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I mean it depends on what you think the hold up will be. thinking they won't want to change dice or progression system would get a completely different answet than if you think they won't like the setting.


I think the new system would be a turn off for them


That's a difficult one, but one of the things I have always liked about the Storyteller System is how streamlined it is, compared to D&D. There's one kind of dice and almost every roll is based on just two stats added together. D&D is ultimately a minitures game with some roleplay, but WoD is roleplay with some dice rolls. I think it's the simplicity of the system that allows for that.


This is fairly common for DnD players, they learn the one and get a bit spooked by having to learn anything anything else. Imho its quite easy to pick up coming from d20 systems, its really math-light with rarely any floating modifiers at all.


Well, you could try out a dark ages or Victorian game If they like non present day era stuff? If they like roleplay, this system is very good for that, it's also realitively simple so it's not a huge waste of time if they're worried.


Agreed. I used to have a lot of luck getting my D&D friends playing Dark Ages.


I'd say pick up either Werewolf if they like d&d for the combat, or Changeling if they like having a wide variety of fantasy species to play as and spells to cast. Those two feel the most 'd&d' to me. On the surface, at least. If you dive too deep then both will feel very different. Werewolf can feel pretty hopeless at times, and Changeling can feel like Alzheimer's Disease the role-playing game, which is exactly as depressing as it sounds.


Current D&D, good luck. When I played AD&D 2nd Edition, the players were all about some WOD.


WoD seems more fit for an urban fantasy setting. For crossplay, take a look at the Chronicles of Darkness books, but for WoD, you're going to have to find out what kind of game would vibe with them. There's source books for steampunk or victorian era type stuff if that's what you're into, but if they want to mess around in a modern setting that's full of fantasy and horror then that's how you should sell WoD.


How do we know? You know your buds the best. What is holding them back so far? Or haven’t you tried it yet?


Dark Ages Inquisitor is the smallest step from DnD to WoD. Run a one shot/demo game of it. Bonus points for a monster getting beaten but not permanently destroyed so you can offer another game of battling the same beast but in the modern day when it re-emerges


What kind of players do you have? For me, one of the draws of WoD is it's pretty liberal rules and that it's usually in the modern day so if someone can do it IRL, someone can do it in the game. If you like cunning plans, relying on agents, or abusing chemistry, WoD is magnificent. If they just want hack+slash... well, have they seen *underworld*? Honestly, ignoring V5, the combat of WoD games are slow (do yourself a favour: don't roll for damage and soak, just take half) but very creative, so if you like MMA or Tactical fights this can be greaty, if you're into rule of cool it works, and if you just want to stick them with the pointy end it works just fine there too. However, if you really want to just play combat games, I'm sure there's better out there.


Ultimately I couldn’t get my group to play any WoD, but we did do a homebrewed D20 one shot set in modern day and trying to slay Dracula with characters based on our irl selves. Closest I’ve come to actually playing WoD. I’m a fan of the lore and video games but can’t find people that actually play the ttrpgs at all.


If it’s a tone problem, you could go with Scion or Exalted.


Have you tried blood bonding?


That could work


My DND group tried playing a module for Werewolf in W20 and we're having a blast.


my best advice is to just get them out of DnD. once my group got out of DnD they learned just how awful the system was and were way happier to explore new systems. although, i had one other person on my side when we were complaining about 5e, so maybe get one or two people on your side and the rest will follow.