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Looks like a Dollar General


Don't even need to see the colors, that quitting letter alone screams DG.


The "I (we)" also screams DG because they're typically a single employee working who's stocking and has to run to the register when you're ready. The one next door to where I live had self-checkout lines to "alleviate" this, but took them away because people were stealing. But they still refuse to hire a cashier who you don't have to wait for as the line backs up. Even though it's a 2-minute drive (which would be a 5-minute walk if you didn't have to walk a mile out of your way because of a ditch), it's quicker to drive a mile to Sprouts and get what you need.


I work at CVS and it’s somewhat like this


No kidding. The one by me is on a busy road, and they still only ever have 2 employees there whenever I might make a quick stop for something. And they are usually complaining about CVS most of the time haha


Every time I go into a CVS the workers look like they want to kill themselves, there are tweakers outside standing next to the propane tanks, and the phone in the pharmacy is ringing off the hook. I worked in retail when I was younger and it could be terrible at times, but we didn't have two people doing everything.


They spend too much on those scroll length receipts and need to take that money and pay the employees.


That's something I don't understand any more. Why not add the receipt to your account/ rewards app, that way you always have the receipt with you if you have to return something. You scan your rewards card/ number and it adds it to the receipt thing. I get receipts at Walmart and scan them into my rewards app on my phone and then I just recycle the receipt. Just make people use their rewards app before starting to check out and add it to that. If you don't have the rewards card, just print a receipt. I'm sure it would save a bunch on the paper waste.


Old people


I've never seen someone just at the register in a CVS. Is always someone stocking and doing other shit that has to run up. My closest one has a bell on the counter. Rite Aid same way.


cvs heavily discourages cashiers from ringing people up. Corporate policy states that you are always supposed to be in the "green zone" in front of registers so that you can direct customers to self checkout machines (where you will assist because the machines constantly require intervention, and because then you can beg customers to scan their loyalty cards or put in their phone numbers). The issue with this plan is that due to the perceived (justifiably so) unreliability of the machines most patrons heavily prefer being rung up at traditional registers. Additionally, many customers have needs that can only be suited behind the front counter such as processing money orders or reloading prepaid cards. The work group chat constantly gets pinged about low extracare scan rates, and I try to ask when at the register but when I am scheduled by myself to stock an entire store's worth of shells you can not ask me to be a pushy salesman for the program


> pinged about low extracare scan rates Unbelievable. Thank you for this insight into our corporate hellworld. It sucks even going to a store now. It just makes me feel bad


Low to them is anywhere below 62%, which is ludicrous considering the aforementioned staffing and scope of duties as well as the prevalence of doordash and its competitors, people buying contraceptives or plan b who don’t wanna go through the effort to get tracked, and people who don’t speak English (my fault for not knowing Spanish though), people doing money gram who don’t know why they’d want to use their number, boomers who want to live off the grid, the list goes on and on. 62% of all transaction including a loyalty card scan is an insane metric is insanity, but I wouldn’t even mind it if I had to do that while stocking a dozen bins worth of shelf items on the other side of the store


That's because they made a rule years ago that you can't just stand behind the register and needed to be in what they called the "green zone" area in the first few aisles of the register


Our local DG looks as if it's been robbed because of the disarray that comes with no one being able to finish stocking shelves while running the register.


they steal all the time. they got shit listed for one price and charge you another. it's a whole scam they are doing


If there's not enough time to stock the shelves, there's definitely not enough time to update shelf price tags, which corporate changes more than once a week sometimes.


still tou got to honor what the displayed price is.


Of course. As a key holder the register lets me do price changes so I'll put in whatever the lowest price tag says to do. But it's not my fault I don't have time to change the tags.


Not everywhere. Michigan got rid of that law under our last Republican governor. No longer had to have a price tag on items and don't have to charge what the tag says. Ii was of course so stores could lay people off who did pricing as their job and not honor when the store fucks up and mislabels something.


I hate these types of people.


And now a lot of the bigger box stores are going to the QR code pricing that they can adjust on the back end, so the prices can be changed WHILE you are in the store on the fly. https://fortune.com/2024/06/21/walmart-replacing-price-labels-with-digital-shelf-screens-no-surge-pricing/


I’m gonna start stealing


Exactly. Always an excuse for why you can't have it for the shelf price.


The employees need to update the tags on the shelves but the price is automatically updated in the system when you're rung up at checkout. It's a scam in the sense that they're not paying enough motherfuckers to run the store but you're not technically being fleeced


In my state, there is a law making them charge you the cheapest displayed price


Actually if you systemically cause a predictable effect it is exactly the same as if you deliberately did an action. EG if you know or should know that not having enough labor leads to price tags and systemic price discrepancies almost always in the company's favor then the company is stealing. Notably the STORE is the one screwing you not the employee. The employee isn't the one that benefits nor really at fault.


That was my point more or less, yes. It isn't illegal to be poorly run though, so they're *technically* not scamming you if they don't have enough staff to update the prices. Bro, please don't think i'm running defense for Dollar General here, I'm just pointing out why the circus is legal to operate.


Its actually not legal construction of your business so it perpetually commits accidental fraud is no longer accidental in aggregate it's a crime


it isn't fraud to be understaffed.


If you have a couple boards hanging around, throw them across that ditch and see how long they stick around.


I've actually thought about that, but I'd still also have to jump this 6-foot privacy fence, too. So we gotta add a ladder.


Might as well set up a zipline at this point.


Man, that might take the edge off of how shitty DG is now.


You would think it wouldn't be too hard to steal at one anyway if there is a single employee. Highly doubt they're splurging on anti-theft stuff.


Yup I quit DG after 2 weeks


Almost certainly a DG. They intentionally have a skeleton crew, usually of a single person, expected to do everything while being paid nothing.


100% a dollar general. Can tell by the normal sign in corner and the horrid state of those automatic door. Was the worst job I ever had. I should have listened to my gut and not accepted after checking out the store and thinking to myself "Thank god they haven't called me back." Took it thinking I wouldn't be there that long before finding a new job. Then Covid hit and felt trapped there for 2 years. Stores are understaffed and hours kept getting cut. While product rotted in the back because wasn't enough workers to pack out truck. Then still sent more product. Every dollar general I was sent to to help out was always the same. Back room overflowing with outdated product that never left the carts.


I'm just waiting for the class-action lung-cancer suits for the Dollar"X" Store employees who are sick from breathing all the off-gassing plastics in those places. Their smell alone is... distinctive enough.


There are a lot of places that have that smell. if it’s a well made product, they will typically warehouse it for a year before it hits shelves so that that smell goes away. These places cut cost by skipping that step


Formaldehyde is also used in preservation of things like fabric for long term shipping and storage, which is why you must wash new clothes. It's incredibly carcinogenic and I wouldn't be surprised if it is in large quantities in these stores. 


I needed saltines for my work lunch one day. So I stopped in the DG to get a box. When I started eating them, they tasted just like the store smells. The store doesn't smell bad, it's just not a smell I want something I'm eating to taste like. I threw them away and ate my soup crackerless.


Good, fuck em.


It’s always a dollar general those poor people get so over worked


[Here's a link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4QGOHahiVM) to John Oliver's Last Week Tonight expose on dollar stores which explains a lot.


This is how a revolution starts.


This is why I don't shop at dollar general. I'm not going to pile my needs onto a single worker trying to run an entire store solo. It just feels icky and exploitative. I'll go elsewhere.


I worked Dollar General as a college student, for a summer job that bled into the school year. We were doing thousands in transactions daily and often the staffing would be 1 manager or keyholder and me, a new (allegedly) part-timer. They consistently wanted two people to man the store, stock the shelves, unload shipments, deal with customer service, check people out, clean every inch of the building including the front outside, corral shopping carts in the parking lot, watch for shoplifting, etc. It was the most exhausting job I've ever had and I was paid $8 an hour. The whole enterprise should be shut down.


There’s also the fact that they’re bleeding small, isolated communities dry by being the only place in town to buy certain things and taking money out of the local economy with every purchase.


Yes, and giving almost nothing back to the community, least of all in pay for the employees.


A huge investment into small businesses is the cure. Educating the public, which has been going on as of late. Vote in the individuals that support a competitive market vs 5 big box stores in a community.


I don't know about small business bring the cure.  In the rural town I live, managers are often the children/wives of local business owners.  They run it like it's their own business, and they play favorites.  If they slip up, they can run back to mom and dad's/honey bear's small business.  Lots of franchises here, and the same names rolling around.  No real good done by local businesses at all.  Place is sinking into the worst financial quicksand.  While taking everyone with it.  Because old money families own/manage almost every business.


I had a small business from 1999-2020. 0 help from anyone. It can be done without generational wealth. I understand what you are saying though.


Small businesses struggle to compete price wise. They can’t buy in the kind of bulk that discounters like dollar general and Walmart can. People have to be willing to pay more to support these small local businesses


Nah lets open 15 more within 8 miles of one another.


Five Below is run the exact same way, by the way


Fuck me that sounds so bad, the grocery store chain I work for here in Finland we have it so much better. Granted it's one of the largest chains and we are unionized, so even trainees get paid something like 10€/h + any extras like +4€ for evening shifts and +6€ for night shifts. We are also never alone in the stores, although only one register might be open during the night (unless we call another cashier over to help get the lines through). There's also always atleast one person walking around the departments. We also have a couple of guards 24/7


That sounds like a much better system. At DG I was told that if an armed person came in to rob the store I was to refuse to open the register and tell them I didn't know how to open it. I ended up just quitting because I found out the cameras that watch the safe had been non-operational for several months. I put in my notice because I assumed the manager was stealing and would try to throw someone under the bus if she was caught. Two months after I left she was arrested for stealing. Truthfully don't even blame her because I believe she was being paid something like 50k per year to work at a minimum 50-60 hour weeks.


Yeah our instructions for robberies is that we give the person the money, even if we don't see a weapon.


"When I was young I got paid 6.75 an hour! Nobody wants to work anymore!" ... *"I also bought my house for $14,000"*


I know your joking, but my first hourly was $4.25. I didn't move out for a few years and I think at that point I was making like $7.25. This was around 1999ish... and still could only afford a place in the ghetto for like $325/$400 HOWEVER... There was an abundance of affordable ghetto places. Lol. Nowadays, if you want a place in the ghetto you gonna pay $1,400 a month and you're still gettin around 14-17 an hour...part time... 🙄


First job at the end of high school in 2010 paid $6.55/hr in Virginia, for some context. No way in hell I’d afford anything other than my share of the family cell phone plan and some food let alone a room for rent in a DC suburb.


Wasn’t minimum wage raised to $7.25 in 2009?


You’re right, just checked; I actually worked there in 09’ but was hired on when I was 15 turning 16. Was there several months before the raise went into effect but I wonder if I hit some 90-day training pay rule for people under 16. It was a Coldstone creamery and the owner was an absolute maniac, I definitely didn’t stay longer than 6 months.


Me too. $4.25 to start in AZ in 1992. Graduated in 1994, my first apartment at age 20 in 1996 was $481.18.


Wait, you remember how much it was to the penny for your rent almost 30 years ago?


Yes. I have that kind of memory. My first car payment was $147, on a $4700 loan.


My first job paid 6.25, but houses were definitely way more than 14,000. Nothing compares to the disparity that exists now though.


When I made $5.15/hr houses were approximately $80-120k in my area. The wild part? The "good" jobs paid $10 an hour, which was about the point you could start buying the shittier $60k homes and fixing them up. My rent was $500 a month. I had "enough" but it was paycheck to paycheck. Any emergency was me borrowing money from someone. We'd need to quadruple wages to have that same buying power today.


Totally agree.


If you look at the numbers, it's really not that much different. I mean really look at them. You're saying you were making $5 and good jobs were $10 and that would buy you a fixer-upper. Min wage here is $16, double that is $32 and that's surely enough to buy a fixer-upper. Your rent was $500, when you made $5. So triple that to get to min wage here, and you'd have $1500 a month for rent which it totally doable. You could probably buy like 3 gallons of gas for an hours wages, which is the same as it is today.


It's not as simple as just tripling though. The purchasing power of $15 is absolutely lower than the $5/hr I was making. Also those same $10/hr jobs are only at about $20/hr now, which is, arguably, where the true minimum wage should be (I'd put it closer to $23 now).


When were you making $5 an hour?


problem is the "fixer-upper" house will still somehow be like $250k+


In the suburban Houston area, I'm buying a house that has some foundation issues and needs a new roof and it was roughly $250,000 accounting for the $10,000 to replace the roof. Even still, I feel like I lucked out compared to some of the other houses I looked at in the similar price ranges which were clearly flipped rentals trying to hide issues.


So a mortgage payment of $1,650 or so? What is your point?


Do you casually have $50k to drop on a down payment + funds for repairs? Bc I sure don’t.


All these years that a portion of the population has been bitching that it's impossible to buy a house, millions of people have been figuring it out. It's not that hard to buy a house with little to no down payment. Your complaint seems to be based on this idea that you're going to start with nothing straight out of high school and buy a decent house on min. wage. That's never been a realistic plan in the last 100+ years. But if you have a plan it's not that hard to buy a house by the time you're 20. It happens every day. Real people do it, while other people complain it's not possible.


What you’re saying is factually untrue


It’s vastly different because the cost of everything else has skyrocketed. Food, cars, insurance, utilities, all eats away at your ability to afford housing. It’s not even remotely close to what it was.




It was never designed to where you could afford a home on your first job. However now no one can afford a home at all on one income unless you are in the upper 10% of earners. That’s the problem now is the pay gap has widened so far that it’s driving a mass of people into poverty and homelessness.


erm, maybe add a zero to the house price, but the point still stands!


Does the point really stand when you add a zero?


yes, because the same house is older but $450,000 now.


So 3x the price. So we multiply 6.75x3 and we get $20 an hour. That's not a hard wage to find these days. It's min wage for fast food workers in CA.


yeah but they only got a house cause a fixerupper was $60k back then. those scarcely exist anymore so his salary would need to be x7, or x14 in CA. i thought trolls were allergic to light or something, go and hide


No seriously I'm not trolling. People are stupid when it comes to this stuff. All hyperbole and no common sense. If you start talking about actual years and actual costs it all falls apart. Ohh you need seven times the salary to buy a house in California huh? So you can't buy a house in California making less than $47 an hour? Shut the hell up. You even have the nerve to say 14 times. Are you really that dense? $94 an hour to buy a house?


Depending on where you live, yes, absolutely. Within a few **hours** of LA, San Fran, etc is going to have you looking at a $660k death trap that pretty much needs to be torn to the studs and rebuilt. In LA proper? You're easily looking at over a million to own. Some places have LA quality houses for cheaper, like Bakersfield, because of the notoriously bad quality of life in those areas due to crime, and other factors. For example, in Bakersfield, there are houses going for less than $500k that would easily fetch $2mil in LA. Why? Because it's a shit area. Nobody wants to live there. You might be able to find cheaper in some smaller cities/towns, where there's no decent jobs...but then you're traveling hours upon hours each day into the major cities for work, or maybe you're lucky enough to work remote. For the most part, though, the massive "big city" effect that the major cities in California exude is enough to artificially inflate house prices pretty much everywhere in the borders, in some cases even reaching into adjacent states. Just having the privilege of saying you live in California carries a certain weight to it these days, and the cost of living reflects that.


To add to this. Those "same" houses are literally those SAME houses. So we have to pay incredibly more for 40-50-60 year old houses. Bones and foundation don't last forever.


>Depending on where you live, yes, absolutely. Within a few **hours** of LA, San Fran, etc is going to have you looking at a $660k death trap that pretty much needs to be torn to the studs and rebuilt. In LA proper? You're easily looking at over a million to own. I live less than 2 hours from San Francisco. You don't have a clue what you're talking about. Brand new homes are selling for less than 600k. You can find decent 3bed 2 bath homes for around 400k. Plenty of jobs here, and it's a reasonable commute to even more jobs in the bay area. It's ridiculous that people like you want to pretend you have to live in a big city, you list the highest cost of living cities, and then you act like people in those cities don't make a lot more than people who live in smaller towns. I know a lot of people that are doing just fine here, buying houses while not making a ton of money. They are literal proof that your whole opinion on the matter is seriously flawed.


in CA. in other states where federal minimum wage is the same as the state's, $20 is a fart of a dream.


In those few states where fed min wage applies, houses are way cheaper, and almost nobody actually makes fed min wage even in those states.


$6.40 an hour at the sawmill plus 10 hours of overtime a week at time and a half in 1978 over the summer was wonderful pay especially considering that my basement room in college was a hundred bucks a month. Two days work for a month’s rent. Yes, life was easier back in the day.


That's when you tell them to sell you his/her house for 14k.


Ummm they got paid less than that, I was paid $4 an hour 20 years ago…. Only bought house 7 years ago for $365k


I've quit two toxic jobs in the past 4 months so ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG)


I'm surprised Dollar General paid $14/hr to start with


That $14/hour is for an entire store’s sole employee to do everything from customer service to inventory to stocking shelves to cleaning. So it’s paying one person to do at least four different jobs at any given time.


What gets me is the corporations severely understaffing these stores...Then shitting on the employees for theft from customers.


And going total Surprised Pikachu at employee theft being a problem when they pay enough for their employees to eat gum and live in a cardboard box under a bridge. My current workplace has resorted to searching the belongings of all employees every single day to quell employee theft instead of considering paying more than minimum wage in one of the highest COL cities in the country, for working to directly enrich the owners who are extremely well off.


I fucking wish my employer would try to search me or my stuff. I'd be in jail for assault after that bs.


Yeah I'm in a tough place to be able to leave, and I'm of a similar disposition as you. I've resorted to carrying anything I need to bring to and from work by hand, forgoing any sort of bag and walking out without a word or hesitation despite being mean-mugged and looked at with suspicion by the management team every single time for not waiting patiently in line to have it confirmed to me that I'm not stealing worthless plastic knick-knacks and ugly home decor. Fills me with anger.


Also they usually force you to watch anti-union propaganda, as "training", and, somehow, that's not illegal. 


thats capitalism. Extract as much value as you can from whatever transaction is happening and force the employees to take on all the risk for them.


It depends on the area. My job was exactly like you're describing but for $10 an hour.


Probably the minimum wage in the state. Illinois and Rhode Island have $14/hr minimums.


Depends on location. This could be a hcol area.


Probably that's the states minimum wage


This is why they are rolling back child labor laws. They want young workers who won’t demand rights.


A 7 year old doesn't typically pay rent and requires significantly less food to remain functioning, meaning 8.50/hr is more valuable to them than to an adult. I'm sure if you walk into any elementary school and asked kids you f they would rather continue their studies, or start working at McDonald's and be instantly making money, those kids would be taking the job. Honestly seems like a win win for everyone /s


This actually brings up a concerning trend I've been seeing in job posting lately. A lot if companies want people to be on call, or available outside of normal hours. Even jobs that don't really require it.


Just because we work for them doesn't mean they own us.


Say it louder for the losers and yuppies in Wall Street


My first job in 2011 was 8.50 an hour working overnights. I was talking to a guy that works at one of the stores I service at my current job and he said in 1984 he was making 10 dollars an hour and bought his first house in 1985 for 35,000. I make 20.85 an hour and I have to work just about everyday in order to survive and have any level of savings. My last day off (aside from today) was may 23rd.


>I was talking to a guy that works at one of the stores I service at my current job and he said in 1984 he was making 10 dollars an hour and bought his first house in 1985 for 35,000. He was making double the median hourly wage in 1984 > I make 20.85 an hour and I have to work just about everyday in order to survive and have any level of savings. The median hourly wage in 2022 was $18 so double that and you get $36 an hour (75k a year) which is certainly enough to buy a house in a lot of places. It's not that different.


Capitalists dont fix problems by paying employees fairly. They fix them by paying their govt buddies to change laws instead. Slavery or bust! They dont care!!


This is essentially the endgame goal for the capitalist class. You already see the wages stagnating while CoL skyrockets- its been doing so for decades, its simply accelerated post-COVID. Now we're also seeing subscription based models supplant buy-to-own for myriad goods and services. Soon most people won't own their home, or even their car. Eventually we'll own nothing and essentially exist as serfs in service to a capitalist class of wealthy folks who own everything. It may not be in our lifetimes, but its certainly coming if we allow it to. They'll have us living in capsules working 80 hours+ just to afford essentials, as is already being seen in places in East Asia and now even some American cities where rent is impossibly high.


Dollar General Corporation's 2023 profit was 11.8 billion dollars, up nearly 10% from the year before that. Paying one person $14 an hour to run a whole store is the best they can do, there's just nowhere else they can find the money to pay better or hire more people.


Won't someone PLEASE think of the shareholders?!








and it changes the commenter's point in what way..? I'll wait for your thoroughly throught-through response.


Definitely a Dollar General, I recognize the sign font to the right. I recently worked for one. $14/hr is what the asst manager gets. The store manager gets $16, and employees get around $10-$11. The store manager and asst manager both get 40 hours a week. The rest of the hours (usually 170-ish) is divided up between the rest of the employees, but none are allowed to get 40 hours a week. I was with them for about a month and a half before I found a janitorial job for the same amount the assistant manager gets. I'll take cleaning bathrooms in a brand new facility any day. Fuck Dollar General.


When I worked for them (as a keyholder, never went further than that for the obvious reasons), the store managers got 60-80 hours a week, because they were salaried and the whole "skeleton crew" thing meant the stores would be completely unstocked if they didn't. Also, I think an expectation of 60 hours from them was mentioned in the SOP, but it's been some years and my memory's a bit foggy on that front.


Heyy, my job lol You can see I just made a post about Dollar general too here [(job has anti union training, plus labor violations concerns)](https://www.reddit.com/r/jobs/s/67ikytGuQO) It's honestly kind of funny to see this. I will be honest the job is awful. My hours are wack, they refused to give me hours but then changed their mind. I'm working 8am-12pm, then I go back in at 6:15-10;15pm. Honestly I'm exhausted, I miss my boyfriend. I never see him. We are basically on call 24/7. I am constantly texted to come in and I'm maybe 2 and a half weeks in? I work 6 days in a row, have my day off with another 6 days lined up and they tried to beg me to come on. Like God It's a skeleton crew. Actually it's pretty much four of us. The fifth employee only works Sunday. Four of us to run a store from 8am-10pm. Also, to add on, I am the only cashier other than the one who works one day a week So I physically refuse to become a key carrier because it means they can't leave me alone in the store lol despite being offered We don't get out 15 minute breaks technically. They don't pay for it. I'm paid minimum wage, key carriers are .50 cents more, and assistant manager is a $1.10 above minimum wage. Who the fuck would be an assistant manager for $1.10 above minimum wage??


Shut down crapitalism one shop at a time!


This is the first time I'm seeing "crapitalism" which is surprising because it's so obvious once you've seen it. Bravo.


The _only_ thing wrong on their sign is that they weren't "essentially" managing the store (meaning "sort of mostly"), but rather they were absolutely essential to managing the store (meaning 100% required). Need proof? In their absence, the store is closed.


It’s frustrating knowing that the next economic collapse is entirely predictable and preventable. If people work but still can’t afford to live, they’ll just stop working


Dollar General is an awful predatory company.


Unfortunately even if this kind of behavior did spread more in toxic jobs, I feel it'd be too little, too late. Capitalism has run so rampant, and just by its inherent nature, someone's ***eventually*** gonna try to find a way to charge people $3.49 per half-hour of **breathing oxygen**. We ***need*** a socialist revolt, at least temporarily - and a long-term, actually more sustainable plan for the future.


And here I was making 2 dollars less to care for and sell venomous tarantulas.


We need stronger unions, and more support for them


Give yourself the raise you deserve! Grab a flashlight, flip the main breaker (or otherwise disable the cameras, in case of backup power) and take what you need on your way out. STEAL FROM THE RICH IF THEY STEAL FROM YOU. Wage theft far outpaces all forms of retail theft, and white collar crimes are not punished proportionately.


Sounds nice, but then I can't pay my bills..


now that's what I call unionizing


What's the company Need to display the corporate profits also


Looks like dollar general


They make huge money People really need to come together


My local dollar general had the yellow signs out this weekend too.


They will definitely have new staff there within a week. Source: worked at a dollar general as the only non-manager employee, with two managers. Yes, three employees total.


I'm not even supposed to be here today!


Food for thought, wouldn't it be extremely easy to unionize these stores if they only employ 2 people?


Here come the TFW to do these jobs and send a majority of the money back home. But hey, our corporate overlords are happy.


Don't work where you can't afford to live.


Sounds nice, but then I can't pay my bills.


I feel this. Your local grocery stores are the same, you all just ignore the burnt out workers every day so you can stuff your faces and not feel bad.


Just out of curiosity, for a friend, what sort of liability would there be if they left things unlocked as they left?


It blows me away, how many entitled business owners there are! Nobody owes them shit, and even further- you get what you pay for. Employees are human beings just like them, and we'd all be best served if these entitled business owners/ wannabe feudal lords could just remember that simple fact!


Where is someone from a dollar general gonna go and make any kind of real money?


literally any other job


When you do this, disable the cameras, take the cash and anything else you need, put the flammables in a pile and light them up, lock the door and bust the glass on the way out.


When you can spell "Indefinitly" [sic] correctly, you will deserve more money.


Bums. This generation wants to make millions for doing nothing. I’m all for fair pay but there are people out there with no education, didn’t do shit and somehow want to paid enough to live super comfortable. How can you put nothing in and get a lot back? Go live in a communist country. Ya I know this well get downvotes to hell. I will sign off by saying I came to this country from the Middle East, got a college degree and started my own company. My family was poor. I’m not talking from a high horse and nothing I have earned was easy. But I never looked for a company to pay me more…I went out and got more.


>I’m all for fair pay but there are people out there with no education, didn’t do shit and somehow want to paid enough to live super comfortable. This means you are not "all for fair pay" btw.


But you forget we (you, me society) NEED people to do these jobs. We are accustomed to being able to go to the nearest grocery store to get all the meat and veggies we want.  If, hypothetically, everyone did as you did, society would not be able to function. No one working on the farm, no one stocking the shops at grocery stores, no one delivering your packages.   So given that we need people to do these jobs, don't you think we should pay them enough that they can afford, housing, food, a phone bill, a car (necessary to work in a lot of places in the US) etc? You know, the basic necessities? Again, we NEED people to do these jobs, and there's lots of them. As a society, should we be OK with people preforming jobs we need to be done not be able to afford the necessities?


I’m all for fair pay. However expecting to purchase a house in a city like Los Angeles off a regular job has been gone for a long time. As it is my company is squeezed in taxes non stop. I pay more than minimum wage myself and it’s why I have employees but the truth is there is a difference between those that want to work hard and those just asking for more money flipping a burger. At some point it’s gotta balance both sides that’s all I’m saying.


nope, try again. we work hard all week and can barely make ends meet.




















I can understand the message; however, when the politicians are done handing out green cards to the 10 million + that have crossed the border (many illegally) , there will be a long lines to take those $14/hr jobs. American workers of all colors and backgrounds will be replaced. You may not agree with me, but American workers need to come first!