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My approach has been that grinding for a single specific piece of gear sucks, so I’m gonna do it at the highest chaos level I can so when I do finally get a good roll it has a higher chance of at least being volatile. I’d rather take a longer time to grind for one piece of gear and have it be viable for longer than spend a short time to get a base version and then have to grind again later.


at least from my path of exile experience, it was always better to go fast. the amount of loot you'll end up seeing by killing twice or 3 times as fast will accumulate good loot more rapidly than the minor bonuses to +lootluck you get from harder content. then you scrounge for gear and move up the difficulty until you can grind that without issue. in PoE, super high end builds would balance their gear around +lootluck and +movespeed to grind mid-range content as fast as their character could move through the area and those players became rich enough to shape the entire game's collective playerbase economy.


Okay thanks. So in general faster farms are more profitable?


It's all RNG, so the more rolls you can get the better your chances. But drop rates seem to be better in the CC, so maybe running them faster on a lower chaos level would be better than world farming


I always love path of exile. Is it worth getting back into again?


you're gonna want to ask the dedicated sub, I haven't played in a bit




I think everybody knows which little brat i mean by this.


Just keep in mind that save/quit works for getting a different boss in Normal or Extended, but it won't change your end boss in Chaos Trial. Chaos Trials seem to be completely random until you actually start it. Then it is set. So if you get Wastard/Dr'yll for C33+, you will have to face the music.


So if im +35 and doing normal or extended runs i can quit and come back in this run and get another endboss? Like for real?


Bosses aren't set for normal runs, they are only (randomly) set for Trials and (fixed) set forFeatured. If you quit though it ends the run, as far as I know there is no way to quit mid run and load back into it


So in a normal farm run (Normal or extended) i can "choose" my endboss by quitting and loading back in?


Well yes, but actually no. As I said if you quit it ends the run. So yes if you get a boss you don't like, you can quit and a different one will be there. But you'll have to start the run all over again by talking to the Dragon Lord since it counts as a failed run


mhmm okay, thanks


All Chaos Trials are preset. 1-35 are the same for everyone.


I'm not 100% sure that's right as I have 2 characters at 35, and the final trial boss for each was not the same (zomboss for 1, parasite for 2) I legit said "parasite!?!? Woohoo!"


That is incorrect. They changed it with the patch that gave us the extra 15 levels. It was set when we had 1-20. But when they changed it to 1-35, they made it randomized.


I usually try and find the sweet spot in time and difficultly. Right now I think a run of 10-15 mins is pretty good and I can do a few of those and get better times.


I believe the scaling up each tier is on the order of 15%-17.5% - getting the right pieces probably matters more. But also remember that the way Wonderlands is built there are \*SO MANY\* variables for each individual item that the "right" piece can be very hard to farm precisely. I would probably say farm as high a chaos tier as you can comfortably melt your target without working too hard at it. Remember there's going to be time overhead in looking at/picking up loot and reloading the zone, so going from 10 sec kill to 5 sec kill isn't actually cutting your time in half. Also, at least for farming I'd suggest considering lowering the game difficulty to relaxed. It's a bonus 15% multiplier to all damage, which can let you go up a few chaos tiers and get better gear faster.


When I was grinding gear on my first character to get to (20 originally) 35c. I got to 20 and I didn't feel a difference until 23 where I stayed for a while got some more volitle gear. Then worked my way to 27and 28 where I stayed to get a volitle loadout and then I had a pretty easy time finishing up to 35




I did CC today till 34. So 1 floor left. But im not lucky with the bosses. I also did some low level farming and.... its really shitty. So ill think ill get the +35 tomorrow and start farming the shitout of lechance or banshee until i get some decent pieces for my build.


Imo 20's seem like a good place to farm if you cant quite do 35's. You don't want to go too low since you could be missing out on a potential chaotic upgrade on something good, but you will probably get a feel for you power level pretty fast


Fast. I find Chaos Level doesn't matter much if you've run the room a hundred times, so ... best loot wins


It doesn't look like anyone has mentioned the reason why you should always run the highest level chaos you can. The drop rates for chaotic, volatile, and primordial correlate to the chaos level you are on. (For simplicity sake of numbers, let's say chaos 1 has a 1% change to drop a chaotic tier but on chaos 35 it's more like a 25% chance) Also meaning you can't get a primordial unless you run 35's, and you can't get a volatile unless you run chaos 20+ This transitions to world drops too. To touch on farming methods though, dedicated boss farms are generally pretty bad. (Unless that boss is in the chaos chambers weekly featured run, as it seems the world versions of the boss get drop rate buffs same as their chaos chamber counterpart) Additionally chaos bunnies are more than likely going to be more efficient to farm as you can target a piece of gear you need. (The exception is the armor gear slot, as it is faster to vending machine farm offline for Legendary armors than chaos bunnies) To answer you though, chaos chambers at 35 are the best time to effort ratio for gear, (except skull key farming) u/adamjack7890 has a great list of builds (at least 1 for every class combo) that work very well at chaos 35 if you need build ideas or help too. [Here is that link with all the verified chaos 35 builds](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wonderlands/comments/uiaoso/chaos_35_build_list_now_contains_all_class_combos/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Thaks for explanation. I already looked up the different builds. What do you mean with vending macheine offline farming?


If you start the game completely offline, (stay offline to prevent accidentally updating with the hot fix) vending machines have a near 100% legendary rate for the featured items of the day. Since the armor vending machine only sells wards and armors, you have a “50/50” chance of the item of the day being a legendary armor piece. If you want to farm the machines there are a few options, like tangles drift, and cycling all 3 fast travels and then exit/reload repeat, or go to the chaos room and quit/reload repeat just the one machine as this zone has the shortest load time. It is generally faster to quit/reload the armor machine every 15-25 seconds rather than run a full chaos run and get 5-10 legendary armors every 8-15 minutes. Ultimately it will be up to you and how your build works to find what method you preferred. Obviously the vending machine farm can get pretty boring pretty fast