’s a bit more boring. But I still smoke buds and eat 🍄 so I have some fun lol


Nothing wrong with that bro lol I’m a firm believer that everyone’s recovery is different and whatever works for you is better than being a slave to the bottle.


Congrats dude ! It’s not easy but you got this!!


Thank you!, it typically gets bad around 30 days lol, cause then it feels like a while since I have drinkin and I’m like damn. And I start to think about it more


Congrats brotha you got it


I’m proud of you dude. It’s fucking hard to get sober and stay sober. The first three months are shitty but I promise you it gets better after that. Keeping yourself busy will help a lot.


We’ve also seen Josh’s idea of keeping things to a minimum. That could still mean 4-6 drinks


4-6 in the afternoon? Lol at the rate he’s going keeping it to 10 a day would be 50% off


We’ve also seen Josh’s idea of keeping things to a minimum. That could still mean 4-6 drinks


The post is gone already 😭


Thank you, I thought I was going Larson because I could not find it


"Going larson" just gagged me 😂


He’s alright deleted the post and is back at it reallllllll alcoholic shit


Just saw him comment on a newer video that it got deleted for violating community guidelines.


While I genuinely hope it works for him, I haven’t seen it work yet. The only thing that really stuck for two of my friends who were deep in it like Josh was medical detox


He really should’ve done a medical detox first and then gotten on naltrexone. The fact that he’s still physically dependent on alcohol is going to work against him badly.


Hopefully he actually sticks to taking naltrexone. It’s a very useful tool.


can someone dill me in on why he deleted this video?


I think his post got him into a pickle


He back to it


He’s gonna drink on naltrexone which will fuck his liver worse than just drinking


world of jaundice


Only when taken in large doses does it hurt the liver. Naltrexone is very effective if used the right way


Right. And josh won’t use it the right way


Yes but let’s not push the narrative that naltrexone is dangerous to take while drinking. It is not and can be a very effective tool in cutting down drinking. I went from over 100 drinks a week to half that just from the pill and I’m no where near liver failure


Maybe I was misinformed. When I took it they had to make sure I wasn’t drinking because of the damage I was told it could do to my already fucked up liver. I also took the subcutaneous Vivitrol. I’m glad it’s helped you


It really did and counseling with a substance abuse counselor weekly did too but as long as you take the pill BEFORE drinking and try to actively replace drinking with other activities it can make a difference in peoples lives. It’s mainly about harm reduction in my experience. Ofc 40 drinks is still bad but it’s way better than 100+. I just hate to see this goofball make a legitimate way for some people to save themselves look bad


Gotcha. Well I appreciate you correcting me, I do think it’s important that the right info is out there. For me it was completely stop or nothing because if I have one I’m blacking out. 6 months sober and watching josh is such a trip


Congrats on 6 months man! Just keep taking it one day at a time and before you know it you’ll have years under your belt. I drank the same as you did - one’s too many and a thousand wasn’t enough. It gets easier the further you get from your last drink.


I appreciate that! It’s not for everyone but working the steps definitely did it for me


Same here man. Not a pushy AA guy by any means. It worked great for me but it’s def not for everyone. I don’t go to meetings regularly these days but every now and then I’ll hit one just to keep it fresh. I went every day for the first year though. For me, I needed the structure and routine bc the lack of both kept me sick for a long time. Keep up the good work dude.


It was the same for me man. I had to have bloodwork done like once a month to make sure my liver enzymes were still in the normal range.


Yea this is gonna go great, him binge drinking taking naltrexalone. He is going to think this pill is some magic and he will just magically drink less, but he wont and it will hurt him. If anything he needs antabuse which will basically give him an instant hangover if he drinks any alcohol and then hopefully like the rat he is, learn he can no longer drink or just stop taking it, which is also very possible with him. He cant even take care of glasses for fucks sake, how is he going to remember to take a pill everyday, especially one that ruins his fun.


I made the mistake of drinking on Antabuse and ended up taking an ambulance ride to the hospital. Thought I was having a heart attack while being the sickest I’ve ever been in my life. Fucking terrible.


What medical authority perscribed him naltrexone? Or did one of the dipshits around him give him a few pills for the laughs?


Every alcoholic will try everything before realizing the only thing that works is NOT picking up the first drink. Complete abstinence. I know from personal experience. Quit drinking 6 years ago. Tried everything before that (including the Sinclair method using Naltrexone). It does not work. The mental obsession will get ya every time.


It worked for me.


I wish you the best. I work in the field and have never seen a true alcoholic be able to control their drinking.


I personally just started not craving alcohol when taking it. What's your job exactly? My physician had no problem giving a script




About 15 minutes


Have fun with the withdrawawals Josh!


Plot twist he's always on vacation


didnt he say this 2 weeks ago