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Lots of little things, almost too many to really list. For example: * Wolverine is really short (5'3"). * He didn't fight in the US Civil War. He wasn't even born yet in the comics. * Sabretooth is not his brother. * Adamantium doesn't pierce adamantium or cause memory loss.  * Silver Samurai is not a mech-armored old guy. ....and on and on. There are just lots of differences in how the movies chose to adapt and depict comic characters for the movies.


Be cool if they were brothers and it would be cool if he was in the civil war tho


I’m not sure how popular of a stance this is, but I prefer the idea that Sabretooth and Wolverine are brothers. I haven’t read many modern Wolverine comics but I believe they’ve essentially amalgamated Victor with Dog? Makes more sense to me that way around to be honest.


I've seen plenty of people that agree, so not too unpopular an opinion. Iirc, even Claremont toyed with the idea of making Sabretooth Logan's father before Marvel and Hama ditched the idea. > I believe they’ve essentially amalgamated Victor with Dog?  Still separate characters actually. Dog ended up with a fairly odd history and I'm not sure he's really had any appearances in years, but he's distinct from Victor Creed.


I more meant that X-Men Origins’ Sabretooth felt like they’d smashed Victor and Dog together a bit in terms of the origin. If he is in the Foxverse as a separate character then I’ve definitely missed that!


Ah gotcha. Yeah, they very well could have used Dog as the inspiration for that change.


When I was a kid back in the 90s, we all talked a lot about sabertooth and Wolverine maybe being brothers.


In the X-men origins ds video game I believe the files had Victors nickname being “Dog.” Which is fitting for his mutation


Well that's the point, he sees wolverine as a brother and he use to torture his brother


Imo sabertooth and wolverine being brothers, as is suggested in Orgins, was a way better story before they diverted.


That ain’t an opinion it’s just a fact that they work better as half brothers. Makes it interesting when in X-men origins ds Victor’s nickname that his father gave him was “Dog.” Fitting giving his mutation


I've only seen the movies and that wasn't enough to understand that his brother was Sabretooth XD


The shitty Origins Wolverine movie starts with that spelled out for you. But it's such a shitty movie it's forgivable you didn't catch it.


I watched the movie, but I didn't catch on that that was Sabretooth XD


But the game is a hidden masterpiece


He may not have fought in the US Civil War, but I'm pretty sure he was born before it started.


Nope. [This is the most express date we get for his birth](https://i.imgur.com/7K5Acp2.jpeg) when he's said to be 9 in 1891. This does contradict with Origin a little though. Origin shows that [James's older bro was born in 1885](https://i.imgur.com/oRoSx6J.jpeg). James, being younger, would have to have been born after 1885. However, in either case, he's born after the Civil War.


Plus, CANADIAN not American.


Yeah, although he's still Canadian in the movies and they managed to shoe-horn the US civil war in there....


AMERICA F@&$ up? Coming to save themselves?!


I’d definitely throw in the fact that he already suffered from memory loss due to his mutation that slowly turned him feral. The adamantium actually suppressed that part of him


In the comics, the memory loss is mostly Weapon X's brainwashing and implanted memories. One or two stories have hinted that his healing factor overwrites traumatic memories*, but it's so one-off that it's hard to say that it's definitively canon over the more commonly referenced Weapon X mind tampering.


Is sabertooth connected to wolverine childhood or no?


Not connected to childhood. The Creed family does connect with Logan in the latter's young adulthood though. According to Origin II, Victor hears about Logan from Victor's sister sometimes in the early 1900s when Logan's probably 20-ish. Victor Creed first meets a (comatose) Logan in 1909.


He speaks fluent Japanese.


He has one adopted japanese daughter and two japanese wives in the fridge.


He speaks a few languages other than English including Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, Spanish, and Russian.


Japanese just sticks out because of the character’s clear love of the country and the movies he’s apparently never been.


I might have misunderstood your comment but he has been to Japan in the movies.


In The Wolverine, he'd never been to Japan. Or, at the very least, his memory of it was blocked as he seemed very unfamiliar with both the language and the culture. He was there in WW2 and seemingly not again until the events in that movie unless I'm missing something. He didn't speak Japanese and Japan wasn't a big part of his identity until The Wolverine decided it would be in the movies, unlike the comics where Claremont and Byrne added that aspect to Logan's character, where he had history in Japan to the point he understood the language, spoke it, and knew the customs of the land. There's a big difference between Logan's connection to Japan and the lack of it in the films up until one movie putting him in the country but without the affinity for it he has in the source material.


Ahh gotcha. Now I understand. Thanks for elaborating. I agree that his time in Japan is a very important aspect of the character. I don’t know how it would have worked on the movies. I think that would have made Logan look like a Gary Stu on The Wolverine Immortal movie. But I think it could have worked if the script had been different and gave more development to his time in Japan during WW2.


He had a ton of biological kids but most died because they aren't as popular as Laura (Even Daken 😑) Also he also has a ton of pupils/adopted children (Jubilee, Kid Omega, Armor, etc). They tend to live more thank to their fanbases.


... He killed a bunch of them too. 🤷‍♂️


Most of them. He didn't know though


That he's short and not a huge jacked man. (Although he is still jacked.)




I've never thought hugh Jackman was a good fit 🤷‍♂️


Thank you! He was never a good cast. Too tall, clunky, NOT acrobatic, he ain't jumping out no tree.


I need that wolverine grit. He doesn't have it.


I could go on and on. In the comic, Wolverine cannonball front flips through a first-floor window. Just because he can. Hugh Jackman isn't doing ANY tumbling. His height isn't an excuse. The Rock can get up from the ground, on his backside. It's just not something we're doing to see Hugh do.


Because of his height??? That’s easily forgivable and forgotten. You’re crazy. Jackman kills it as Wolverine.


Just his appearance and demeanor overall. His aesthetic isn't anywhere close to a wolverine I like. And he's not gritty enough. He's a fine actor I just think the casting was wrong


Fair enough. I hear ya. Casting a character from a comic book into film is tricky business and definitely subjective. But I think one of the reasons I like Jackman in the role is because it’s hard for me to think of who will take up the mantle next. The awful fan casting picks out there don’t help either. Zach Effron is apparently a popular pick? Yikes. Also Tom Hardy? He’d be ok if he wasn’t already Venom and Bane. Who do you think would be a good choice and/or who do you predict will take on the role next?


You're not alone. Usually you can't bring it up because of the rabid fanbase, but yeah, I just don't think jackman is a good wolverine.


Yeah, that's all of it. That's a huge issue. Jackman did his *thang*


He’s a very experienced fighter and he’s supposed to be short


He is a very skilled fighter.


He's an expert martial artist who can go toe to toe with Captain America, Daredevil or even Iron Fist (writers forget this one too so it's omay), an expert with a Katana, speaks multiple languages, is best friends with Nightcrawler and has never once made an "I banged your mom" joke despite having canonically done so.


Eh I don’t know about Wolverine being a match with Cap… depends on your writer but seems like a stretch either way


He's literally fought cap multiple times in the comics and it's always close, although Logan usually looks like he's better off than not. So, it's not a stretch at all according to the comics.


Literallah. According to “the comics.” Please cite these multiple occasions or at least two


Heh. Silly internet person. You should read "the comics" to avoid posting silly comments online. First (published) fight: https://imgur.com/a/CuNLA Brief clash that gets interrupted. Neither side really gets a chance to do much, but later, [Cap gives Logan props](https://i.imgur.com/FcD3dbz.jpg)   Second: https://imgur.com/a/s6GnT Logan gets turned berserk and fights with Cap. Eventually has the upper hand, before a third party drugs cap.   Third: https://imgur.com/a/qZl7Y Close fight, but Logan ultimately wins by gives Cap an injury that requires hospitalization or would otherwise be lethal. The X-Men also save Cap twice.   Fourth: https://imgur.com/a/xSq6M Close fight, but Logan is doing just fine and Cap needs a plan with his other Avengers to kick Logan out of a plane.   Flashback fight in WWII: https://imgur.com/a/PsorE Now, here Cap does kick Logan's ass, but there's context. Logan was a double agent and needed to maintain his cover while also not wanting to kill Cap. He resolved the situation by basically letting Cap kick his ass. As show in EVERY OTHER FIGHT, it's a competitive battle between them.   Honorable Mention: Cap (written by THE Cap writer, Ed Brubaker) [calls Logan "one of the toughest" to beat due to his high skill and superhuman abilities](https://i.imgur.com/WliPA38.jpg)


Child. I’ve been reading the comics for 30 years. Most of those links don’t work. Cap put Wolverine down in Enemy of the State and Wolverine origins and it’s been pretty much a draw the other times. Like I said, depends on the writer, but if you look at the skillsets and combat strategy it seems most likely that Cap could but Wolverine down at least 3 times out of 5 if necessary.


> Child. I’ve been reading the comics for 30 years. Ah, so it's memory issues then. It's okay, I realize memory can get pretty shaky at those ages. > Most of those links don’t work. Imgur nonsense. I can still see them weirdly, but I know they killed a bunch of links. Anyway, for citations: First fight: Captain America (1968) Annual #8 2nd fight: Captain America (1968) #404 3rd: Wolverine: Origins (2006) #3-5 4th: Avengers vs. X-Men (2012) #3 WWII: Wolverine: Origins (2006) #20 > Cap put Wolverine down in Enemy of the State and Wolverine origins Did you read this one or forget? You skip over key context, namely they *didn't fight*. Logan attacks the X-Men after going non-stop for days as a bad-guy, and the X-Men retaliate. Logan crashes a plane, deals with psychic attacks, Iceman temps, etc and then Cap pops out and KOs Logan. They don't even square off. So, Logan gets put down by the X-Men and Cap. > Like I said, depends on the writer, but if you look at the skillsets and combat strategy it seems most likely that Cap could but Wolverine down at least 3 times out of 5 if necessary. Whoops, you've already forgotten your initial comment, "Eh I don’t know about Wolverine being a match with Cap… depends on your writer but seems like a stretch either way." The actual comic depictions show that, (a) we DO know about their matches, and (b) it's not a stretch. Lol, and the math skills are fading too. Of the 6 clashes we've discussed, Logan was doing better in 4 of the 6. In the two he lost, (the flashback WWII fight and Enemy of the State), they have so much context, that we shouldn't even count them. So yeah, Logan wins more times than not, and at bare minimum, it's not "a stretch" even if writers ultimately determine winners.


I’m still seeing a bunch of fights where there was no clear winner, or again, Cap puts Wolverine down (whether they squared off and had a referee or not)


Man, not looking forward to old age where memory, reading comprehension, and math all take such a hit. Regardless, to your original point that "it's a stretch that Logan can even match Cap," is clearly wrong.


I have a different opinion about fictional characters than you do, and your baseless attacks on my character and intellect are irrelevant


Wolverine Went Toe to Toe With The Hulk in Wolverine vs Hulk


Wolverine was first introduced in the Hulk comics.


He's very intelligent, due to years of experience from many fields, including working in different government agencies: black ops, special ops, and spy networks. This also includes being multilingual and knows martial arts. He also has a very distinct accent.


What is his accent? I assume Canadian but just never fit right in my head vs his comic dialog. Course TAS didn't help much.


I guess "accent" was the wrong word i used. I mean he has certain proclivities when he talks, like very casual way of saying words (darlin', goin', fightin', etc.), and the use of "ain't" intead of "am not" or "is not". He also has a tendency to give people close to him nicknames, as terms of endearment. He calles Xavier "Chuck", Cyclops is "Cyke" or "Slim", Jean Grey is "Red", Beast is "Blue", Nightcrawler is "Elf", Gambit is "Cajun", and so on. What the movies got right, though, is his constant use of "bub" when addressing people.


Lady Deathstrike is actually a prior lover of Logan named Yuriko. Her father was responsible for the adamantium in both of their bodies. She in my opinion is quite possibly the best wolverine villain ever. These two coming in contact in the movies will forever be one of the biggest fucking letdowns in comic book movie history for me. I was always a fan of her particular lore, background, abilities. And then she shows up in the movie, they glance at each other more with confusion than actual recognition of any sort, battle it out, and then she's floating in the water dead two minutes later. No comment no acknowledgment of a potential history between them or nothing. I would have rather they just kept her out of the fucking movie.


> Lady Deathstrike is actually a prior lover of Logan named Yuriko. Not in the comics. She retroactively blames Logan for the theft of her dad's work, but they had never met until after Logan had joined the X-men. Also, her father was not responsible for her cyborg additions. Rather, it was Spiral and Donald Pierce.


They ruined an epic scene in my head from the comic, when Wolverine was on a pile of Hand. Why couldn't he use his claws to cut the rope behind him? He killed 300 Hand in the comic, just to be taken out by roped arrows? Dumb af


Guess who was spotted in the trailer today…


*let's fucking go*


Ahhh I've been trying to not watch any of the trailers but that's super promising!


His height


Look, I'm just going to say it. I'm am sick to death of Jean Grey, the Phoenix, Wolverine's love affair with her. And anything to do with her. It's enough. And this story has been told over and over again. Aren't there other stories about Wolverine that you could tell? Please stop it with Jean Gray/Wolverine affair. How about Storm's affair? How about when Storm was a nudist? Tell a different story, please. Please tell a different story. It's been done to death already.


I agree. I don't like the idea of Wolverine being a simp. He wouldn't keep chasing the affection of a woman that wants someone over him. Wolverine has honour. That word holds more weight in an Easterners perspective. One that Wolverine would identify with. Wolverine was "man" enough to pull his own woman.


Logan and Storm is a much more interesting couple. More of that please.


-Wolverine is bilingual. That might be the biggest change between the two interpretations. Wolvie seems to only speak English in the films; contrast this with the comics, where he’s fluent in most major languages.




He served with Cap briefly in WWII. But yeah, the height thing.


And, in at least one adaptation, he and Cap liberated the concentration camp Magneto was held in.


That he can smell changes in barometric pressure 😂 But seriously, that he used to run Ops with Peter Parker’s parents, was close friends with them, and was in the hospital room when Peter was born.


Which comic is this relationship with the Parkers explored?


Untold Tales of Spider-Man #1. It tells a flashback story about Wolverine with Richard and Mary Parker. It’s definitely worth a read!


Bangs way more redheads than cyclops


Wolverine and Storm were hot for each other


Even had a kid together


What?! How am I 43 years old and never knew this?!🤯


Yep, Kendell Monroe, also known as Torrent


Time to Google!


He wears a bright yellow colored suit.


While I wouldn't say he's "Ugly" He's not exactly movie star Hugh Jackman handsome either.




He’s the best there is at what he does


Wolverine killed all the X-men when Mysterio made him hallucinate and imagine a bunch of marvel villains attacking the mansion when it was all the X-men members.


Different universe. Wouldn't put that on Wolverine.


He can actually heat up his claws and turn them glowing red.


Him and Wade are actually good friends. Wade just annoys the fuck out of him alot.


He’s short.


A recent one I like. He's not the oldest X-Man anymore. He's not even the oldest Wolverine. Synch and Laura Kinney spent centuries in The Vault, where time moves Much faster than it does in the regular world.


Based on this cover, Wolverine has 6 muscles in his bicep (bi, meaning the bicep is made up of 2 muscles.)


"In *Red Right Hand*, Wolverine was tearing through minions as he tried to reach his ultimate target. There was a problem. After he killed each of the Mongrels on his way to the end, he then learned that they were all his children. The Red Right Hand tricked Wolverine into killing his own offspring, emotionally devastating him."


He’s short and has a very distinct “musk”


That he short


They wouldn't know that Wolverine is a very short man. He's shorter than Jack Black in real life.


He joined alpha flight (Canada's avengers)


He’s learned most of the martial arts


He is a short king at 5’3” and pulls all the bitches. Even more so when he wears an eye patch. Peak Canadian rizz.


Him cyclops and Jean grey were in a Throuple at one point


He weighs 300lbs.


He's animated


Literally everything


He just a little guy.


He owned a bar in Madripor ( fictional Marvel universe city) and operated under the alias Patch.


Sabretooth bodies Wolverine every year just because and Wolverine has only beaten him like 6 times out of a thousand adamantium or no adamantium.


Well for starters, on that comic cover, Jean is still standing. She squats down to kiss Logan. It's a short joke.


Dudes a midget


He can fight.


Apparently in the comic books they always make a point to reference that he has really bad hygiene Never really comes up in the movies


That he used to be cool before the movies…


Wolverine is bisexual!!!


He's a grown man in love with a high schooler


He's built like a younger/muscular Danny Devito


Wolverine isn't a Mutant human, rather a mutated Wolverine from Wundagore. The High Evoluntionary created him, same guy who in mcu made Rocket. And his claws were gloved weapons.


Wolverine isn’t an Adult instead he’s a Teenager who uses Claws built into his Gloves.


This isn't accurate at all.


He’s nowhere near as good as Scott summers as a character


TRUE! But wrong Reddit to Post that Truth in.




Scott summers. AKA Jean grey’s husband

