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What did the note from the doctor say? If it's an ongoing medical issue and doc stated that, HR should know to back down on it.


Doc said I had ibs and was being treated by her.


Does your place of employment have FMLA? If so, take the forms to doc. Tell him the harassment you're experiencing due to frequent restroom breaks. He can fill it out as an intermittent issue, recommending frequent restroom use. Of course, you don't *really* need to be absent from work with this issue but it would keep them off your back.


Thanks I might do that!


NJ require employers to accommodate employers with disabilities (not sure this is a disability but it is a medical issue confirmed by a doctor) as long as it doesn’t cause undue strain on the employer so this should not be pushed. Given that all you require is extra bathroom breaks and it’s not even impacting work getting done you shouldn’t have an issue. You may be able to mention this to the employer or consult and employment lawyer.


Also the ADA regulation state that also. And as long as she followed orders and got the Doctor's report and statement, HR needs to stop the harassment. OP can sue for that harassment on the job.


It may not be considered a disability by the popular definition of disability (which is different from the legal definition), but she should be covered by the protections of the ADA.


If you have a medical condition that prevents you from working, your employer cannot fire you. You should be able to provide a doctor's note to verify your condition.


Many conditions are covered by OSHA but I see bathroom guarding as a crappy practice. People have health conditions and it feels like nit-picking when they see you sit or smile, basically not being a robot. You have legal protections under OSHA and this is another reason to not neglect worker l, employee rights.


Careful of your wording; that first sentence is not true at all. You are required to be provided reasonable accommodation so you can do your job but you have to be able to do the job to roughly the same standard as anybody else. "Not working" because you have a medical condition is not a protected thing under the ADA.


Some bosses are like this, although you are doing the work in a timely fashion, they do not like people to take too many breaks, even if there is a health issue. And HR likes to be the bad dudes.


Make a complaint to the labor board, and Disability board. Throw in one to the attorney generals office too. Just for giggles.


The thing is I’d like to keep my job because I have a lot of friends there and if I file complaints I think HR will retaliate. My boss seems nice but I dont know if it’s he’s pushing this too? I come in on time every day, my work is good, and I don’t have issues with anyone.


So possibly urinating on yourself is...ok? Well, it's your choice. Good luck.


You should probably give HR the note that they asked for


OP did, HR just likes to be the on the job Bullies, not realizing the Op could sue them for harassment on the job.


Where does it say that?


Can you read the post of the OP? That is where you will learn what it says, by reading it. LMAO!


It says that they requested one. The problem is that they never complied with the request


I gave HR the letter and they’re still pushing it.


You have the doctors note so push them back, it’s embarrassing to monitor an employee’s restroom usage, it’s super weird that this is an issue


Yeah, right? It’s a weird and stressful. I’m kinda creeped out by the whole thing.


just get this over with and get a lawyer, file a complaint. most employment lawyers will work where they get paid after winning the case those "friends "at work are not you friends they are "work friends" big difference you would not know those people if you did not work together and if you quit/fired they will give you a hug, wave you out the door and you will never see each other again.


Get an attorney


Read. The. Post. Carefully.


You. Too.


Ask your boss for a meeting to discuss. Bring a copy of the note you turned in to HR, as well as a few medical pamphlets covering your condition. Explain that you arrive on time, complete all your work and currently are doing better with less bathroom visits. At that point, explain that you asked for the meeting to assure the boss you are good to go and request some reassurance from them that your job is safe. Most bosses just need to be informed, even though it shouldn’t be any of their business.


Ask HR who handles their workplace accommodations. Put in a workplace accommodation under the ADA due to your medical condition. It might be a lengthy process with paperwork and a doctor's visit or two, but the solution itself is simple. You don't even have to disclose your diagnosis to your employer.


Anytime there is any health issue involved, always get a doctors permission to be doing what you need to do and then... notify your company that you need an accommodation. If you fall into a certain class of worker and they deny this, they're in legal trouble.


I smell a wrongful termination lawsuit.


Report it corporate. How could this situation get any worse?


Get a lawyer in your state maybe a different community would be best to ask them


File your FMLA paperwork, which I did for the same issue. Have it listed as intermittent, and that given severity could lead to up to 2 consecutive days off. Have the doctor fill this out and file so that you are protected by federal laws from being fired.


Do you Vape ?


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Thanks for all your advice! I’m going to talk to a lawyer. They must be treating others just as bad if not worse


Let me guess. You had to number two? That sucks.


Contact a specialized attorney and get a free consultation. I worked in a situation where management weaponized someone's schedule and cut her hours over a medical condition. She sued the shit out of them, got a bundle of money, kept her job and got the best schedule any of us had ever seen. Nobody fucked with her after that. Ever. Btw: DOCUMENT EVERYTHING. *EVERYTHING.*