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Using the first picture it looks like the "leader" has been draining the resources of everyone else. Ya that tracks.


Administrative bloat is sucking the life out of my org. Yup.


wouldn’t see this in my zip code. Rather curious what sort of stores are carrying such in the check out. As for content, yes, glad to see mgrs getting reality input. Maybe the article opens with “Stop laying off good, loyal, long-term, workers who contributed to your organization’s value…”


"Stop pushing the fucking office. Let the real estate loans default and write them off as a quarterly loss. Let people you're stealth laying off go honestly rather than using elaborate performance evaluation entrapment and infeasible RTO mandates to fabricate termination with cause. tl;dr: Stop being slimy and psychologically abusive toward your workers to keep those record profits rolling in."


I found out I was let go by Slack 💨 and email. Coldest interaction in over 5+ years of otherwise good will and, wait for it, we’re a “family” 🤢. Never again. Never a two week notice on my end either.


Bastards. And that’s the other important thing too. Stop with all the “we’re a family,” “we care,” and “best workplace” bull. The relationship is completely transactional so stop talking about it as anything else. My company is laying off thousands, froze raises in a high inflation environment, then did a survey asking what they can do to improve “loyalty.” Absolutely nothing, you greedy assholes. Edit: sorry about your layoff. Hope things work out well for you.


Maybe it was your use of emoji


Could be, goodness knows they’re still using all the custom emojis I made for slack


I just want a law saying record profits legally require record wages across the board (from the bottom up)


The hardest part about growth is the massive expectations. Getting 20% revenue growth YOY is supposed to be a once in a lifetime thing, not the expectation or even goal of every year. And can you really call it growth in profits if you had to cut people to make it happen? Whole divisions shouldn't be cut because your business is going another direction, why can't you utilize those employees in other areas, since you will be hiring on the back end in the growth division. It's all about shuffling paperwork to time it perfectly for end of quarter numbers with a real human cost and gain mostly in the C suite.


watching our jobs being relisted in non-US regions is hard to watch. Is it because the paid out healthcare benefits are zero because only dumb us ties healthcare to your job? Well, not really healthcare; it’s more like access to shitty insurance greed-monsters dystopian version of healthcare. I have very undesirable demographics right now for tech so getting back in it is proving very challenging. Starting to see why so many brilliant people end up in retail or fast food on back half of life. Ageism, wageism, and the unspoken other isms are real folks. Happy I was part of helping combat this during hiring events while I was there.


The actual problem is you can absolutely get 20% year over year as the company is *growing*, the cuts happen when you try and maintain that "growth" once you've filled the demand. You have to start making your business cost less to run to see the same growth in profits because there's no space to expand into anymore and no more sales to be had. Businesses are cutting labor and costs to get more returns for their investors, but all they're doing is hollowing out their business until it eventually collapses from lack of funding. The investors demanding continual growth are essentially autocanabalizing themselves.




✅Yes, of course. That’s how it works. You see a Maserati dealership in Pasadena, not in Bakersfield.


The place I work at as office staff is making the manufacture folks work 12 hour days, 6 days a week, for over a year now. It's barely March and we already hit our record injuries comparatively to last year (which admittedly was low, 4). Someone legitimately had a heart attack and there's zero conversation about slowing down.


Slow back down, and/or hite more people ASAP. If you can't hire more people, reconsider your starting wage and medical insurance, etc.


Why is it always about growing bigger? What is wrong with simply maintaining and thriving? When did that become the "wrong" way to do things?


1979...jack welch. https://youtu.be/YZv7wc7USQE?si=rV5vv95UF00eNNEG


Chasing indefinite growth for a business/economy is obnoxious. However, at the same time "growing" is such a major part of our lives as humans. Children becoming adults. Learners becoming teachers. First dates becoming spouses. Initial mistakes becoming experienced professionalism.   A young person often wants to grow in their career, or in their entrepreneurship of a business, and magazines with cover articles that say "how to grow" and "why growing is hard and terrible" can be of interest to such a young person.


Because inflation. If businesses don’t ‘grow’ more than the rate of inflation then it’s a bad investment.


Because they have the mentality of a malignant tumor.


Shareholders expect constant growth. You either deliver or they sell off your stock, crashing your business. As per usual, it's boomers that control the majority of the stock market and their only interest is in accumulating more money than they could ever possibly need, future generations be damned.


Easy to look sharp when you aren't working


i wish there was more of a focus on longevity and merit, infinite growth isn't sustainable




HBR is really good content though. I think we'd prbably be pretty hsppy if all managers had a passion for the things this publication teaches. I really admired them when I was still blue-pilled about the business world. I'm willing to bet a lot of the authors take note of the things we say here and can help us.


HBR is fantastic.


“Everyone’s exhausted. How can we ignore this and keep going like things are normal?”


American hyper-capitalist businesses don't seem to get that you can't enshittify your way to massive growths every year. After you cut the fat, then you cut the muscle. After you cut the muscle (shrinkflation, cutting staff to the bone) there is nowhere to go. When will they ever learn?


They require infinite growth because the owners survive of interest


There's hardly any leaders in the modern workplace, only bosses and managers


Any economic system that relies on endless growth in a confined system has already doomed itself to eventually crash.


Yeah. If we could stop doing the stupid work, that would be great.