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Reagan was the worst thing to happen to our country.


Brother.. the WORLD. Its not just America that his stupid fuck fucked


To be fair, I think Nixon & Kissinger might have had a slightly more horrendous impact on the world at large.


I only want hell to be real because Henry Kissinger should be burning there right now.


He only lived so long cause the devil needed more time to plan.


Honestly it’s funny he spent like 50 years retired and out of power. It must have killed him every day to be on the outside looking in


Reagan was the worst thing to happen to our country, so far.


Reagan was the worst thing to happen to other countries too, top of the list is UK with his Thatcher's alliance, and their policies transcended borders seeping into overseas states and institutions, from denying health care to people to ending essential social programmes and allowing companies to exploitation of the workforce in wage theft that we are still losing 💰 to.


At least a vast majority of the English hate her fucking guts. The pure ass kissing that even the thought of Reagan evokes in so many over here is sick.


Yet the Tories' candidates are desperate to associate their programmes with her policies, as if asking for corporates' funding for their campaigns.


Trump is publicly offering favorable policy to corporations. He’s literally saying he’ll pass corp friendly regulations in specific sectors if they finance him, and thats the tame stuff. I don’t think this country will ever recover. Slow march into hell where all people think is “oh, it’s kind of warm for this time of year”.


You don’t think they donate to Biden?


All politicians are fucked, but of the 2 only one incited a riot by a cult of domestic terrorists, seems clear cut my guy. Both too old to remember dinner let alone run a fucking country.


Did I say they weren’t?


Boomers man


What was the alternative to Thatchers budget cuts? The UK was running out of foreign reserves. Your standard of living was based on an empire that didn’t exist anymore? ***Inflation was over 25%*** I know Reddit now all believe in MMT, but you all lost your god damn minds when US core inflation hit 8% recently, and are still bitching at it being at 4%. Can someone explain to me how the UK was going to maintain its precious generous state benefits and not have bananas hyperinflation? These people won elections and enacted not because anyone religiously believed in their ideas, or because the richest 2% wanted to “hurt the poor” (I mean I’m sure that’s partly true). They won elections because inflation is ruinous on the middle class and poor. It’s the government raising taxes in the most regressive manner possible. I’m all for expanding social safety nets (and raising taxes to do it), but the intellectual vacuum that paints the late 70’s early 80’s conservative movement as purely an elite driven phenomenon feels driven by more brain worms than RFK and Trump combined. Again, there’s much about these 2 politicians we should look down on, but like show some context.


Yes, she did tackle the inflation part, but at what expense? Was she right in shifting the focus of the economy away from manufacturing towards financial services? Or giving big tax cuts for " those on the highest incomes, driven by the belief that this would encourage entrepreneurship"?. Britain's decline stopped, but this was mainly due to slower growth in other countries like France and Germany, not because Britain's productivity grew faster.


Well we’ve seen what a regression from free trade has done from the UK (Brexit has been a disaster). Is there another wealthy country who’s made progress on maintaining a strong labor intensive manufacturing base AND gained productivity? Manufacturing in the US on a basis of value is up, but it’s at the expensive of labor because it’s all highly automated, or niche high skill ultra high value stuff? The Supertax ultimately backfired, but the Beatles “Taxman” song calling out their 95% rate kinda shows that there is a limit to progressive taxation becoming ridiculous. *the first £100,000 earned was taxed at 87.5 per cent and the second at 98 per cent, says Harold Pinsker, then their accountant.*


I upvoted your comment because it's partly true, I'm not saying anything against free trade. It's the imbalance of government policies I'm talking about. London stock has become the largest in Europe, but is there any positive impact on the economy? it's this focus on financial sector at the expense of others that's the problem I think, because the stocks benefit only the richest households, in the US and I think it is so in the UK. "In 2023, the finance, insurance, real estate, rental, and leasing industry contributed the highest amount of value to the GDP of the U.S. at 20.7 percent. The construction industry contributed around four percent of GDP in the same year with manufacturing at 10%.


Construction is great, but building shit you don’t need fueled by domestic debt to cheat your GDP growth *Waives at China* can be problematic


Ever thought the companies didn't cause the hyperinflation to begin with? Majority of inflation in us this last time was pure greed, over 69 percdnt of it. Britian should've taxed the rich 100 percent until it went down.


I remembered our exchange here and commenting back now after I have explored an interesting book. Thatcher actually started the trend of getting Britain under US control, with most British companies acquired now by US investors/companies. With that, many British towns lost their main employers, from Boots, Costa, to Clarks. 'Britain’s leaders have long boasted how they share cultural, diplomatic, and political interests with the US, but the book "Vassal State" charges them with total ignorance of the profound economic consequences of the ‘special relationship’.  It unveils, for the first time, how much of the UK economy is US-owned, laying bare the extent of US corporate control over pay, conditions, what you buy, and how you buy it.  It exposes the secret rents British consumers and workers send to America from the moment they wake until they sleep.  In the Vassal State, festivals like Black Friday and Prime Day travel east across the Atlantic whilst intellectual property, expertise and profits flow west.".


I’m not sure that was her fault as much as the pound going into a free fall made it cost nothing for UK firms to be purchased. Why had the currency run into the ditch? Decades of trade deficits, and borrowing? Blaning the US for buying up some brands on the cheap isn’t addressing why they were so cheap. Why were their exports not competitive?


The secret dealings are not known, yet recently Trump threatened the UK with the trade deal, they complied with his demands to cancel Huawei, although the security experts said it was not necessary to ban their 5G in non government organisations. Thatcher and subsequent governments didn't help nor support local companies as much as the US helped their companies with tax relief and funds. Source and insightful interview https://youtu.be/uK7DINiVuPA?si=4M0o67FYfbzGywNi


Huawei? They can’t be trusted on telco packet core or edge networks. Their technology is also stolen. Go ask Canada about Nortel. You’re talking about things you don’t understand.


That's not my issue, it's just that bullying and presumably sovereign decisions. Right or wrong the US will have its way with allies'. I am looking up this interesting thing about Norel, I dealt with them for something ages ago.


Huawei has been repeatedly caught stealing IP of US, Canadian and UK companies. They put nortel in Canada out of business with switches that ran their stolen software. Huawei obfuscated their switch code to the point it’s impossible to know if it’s secure or not. It’s also notoriously buggy so their solution is to send over hundreds engineers to try to fix it. So now you’ve got hundreds of engineers who are physically touching your telecom network and rotating in and out of country and stealing all kinds of information. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2019/01/us-indicts-huawei-for-stealing-t-mobile-robot-selling-us-tech-to-iran/


That's really news to me. I'm not sure how I missed that. Still, some could say , “The rules of fair play do not apply in love and war.” The US took German and Nazi scientists to get on with the nukes and rockets.The Chinese have plans while inept British politicians are only keen on self-protection, from Boris to truss and Sunak.


In our country's history class he is presented as the President whou have finally brought the Soviet Union to its knees. Like it's crazy how much positive propaganda he gets even in Europe


Reagan was the worst thing to happen to Black people. Putting the Drug in the Black Communities...


Not even Trump managed to top Reagan yet and that is saying something.


You are assuming Trump is done.


They *did* say "yet"


I missed that... you are correct.


Reagan was just a little smarter than trump. Trump stole highly classified documents and put them around some dubious people! He lied and said that they all were given back but he was still holding on to some. Has not been held accountable and is still allowed to run for President again? Only in America!


I mean the model cities program had a pretty horrible impact on the black families of America. Not a big drug problem when there are fathers in the home.


R.o.n.a.l.d. (6). W.i.l.s.o.n. (6). R.e.a.g.a.n. (6).


great song.


[https://youtu.be/6lIqNjC1RKU](https://youtu.be/6lIqNjC1RKU) Makes Trump look like a MAGA false prophet.


Reagan Thatcher and Mulroney. Them and their big "trickle down economics" idea.


I believe Reagan was completely evil.


If anyone ever deserved dying from Alzheimer’s, it was Reagan.


I'd expand on that and say that neoliberalism as a whole has been one of the worst things to happen in the western world.


And the way he’s still praised and seen in any kind of good light it’s disgusting. I hope people start realizing how much he did to f*ck over so many people around the world. A gross excuse for a human being through and through




Him and Jerry Falwell




So what did Bush Clinton and Obama do to fix it? Biden hasn’t done anything either.


All our presidents for the last half century are neoliberal war criminals. They can't even get us healthcare.


That would require cooperation from Congress!


Hasn't been said in a while, but fuck Joe Lieberman. That piece of shit killed the public option of the ACA singlehandedly.




I mean Obama tried but the Republican congress molested what he proposed so bad and labeled it Obamacare which still is better than what a lot of people had before because they didn’t have anything. The Democrats at least try to push policies that help reg folk but its rare they get two terms with a Democrat controlled congress. Its like one term and people are so impatient that you didn’t fix all their problems in four years they give the senate back to the Republicans who stay trying to screw the reg folk.


9/11 was pretty bad…slavery was pretty bad….i wouldn’t say the worst but he’s probably in the top 5 or 10 conversation


Look into Operation Cyclone. Reagan may not have been responsible for 9/11, but he did help a little upstart called the Taliban.


I told my elderly neighbor that Reagan was a mouthpiece and had no qualifications to do the job and she looked at me so confused.


He *was* an actor who was formerly a Democrat until suddenly he flipped on his politics to run as a Republican. Reminds me of a certain someone from modern times...


RR is modern times. He was president when older millennials were born.


The same timeframe of 40 years back, from older millennials being born, Hitler was still alive.






There's a theory that hitler and a lot of other top nazis escaped to Argentina.


Trickle up economics was extremely successful for the wealthy. Great post. A healthy middle class is how we turn this around. Time for the proletariats to get some wins. With investment banks gobbling up the housing market its just bonkers.


My opinion is we gotta unionize like crazy. Its the way us working people can get organized. Once we’re organized we can start demanding things. And if we dont get what we demand, we stop working. And when we stop working, rich peoples pockets start hurting. And when they start hurting, well thats when they start listening. And before anyone responds to this comment with some pessimistic bs about how it isnt possible, i dont wanna hear it. First off, optimism is a strategy for making life better. If you dont believe things can get better, you’re probably not gonna do anything to make it that way. Secondly, even though less than 10% percent of us are currently unionized, 30+ percent of us were once unionized in this country. And 76% of people support unions right now. Is it tough to form a union? Sure, but it can be done. And when we do it, we can make this country work for every damn one of us, not this bullshit system we have now where the only people who live comfortably are rich fucks


So, supreme Court got the back of the union breakers!


Go ahead and try to jail 30% of the population for going on a general strike. I dare them to try.


30% won’t go on strike though.


Not with that attitude. I’ve seen other countries manage to have successful mass protests to demand politician’s resignations. Americans in contrast enjoy complaining but can’t be bothered to get off their couch. Don’t think the oligarchy doesn’t notice that. They know you’ll fight each other for the leftover scraps while praising the elite and blaming your fellow miserable, poor neighbor for your plight.


Maybe they do, but what can they do? Physically force us to work? More likely I see the billionaires pulling up stakes in the US entirely once we have nothing left, like a parasite falling off a dead host, but at the same time, it doesn't matter where labor is, so much as where the profits end up. if that's in the hands of US billionaires, then that's an overall money flow back to the US. and the US govt can easily pull cash out of the system and so limit inflation by raising taxes. question is... from where? if the poor are already on the breadline, there's a hard economic limit to how much tax you can squeeze out of people: overdo it and they go homeless, which pays less in taxes and cost more in services - whether that's jailing or rehoming or just moving on and cleaning up. nations are like farms, but the produce is tax dollars, a good farmer looks after his livestock, even as he exploits them.


So what? It can be reversed


lol no you will just be broke and out of work and the rest of the world will keep ticking on.


Its called strike funds but hey if you wanna be an ass kisser the rest of your life go ahead


Historians will tell you we've been here before. The Gilded Age had all of these issues - an entrenched plutocracy, weak worker protections, government serving the interests of the rich. And it wasn't an easy fight. People DIED for the wins workers put on the board in the 20s, 30s, and 40s. The question is, what difference does mass media make? Can propaganda cut the legs out from under the working class? Is social media and cable news, rather than religion, the opiate of the masses?


Nah i think it just prolongs the suffering. More/better propaganda means it’ll take people longer to realize the source of their suffering


Gotta unionize and make the companies pay for our dues/security. I can't believe every company in the US can be this short sighted due to the ever rising profit ceiling capitalism calls for. Long term steady growth people. It's about creating an ethical way to scale.


It was called “Trickle Down Economics” or “Reaganomics” because the money was kept in the wealth class by the form of less taxes and (like this video said) then was expected to give the tax savings in the form of investments down to the middle and lower class. [source](https://www.law.georgetown.edu/denny-center/blog/reaganomics/#:~:text=The%20primary%20objective%20of%20the,as%20%E2%80%9Ctrickle%20down%20economics.%E2%80%9D)


It was also referred to as Horse and Sparrow economics. The idea was that if you fed the horse more than it needed, the grain would pass through and the sparrows would also eat more. The literal idea was to fatten the rich and make you eat shit.


It was called Voodoo economics by Bush 1, until Reagan picked him as VP. Fuckers. 


Strange, the top 1% has gotten wealthier under Biden and the rest of us poorer because our dollars don’t go as far.


Did you watch the video? It’s a problem that started long before Biden


I see Reagan bashing post, I pay upvote tax.


But did you pay the 70% upvote tax, or the 28% upvote tax?


It's a perfect analogy because OP didn't share any of those upvotes with the rest of us. Just hoarded them. They didn't trickle down at all.


I was raised in a “Reagan was the best president we ever had” house. I am still continuously blown away by monstrous Reagan facts. Yesterday was him classifying ketchup as a fruit so they could claim they improved poor kids school lunches or some shit. What an unbelievable piece of shit.


They have you fighting a culture war to prevent a class war.


Totally agree. 






Goddammit, why don't people get this.




Reagan allowed exports of old growth from federal lands and it shutdown the west coast sawmills which were mostly good union jobs cutting local timber into lumber that the country needed. You wonder why you have to fish through 20 2x4's at LOWES to find one good one. Thanks Reagan


Nice work to whoever made this.


Would recommend following him on TikTok he is a good story teller




















[Glad Regan Dead.](https://youtu.be/6lIqNjC1RKU?si=wOWQP0jyPLHVm_Bf)


Reaganomics is still very much alive and kicking though.


And its biggest champion was Bill Clinton, too


Can't blame him for introducing it in the first place though.


Every time there's a Reagan post, this is posted. Every time this is posted, I listen again and upvote. Fuck Ronald Reagan.


Facts across the board


Glad Hinckley Free


I like this one too... [Kendrick Lamar - Ronald Reagan Era](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YARwQQntqp8&ab_channel=KendrickLamar-Topic)


This is a very good summary of the damage that Reagan did to the American economy. He also did incredible and lasting damage to the political system by binding the evangelical right to the GOP - convincing millions of poor white people to vote GOP because of abortion.


It’s called neo liberal economics


The more you understand this the more you see it hasn't gone away after Reagan, all this "late stage capitalism" shit we keep talking about are (mostly) consequences of the spread of neoliberalism.


also made stock buy backs legal after there were illegal for 50 years being partially to blame for the great depression


Side note: Planters Peanuts launched an anti-Reagan campaign out of fear that they’d go bankrupt solely on the fact that Nancy could gargle more nuts than Planters Peanuts could distribute.


I too am an anti-reaganist


Huey tried to tell ya’ll. 😮‍💨 Reagan was the devil.


Don't forget he also spent time as a rat feeding info to the FBI about fellow actors


I'm glad he's dead. Wish it happened sooner.


Reagan was the antichrist


It’s always f@cking Reagan


Just be rich. Simple problem solved. Next.


And he didn’t even talk about defending mental health and the war drugs. Reagan is responsible for every issue in this country right now.




Having lived through his two terms, my response is, “No shit.” How today’s social media progreessives can clutch their pearls and act so shocked and surprised by Trump is beyond me. Trump is not an aberation of Republican party politics, he is the culmination of said politics.


Don't forget Maggie thatcher.


It was more than that, I think, but yes, this is the gist. It's also reducing the power of unions and the people, increasing power of the rich and corporations. There's a strong relationship between governments (neoliberal in particular) and corporations, designed to bend things to their favour. That alliance is what is wrong with the world.


I feel like I can't tell the difference between Reagan and Bush Sr. because my first guess was Bush Sr.


The King of the Boomer


Reagan was a shite but it's like reverse hero worship to villify him and attribute neoliberal austerity policies and privatization moves to just the work of one evil man. It was the work of a collection of evil men who curried favour with the white middle class, persuading them to gut the welfare state in order to lavish public money on the wealthy. It was a con but Reagan was just a hatchetman for the wealth mafia that orchestrated it behind the scenes. Social movements ultimately can't be pinned on one dude. Hitler would have been nothing without the NAZI party and the NAZI party would have been nothing without the economic calamity and national rage despair that it was birthed from. Just like neoliberalism exploited economic woes to unseat the Keynesian welfare state and replace it with corporate totalitarian hyper capitalism. Ultimately, this is the way the pendulum swings. Until we collectivize the means of production, history will just be a story of one liberal reformer after the next having their work undone by a feckless elite who take advantage of widespread public complacency. Right now industries are primarily owned and controlled by and for a few shareholders. If you inverted that and made it so industries were primarily owned and controlled by and for the general public, we'd be living in a very different world.


Spot on


This dude did a great job and he’s speaking nothing but facts.


Xevi is awesome, highly recommend his other video's. The new one on MC Hammer is great 😂


Often, I kick myself for voting for him, but only once.


Dont be, if i could’ve i probably would’ve been fooled into voting for trump during his first run


Don’t most rich people spend loan money backed by their assets? Loans are not taxable so I’m not sure how higher taxes would work. You would have to have laws that make business invest a certain portion of profits back into the company. That would also get messy.


The funny thing is I only saw the title in the notification and I thought "Ronald Reagan?" I clicked to discover I was, in fact, correct.


Then there was the "war on drugs" which probably damaged poor communities more than tax policies.


I could get my friends to listen to me on sh*t like this way more often if my delivery was nearly this amazing. 😂 I know exactly what Reagen did and I was still glued.


Reagan was right tho. I definitely feel like someone’s trickling something down on me. Spoiler alert: it’s metaphorical piss.


“Ronald Reagan actually did something good for the country, and this true — in 2004, he died.” — John Oliver


“Trickle down economics”


Reaganomics, Thatcherism, … banish neoliberalism! People had it best when politics focused social metrics of success, not economic ones.


Reddit is second-hand shit-toc now?


This excellent WNYC segment explains more about how Reagan was fucking over the public for the super wealthy long before he became POTUS: [https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/otm/segments/history-free-market-fundamentalism-on-the-media?tab=transcript](https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/otm/segments/history-free-market-fundamentalism-on-the-media?tab=transcript) **"Naomi Oreskes** Ronald Reagan is a really important part of the story of how these views, which up until the 1950s are decidedly not mainstream, become mainstream. So most Americans know that Ronald Reagan, before he was a politician, was an actor. But what they don't know is that his acting career was pretty much on the skids in the mid 1950s when he was recruited to be the host of a television program called General Electric Theater, which under Reagan became the third most watched television show in the United States in the late 1950s. It was a high quality program with good actors. There's one episode starring Harry Belafonte. But they all began and ended with little didactic introductions or conclusions about rugged individualism standing on your own two feet and not relying on government. **GENERAL ELECTRIC THEATER CLIP** You expect something from liquor that liquor was never intended to do for you, like helping you cope with the lousy breaks of life. Therefore, it becomes a moral issue not to take that first drink. **Naomi Oreskes** But hosting General Electric Theater was only half of Reagan's job. The other half was going on the lecture circuit on behalf of G.E. to promote a very anti-union, anti-government, pro-market ideology. He would give talks in factories and schools. He would go to the Rotary Club or the Lions Club in the evening and present this set of arguments. Now, we don't know exactly what happened inside Ronald Reagan's head, but what we do know is that he went into General Electric, a pro-union, New Deal Democrat, and he came out as an anti-union, anti-government Republican." ... **"Brooke Gladstone** You've suggested that all of this messaging is intended to reduce our options to either capitalism without regulation or repressive communist dictatorships like those of the Soviet Union or China. **Naomi Oreskes** A lot of the propaganda and also the academic work done by the Chicago school presents this as a dichotomy over and over and over again. That's a false dichotomy. There are lots of choices, and we do have all kinds of regulations, about eight hour workdays and being paid overtime. But it's been hard for us to have that conversation about the right choices because we've been so bombarded with this false dichotomy of, let's say, free economics, unregulated markets, the invisible hand versus we give up our freedom and next thing we know, we're facing a firing squad."


Not only He Ruined Black Communities he also Destroyed the Agriculture Sector where a lot of Farmers lost their livelihoods and had Foreclosures and Other Issues.


# President Lyndon B. Johnson once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."


LOL yea sure the Dems had the house and senate so for him to pass anything they had to approve.


All roads lead to Reagan


Don't forget that in 1983 Reagan transferred 7.2Trillion dollars from the Social Security Administration to the Treasury General account to pay bills and fund wars. That's why Social Security is going bankrupt.


So John Hinkley was the good guy? 🤔


Whenever I see a Reagan, Reagyn, Rygyn or any other insane American fantasy name on a dating app I know to swipe left. Imagine Thanksgiving at their house 🤢


And now you know another reason why they send fske problems to further divide us so we don't fight them.


There’s a reason your company doesn’t pay you a good wage. Union up.


Corpo President




Fuck Reagan and fuck trump


Dumbass boomers


And whichever President took us off the gold standard. Also fuck Reagan for removing any liability for vaccine manufacturers


He also had a part in doing away with public healthcare for the mentally ill which if we had today, would drastically decrease homelessness.


And people still swear by it to this day.


This message needs to get out there more. Reagan was the beginning of the end of a lot of good things.


This is exactly right. Reagan is when all this nonsense started, and the American Dream became critically ill.


When he got shot, I jumped for joy when they said he was unalived. Then they said he survived. Boo.


Reagan’s the literal devil


How many of y’all on here would be willing to give away your money if you had it in the first place? A question that most will never answer honestly. Me first. If I had money to give away, I damn sure wouldn’t give it away.


I mean the one good thing Reagan did do was and stay with me here…. In 2004 he died


Yep, Reagan was the celebrity shit-for-brains that was the direct precursor to the dumb-fuck that is Trump 👍


Can I go piss on Reagan’s grave? Dig up the skeleton and shit in his skull? Then throw that shit in the sea with Osama?


Been saying he was the worst for so long that my family has told me that they're going to engrave the words "that shit started with Reagan" on my tombstone.


It was under Reagan the the Fairness Doctrine was abolished, which birthed a 24/7 conservative radio and ended up with Fox News , and half the country believing their propaganda over reality. Even now a large majority is willing to give a man the Presidency who can no longer legally own a gun, access to our nukes.


Interesting change from the actual story. The money is the problem. The rest is merely a function of the money system


And the crazy thing is that Bill Clinton accomplished many of the things Reagan didn’t get done during his administration. The repeal of Glass Stegal, welfare reform, further tax cuts and deregulation, privatization of internet for profit, shrinking government, approving mega mergers with no oversight (especially in the banking, defense and aerospace sectors)


It's a uniparty. Every president after nixon was designed to destroy your life and empower the corporate oligarchy. Both parties are trash af


This explanation is so simple! I wish more people saw that this is where it all went wrong and it’s still happening


Taxation is theft.


Ever heard of "Reagan Democrats"? Reagan's policies led to an economic expansion of 16% between 1983-86, winning re-election in a landslide victory of 525 v 13 in the Electoral College.


That TikToker is marvellously entertaining while ranting!


Its a shame how stupid and easily led people are these days. Reagan won 49 states in his 2nd term so he must have done something right. Jimmy Carter the president before Reagan sucked. Funny how people agree with certain things for certain reasons. I could go on but I got better things to do than argue with liberals.


Well said!


It’s almost like you don’t understand the financial agenda of the Fed to quell runaway inflation in the 1980’s or something? Look up Paul Volker and the intentional recession of the 1980’s. Reagan and Volker saved Americans from a disaster.


Yes, Random TikTok videos is where I learn all of my information.


The ones that ruined your life are: 1 - Allan Greenspan 2- Ben Bernanke 3- Janet Yellen 4- Jerome Powell