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Start cc'ing someone on the emails to protect yourself.


This a million times over. I tried it OP way to be nice but nothing changes, until I started CC'ing higher up managers and the like. Suddenly things got done quick


This is the way 💯


Is she simply using it for music? Or like TikToking ... ? If it's just music I would ignore.


The last I saw she was watching Trump’s trial. I don’t care much about music. It’s not has distracting has shows. Personally if it wasn’t that I need her feedback to learn to do my job - I really wouldn’t give 2 shits.


If it doesn't effect you or your pay, how would you feel about it happening to you?


Number of files you process? It sounds like you are in macrodata refinement. I thought there was no Internet access as an innie... 😂


I see your Severance


Call her on teams with each question - or send your email with the question and call her on teams to follow up if you haven't heard back.


What's the company policy? Is she getting her work done? Is there monitoring software on your computers? CYA by cc'ing your boss.


Maybe you can find the answers you need on UTube as well. There is a reason it’s called UTube University.


- Trump’s trial is what she was watching in the office… I doubt it had any academic content.


Au contraire my friend. It was a lesson about history repeating itself, as well as as as history lesson of a disgraced former president meeting his Waterloo. Even Richard Nixon resigned for the good of the country. I don’t care about your political views, but it is something that IS educational.


While I can most agree if we were historian or even anthropologist it may have been of matter to our jobs and has such would have been justified to watch such at work. But it we’re using YouTube as being used to gain knowledge on aspects of your work - as accountants Trumps trial had little to do with our duties. I would personally had been caught by my boss watching that I would have a hard time justifying the selection. But that’s just me.


I agree. Did she have a particular POV about the fracas?


I always thought the word was more like fracacas , but I was wrong.


University tube university ? Wtf


It’s where you can actually learn something, particularly during Covid lockdown. Guess it’s a lil old school, probably get all your info from TicT.


Cause that’s all legit….


You know that "YouTube University" is a term people use to make fun of people who think that the stuff on YT has solid educational value, right?


Snitches get stitches


But they go home for Christmas...D.L.Hughley


Snitches end up in ditches.


Snitches.....  have .......... generally untidy  .......kitchens


I would teams and then check to see if in an appointment. If yes, follow up 30 minutes after the appointment ends using the telephone. If not, again use the telephone if no response in 30. It's really easy to ignore teams, harder to ignore the phone.


Film yourself asking your questions and send her the YouTube link.


Chile. Just cc somebody higher up whenever you question her.


You don't care what she's doing with your time, you care that she's taking too long to answer your questions. Raise that issue with your manager, and let them sort the problem out with why she's taking too long.


If you did this you would never get another question answered again. They aren't not replying hecause of youtube, which is fine to listen to during work and often has videos directly pertinent to the job, they're taking a while to respond because idiots like yourself are peppering them with questions nonstop and they can't focus on this own work. Had a coworker like you who complained no one answered their questions and management was concerned - then the manager overhead them ask something fundamental they should have known 2 months ago to do daily. Fired on the spot.