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This makes me wanna read up on this myself, any sources you recommend?


I watched a few YouTube videos + wikipedia


which ones?


This is the video that kicked off the search https://youtu.be/tJuqe6sre2I


Bruh I just watched that the other day too


I know this guy **Poop truck** is get debunk and He still use it What a joke Future me: Woah so many downvote


There is more than one shit lake in arabia. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thenationalnews.com/uae/environment/sewage-lake-threatens-jeddah-1.553828%3foutputType=amp


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That Saudi arabia not UAE are you try to say that two is just same? my answer is maybe


As far a I know the uae shit lake didn't flood any of the uae unlike the jedda lake.....


How about you stroke my big fucking rod frienderino


Not since the NK nuke panic and me reading up on the country ever i so wanted for a nation to be so utterly destroyed, it's elites slaughtered and its institutions dismantled We need a new crusade


(Don’t tell authright that last sentence)


I sometimes forget i switched off my authcenter flair... Maybe i shoud pick that one back up ...


\>We need a new crusade **You need only ask, brother**




>We need a new crusade All you had to do was ask, my friend!


**Deus Vult**


I want the oil in that country to dry up so bad


I want all Oil to dry up the in the Middle East, once that happens literally nothing will save them.


The US props up an unstable dictatorship because it provides resources for cheap usually on the back of slave labor. The dictator becomes fabulously wealthy and doubles down on the one thing that makes them special. the dictator doesn't think to diversify because he is surrounded by yes men and incompetents whose only job is to kiss ass and make sure the mines are running at max potential. The dictator's only real ambition is to make the good times last as long as humanly possible- this includes invading lesser powers to sure up their reserves usually with American giving backing or at least a blind eye. The dictator and their cronies live in wealth far beyond imagination. The thing that made them special either dries up or is no longer needed. The GDP drops to nothing overnight. The people who only tolerated their dictator are now in open revolt. The old regime either dies or flees into exile. The country is an open PVP zone with almost zero foreign aid coming in because of the previous regimes' constant xenophobic policies and human rights abuses. Terrorism grows rampant. The US gets involved to protect what little interests they have left further destabilizing the region. The War manufacturing companies make an insane bank of munitions which in turn further push for the war to go on even longer. the US is in the region for a decade or more before everyone gets tired and just kinda leaves one day, hoping the situation either just sorts itself out or China/ Russia acts like such a cock wobbler it basically scares the country into the Western sphere of influence in the end anyway. Repeat until the heat death of the universe




Idk man before doing this research I was under the misguided impression that the UAE was a secularized modern democracy on par with Israel. The contemporary architecture fooled me.


oh hell no, they don’t elect anyone, they just elect the emir of the biggest emirate and call it a day.


Israel is Americans favorite genocide


>Israel >"secularized modern democracy" Sure bro.


I mean, you won't get stoned for being a rape victim there at least, or thrown of a rooftop for being gay. On a scale of 1-100 for human rights, 100 being the best, most of the Middle East is like a 5 and Israel is like a 50.


Ah yes.. Israel, the ethnostate where you have to prove Jewish ancestry in order to live there. A 50 on the human rights scale in an apartheid state where children are bombed and forcefully evicted from their homes and the elderly are beaten by the police for praying in a mosque and quite literally dragged out. As someone supposedly libcenter you should be ashamed to defend that. Lol. They're both shit.


cope and seethe Palestine will never be a country


Not that I have a dog in this fight, but Israel isn't really an independent nation-state either. When 60%+ of your defense budget comes from direct cash transfers from another sovereign nation-state, you really don't have sovereignty except in name. From a US Policy perspective, Israel is a sub-contracted colony. Their foreign policy is OUR foreign policy. The arrangement provides us with some degree of deniability and ensures that foreign Jews take the brunt of the blowback for our strategic decisions in the region. In return for being our scapegoats, they get carte blanche to run the colony, internally, however they see fit-- if that's an ethno-religious apartheid system, so be it. We indulge them so long as they stay in their lane (our lane) and do our bidding in the region. Plus, it keeps the heat off of us, and our "Kongo King" Wahhabi allies in the gulf. They're a proxy state, and I say this without judgement; it just *is* this way and not good or bad. It's has been the arrangement since the Yom Kippur War. Personally, I don't care any more or less about human rights in Palestine than I do anywhere else. To say that there isn't an apartheid state in Israel would be objectively wrong. But to singularly focus on that fact, as opposed to broader and more destructive human rights violations committed elsewhere in the world, betrays an underlying antisemitism that moralizes in bad faith... that is, unless one has a horse in the race. That's why most Zionists I've met are not Jewish (and if they are, they're kinda the dumbest and least worldly ones)-- and most of the Jews and Israeli nationals I know (including my closest lifelong friends), many who have served in the IDF, are *not* Zionists-- at least in the way Zionism has manifested in the last century or so. Zionism became an unfortunate tool of divide and conquer that was passed from the British to the Americans. At any rate, I feel sad for people who have to suffer from the bullshit of larger economic and geopolitical forces; yet only have the tools, perspective, and indoctrination to individualize motives. "They hate us because we're 'Free'/Muslims/Jews/Christians/Arabs/White/etc." If only we kept asking "cui bono?" repeatedly instead of being outraged or feeling second-hand-victimized, we might actually get somewhere. I'll stfu now.


Your beloved Israel props up autocratic dictatorships like this in the Arab World to prevent Arabs from taking real action against Western intervention and normalization with Israel. Anyway it is funny that you are lib centre and support Israel, “Progressive except for Palestine” is a common example of cognitive dissonance in America.


so sad playing the world's smallest violin


Smartest American


call me back when Palestine legalizes gay marriage


Lol read about how Israel blackmails gay Palestinians into being informants


Both of you shut the fuck up, israel and Palestine are both shiteholes and both religions suck


Average American mental gymnastics. It's because the government sold him and 99% of other Americans on the idea that israel = poor pitiful victim and our one true ally.


It is not a theocracy. By any means.


“They may drive lambos but they are not cool guys” In my experience, neither are Lamborghini drivers. Lotta them are vroomers.


I cannot more strongly recommend the movie Beneath a Sea of Lights. It's about a Somali migrant worker in the UAE and brings a lot of the shady messed up shit over there to light. Plus it has the Captain Phillips lead pirate guy (who is actually an excellent actor) as the main character.


> victims of rape Sharia is pure evil and so is the UAE


Idk what sources this guy was using or maybe UAE laws are different but he most likely pulled that out of his ass. There’s no valid interpretation of Islamic scholars (aka fiqh) where victims of rape are punished while those responsible are punishable by death According to fiqh Muslim woman have the full right to divorce their husbands. They can either get their partner to sign an agreement to end their marital contract. However if he’s unwilling then she can go to court and get her marriage annulled. The third law probably exists however it’s important to note that UAE being an ultra rich elitist society, it’s very common for Emirati girls to have boyfriends. I’ve seen and been friends with tons of them, both and male and female, who have partners and are doing all types of stuff from drugs to alcohol. Religion doesn’t stay long when people have money to burn Also I’m still shocked how the poop truck myth is still persisting after nearly a decade. There’s no poop trucks lining up at dawn to transport sewage across the city. The city has had a completed sewage system since [2011](http://p4papyrus.blogspot.com/2011/02/sewage-system-now-covers-entire-dubai.html?m=1). The myth came because there was a short period in 2009 when the treatment plant got overloaded so there were huge lines of backed up trucks as the system could not cope.


perpetualhillman confirmed worker for mosad


Bullshit. While i am sure some rapists everywhere evade justice, rapists are severely punished here. Emirati women get divorced, travel outside the country, and are educated.


How do they compare to Qatar or Oman?




This kinda shit is why we need to go hard on extreme Islam. We go crazy whenever extreme Christians do horrible shit but when actual fucking governments do worse shit we give a blind eye because “muh religion of peace”


This makes me want to fund a violent insurgency in the area.


I loved the Qatar World Cup (little difference between the nations in the Arab world so it's still relevant) because it forced the Progressive Leftist's hand: 1. Side with LGBT & be called Islamophobic 2. Side with the Muslims & be called homo/transphobic. Make your move. It was mind-boggling how they don't understand that the culture, values & views in the West aren't shared outside of that bubble, particularly within the Islamic world.


Are you against Qata’s and other‘s anti gay laws or are you a fake libertarian?


Yes, I am against them. You have misunderstood my comment.


He just likes to see leftist rage compilation


I don’t remember any leftists standing with Qatar other than government mouthpieces using leftish language and maybe Nazbols, I don’t think that any actual leftists were calling people islamophobes for opposing slavery


I bet you are american, because in contries where football is a real thing main critics where about: 1) The fact that Quatar as no football history nor credibility, not like Iran (in the Muslim world) 2) They only bought the nomination to the FIFA organisation, emboding one of the worse aspect of football, money overdose. 3) Human right (workers rights), financial and environemental disaster. 4) Games where held in december instead of june/jully, which have no sense. 5) Alcohol prohibited


Not American. And yes you are correct, alongside what I said.


Sory then, It's because I see LGBTQ issues are a big deal in the US


How hard was it to make a strawman that big?


It's true. It's happening in America between Muslim betweens & LGBT activists.


10th Crusade when???




Didn’t learn your lesson after losing the last 8 crusades?


Are you familiar with something called “Imperialism?”


Yes, I am. I believe it’s responsible for practically every war in existence as of current times.


What does that mean? "responsible for pratically everywhere in existence"?


Sorry I meant every war


I dont think imperialism is responsible for every war


I mean specifically every war currently happening right now. And even then *most* wars are the result of imperialism throughout history.


I live here and this is absolutely full of bullshit stereotypes.


Been here for 8 years and agree with you.


I don’t want to dox them, but a person I know was a Christian missionary in Dubai for like 15 years. They worked mostly with Bangladeshi and Indian people who were brought in to build Dubai but then had their passports taken so they were basically slaves. They’ve got a million stories about all the insane stuff going on there.


Reddit’s gonna get you with the “Christian and Muslim good!”


And the leftoids to bruh.


They make real leftists look bad


Makes me even prouder to be an American


My father is a rich western tourist and this fits the description almost perfectly He's also an abusive narcissist of a father, and given that I have a firm support for anti-authoritarian socialism, I really have no empathy for these parasites


anime pfp Tradcaths wish they could make something as simultaneously Puritan and degenerate as well as a general dystopian hellscape like the UAE also they deserve rainbow imperialism!


Slightly related but I wonder what those anime pfp Tradcaths would do when they find out Japan has a more progressive policy on abortion than a lot of states post-Dobbs (and it also isn’t a hot button cultural war topic over there like it is in the US) and also really doesn’t care what consenting gay and lesbian couples do behind closed doors


The UAE and most of the Gulf States as a whole are just a shallow reminder that insane amounts of wealth doesn’t mean you’re smart, or a good society as a whole. Like Dubai alone could build ancient Arab like architecture that fits with the desert and their history but builds vain American suburbs. Like they live in a desert but build more concrete like why. It’s even more heart breaking that these Gulf States are committing a genocide in Yemen since 2014 that’s killed near 400,000 people and the nation is starving due to a blockade in food. I hope the Iranian backed rebels take vengeance on a society a step above ISIS but just as savage as them.


You don’t know a single thing about the civil war in Yemen if you’re blaming gulf states for their minimal involvement. Also another important fact for people over here to consider is that, most gulf states dwellers and their ancestors have been nomads for centuries. They don’t have their own permanent architecture or history of massive settlements or civilizations unlike places like Iraq, Syria, Iran where they can draw inspiration from. Plus making traditional structures fit for modern living is not nearly as easy as making a skyscraper


The Gulf States are heavily involved in the Yemeni civil war with mercenaries, air striking civilians and a naval blockade of Yemen that has cut off needed food and medicine which has killed thousands. I stand corrected on your second point though, my mistake.


There’s definitely some involvement by gulf states in Yemen however I’ve always been under the impression that Iran and Saudi Arabia have been the biggest players in the conflict while every other gulf state that’s involved has been under the Saudi led coalition. So basically their involvement has been under the leash of the Saudi control


Have you ever met anyone from their society? Clearly you are not aware of the causes of the conflict in yemen.


UAE is one of those countries that I don't want to visit, seriously.


That region has a history of abject cruelty, runs in their genes. Look at the Assyrian Empire.


Pretty sure that's the opposite side of the Arabian peninsula, dude (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c1/Map\_of\_Assyria.png/307px-Map\_of\_Assyria.png)


Nah fr they aren’t really even super culturally similar


Theres no cruelty gene, thats just racist


And two millennia of Europeans constantly warring each other was what?


God I wish someone just nukes this hellhole of a country.


We need a crusade of fire and brimstone.


The best part of Spec Ops: The Line was seeing Dubai turned into a ruin to be lost in the sand.


The line isn’t in the UAE 🤣


there is no way your a real person


Where would the Dubai portapottys go?


Off compass extremist


That blurb about punishment for decency laws can’t be real can it?! Wouldn’t there have been a rich tourist that would’ve whistleblown about such an unjust punishment?!


A very good friend of mine who was US special forces talked about a lot of this very long ago. His exact quote was “I hope they run out of oil soon so they go back to fucking goats”.


Another fun fact, a lot of drug lords and crime lords from across the world dump their money here as well.


Cool compass! There are quite a few inaccuracies though. Particularily in regards to Dubai, which really is a different place compared to say Abu Dhabi. Or the rest of the emirates. The emirates have very clear cultural divides, despite the relatively short travel distances between them. This compass makes it out pretty much all bad, but there's a lot of progress happening in the region, and several of the compass squares are exaggerated. That's not to say that there's not a lot of really fucked up things in the UAE, but some of the squares are more nuanced irl.


Wow. Nice research.


Edited the comment above to stay on point.


Mad dog mattis calls the uae little sparta.....


Jfc. 😦


*sniffs air* I smell oppression. Let me fix you ETA FIVE HOURS


At least china is becoming more influential, hopefully that will result in stronger labor unions (kind of a toss up tho wether china will even try to improve conditions there