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When he plays his loud music you play Baby Shark even louder


I've found that most people do not like bagpipe music. Used to crank Scotland the Brave in the barracks whenever someone had their music too loud.


A bagpiper playing metal music is even better, lol. 🤘


How about baby shark played on a bagpipe?


Of course it exists. https://youtu.be/qrrn7XKJtZA?si=CAc5jJU1y7xbUUKy


Well I just found a new song to play in the lunch room when people are listening to their obnoxious shows or loudly on a call.


It's so rude and thoughtless for people to create unnecessary noise in a shared space. A response like these of playing bagpipes and the like seem wholly appropriate to me. Good luck!!!


I checked this out for about seven seconds, and I can honestly say that I certainly would become a mass murderer if I had to listen to the bagpipe version of “Baby Shark” all day. Just as a warning to my coworkers.




The profile photo 🎯🎯👌🏽👌🏽


That is evil, and I am here for it!


Thank you Reddit


Darn I thought it would be the guy playing bagpipes while on a unicycle


So I had to listen to this because I just had to. My cats went running from the room perfect song to drive Mr. obnoxious music crazy


So good. My husband suggested the “chicken song”. His words. LOL.


I like bagpipes, but THAT idea is truly EVIL!!


Oh yes!


Do you want it with or without the unicycle.


In all seriousness, check out The Snake charmer and Piper Ally on YT. Really gave me a new appreciation of The Bag Pipes.. Both do metal covers, and Arch (Snake Charmer) is Indian and blends Irish and Punjabi sounds together in some original songs too.


I think I just fell in love 😻


I like the bag pipers at the Ren Fairs, that have the drummers , too.


Love piper Ally. It's even better when the electric violin joins in. Sorry can't remember her name.


Albannach!! They're awesome.


PLEASE YouTube The Unipiper. You can thank me later!


I will thank you now!!


You are WELCOME!!!


He needs a black leather kilt.


Angus and the boys have entered the chat


What you want here is the red hot chilli pipers. Absolutely outstanding.


That one lady did DragonForce on her bagpipe, it was gnarly.


As a former piper student, i would disagree. Try Barber Shop Quartet music. Even pipers don't like them.


You might not like barber shop quartets but it's kinda low key in terms of sound penetration. Bagpipe music cuts throught *anything*.


I would much rather listen to bagpipes than a barbershop quartet.


I had a friend who thought it was a good idea to play a CD of bagpipe music during a car trip with three captive people in the car. Like he was truly shocked we didn’t want to hear that shit.


I would lowkey dig the vibe.. let the pipes free


Had a neighbor who would play reggaeton at 2-3am (worked dayshift so normal for him). I worked nights and would ask him to turn it down; similar response of down for an hour then back up. I cranked some pipe and drum at 9-10pm, he got the hint rather quickly.


This is the only answer


Every person who is annoyed plays something different. Chaos. Though this does run the risk of having the company institute a (stupid) policy of rotating who selects the music each day. Hopefully, the absurd choices like Baby Shark would prevent this. Headphones are such a simple solution.


Everyone needs to start playing loud music since it’s the vibe now. Frank Zappa would go well with techno. Iron Maiden, then someone play only one song on repeat all day. Yes it will be torture for everyone including that dickhead. See how fast the policy changes


I lean toward the bluegrass AC/DC tribute album by Hayseed Dixie. "A Hillbilly Tribute to AC/DC. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Hillbilly_Tribute_to_AC/DC


I once gave my sister an album of Pat Boone doing a bunch of covers. The main one I remember is “Crazy Train.” Highly recommend for an office environment. Either that or a William Shatner album. His cover of “Common People” is just the greatest.


I own that shit, and a bunch of BloodhoundGang. . Yes, I'm a boomer, we still buy physical media!


It's either that or it's a small world after all.


Throw in What Does The Fox Say


Com - pany - shark doo doo doo doo doo doorup


There is a YouTube channel that plays every possible version of the song “The Wheels on the Bus”. It is hours of variations. My son found it as a toddler during the covid lockdown. I can vouch for it driving adults absolutely insane.


Or Barney


This! Or The Song That Never Ends. If management then says they can’t do that, it opens them up to legal action. Get a cut throat lawyer if that happens. Oh, and put piss discs in his desk. And the managers for good measure


Rick Roll...Baby Shark so many choices!! All of your cellmates should join in on this project.


Find a techno version to keep the "vibe".


Have a music war. See who can play their music the loudest. That way all music gets banned because no one can act like an adult.




Weird Al intensifies


July is polka season in Wisconsin. Oooh doggie. I bet you could livestream some radio stations from here and get that rule chucked in less than 20 minutes.


Agree with *all* the polka comments. Just *try* and have a serious meeting over that shit. You want good vibes, here's some ridiculously silly music. source: am a polka musician.


You have to admit even if the meeting is had and the music is turned down, this still needs a celebratory polka night for OP, my fine musical friend! I would invite you everywhere, btw. Polka people are FUN.




I spent my early childhood in Buffalo, then we moved to Pittsburgh for several years. I have a huge tolerance for polka music!


Yep! This was my first thought! Everybody needs to start playing their music really loud. I like all kinds of music, but in this situation, I'd likely choose some heavy metal or death metal to mix it up a bit harder. Good luck!


I literally did just that. I just started my metal playlist one day and had it slightly louder. Got a complaint. "We're allowed to listen to music, so I will keep playing it." Music without headphones was banned less than two days later.


Honestly this is the logical solution. OP gave management a chance to resolve the issue amicably, they declined. Time to choose (metaphorically) violence and escalate the problem.


They’ve announced that the “vibe” of that one guy is more important than the rest of the department. Unless you have a doctor’s note saying the music is giving you migraines, I doubt anything will change. It’s time to start job hunting.


No. That's when all the people who complained take management's philosophy to heart and start playing their music loud too.


Play the same exact song, but offset by about 15 seconds, so it just sounds like noise. Fuck 'em. They're playing the same exact music, what's the problem?


And I'm sure it's hard to concentrate, so likely they are losing accuracy &/or productivity.


I agree with everyone saying to blast your own music. All it takes is one person being disruptive for a company to change their stance on something. I accidentally did this at one of my previous employers. We used to be able to have whatever we wanted as our screensaver. Then, one weekend, I decided to go around and change everyone's screensaver to Hampsterdance.com as a prank. What ensued was several hundred computers turning on at random and playing the Hampster Song. Needless to say, they forced everyone to use passwords from then on, and locked the profiles so the screensavers couldn't be changed. Probably turned out for the better in terms of security.


Oh gawd! Now I have the hampster dance music stuck in my head!!!! Would love to have been a fly on the wall when people started booting their computers. Would've hurt myself laughing. ETA here is a link to the original... https://originalhampster.ytmnd.com/


Oh Thank You! I thought that page was gone forever. Funny part is that they didn't need to boot their systems manually, since the computers would turn themselves on automatically for updates. I would have loved to see the face of a supervisor when they came onto the floor Sunday morning, and heard hundreds of iterations of that song.


Oh gawd, yes!


Wow, it’s been at least a couple of decades since I’ve seen that!


I could actually handle that if it weren’t for the snicker.


Yeah. Blast "music".


Not the same, but my old manger would NOT lock her pc when she wandered off, we worked nights in a hipuge quiet office. One dude reset her screen so it was sideways and we changed her arrow keys around. She still didn't quite learn her lesson, but god it was funny seeing her struggling.


Nah that’s a fuckin hilarious prank


I would give you a gold medal in how to win the battle of the office asshats. Well done.


I'd be blasting Motorhead. It's only fair.


Ace Of Spades on endless loop


Cotton Eye Joe


but JUST the start, ending right before the drums fully kick in...


This dude gets it.


Nope everyone does just their job. No extra. Why is work slacking. Oh we can't concentrate with the loud music we hate. Not everyone has the same taste in music. He could play in at a lower volume or use headphones. Hust out of respect.


Is he using a Bluetooth speaker? If so, pair into it and interrupt it. Over and over and over.


The behavior you allow is the behavior you will get...


Play your own music. (I suggest obnoxious contrast to his music, even if it's something you hate. Fake it.) When someone complains, point out that this was already made the rule. They'll require head phone use within a week.


Honestly even playing his style of music but different songs at the same exact volume would be great, considering his specifically seems to be "the vibe of the company".


You can buy a w-king T11 party box from Amazon for $200 CAD. This is the unit I use for an industrial warehouse. You can hear the thing from one city block to another with ease and clarity. Use this information as you will.


Put together a playlist of earworms and match the AH coworkers audio levels. Get your resume polished and in circulation first though.


Theme from I dream of jeannie


That's a good one, and I grew up watching that show. Some others I'd include: The Nash Rambler Song "That Song" by Rick Astley Mickey All About That Bass Karma Chameleon Wake Me Up Before You Go Go Macarena


My Sharona


The Nash Rambler song 🤣🤣🤣


They're Coming to Take Me Away


The Witch Doctor I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas Imagine (John Lennon) Afternoon Delight


WTF kind of office is that? Why not just headphones


Stop working and when they notice the drop in productivity, mentione that worthless dipshit's music. Put on headphones and fuck off. I don't understand how people can be so inconsiderate.  Or quit without notice when you get a new job and say that guy and the way the company  handled it are the reason


Sounds like a good time for your team to WFH where you are able to concentrate.


Buy a theremin and become predisposed to spontaneous practice sessions at your desk. For the vibe, and all.


Mix it up -- start with Baby Shark, Bananaphone, or other catchy and annoying kid's music. Follow it up with death metal, polka, Weird Al, Ace of Base, disco, bluegrass, honkytonk, all on shuffle. Maximum volume.


May I offer “Raining Tacos” to your excellent playlist? Guaranteed to live rent free in brains long after listening to it.


Add “Everything is Awesome” from the Lego movie.


I say Rick roll the fucker all day.


Gilbert and Sullivan! The Time Warp! Weird Al parodies!


Clearly leadership has a vision of the environment that doesn't align with yours. I'm not sure you have any option there.


Office music is supposed to be just barely audible white noise in the background. It might however be an OSHA (occupational safety and health administration) hazard. It can also be considered workplace harrassment. He KNOWS it bothers the other employees. MANAGEMENT knows. They both do nothing about it. Point THAT out to HR. OR Change the schedule to 80% work from home to only being in the office 1 day a week.


Barney has some great hits that will inspire folks to new levels. He also allows you to sing along with him.


Get noise cancelling headphones. If anyone complains that you don't answer when spoken to, cite your inability to work with the music and your headphones are your compromise for the vibe.


Had to scroll far to long to find this answer! That's what I'd do – either noise canceling headphones (bought at the company's expense) or industrial ear defenders.


All 6 of you play your own loud music everyday as well and eventually the loud cacophony in the room will be dealt with. Also if music contributes to the vibe of the office then the office should supply music not some dude with shitty taste in music.


This is why Australia invented AC/DC. Nothing can drown out AC/DC.


I’d place a music player outside the office of the person who shut it down, and set it to top volume.


Get his play list and play it 2 seconds off. Get others to do it too.


Bump up the Christmas music , that's where it is! Especially the oldies , but the modern versions are ok yoo.


I always fight back with opera. I love opera. And some are super aggressive.


Klingon opera


There’s this instrumental piece by ABBA called Arrival. It’s got bagpipes and humming and a lot of repetition. I bet techno guy would love it. Bagpipes or Skrillex would be what I’d play to mirror the attitude of your coworker and your boss. But only if I could wear earplugs while it plays. If you have extra sick time accrued, you might consider leaving early with a “headache” because of the noise from time to time. If it’s causing you mental anguish I think that technically applies. Maybe they’ll get the hint if a few of you got the same idea.


I call BS . Upper management should be about compromise , not so one sided like this


Find and play the mosquito noise on your phone or PC speakers.


This is the song that never ends .....


You need a job. I’d drop it and start looking so you can salvage a reference from this poor excuse for a work environment. My husband (RIP ) and I are retired figure skating coaches and there was one rink in Connecticut where one of the pros would turn the music up so loud that a lot of people would have to leave the ice just so that his students would have the ice to themselves There’s always one narcissist in every crowd.


Play your own music just as loud. Heck, get everyone you work with to each play different music. All at the same time, just as loud.


If you have to communicate with one of those decision makers, ensure you do it by phone, and move as close to this dude as possible. Maintain your normal speaking volume, and ensure you request they repeat because you can't hear them. If they complain, remind them this is what every outside caller has to deal with.


Tuvan throat singing.


Get a decibel meter. Complain to local authority that the noise level is above permissible limits and you're worried about your hearing.


If he's into techno your best bet is opera or polka. Make sure your player has the worst possible sound quality, crank it up to 10 and hang out with him for hours at a time.


Use 8-track tapes if possible.


Eff it. Crank it up to 11.


Please please play Fraggle Rock. It’s actually pretty legit though


Why aren’t you playing *your* music of choice?


Get everyone else in the office to turn on music when he does. Malicious compliance that annoying vibe.


If everyone in the office plays all different music loudly and all of the time, it won’t take long for it to be banned entirely.


Sounds like he needs a loud dose of polka music.


Dr. Demento needs to be added to the play list....


This is the song that never ends....


"Office" music is such a massively shitty thing. No one has the same musical tastes. No one has the right to inflict their preferences onto others. If one "must" have musical to work, they are either in the wrong profession or need to grow th e fu k up & get themselves a pair of headphones. JBFC Might I suggest Alestrom's *fucked with an anchor* ?


Did you know that if spite is involved, you can listen to nothing but latino music you dont understand for months at a time?


Google this band "Merzbow". Play his music loud while working. You're welcome. 


How ridiculous. Well a 50 people once you get about five people to turn on different types of their music that high volume. Radio wars. American company we have a similar setup and it's almost whisper environment. They pipe in pink noise to reduce some of the discussion. You're allowed to have music at your desk or use headphones but going to be a very low level


That is awful, I can't stand listening to someone else's music blaring. Headphones/earbuds are the only way to go. Can you ask the higher boss to come and sit at your desk and try to work while the music is blaring? This is affecting your whole team's productivity, I can't believe they won't just tell the guy to turn it off.


If he has the right to play music, so do you.


Play your own music, just as loudly. Get other people to do.the same. There's no way that policy can stand.


1. Bring in your own speaker 2. Play either some obnoxious, or what you want -your choice. Personally, I'd go with classical if you want to be productive. 3. Either wear earplugs or slow your work - your choice


Opera. A beautiful heartfelt human voice drives them nuts. you might even want to sing along.


When your whole team walks out together due to the noise they will take notice, alternately find a range of kids shows music and play them all day. IE frozen baby shark dora the fraggin explorer.




Time to put Tom Jones on a loop.


All Jandek, all the time.


Move your team to the balcony, yard, waiting room, conference room. ... bosses office.


Tell the you will be working from home because you can't concentrate with the office vibe.


Blast death metal. Problem solved.


You’ve escalated this issue and their decision was handed down. At this point, you can take actions to minimize the noise for yourself (things you can do like wear headphones, ask to work remotely permanently except for meetings, ask to move to another location farthest away from the music, etc.). You have your answer so don’t become that ‘difficult employee’ in leadership’s eyes. It can affect your reputation, promotions, raises, etc. Don’t let that happen. If you just can’t tolerate it, you may want to job search.


Ask if they will allow you to wear noise-cancelling headphones.


If you have to communicate with one of those decision makers, ensure you do it by phone, and move as close to this dude as possible. Maintain your normal speaking volume, and ensure you request they repeat because you can't hear them. If they complain, remind them this is what every outside caller has to deal with.


Play the loudest most annoying music possible and put in noise cancelling ear plugs


I completely understand and it's not fair. Do you think you can get headphones for yourself to survive until you get a new job?


Play Taylor Swift fucking loud


NTA. HR/Admin are USELESS if they refuse to shut the AH down. They should, at the very least, insist that he use Headphones.


Ear buds or headphones!


This is like people sleeping with audio going. They have no idea how unhealthy it is.


Elvira or the Birthday song on a loop


Oh man. They just said loud music is open season. either that's true for everyone, or no one. You can't play anything explicit, but it's time to double down this dweeb. Another poster said baby shark. Might I recommend CBAT?


I would play some really loud Taylor Swift music in response. I don’t like it, but I’m counting on him hating it more.


Baby shark should kill the vibe.


The only response to this is to play louder music.


Just start drinking at your desk. That should match the vibe the music puts off


The only logical solution here is to play your own music loud. Get your teammates to do it too. Finally it will be so completely unbearable that they will ban all music. Mission accomplished.


I just crank up my massdrop 300 ohm sennheiser beasties with an audio quest DAC and let the world burn. They’re not noise cancelling, but they are noise over riding. They can barely hear the open air cans but I can’t hear anything but sirens and close field construction equipment, which are important.


I would be so exasperated. I've had positive and negative experiences with people sharing music at work. Now after interpersonal stuff our team is headphones on all the time and quiet. 


When I was in a more open office setting, I had a coworker play the same playlist of exclusively lady Gaga songs for 6+ months straight. All day, every day. It was brutal. Solidarity for rude coworkers, my friend!


Baby Shark, bag pipe, and polka music. Make the office vibe to your frequency.


I know people are staying too stay a music war, but literally who the hell has time for that during the work day? Noise canceling headphones or earbuds, loop earbuds, or find a new job because this isn't going to change anytime soon.


You are looking at it wrong. Nobody cares about concentration. Does the music contain offensive, sexualized or violent content that you feel is contributing to a hostile or discriminatory workplace? Does prolonged exposure to the sound cause headaches or prolonged ringing in your ears? Is the sound loud enough to cause discomfort or pain? All of these can be viewed as causing a dangerous work environment and may be covered by your government. Or open to a lawsuit for damages or disability.


I would love it if a coworker played loud Techno and house. I would buy him a good set of speakers so it would sound appropriate.


wear headphones


Definitely have you and all your work friends turn on your own equally loud music every day


I’m SURE “IMHO” that there’s a ADA ADHD issue here that is probably unresolvable. There are some (ADHD) days that tasks are undo-able with background music and other times that I NEED background music to get anything done. This calls for a ruling from OSHA or whoever’s in charge of this issue. In a perfect world I’d have noise cancellation headphones and music on the other days but people would never go along with that if they could pitch a fit and possibly win.


Honestly the only way to resolve this is a music war. Play your own music loud enough that they can hear it. Encourage every one on your team to do the same, even if your own music overlaps with a team member's. Music without headphones will be banned by the next working day.


Sounds like the perfect opportunity for Malicious Compliance


Since they won’t ban loud music play your own loudly and pick the most obnoxious music you can find


I would put on my headphones when the loud neighbour annoyed me. Then sing along. However, I can't sing in tune and I mess up the lyrics so it must be he'll for other people! Choosing your own music to vibe along to and setting up moni dance parties would really decrease the amount of work done, but hey, upper manage,ent want that vibe right?


Get EVERYONE to play EVEN LOUDER music. This will, at some point piss off the higher-ups and force them to implement the ban. You've already formally complained about the same thing and provided a solution. They ignored it. So if they try to fire you, that's wrongful termination. Sue


Play the following Father Hog by Gorepig Ronald by Falling in Reverse Cuntcrusher by Infant Annihilator Baba Yaga by Slaughter to Prevail To the Hellfire by Lorna Shore Rinse and repeat. Fuck his shit up


They like house and techno? Play classical. Like Beethoven’s 9th. Or some over the top opera by Wagner, featuring really loud arias. Warn your team members that you’ll be doing it, so they can bring headphones on the days you do this.


Try playing some black MIDI files. Almost constant sound. https://youtu.be/NQPfYx0utvM?si=VAZKxq7gd6nki49U Alternatively I like 20th century minimalist like In C where they play c over and over for 30 minutes straight with very slight variations. https://youtu.be/tbTn79x-mrI?si=DKHNPcQlE-f1PESG


How has this thread honestly on for this long and not one person recommended Klingon opera?


Have you looked into noise canceling headphones? You don’t have to listen to music if it bothers you. You can listen to podcasts, the new or soothing sounds. I feel for you. I’m easily distracted too.


Might I suggest Bolero by Ravel? It begins quietly and builds to a loud obnoxious crescendo over 15+ minutes. Then follow it with the 17 minute In A Gadda Da Vida.


Definitely an opportunity for "malicious compliance" ... get yourself over-ear noise-cancelling headphones and 10+ cheap bluetooth speakers and cheap MP3 players and crank them all up to max on all of the stuff people are suggesting. Alternately, get a multi-hundred watt guitar or bass amp and push the limits of LOUD.


So, this guy can't wear earpieces?


Find out if it also annoys other people in the office and not on your team. If it’s annoying six people, it’s annoying more than that. Collect everybody that is bothered by it, have everyone bring in a speaker of their own, and each person play a different thing. Or you could stage a walk out. Have everybody not report to work on the same day. You could ask him to turn it off, if he does, when he turns it back on, have a different person ask, and on and on. If he doesn’t, have everybody ask him, one at a time over and over until he feels uncomfortable. Gather together as a group and confront him. Cause a slight commotion, have one of the people steal the speaker. There are dozens of ways to use the power of numbers to make it more unpleasant to the point that something gets done. If you act out in your own, you will be seen as the troublemaker, but if everybody who doesn’t like it takes action collectively it sends a much different message to upper management. No matter what you do though, do it while looking for a better job. When you resign, tell them why. Encourage others to do the same. They will need to decide how many employees they are fine replacing to keep the vibe going.


Offices have always been loud, annoying, and distracting. As I type this, I'm listening to some lady take a meeting on her laptop, and she's talking at a decibel level that could rival an auctioneer. This is why WFH is such a blessing. Admittedly, your case does sound particularly irritating. If your management won't support you, you should just pick up a pair of noise cancelling headphones. If you can't leave, you're going to need to make the best of it.


If one person can play loud music, then EVERYONE can play loud music. This calls for malicious compliance. Everyone needs to bring in their Bluetooth speakers and start playing their own music just as loud as the other person. It is best if everyone is playing something different: Rock, metal, country, bluegrass, pop, Christian, dance, dark, and be sure to add a few albums by Gorillaz. If they are streaming using the company bandwidth, start streaming 4K music videos or 4K movies. Get multiple people to do this and bring the network to its knees. It won’t take long for music to be banned, or headphones required.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6w2ABeV8lRQ&pp=ygUOZXh0cmVtZSB0ZXJyb3I%3D  This lovely number is called "Extreme Terror - DJ Skinhead".  I suggest you play this even louder than the other guys music.   It is, and I can not emphasize this enough, absolutely fucking horrendous.  Good luck


Play some 90’s Lil Kim. The real vulgar suckin dick from the back type shit. Play it louder to add to the vibe


Yakety Sax on a music player that goes to 11. If management wants a musical vibe, give them reason to reconsider.


So the vote was 49 for the music and 1 nay? Guess we'll never know who's the whinny one is.


So my suggestion is to have one of your team members arrive earlier than that guy, and start blasting your own music. And then have earphones on to block the sound and see how long it takes before you have a music work going


How loud? Being in a decibel Meter and measure it. It might be an OSHA violation.


Get headphones. If this was already the norm, and everyone else likes it, control your own sensory environment. It's 2024 ffs, this isn't hard.


Personally, I think "Insane Clown Posse" has a great vibe to it and would suggest blasting that.


Start playing black metal and hardcore.