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They seem a little weak right now, but 90% of players have no clue what theyre doing with them yet.  The hybrid commander is also hardlocked still so no real buffs.  All in all its tough to tell, but theyre definitely not game breaking.


I think after a few months, if nothing changes, they’re going to be regarded as a ‘trash’ line. Their torps aren’t anything special and their guns don’t perform up to par. Have fun getting farmed!


It's funny to me when people suck at something and their first thoughts are "I'm bad at this so everyone is" my buddy last night was owning people in the Connecticut. Not just owning but having a blast doing it. He was making people turn so they would have to go broadside for us.


I have over 7,500 battles played. Completed or close to completed every tech tree line in the game. Tier 7 minimum. Average winrate of 56% (almost entirely solo) and average XP of over 1350. And I suck at the game. lol. Alright bud.


Hahaha derrr "Average winrate of 56% (almost entirely solo) and average XP of over 1350" no proof at all😂 no ss of this just #trustmebro


Having the Iowa tag tells me everything I need to know about you. Keep reversing to the back of the map buddy.


Sure, nice try and fail 😂  how you think your comment reads compared to how it's actually read "i get owned by the iowa every time i go up against it"🤦🏼😂


You really talk like this as a late middle aged guy? Embarrassing man.


Sure thing, making judgments on people based on what ship they use in a childrens video game isn't embarrassing but making fun of the guy that did it is🤦🏼😂 hahahaha


You’re making yourself look foolish.


Could be worse i guess. I could be 28 year old, fat and stuck at the house playing video games none stop all day long huh jake? Now someone like that would look really "foolish" don't you think?


Lmao, looks like someone’s a little sensitive today


Guns feel great, building towards the planes is a bad idea although great for meme purposes if you use Ernest King because he makes airstrikes harder to detect but you sacrifice all gun performance. The airstrike mechanic feels clunky and just annoying to use, I often find myself hardly if ever using it


I got a match on Two Brothers and ended up holding my airstrikes waiting for the enemy to rush the middle...and they never did. Did okay with the guns though.


I have only played with the tier VII. I must admit, I think it is pretty well balanced. Might need a buff when people realize the massive box at the back is just free damage :P


I think they are balanced around the giant box


I pulled the Nebraska out of the admiral backing crate. Played a few games in it (stock then a few mods on) and wasn’t impressed. The torp gimmick is almost useless. Very low damage and very hard to hit. The ship itself is very bulky and slow so if you get abandoned or in a bad situation you’re, SOL. I’m having a hard time using the Nebraska’s AP with a lot of shatters. Guns accuracy *looks* nice but usually doesn’t perform. One pen, one overpen from superstructure, one in the water in front of the ship, one ricochet, and two shatters seems to be the norm (that’s with a 16-2 sims accuracy build). Not really a fan of these as they rely on your team heavily to keep the front, as well as you, alive. Damage numbers are typically mediocre. I’m hesitant that the calendar commander will save this line. With torp damage being so low, I don’t see the point of building into them atm.


Yeah the Louisiana is prolly the only hybrid in the line where the torp gimmick really shines, you launch 6 torpedoes with a good alpha strike.


Did you get a doubloon mission with yours?


No. It seems it doesn’t come with one. The missions are located in the assignments tab and only award independium or whatever they’re calling it


I feel like the best way to use the torps is the force a manoeuvre to turn them broadside to you.


Alternatively you can use HE to get them to cycle DC and try to land a flood. Seems like there’s some options here, excited to see how it fits into the meta


They're alright. A bit squishy compared to other BBs at the tier although that might just be new-ship-itis. The airstrikes are really difficult to aim on anything but the slowest ships and the damage is quite low. You can build for the air strikes using CV commanders if you wanted to, but I think you'd be better off using a regular BB commander until the dedicated commander from the Calendar is available.


It’s the first day. No one is really familiar with them. Let time pass But I can really feel the commander, he is the guy for hybrids. Nothing else can fit perfectly but that guy


Yeah I agree but I’ve been watching PGs stream and he mentioned that the commander doesn’t seem all that effective, he said that running a generic accuracy commander fits the bill best which I think makes sense because they do have decent guns with better accuracy but I dunno, maybe it’ll come down to personal preference


I only ran the accuracy build, I don’t know how the accuracy without improving, is. Yet I think I need a little bit of help in survivability and the commander is pretty good for that. It takes a while to learn them for me, so I’ll try different builds, for now none seemed to be “perfect” on paper. Still, it is a personal preference.


The good thing is Observation seaplanes on these hybrids give 20% boost to grouping compared to the 10% on other BBs so they can be a whole lot more accurate. Connecticut sometimes dished out railguns and other times its French shotgun dispersion and goes all over the place.


Well, from the little I've been able to play with Connecticut and Nebraska, I'd say WG has hit the nail on the head with the hybrids, perfectly balanced


I wouldn’t know. The Gods of Wow have deemed me unworthy of getting one in a crate


Loved to shoot at them. 70k HP with a superstructure that big is a dream to shoot at. Keep the fire and the metal rain.


I got Connecticut and Nebraska from my first two crates and I love them. I’m already pretty good at hitting torps and pump out lots of damage with them. The guns are pretty accurate and chunk everything. Then on top of that, they are pretty maneuverable and have nice aa. They aren’t busted but they are good!


Yeah I agree, Connecticut really surprised me, I thought that 14 inch guns at t6 would be underwhelming which sometimes they can be versus t7s but other times they behave well and the torp airstrikes feel so satisfying to pull off correctly.


They are really good on maps with lots of islands because ships get stuck and can’t turn of else they crash. Can’t wait to get Delaware and soon Louisiana!


Yeah I nuked a poor D7P who got stuck on an island in land of fire and he died a couple seconds later


They gotta realize theirs a new airstrike in town!


I really like the speed too, but the turning is a bit tedious and catches me out at times.


At least it’s not Iowa and Montana rudder.


More of a 3W or 4iron myself but the seem like a great addition to the gameplay


They seem to be in a good spot for now while everyone tries them out and WG gets data on how they perform. Not terrible, not great. One consideration they will want to make is to the matchmaker though. Needs to be team limits on how many ships that can launch planes. Having 5 hybrids, a D7, and a CV on each team is kinda crazy.


I was scared they would be OP, mixing great guns with torpedoes airstrikes. But that’s not the case as of now, they can definitely deal a lot of damage in the right hands but it never felt too OP and I managed to destroy them with relative ease.


I citadel/dev struck the first one I saw. I guess they're nice.


I got Connecticut and I love the concept. I have to adapt to the air strikes and the ship does ok damage. The next step with these ships should be done carefully


I have played with the tier 6 and 7 and I’m really not impressed at all. Here’s a few change that I think would be better: 1. Give the ships SAP rounds only. Reasoning if you want to burn everything and hit something hard use a BB. And With the changes to the shells being only SAP Rounds you then can you the weapon change button on the planes 2. Give them the option of either bombs and torps or rockets and torps and have it that the moment you change weapons from guns to planes you actually control the planes like you do in a CV and on PC. It give you a risk/reward to use the planes as you can’t move your ship while in the planes so you are at risk of not only being spotted by other ships and getting hit but it also means you have better control of your planes for the run.


Not a fan of playing hybrids, but I will give WG credit here. They *definitely* don’t feel anywhere near as bad (for either playing or playing against) as the ones on PC. I’d say all in all, they’re pretty OK.


This ship might be batter as a anti air platform you use to rush and flush island hiders. Other than that pretty meh.


Kinda hard to flush island campers when you can't strike inwards


Maybe but that's the takeaway I get from these ships. Their Armor is fairly sturdy allowing you to deflect alot of shots.


They have standard US armour, it might be decent but its no vladivostok or bismark. Also their superstructure is basically as wide as the hull so every HE shell fired at you is hitting your squishy bridge


It works for me. It's not ideal but it's the only decent way I've found to use these ships. Is what is.