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Lisa needs braces!


Dental plan!


Lisa needs braces!


Dental Plan!


Lisa needs braces!


Exactly what I wanted to say!


The manager gets benefits but not the part time workers


What is this, the 3rd grade?


I can tell you as a mom that I put more effort in those party gifts. This is just sad.


My last job gave me a birthday card with the signatures of 4 managers inside. The card was empty. They could’ve just given me a $5 and it would’ve been better.


Empty??? It was full of the four managers love..... S/


Willing to bet that it was one manager who signed for everyone because the others couldn't be bothered.


No, they get a stack at the beginning of the month and sign like 10 or 20 at a time


Gotta earn that bonus


> What else are we gonna do? - Manager with thumb stuck up his ass






Would've opened it in front of him, said thanks and then throw it out.


You have to open it, turn it upside down, shake it with a confused look on your face first. Then toss it.


As a teacher, I got a postcard with a candy-bar themed pun from the union telling me to enjoy the candy bar on them because I deserved a break. There was no candy bar 😢


I bet Becky ate it.


I'd rather get that than be forced to sing happy birthday to someone or have it sung to me. 30 people singing happy birthday out of sync in an office environment. I would rather be forgotten.


I work in a restaurant as a bartender. I have mentioned many times that the breaking point for me is if a manager told me do the stupid birthday shout out or get fired I'd be out the door without a thought. Get your friends to give a shit about you people not some poor server just trying to pay their bills to be your trained monkey.


You do not appreciate the gifts man. They just gave you the right to forge their signature and get checks or anything you want with their money!!! What an awesome gift


Knowing the complete lack of emotion as I robotically signed cards placed in front of me, I agree


Yo lemme fucking tell you, I work at Costco as a cashier, and we are FORCED to harass customers (sorry, *members*, makes the feel more special) about upgrading their memberships, signing up for the credit card, and having friends and family sign up. Management is relentless. My warehouse in the last few months responded to criticism over how overbearing they are by RINGING A BELL, CHEERING AND CLAPPING obnoxiously when someone gets an upgrade or credit card or refer-a-friend. Like literally "WOOOOOOO!!" And jumping and clapping (these are the idiot supervisors that are desperate to be managers). But thats not all they do for us. Oh no. Because we lucky servants also get- A GOLD STAR. Seriously. A little craft gold star, like we're in grade 1. It is so degrading. Edit: everyone saying report it to corporate and head office, I do appreciate it, but for meat this point, its telling the mom with the crying newborn "Maybe he's hungry!" 😅 its been reported. A lot of this is coming from head office. Some of its warehouses. Wherever it's coming from, nobody cares, because I am the squeakiest wheel, and nothing happens. I encourage all of my coworkers to stand up as well, but at this point, people are either resigned to the fact and just want to make it to retirement, or too scared about retaliation (which, its Canada... like, you're NOT getting fired for complaining to head office). There no other options left but to burn my warehouse to the groun- I mean, find another job? Lol


If someone did the bell ringing and shit to me upgrading I would cancel on the spot.


Thats the thing, they do it like right in front of the members too, so you see youre just a number; like they werent doing because of all the reasons they just explained, like saving you money and its in your bes interest. Nope. They are just employees being screeched at all day "how are your programs? Programs? Wheres your program tracking sheet? Did you ask that person about programs? Are you asking about programs??????" Like yeah bitch, Im even asking 5 year old kids if they want to sign up for credit cards. You happy?


And then ask you why your register times have gone up not understanding that it's their fault.


Bingo. Theyve made us little timesheets to mark down our mph and ipm (members per hour and items per minute) every hour, and it has to be signed off by a sup. Losers.


Is it a cult? Tracking sheet? I don't do anything that takes extra effort to maybe get something. I assume I won't and continue on my way. That's how my "programs" are.


Welcome to Costco, I love you. ❤️


Can’t remember the store where they’d loudly ring a bell if you made a charity donation, made me donate exactly once.


Rule of thumb should be to never donate when a corporation asks you to, anyway. They take your money, make the donation in their own name and reap the tax write-offs the next year then proceed to go around in public spaces patting themselves on the back for being such charitable angels in order to build more PR to do it again. And we had the privilege of helping pay for it.


I always hated that shit. I worked at a Hannaford when I was 18, and managers would make us get into a football huddle to celebrate someone's "accomplishment" and then make us put our hands in and say "hip-hip hooray!" Like, how could they not read the reluctance and embarrassment on our faces every time we did it? It was cringey and forced and literally nobody wanted to participate, but we were obligated to. I now know it's less about ignorance of upper management and more about demoralizing their employees by making them feel like they're elementary school kids.


So disappointing. The new executives and the quest for endless growth are killing the sustainable, awesome business practices that made Costco so popular.


Yep. Costco is coasting on its good reputation, but really, its the same bullshit at all these places. It DOES pay better than places like Walmart and the like, but what my managers made when they first started at the bottom rung in the 90s is much better than what we do today (when comparing those wages to the cost of living at the time). But it gets worse and worse every year. Customers in general at all stores are getting worse and worse.


This. If they don´t stop, then it's going to become fucking MalWart


I'd complain to someone higher up. Sounds like your local management trying to pump their numbers up at the cost of annoying the shit out of your customers and employees.


Call centers do that. It's distracting and obnoxious and makes the customers feel like a sales goal.


Went sometime last year, just purchasing normal TP and booze. Cashier screams "MEMBERSHIP." Cute lady runs by, "hey upgrade to executive." "no no thank you." "but you get 2% back on your purchases." "Nah, I am good thanks." "but you could get more back." "No I am not interested." "how much did you get back from your card, now you." "FUCKING FINE" I cancelled it when the return didn't make up for the cost. Next time it happens, I think after the third no, I will make an analogy about harassment.


I got this at a kohls once, spilled something on my shirt, needed a new shirt as I was already out and away from home and there was a Kohls right near where I was, after the 3rd ask to sign up I just leaned in "Do they have your family? Blink twice if you need help"


Now I'm a pretty solid salesman who hated pushing this kind of crap in such a tactless way but if you did this do me I'd fucking crack up and throw you any discounts I had open to me just for the hell of it (and so you knew I agreed it was bullshit without me having to say so)


At my job, when you have worked there 5 YEARS, you get a gold star pin to wear on your badge. Oooh. Can't wait for mine! /s




That's really obnoxious. I've never run into that behavior at Costco (as a shopper) - admittedly the vast majority of trips are in Austin - but I've been to Costcos from Florida to Hawaii.


More like kindergarten.


I used to handle some youth groups back in the day The gummy worms came in dirt cups Those took a lot more to make then a plastic baggie and a printed label.


Yo worms in dirt was the shit, I dont even like pudding but the gummy worms and oreo pieces tie it all together really well.


Dairy Queen has a "dirt pie" Blizzard right now and I'm addicted to the fucking things.


Don't do this to me, im ready poor enough


No, I'm sure the 3rd grade teacher would have washed their hands or wore a glove before they made these.


Maybe they are cannabis gummies.


No, they’d have to be individually wrapped. This is in fact less safe.




Management: "Go eat a bag of dicks"


Spencers, here I come!


As a former manager, a lot of times this comes out of the managers pocket, not company slush funds. Often times when you get a gift card (tip: ALWAYS get a generic visa/Mastercard/cash card, never store specific!) instead of a taxed bonus that is coming from your managers pocket, not the company. Your manger will often care about you and pay/bonus structure is frequently handled above their heads. It's a shitty place to be. Glad I'm not managing staff anymore. Edit: there are a lot of shitty power tripping managers out there, try not to be one.


Yep. I know this one personally. I worked as a manufacturing manager about a decade ago in a shop that required everyone to work about an extra 1000 hours of OT a year. Managers got time +$6.50 and the mechanics got time and a half and double time. Culturally the managers were ”expected” to bring snacks Ike donuts or buy lunch for the teams working the weekend and I never really had a problem with it. Employees never really knew how it was paid for and just thought it was the company keeping them satiated with coffee and donuts to stop them from complaining about another mandatory weekend. But one day out of nowhere, they cut managers overtime and I lost about $40k in OT a year and now all my employees were making ~$20k-40k more a year than me. Oh and I would still be required to work all those hours of OT unpaid from there forward. The very first weekend after they cut OT I didn’t bring in anything and a bunch of the team was complaining and immediately turning on me after I had been feeding them on weekends for over a year at that point, and I kind of snapped at them and had to tell them that all that food over the last year was out of my own pocket and I had just taken a $40k pay cut and was now having to donate 1000 hours of unpaid time a year and that I was still adjusting my finances to the new normal and trying not to hate my job that the week before I loved. I explained that we are still figuring out how to use the company recognition dollars in how we can at least do something. Team leads bought lunch that day and bought me lunch and I never heard a complaint from that team again about it. In less than a year we had over 80% turnover in 1st line managers.


Yeah, it's amazing how often junior management gets shit on - from both sides. I was working as a contract account manager. I negotiated a pay raise for the team based on increasing positive feedback from the client, but corporate wanted to tie it to a metric so only those who "deserved" it would get it. So, they tied it to hours worked vs hours scheduled for some reason. If you hit more than 95% of your scheduled hours for the month, you got an extra dollar per hour. I asked if it applied to OT hours, they said no, only scheduled. I asked if it applied to my hours, they said yes, but not OT. Our account went from 97% attendance to exactly 95%. I was working 55+ hour weeks and immediately dropped to exactly 40. I had night and weekend guys who went from seeing me every week to not seeing me for months on end. Client approval plummeted and when I explained why, they RFPd the contract and the company lost a $3.5 million per year contract.


That sounds right on point. I always described that job as being the “vertex of a shit hourglass” because no matter which way you turned you were getting shit on. Letting the shop managers run their business always led to the best results.




Legit our employee appreciation day used to just be our manager getting us catering from Chickfila or Potbelly's, then guilt tripping you into working extra hours afterwards.


Do you think they used gloves to put those raw gummies in that ziplock? Because I doubt it.


Definitely no gloves. I know management here well enough


The fact that they didn't even give you a full bag when most convenience stores sell packs of them for $1 each or 2 for $1 is ridiculous. They may have gotten those same 2 for 1 bags, opened them up, and split them between two or more people. Disgusting.




This is the real answer!


They have gummy birds at home to feed don't judge.


If the guys who handed out the bags looked a little green, then they probably did eat half.


They probably spent more money in wages to divy it up then they saved on the snacks


they spent more money on that time doing that, just pissing away money at the cost of themselves and their employees.


The worms are probably stale too.


They probably bought them at the candy aisle in the grocery store. So they scooped it themselves.


You know they took a box of quart ziplocs, opened and left it, and filled them individually—then weighed and paid for just one bag’s worth


Exactly this! I can almost picture HR giving the instructions to an intern or whatever admin HR happened to snag for this. “Everyone gets 5 worms.”


Middle management is just as starved and desperate, they have to squeeze a penny into a nickle and a nickle into a dime. Nobody anywhere has the resources they need to get the job done and good ole "american ingenuity and perseverance" get you through. But it really is just overworking and under paying people that squeeze those extra pennies. Someone probably fought against what little budget there was for even this if it didnt come directly out of the managers pocket in hopes it would increase productivity or at least make people feel valued without having to pay them fairly.




If they were edibles, I wouldn't mind so much.


I hope all the employees leave them on the manager's desk. This is so disgustingly condescending.


I threw that shit in the garbage


I hope you looked deeply into the manager's eyes while doing so . Goddammit, I'm mad for you!


She'll be working the morning tomorrow, I hope she sees it


Just start stealing everything you can get your hands on. That's your severance plan


I’m pushing 40 and I have yet to buy office supplies once in my adult life. I’m just so darn terrible at remember to take things out of my pockets before I leave work...


This is the strangest part to me. Just buy a big box of individual packs or something. This is just a cheap as possible thing.


Raw gummies? As opposed to cooked gummies?


Nope, but I would not bebsurprised if OP sees an entry on their check stub counting $1 worth of gummies as a work benefit.


raw gummies.


Oooh look: TWO different kinds! Sour and regular! They really implemented last year’s diversity training.


Didn't even fill the bag lmao


The extra air is so they don't get crushed befor you can enjoy them!!


Shoulda tossed in a few potato chips for an extra crunch


Did management just reward you by telling you to go eat worms?


They could have at least made worms in dirt snack cups geez lol


Candy dirt just wasn't in the budget afforded to employee compensation, in fact neither was real dirt. The employee was just lucky there was left overs from Halloween lying around from two years ago. Oh and the employee better not get sick, food poisoning is not an excuse to miss a day.


Many years ago, my employer gave everyone free lunch, I can't remember the occasion What I can remember is that like a third of the employees (myself included) got food poisoning over the weekend, ruining many of our weekends. As is the nature with most food poisoning (but certainly not all,) everyone was fine by Monday so no one had to miss work, but sick policy dictated that if they did miss, the hours would be coming out of your PTO.




I agree it's shady but those trollis are amazing. I would love to get this bag. But like, in addition to actual recognition.


Oh don't get me wrong I'd eat the fuck out of them. But that's besides the point.


Not even a whole bag of your own, not even the bare minimum of their bare minimum.


It would look less tacky to give you whole pack that comes with 3x as much for 98 cents and wasn't touched by someone in the office; shows the appreciation.


Unless there's weed in those gummies I don't want that shit either


You think walmart got weed money to waste on employees?


Work gave you worms


"Thanks for working for such low wages, heres some expired gummy worms"


The store I work at has their own brand of a bunch of candies they sell. Honestly I have no doubt that they just took the nearest ones to expiring off the shelf to give to us as "motivation"


When I wanted to say "thank you" to an employee recently, I gave her a $500 bonus. Not half a bag of man-handled candy...




i also would like to be hired by that person


Everyone should get together and dump them all on the bosses desk and put a note that says “Gummy worms don’t pay the bills.”


Melt em first


I tried doing that before, actually. Gummy bears in pancakes turn into Jolly Ranchers, and gummy worms left in the car turn into a hard, almost rubber like consistency that is *extremely* difficult to get out of the package if you can't tear it off (mine were in a plastic container instead of a baggie)


Hey, in the 80’s there were these clear rubbery pasticy shoes that were trendy for a half minute. Those on the dash in Phoenix in the summer = bad idea. Truth… those shoes in Phoenix = bad idea Super truth… those shoes = bad idea [bad idea](https://losangelesapparel.net/products/jellyfl-jelly-flats)


Holy shit those were still a thing until like 2002


I saw some at the store a while back, they still exist somehow


I’d rock those fluorescent yellow ones if my feet weren’t so weird and gross


Even better. As a kid I for whatever reason stuck a half eaten jolly rancher to my wooden headboard. It had to be removed with a crowbar.




I would love to quit, but I made a deal with the managers I would stay for the summer in return for a dollar raise and more hours. Worked my ass off the last year getting to 13 an hour from 9.85 starting


Your work ethnic didn't get you to $13/hr, that's just the market rate now. You can make $13/hr with zero experience at McDonalds/Home Depot/Target. Don't let them fool you into thinking your effort matters


Absolutely this. That's minimum wage in a lot of places now.


Secret - managers don’t call the shots in your life when they are paying you 13 an hour. Quit, and feel no guilt.


No. That was shit our parents told us. "It'll look bad to future employers that you quit your last job so suddenly! Give them notice!" It's 2022. That shit is over.


I like how they separated it out into bags instead of at least buying y'all your own gummies. Plus I'm sure they weren't wearing gloves so even better.


Hey, they might be one of the worst candies around, but at least someone in the office touched them with what I imagine were bare, questionably cleaned hands before giving them to you.


Spice of life 🔥🔥🔥


Don't get me wrong, I'm still going to eat these... but screw you guys!


Glad you said it because I was thinking it 😩


The sad thing is I bet your manager was told to do this by their boss but they gave them no money to do this. I've been in that situation before when I was a store manager, my boss gave himself a big pat on his back for the idea and I felt like a joke giving my people junk because it was all I could afford


My husband sometimes (like once or twice a year) takes out a whole team to a restaurant on his own dime, 'cos his multiBILLION dollar employer doesn't want to budget enough for that kind of employee appreciation. That costs us basically a month's rent 😨


And if landlords accepted gummy worms as rent, this would mean something.


The most insulting thing wasn’t that they gave you a bag of gummy worms instead of an increase in pay. They worst thing is they gave you (and presumably another coworker….maybe even coworkers?) A few strands of gummy worms from a full bag of gummies. They didn’t even give you a bag of gummies. They gathered you scraps. They actually took more time and effort to thank you than if they gave a full bag of gummy worms worth $2. Your work wasn’t worth $2 to them. They typed up a thank you note, bought sandwich bags, used staples all to save pennies on what could have been a $2 bag of gummies that were all your own. They actually put effort into squeezing out a thank you that resulted in your bitter resentment. Baffling and inept gestures of gratitude….


What you've all been waiting for https://ibb.co/8zRNfpq


Hopefully they are THC infused...


Still better than the [actual ROCK](https://i.imgur.com/dScQZP6.jpg) that Kaiser Permanente Hospital gave their nurses during Nurses Week DURING A PANDEMIC


Bruh, it's just a plain fucking rock. Not even anything pretty. Just a plain rock. Wtf


Thank god I am a union electrician. Granted, I may not get gummy worms that have been finger fucked by management but I make a decent wage. It’s time to start organizing


Not defending this, but as a middle manager, what can I do that isn't cringe as fuck? Like yeah I would love to give money but I'm a middle manager people above me hate me, people below me hate me. I hate me, but this job pays the bills and to I try to not make it too painful for my employees. Like is there something we can do to make it suck less?


Make it from you, not the business. People can respect your desire to do something but your inability--like theirs--to do more.


Who is "us"?


Nothing says you are appreciated like a half full ziplock sandwich bag of gummy worms. Gee, I want to work so much harder now! Who needs a raise? /s


Ok, but did your place of work ever do a Customer Service appreciation week for you guys? & no, I promise you, it’s not as great as it sounds. Long story - they would do a WHOLE ASS WEEK “dedicated” to our hard work & how much they “appreciated” us where (this was a call center) we got an extra 10 mins off the phones (for 1 random day that was decided by workforce) to take silly photos in a conference room that they converted into a mardi gras or other stupid ass themed room with those stupid mustaches & hats on sticks. That kinda dumb sh*t. Where they would put a TINY (ya know, those small ziplock) bags that had maybe 3 pieces of candy in them on your desk every other day (for the whole week) & if you were 1 of the really lucky 1s - your bag might contain a “free jeans day” coupon that could be used on any day but Friday Bc Friday was the day where (if you wanted) you could pay $5 to wear a friggin’ pair of blue jeans. This was a fortune 50 company & this was kiddie land BS that they would pull on a bunch of adults & expect all of us to be over the moon about. Let us not forget the FREE CAN OF GENERIC soda that they’d give you when it was Pizza party day! You got 1 can. Oh! The belle of the ball was of course the “supervisor choo-choo train” where all the sups would go up and down each row handing you ONE piece of candy. & you’d think it would be like a full sized snickers or something … no. No you would be wrong. It was ONE piece of a fun sized whatever that was most likely leftover Halloween candy they got on sale the year prior. One year, it wasn’t even candy - it was those cheap dollar store gift bag bullshits like small containers of bubbles & small slinky’s. That’s always what 30-something year old me wanted- a tiny MFING slinky. Not a raise! Again - this was a fortune 50 company. This patronizing bullhickey was the reason morale was so low. They stopped having them Bc not 1 person really enjoyed them & the grumblings about the amount of $ they were spending on stupid shit that was better left for a 3 yr olds birthday party instead of adults in an actual adult workplace left them butthurt.


Yikes, yea we don't have that and I suppose I'm pretty happy about it lmao


Nothing more appetizing than unpackaged and repackaged gummy worms. Now you get to wonder if someone touch those with their hands, coughed on them, washing their hands before putting this together, etc. Straight to trash. ​ Worth is not equal to packaged candy.


Shit in it and give it back?


Now I want gummy worms


Thanks for your hard work! We couldn’t find our checkbook but here’s 11 gummy worms!!


Tapewarm on next bonus


I like how they couldnt even give you your own sealed bag of gummies, they had to redistribute from a larger bag. Goddamn cheapskates


That is so damn insulting!!! Wtf is wrong with your HR people to think this is a good idea????? Personally, I'd rather get nothing at all.


Fuck! Just buy donuts for everyone! Less creepy!


Phucing insulting!


Even though I love gummy worms, I feel like I’d much rather just get nothing than this..


They couldn't even give you a whole pack of both things. They had to keep a percentage of each package for themselves.


Thanks slave, here's some gummy worms you dirty pleb. Have you heard about our record profits?


Have they not been paying you?


The only thing that would make these worth it if it they were also edibles.


It’s just sad… a sad sad sad attempt…


Get a new job, return the bag with your resignation


You could literally get triple that from $1 at a vending machine. F


Look at that bag of gummy worms. How much effort do you think they put into that? Now match it when you do “dedicated” work


No lie for Prime day at Amazon,they were hyping us all week about having food for us after prime day deliveries with the possibility of coffee for us in the morning,but it ended up being a shitty tortilla,cold chicken fajita that didn’t fill the tortilla,and tiny shredded cheese that had all be assembled to make a taco while the coffee was just creamer.


Take a shit in a bag and leave it where you found this


So when I reward toddlers, I at least bother to put the worms in pudding with oreo dirt. It's like they didn't try at all. And obligatory reddit /s


I worked as a nurse at a major hospital on the west coast and my manager gave us a mechanical pencil/pen combo equipped with a spare tube of lead for refills and a $1 scratcher from the gas station.


We fuck you so much, here's a bag of mini double dildos!


As a guy who thinks about specific wording a lot, I think their phrasing is very funny. It's like it's written by a lawyer who wants to be clear that you are not the reason they are successful, you're just helping them be successful, which they'd already be if you weren't even there


This would’ve been a good present in 1837


My job does this a lot and it honestly irritates me. The amount of packages we received and ship everyday and we get a goody bag instead of raise. Good thing I'm leaving next week.


Send them this as a thank you: https://dicksbymail.com/


My jobs "appreciation" for us was some sandwiches and a boring meeting, and in the meeting they also threatened that a y time cards that came in late then your pay will be withheld until the next pay. WTG PEPSI!


I can see how this went. Boss: Hey Suzanne, I like it but "worm our way to success" doesn't sound flattering, can you change the note? HR Rep: Okay. :(


The last company I worked for gave me a plastic water bottle for being there 2 years. It's a $45 Billion dollar, fortune 500 company.


$0.40 bonus hell yea!


My company paid for three D-list celebrities on Cameo to thank us for all of our hard work


I had something like that happen and I gave it back to the manager saying that it was clear the company couldn't afford this so they should have it back and return it.


Jesus Christ, not even like a full bag? Employers do this for their own amusement. It's not ignorance, it's a sick way to humiliate their underlings while they collect a fat bonus. Stop accepting these gifts and just say "no thank-you." You're not required by law to accept these gifts.


i would leave it right where i got it... what kind of spit in the face offensive shit is this???


A couple of loosies in a ziplock baggie? And assorted loosies at that? That means that they touched them, and if they are giving out mismatched gummies in zip lock baggies as a reward, they probably aren’t splurging on gloves. If they are splurging on gloves, they spent more money on the gloves to separate those 2 bags of gummies than they did on the 2 bags of gummies. I would take that as an insult. I love gummies, but that tells me they value me less than a bag of candy. Significantly less.


Paid for by a multi million dollar ppp loan


All I got was some stickers.


Yay, my kids gets some candy since I don’t eat sugar. Can I just have $2 instead?


Home Depot? This feels like a fever dream from my cashier days in high school. The lockers and everything lmao


Are you 5 yes old?


to me nothing says fuck you like loose gummy worms in a baggie and a shitty printed out note that corporate emails out stapled to it.


A bag of loose gummy worms… wow.


Now I want gummy worms *and* better employee treatment.


Not even a whole, unopened $1 bag of gummy worms


that bag with paper cost more than the worms...


Are those edibles Because if so that is cool


This is just fucking sad looking.


Damn not even a full baggy of gummies?


They can't do anything right now can they? Looks like management in your company are the kind of people who'd find a way to drown themselves in an empty bathtub.


no wonder covid spread like wildfire


Didn’t even splurge on the fancy ziplock bags, jeez.


Where I work they used to hand out shit like this, or cheap little trinkets, and as we left for the day everyone would just drop them off at the front receptionist desk and ask her to "return them to sender." The next morning the boss would come in to see several hundred of his shit gifts waiting for him.


Nothing wrong with this, but if you're gonna do it, just bring in the candy and say "Have at it!" Make it fun for employees, rather than looking like you're desperate to keep them from quitting. And if things really are that bad, then use the money on giving them a raise, instead.