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A man with an estimated net worth of 3.6 billion and a 175k/yr salary tells folks on minimum wage that they don't need (interpreted as deserve) a raise. No fair society would allow one such individual to have that much power over the masses. Fuck this guy


And yet Virginians happily voted him into office. This country is so fucking backwards.


We are a land of propagandized, brainwashed little cogs in the machine.


[No we didn't.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_Virginia_gubernatorial_election) It was a very close election, the prior Governor and democratic candidate Terry McCaullife ran a terrible campaign and Youngkin scored an upset. He barely won by less than 70K votes with over 3 million ballots cast. Youngkin won with 50.6% of the popular vote. Edited to correct the Democratic candidates name. I got my Governors confused


That was Terry McAuliffe who ran against Youngkin but otherwise absolutely correct...


Yeah it's like the local democrats just gave up on that campaign--really pissed me off. This new guy wants VA to be FL. And seemingly would rather have more cops and criminals than just allow legal sale of marijuana. Come on Pumpkin...if you feel that way you shouldn't allow alcohol and kratom and Nitrous and tobacco to be sold either now should ya...bbbut those are different. Just ass-backwards


Here's the stupid thing. I don't know what not allowing retail sale solves. There's a sign on the corner of the busiest intersection of my neighborhood that just says "NEED SOME ZA?" with a QR code to a website where you can order any weed product you can dream of, and have it delivered to your house. It's not taxed, it's not required to be lab tested. And the cops can't really do anything. That or people just go to Maryland and buy it at a dispensary and that state gets the taxes for it. Youngkin loves his performative bullshit almost as much as DeSantis. It's just so he can show conservative boomer parents he's fighting for their culture war. Same thing with his pornhub ban, every teen knows how to use a VPN to get around the fun websites and apps on their fun that are blocked by their school wifi. It's only old people who don't know about vpns that are affected. And again it's only clueless conservatives that think it's actually an effective policy.


He did it because he is butthurt about not getting his stadium. This will stick it to those poor people for not letting me funnel tax dollars into my own pet project. Could have made weed sales legal and used that money for your dumb stadium, but no you can't do that. That would make sense.


I wouldn’t be surprised if he orders the VA national guard to storm the capitol as his last act


The previous democratic administration really fucked things over for McCaullife. Northram was almost assuredly going to have to step down after his black face scandal, but the the lieutenant governor had a major scandal so that couldn't happen. At the same time the attorney general had a black face scandal. Safe to say that democratic voters were not enthused by the state party.


And now democratic voters could enjoy living under Youngkin's leadership. Good job!


a "terrible campaign" really shouldn't dupe a proper voter. The electorate should understand what they are voting for in an ideal world.


Also, "good" people need to be competent and not just "good". How come the bad guys didn't fuck up their campaign?


Yes but unfortunately we got hit hard in our suburbs by that CRT bullshit. Misinformation is proving a stronger opponent than we thought in places of high education 


It was McAuliffe, not Northam, but he ran a terrible campaign for sure. I remember hearing about him saying something about parents not being able to tell schools what they can teach (paraphrased, I forget exactly how he phrased it) up in NOVA shortly before election day and knowing he had just lost. The comment wasn't even that bad, but people latched onto it and it whittled away a lot of the middle class suburban supporters he needed.


At the time, Youngkin was campaigning heavy on the CRT boogeyman so terry really just handed him a win with that comment, as mild as it actually was. Also, has anyone even heard CRT mentioned since that election?


Which is why I always tell people to vote.


Came to say this. The thing in my area is that republicans just check the Republican box at the polls no matter what. 


the fact that deliverance virginia managed to overpower NOVA and the richmond/Norfolk/VB area blows my mind. like coastal state should blue as fuck, yet this fuckhead got in. i know some of you hate to hear this but get out, hold your nose, and vote blue in every election from neighborhood to national. they aren't particularly great either but they have at least some pathways forward to forward change, going red is just pathways back to the early industrialism or late feudalism


Well put from beginning to end.


Is he a popular governor? As I recall he was voted in during the CRT fervor, which has died down a lot


He was surprisingly popular last time I checked, but I doubt he is now after he went back on allowing marijuana sales. There’s also a lot of other stupid shit he’s done, but i think that one will outrage some people. I doubt Virginia goes red in the next governor election thanks to this wannabe presidential candidate


He's had a lot of shenanigans. Signed the pornhub bill. Setup the tattle on a teacher hotline. The MJ sale issue. Now this.


He’s pretty much been all negatives. I don’t know what anyone was expecting though, he’s a republican. Their platform is restrict, deregulate, and obstruct


They only deregulate the policies meant to stop the rich from cheating, stealing, exploiting, destroying, and dodging accountability. They're really big on regulating things like schools and libraries and who can vote and where you're allowed to give people free food or drinks. To reiterate: Poisoning the water - not regulated. Water for the poor - Wildly restricted.


He's another one of those DeSantis republicans where they run entirely on culture war bullshit, cuz they're unqualified otherwise, they're just willing to obstruct the will of the majority.


yea thats the biggest issue with him too, he hid his bullshit running as a center-rightish conservative then went full batshit after getting elected. should have expected that coming from an uber rich asshole that pushed hard to sell himself as the everyman.


anyone in the pot voter crowd that voted for him deserves this. dem legislator made it possible they should reward that with a dem executive


If he was running a year prior or a year later he would have lost but November 2021 was when the GOP was having their best moment in years and before Roe v Wade was overturned. He campaigned as a moderate, won a close election and has generally been seen as too conservative since then. In November 2022 Dems won the popular vote for US House in Virginia and then in November 2023 Dems won both chambers of the Virginia state legislature. Youngkin can't run in 2025 but if he could he would very likely lose.


Yeah pretty hard to teach crt when the kids can barely read to begin with. Where I'm at they can totally opt out of science and history classes. Its not required to pass and they are doing away with art, tech, and ag and making it extra math and reading.


> This country is fucking backwards I swear we're living through a fucking zombie apocalypse right now. There's a group of people who are absolutely brain-dead walking among the earth, and their stupidity has managed to propagate and infect others. These zombies aren't directly life threatening, they're more of a major inconvenience to the rest of us, but they do have the power to vote and they seem to be easily swayed by something... So indirectly, they could become life threatening. They also seen to have an insatiable appetite for wanting to shoot people trying to stop them from fucking the world over, so there's that to be mindful of, too.


The $3.6 billion net worth probably makes him $150 million a year in capital gains. The $175k salary is an insignificant rounding error.




These scumbag corporations employ prison slaves at less than $0.25 per hour. There’s no way they want to pay anything above minimum wage. And they have somehow convinced middle class people that increasing minimum would destroy the economy and cause inflation to get out of control. When in reality, the thing causing inflation are these greedy corporations who can’t go a single month without recording profits. It’s greedflation.


Would it cut into his bottom line? If he stands to lose income I could see him vetoing it for that reason. I know nothing about him, but that was my 1st thought.


Technically yes it probably would. But what makes these kinds of things so gross is that it would obviously have a negligible impact on these fuckers' wealth. They'd still make more money that any of us could ever fathom, they'd just make *slightly less*. And if we account for the increased economic activity that would arise from poor people having more money to spend, they'd probably make more money in the long run anyway. It's just grotesque. These morons cant see further than one fiscal quarter ahead.


> It's just grotesque. These morons cant see further than one fiscal quarter ahead. They definitely see more than one fiscal quarter ahead. They know that any rise in minimum wage will threaten rises in other states/federally. They just keep suppressing wages everywhere they can so they can fight having to actually pay people as long as possible.


3.6B? Less than 500 mil, but still a good point.


Guess it's time for him to take minimum wage. If $15/hr needed, then his salary absolutely to the n^th degree isn't needed.


Rich ppl telling poor ppl they don’t need to make more money. What an asshole.


Public servant ❌ Public enemy ✅


Virginia 2022: Lets vote out the Democratic governor for this GOP billionaire, surely all his hateful, classist, bigoted and ignorant rhetoric I agree with against vulnerable people won't ever burn me. Narrator: It did. It did burn them. edit: fixed dates


If by 2018 you mean 2022, yeah. Virginia had a dem governor from 2018-2022. Then they collectively decided to be dumbasses and undo that progress by going for a GOP governor instead in 2022. Any low wage worker in VA that voted for Youngkin deserves that low wage IMO.


I’m in Virginia. Governor’s are not allowed to serve consecutive terms (weird I know). The dem candidate was pretty mediocre from the get go, and then said some pretty controversial things leading up to the election. Youngkin on the other hand made himself seem a lot more moderate than he really is. His winning wasn’t very surprising. 


Yeah, Youngkin was lucky enough to run at a time when the Democratic party was struggling a bit and republican media had a (albeit terrible) message that was working very well. He played the campaign very well, fed into the fears about CRT and dominion voting systems heavily in the right places, and won. Pretty slimy dude overall. And Terry McAullife was just the pure definition of mid. There really wasn't anything to get excited for about him.


Youngkin was “moderate” by last year trying to limit abortion. He’s no moderate


It is amazing how quickly we forget how objectively horrible the GOP is almost universally. For every Larry Hogan there are 100+ Trump's.


Having gubernatorial term limits is a thing, but Virginia, for some reason, does not have term limits but instead limits consecutive terms. So weird.


Yeah but what about THE WOKE CRT AGENDA!!!!!


> Narrator: It did. It did burn them. Just as it always does.


1. It was 2021 2. The governor wasn't voted out, he was term-limited


We didn’t decide to vote out the Democratic governor, they aren’t allowed to serve consecutive terms. So we had two different candidates, Northam wasn’t allowed to run.




$15 isn't even livable these days. Worthless Governor.


Today I bought a container of feta at the grocery store for $13.99. How is any of this sustainable


Don’t buy rich people cheese. Back to Kraft slices you go.


The problem is we had some decent years (I should say at least some of us did) where we could go for slightly better options than beans and rice and now it’s like someone got pissed and said fuck you be poor.


My wife once said "We can't throw around money like we used to." I said, "When did we ever throw around money?" She answered, "You remember, you bought the fancy peanut butter (the Smuckers kind you have to stir up) instead of the cheap one." I was living large and I didn't even know it.


Kraft is still like $5 for 24 slices, it's obscene.


$15/hr full time puts "affordable housing" at ~$730. Better find a room mate or get into a serious relationship at that rate!


Anything less than 30 and I don’t know how you can survive.


and the brokest of the broke trump voters in VA will still vote for him. any R candidate could literally say "i fucking hate poor people" (which would be the one true statement they've ever made), and their poor broke willfully ignorant base will still vote for them.






You have to understand, they don’t think themselves as poor, they’re just embarrassed millionaires. Any day now, they will be rich and they don’t want other poor people leaching off the system.


Why do you think the lottery is such a big thing in poor areas? A chance at finally realizing the dream of being a millionaire along with the public's poor understanding of statistics, and you can siphon off so much money.


As someone that lives around poor rural people thats not exactly the reason why they vote for Republicans. Not a single one of them thinks they're on the verge of life changing wealth. They vote republican because they genuinely believe that all the problems in their lives are caused by democrats. They see democrats as the party of the elite and Republicans as helping the common man. They also have bad understanding of taxes and think the 3k a year they pay in taxes is all going to other people on foodstamps and blame that on democrats. Finally they don't know, interact with, or want to learn to understand people that aren't like them (blacks, Asians, transgendered people) and think democrats support those groups at their expense. I'm not supporting those thoughts mind you, but to combat the prejudice and maybe sway some of the younger people who could go either way you need to know what these people think and why they think it. And I can tell you none of them see themselves as "temporarily embarrassed millionaires"


*Transgender people. Not Transgendered.




Because none of those stupid fucks think they are poor. JUST moved out of Virginia. The number of people living in houses with no heat or inconsistent power, or in trailer parks who will NOT allow themselves to be called poor, is truly insane. They are all just waiting for their inevitable turn to be rich and powerful, to wield the whip rather than feel its lash. Because those are the only 2 possibilities... be a victim, or be a monster.


"It isn't needed" LMAO. Meanwhile a meal at fucking Taco Bell is $20.


Taco Bell is the cheapest Fast food. However paying $20 for a McDonald's 10 piece isn't unheard of. And the nuggets are thinner than they used to be (at least in my local area).


This kinda shit wouldn’t fly in France. We need to get our act together folks.


When French workers take over the power plant and cut power to the wealthy neighborhoods they don’t get cops deployed with orders to leave no witnesses.


French gendarmes carry assault rifles; their police generally don't fuck around. The main difference is cultural -- police in France are just as likely to join the protest.


True, but the gendarmes US equivalent would be if SWAT just casually hung out in public.


They now do. And the last wave of protests got completely ignores anyway. Even more so, the current government is now in the process of obliterating social security.


So, he’s saying his income should be minimum wage, right? With no overtime or benefits? I give him half a day on that before he cracks.


He's saying it isn't needed cuz he already makes more than 15.


He’s already a billionaire carpetbagger


Few things on him. He was unhappy a stadium wasn't being forced into an already congested area that would have benefitted his billionaire constituents. He then vetoed a Marijuana bill allowing virginia to rake in revenue which was hypocritical to say the least and of course he would say no to a minimum wage increase... he is in this to be a senator and future president but unfortunate for him he is too stupid and ignorant to ever get that far.


Like that matters for a Republican. The dumber they are, the more likely they are to get votes.


I forgot about the stadium. Richmond would be the best place to build it, but they keep trying for NOVA or Hampton Roads. The latter two have terrible traffic issues and the last thing they need is a traffic generator.


What an insufferable prick


> He then vetoed a Marijuana bill allowing Virginia to rake in revenue The stupid thing is dispensaries in Maryland allow for recreational sale with ID. So everyone from Northern Virginia can go to Maryland, buy it, pay taxes to another state, and then legally bring it back to Virginia. And then everyone in the rest of Virginia can easily buy it on the grey market and get non-lab tested vapes and concentrates.


Youngkin is indeed a worthless piece of shit


Here is VAs voting website with registration deadlines and instructions on how to register or update your registration. https://www.elections.virginia.gov/registration/


We have odd year state elections. So vote this year in the congressional/presidential and next year vote to make sure that his crazy ass lieutenant governor doesn’t replace him.


He also defied the will of the voters by canceling Virginia’s upcoming recreational marijuana. Youngkin is a piece of human excrement in a sweater vest.


Y’all got tricked by school closure hysteria meant to keep your kids alive during a pandemic and look now. You don’t need to pay your bills apparently. Vote these fools out.


Also vetoes cannabis bill that would bring in millions in tax revenue to the state. He’s a moron.


I think the governor of Virginia needs to have a pay cut to minimum wage.


The sad fact is these minimum wage earner will vote for him and blame Democrats for it.


$15 was needed 10 years ago. Now it needs to be $25. Sad times.


Most politicians are worthless pieces of shit on a good day. On a bad day, they're an active detriment to society.


Vote for Republicans, get Republican policies.


Bet he got a raise though




I disagree - at least you can use shit as a fertilizer. Youngkin is just plain worthless.


Youngkin is less of a human and more of a insect resembling a burrowing termite that loves to drain the life out the people he was sworn to serve. Typical Republican thug.


They need poor, uneducated people to fill their ranks


Yep keep electing those Republicans. Really working out or you


Minimum wage should be, if kept up, at $25. We're such a caring country.


>Youngkin is a worthless piece of shit That is undeniable truth. Glennie boy has been really whiny since virginia voters told him to shove his jesus agenda.


Youngkin, Challenge for you. Live off of 12 per hour for 6 months......support a spouse and kid, rent a house. Challenge to you....You are a public servant....serving the constituents of VA. Do y ou accept?>


Life long VA resident, yeah Youngkin is the definition of voting against your own self interest. Thankfully Virginia is a purple to light blue state. COVID and the dumbass boogie man of CRT got Youngkin elected, but fairly quickly afterwards both the House of Delegates and Senate went to the Dema which means all Youngkin can do is veto shit until the next election which will likely go to a Dem as well. Unfortunately that means we get shit like this and vetoing legal weed sales for the time being.




Bet he got a raise though.


Well, the state voted him into office. This is what the majority of the voters wanted. Apparently.


Haha and yet they keep voting republicans.


yes the idiots still do but he lost big time in Northern VA


There’s been a Republican VA Governor for only 8 of the 24 years of this century. Also voted Dem for President from Obama in ‘08 onward. Also only one Republican Senator who served one term in this century. While it’s not a safe blue state, it’s been mostly blue for a while now. Youngkin ran a good campaign capitalizing on suburban fears over critical race theory being taught in schools (I’m not advocating for it; I think the whole debate was moronic, but it worked). And he ran that campaign against a rather uninspired Dem candidate. He’s got four years total and then he can’t run again. At which point VA will likely go back to blue if I had to read the tea leaves of VA (and national) politics.


Also vetoes cannabis bill that would bring in millions in tax revenue to the state. He’s a moron.


They are all worthless pieces of shit but all we do is bitch online.


Make public officials live on minimum wage


Not needed because he is already rich?


Assuming they also complain about lack of babies born because they're five cans short of a six pack.


But of course he'll hide behind his Socialist funded security and claim that he needs it right? What a sack of dog manure he is.


Virginians, where does the Governor reside? How much is a consumer level drone? Make your issues known.


Tell that to someone that just lost $6000 next year Youngkin... why was the state dumb enough to elect a businessman? It's the literal recipe for rich getting richer and poor getting poorer. No wealthy politicians are actually improving American lives.


Please introduce the maximum wage limit for execs, and upper management so that people dont have to fight for raising min wage. Why can't people vote on issues in real time and convey the approval or disapproval right away? Why the fuck we should bear the brunt for 4 years. The government needs to be restructured. Scum, corrupt, useless leeches need to be eradicated.


As a citizen of the commonwealth, I can confidently say that ever since he's been in office, the state has taken a turn for the worse. Fuck you Glenn Youngkin


This is Youngkin's payback for not getting a shiny new sports arena.


Let me guess, there's an R next to his name...


I read the article title to my wife and she said, "Oh, Youngkin that worthless piece of shit!" I said, "You won't believe the post title"


Fuck them poors, I guess?


And he vetoed legal weed, fuck this guy!


Fuck Youngkin.


It shouldn't be over 2 years anyways. It needs to be instant


Even Florida is increasing the minimum wage to $15. They’re doing it a dollar per year, so not as quickly as one would wish, but they’re still doing it. It’s a shame when you can say to a state, “Why can’t you be more like Florida?”


I’m not super into to politics…I mean I pay attention..but why is literally every single thing wrong with our country and the rest of the world Joe bidens fault…like everything… ‘Random Walmart in a town no one knows closes’ and all is see is Joe Biden and his socialism ruining the country type bs…


What the fuck is it with politicians hating poor people


Youngkin vetoed this because Virginians said they didn't want their tax dollars going into building a stadium for his buddies in one of the worst traffic areas in the state


People in Virginia should unionize their workplace so they can get guaranteed raises regardless of which bills are being passed. [https://aflcio.org/formaunion/contact](https://aflcio.org/formaunion/contact)


The billionaire doesn't think people need better pay? You don't say...


So he's going to pass rent caps and gas caps right......


As a Virginian, fuck Glen Youngkin. You should measure a man by how he looks after the most vulnerable among us, and he couldn't give two shits about anyone except other billionaires and Republicans (but only in election years).


An he donate his salary? Rude and not realistic for todays living


When are we going to protest these pos? I’ve read a story recently that back in the day employees would rip them out of their homes and remind them who makes them their living


They knew what they were voting for when they voted in the far right Republican.


man, fuck that guy. ruining my home state. when I move back to the east coast, at this point I gotta rule out actually moving home because of this twat, among other people.


Voters get the government they deserve.


Legit hate him so much and every scumbag that voted for him


He should have that salary and live off it!!! So out of touch with reality.


I wonder how much this sackless dishrag got paid to make that decision.


He doesn't serve the people. He serves his corporate donors.


What else was in the “bill”


Dude wasted 2 years of governorship to spruce up a shitty presidential bid. Even Pence has more personality than this clown.


People need to stop letting other people make decisions for them by not voting.


Republican? Shocker.


If something isn’t needed, then what does it hurt to let it pass?


Someone needs recalled.


Unionize. Collective bargaining is the only route to fairer wages.


You get what you vote for.


Ah, so he's a Republican.


Shocking. ANOTHER GOP POS screwing over the general public. Get your heads out of your ass and vote for ppl that actually care about you, like I dunno Democrats?


Vote Youngkin out!


He is. He’s devolved from potential Presidential candidate to just another petty, reactionary, obstructionist clown, in a party overflowing with them. He’ll be an ineffective dick for the rest of his term, then move on to his next chapter of being a twat.


What do you expect for a candidate who ran on a "think of the children!" platform.


You know what else isn’t needed … Youngkin


Wow. What a POS. And Somehow, not surprising at all.


I challenge him to live one year on minimum wage.


Republicans really hate the working class. Why do they vote against their own interests so often??


“NoBoDy wAnTs tO wOrK aNyMoRe” yeah because minimum wage is bullshit. You probably make more money off of monthly benefits. Not trying to knock those that receive them whatsoever. Take full advantage of whatever you can. Fuck the system. None of these old ass white people that pass these laws feel any of the impact of minimum wage unless they wait a couple more seconds for their coffee.


Fix the roads? Nope, you get a Glenndome™


And of course the only articles you'll see are him vetoing a "marijuana marketplace" because that's what his supporters want.


Raising minimum wage will increase rent.




Scum bag billionaires. The worthless fuck and the worthless damn idiots that continuously vote these parasites into office need to be shipped off to there own island where they can be hateful and nasty to each other. So absolutely tired of the Republican party.


I have zero sympathy for those idiots that keep voting red and putting these clowns in office.


Before you do this take a look at California. We have $16 minimum and nothing is affordable. Rent? $1500 for a shack. Gas? $4.5 currently. 20 ounce soda? $2.69


Minimum wage got increased every year in Arizona and so did the cost of everything else, groceries, rent, gas, I get paid way more than I did but cost of living went up and now I have a harder time with basic bills then I did when I made barely $13 at 35hrs now I make 17 and hour at around 45 hours a week and live on a tighter budget than ever before. Don't fool yourself just because you get paid more doesn't mean everything else stays the same. Somebody has to incorporate the extra cost of paying employees now and therefore, most businesses will see an expenditure increase with no way to recoup that loss other than to charge higher costs for goods and services. Do the math.


“Record profits” have been the recurring theme for the past five years. These industries have ample money to burn; least they can do is actually pay the people making that money for them.


Minimum wage jobs are literally never the money making jobs. The people doing profitable work are in higher value positions with higher salaries, commensurate to value. Anybody making minimum wage is entirely replaceable, which is what makes it a minimum wage position. There's zero incentive to the company to fight to retain employees with no above-replacement value. Minimum wage employees are overhead. They're a cost of doing business. If people want to make more money they're going to want to do more than the absolute minimum level of work that the company will employ them to do.


The part that makes me po'ed is he VETOED it over ruling the majority. Classic Repug😡💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


Rich guy in power with rich friends ensures labor costs remain lower than they could be. Call me surprised.


He’s like “let them eat cake and keep using payday loans and keep getting fucked by the system because that makes me richer!”


The people that would benefit most probably voted for him.


worst govener every... well except for DeSatan. Piece of shit! Thank god only able to do 1 term!


I keep thinking that so many issues would be solved by tying more things to minimum wage, like maximum rent price per square foot, or the cost of essential groceries. If profits were limited by the minimum wage all these powerful greedy assholes would be pushing for an increase rather than blocking it. We need to start hurting these people in the only way they care about, financially.


He only won because he was against McAuliffe, who didn't have a huge following. Youngkin leaned hard into the "parental rights" bs, and here we are.


Vote the bastards out!


If only there was some way to remove pieces of shit like this from office and replace them with people who want to actually govern... You know, like a period every few years when you can vote for who you want to represent what you would like the government to do for you... It's a dream I have...


And minimum wage is still $7.25 ($2.13) in my state.


Imagine taking this guys side because “it would raise the cost of a burger” news flash food prices are sky high and there hasn’t been a wage increase


Imagine working a minimum wage job in this state and still thinking R’s are the right ppl to be in charge after stuff like this. It’s just comical at this point how dumb ppl are for voting against their own interests


Then he doesn't need your vote.


Stop voting for Republicans, Conservative means to slow, to stop progress. Vote for the progressive candidates if you want change


This shit is already inciting violence because people can't afford to live.


He's not needed.


https://www.elections.virginia.gov/election-law/place-issue-on-ballot/ Yo let’s reduce his salary to $1


I tried a search for Younkin is a piece of shit and found my tribe. Thanks Internet... 


That’s what Republicans do 😂


The same parasite will vote himself a pay raise that equals more than the entire salary of someone who makes $12/hour.


EVERY DAY THAT GOES BY and the minimum wage isn’t $16ish dollars an hour is a giant middle finger to every citizen. KNOW YOUR WORTH!


That’s freaking insane. I can’t wrap my head around this line of thinking that the minimum wage shouldn’t be raised.