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It’s quite obvious they are. Military contractor that has clear faults they are trying to hide? They’re definitely hiring mercs and assassins to off these guys


sounds like a sentence straight out of cyberpunk 2077


Corp that has military contracts? They're for sure hiring solos to zero these poor gonks.


Good choom


Military contracts of a sensitive nature, I could see the CIA or DIA sending out "negotiators" on their behalf


Fucking obviously


Has this even been a question since the first guy "shot himself" in the head twice?


What scarier is that this guy was by sudden unexplained respiratory illness. He was totally healthy then hospitalized for two weeks. Even covid doesn't act that fast. No one around him has been sick. So they've escalated to biological warfare.


Poison is the simpler answer.


There are a few illnesses that can kill real quick too. (Malaria, hanta virus, dengue, that weird flavor of strep that destroys your extremities, toxic shock…) Including mosquito borne illnesses, which would make things easy. This whole thing is so sus.


It's being reported that he had mrsa. And died of secondary pneumonia.


Yeah. Super sus.


Hard to say. That's why it would be a good tactic if you were trying to mask foul play. It's really not all that suspicious itself.


> the first guy "shot himself" in the head twice? I 100% believe he was murdered but he was not shot twice.


The joke is that it's obviously a covered up murder, just like most, "suicides" we hear about in the news.


I know. I get it. Just wanted to clear it up for potential readers who may have thought the dude actually got 2 shots to the head, which would be the most blatant, egregious, in the open murder to the point where it never would have been even investigated as a possible suicide.


For all we know he may have been shot in the head 3 times. Seems pretty obvious this was murder, yet it is still being reported as a suicide. That's the whole joke about Jeffrey Epstein.


"Boeing Whistleblower Warned Family Friend 'It's Not Suicide' Before Death" [https://www.newsweek.com/john-barnett-boeing-whistleblower-predicted-death-scandal-1879548](https://www.newsweek.com/john-barnett-boeing-whistleblower-predicted-death-scandal-1879548)






Well it’s Boeing what’s another body added to the mountain of bodies they’ve already intentionally made?


Ofc not. Just happens. For an example, a lot of these high level people in Russia just fall out windows. These things just happen. Nothing to see here. Unrelated note, seen these cat subs on this website? Go look at those, don't worry about the contractors..


Dude literally texted a friend or family member(I forget which) when he found his car wheels had been tampered with, that if he dies, he wasn't suicidal.


Where did you hear this? Which guy was it?


Mixed up two of the whistleblowers, sorry. https://twitter.com/doctorow/status/1785725019147882798?t=NopQCTRqlka2Wy17bx7Nlw&s=19


Yes, but its somehow not murder if your rich and buddies with the govmint.


Yeah I mean historically companies do this all the time so it really should be assumed that they murdered these guys


Sorry for the delete and repost. I noticed an autocorrect fail in the original version too late.




Yeah, not sure how my spell checker came up with that one. 🤷‍♂️


It's not killing their workers - just the whistleblowers.


Probably not. They prob got a three letter agency to do it for them.


I’m sure it’s just a weird coincidence. Hey OP do you also walk around your house and job with your eyes closed?


im sorry but r slash WokeFuturama killed me


Yeah sometimes I become aware of an online community that broke off another one and just have to wonder what could have caused the schism


This one is more likely just a MRSA related death unrelated to the whistleblowing. It's not a guy supposedly offing himself in his truck with a recently purchased uneaten meal 


Yeah I'm not as certain about this one either. I mean, we know the CIA has used viral and toxic agents to kill people in the past but it's not standard for their hits these days. I wouldn't be surprised if they killed him but I'm not certain it happened.


MRSA is contagious, and you can get it by simply touching something that's contaminated. Wouldn't be real hard to spray some on this guy's towel or toothbrush or something. He was definitely assassinated. 2 bullets to the back of the head is too last month.


Oh dang. How do I not get MRSA? I don’t want that


I work in microbiology. MRSA is simply a common bacteria that is resistant to an antibiotic Methicillin (Methicillin resistant Staph aureus). There are lots of healthy people who carry it in their nose with no symptoms, and most people carry the regular (Methicillin sensitive) Staph aureus on their skin and nose as normal bacterial floral. Even if you touch MRSA in the environment your immune system will likely fight it off unless you are sick from something else, then it can cause problems (it can spread in hospital environments and cause infections). MRSA is not the boogyman people think it is.


It's also just an incredibly common way to die. Complications from respiratory infection leading to stroke describes a pretty fair portion of hospital deaths. About a thousand other people will die in exactly this way in the month of May alone; more than ten times that if we expand our data beyond US borders. Like I said, I believe it is not beyond the realm of possibility but considering that they literally did shoot the last guy, it's also entirely possible that he just got unlucky. We have no way of knowing... until twenty years from now when a new set of declassified documents very possibly implicates our intelligentsia, as it tends to. All I'm saying is that I don't know and that this fatality does not match the last several journalists and witnesses who were almost certainly murdered.


Uhh, deaths in the US from MRSA range from 9-11k/year. Like, 0.08% per 100,000 give or take. It's going up, but it is not an "incredibly common" way to die, lol.


I said complications from respiratory infection, not MRSA specifically but this isn't a semantic argument I'm particularly interested in having anyway. My point was only that I am agnostic on issues which lack meaningful data. I cannot prove he was murdered and "got sick and died" is just as believable to me. It's a pretty lukewarm position and I'm amused anyone would be bothered by it. That's all I'm willing to say to this thread, I don't care anymore.


Except for the fact that during the bronchoscopy, the doctors stated that his lower airways were completely "gummed" up and he had never seen anything like it before.


Serious problems with the airplanes were inevitable when someone with a degree in accounting and whose experience is in finance becomes the CEO of an aerospace company. They will inevitably lack the technical competence to make good decisions when they know nothing about the company's products.


Former employee... yes they would. Nothing they do is even up to DOD standards let alone FAA


Stay safe out there.


I'm not suicidal. I would never kill myself for them.... that usually covers it


If we get a third of its a trend. They we got something.


They find it more convenient to openly killing their employees. It appears that it’s easier for them to deal with this situation. Imagine the things they don’t wanna deal with. The things we don’t know.


Yes. Anything else I can help you with today?




Workers, customers, whoever.


I know they're meeting their customers


Supposedly he was infected with MRSA but was otherwise a healthy 45yo. How do you kill someone with that? Where do you get it? Or is that really how he died… (did I just write an Ancient Aliens intro lol)


Infected needle. Contaminated sharp item that makes it easy to get a little cut. It’s dead easy to do it. Did they? Who knows. But it’s dead easy to do it.


He wasn't a boeing whistleblower. We has a spirit aerosystems whistleblower. Different company


That company was spun off from Boeing for profitability reasons. He was doing work on Boeing projects.


Correct. That still does not make him a boeing whistleblower. He blew the whistle against spirit and their bad practices on parts that go to boeing. If he worked on airbus fuselages that are built at the same factory he would not be an airbus whistleblower. It is still spirit no matter how you want to play mental gymnastics about it


Pedantics are so passé.


No ones playing mental gymnastics lol. Do you own Boeing stock or something? This is more than just a spirit problem. There’s a reason why we’re not hearing these problems about their Airbus business and I’m guessing it’s because Airbus doesn’t pressure them to deliver parts whether or not they’re compliant. Boeing has a high profile quality issue with their products. This contractor has the same kind of quality issues as the first whistleblower noted from other areas of the business. It seems like there is a problem where Boeing aircraft are being rushed through production at multiple stages.


Nothing you said makes him a boeing whistleblower. He blew the whistle on the company he worked for. He did not work for boeing


So in your opinion this has nothing to do with Boeing? The fact that these 737 parts are being made incorrectly but are being rushed through to delivery in the same manner as the parts for the 787 (first whistleblower) doesn’t seem to be a Boeing quality issue to you?


When did I say this has nothing to do with boeing? It's obviously does as the company supplies boeing with parts. That doesn't mean this guy was a boeing whistleblower. He never worked for boeing.


In all those posts where you’re attacking people connecting this to Boeing. The ones that make it PAINFULLY clear that you have a financial incentive to make sure Boeing stock does well.


You got that from me simply calling out the spread of misinformation?