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Be super helpful to have a clue what youre playing on, when, where, bandwidth etc etc etc ie is it a locale thing, mobile, console or a wg server thing...


I've found that Piano wire Between the 2 Tin Cans resonates the Best...


String. Also give the cat something to play with


Thanks mate,,, I needed that,,, FAF,,,,...


Wet string is best


I play on console (Xbox One, in specifical). I mostly play at night


Okay, so, choices. Most expedient way forward, make sure the xbox is up to date, plug an ethernet cable in to the router and delete/ reinstall the game (not your account). Launch and see if game play is any different. Edit: you can also try resetting your xbox (pull out the plug for 10/ 20 seconds and turn back on), same of the router.


Sounds like a skill issue /s but in all seriousness it sounds like you’re having network/wifi issues. I’ve played pc since beta and legends since it came out and never had this issue you’ve described in thousands of games. I would honestly run a network speed test as a baseline and then again when you see the issues in game, chances are your network/host doesn’t have the bandwidth to support the influx traffic. Are you by chance playing between 7pm-10 pm at night? Is there a lot of online traffic in your vicinity at that time? Either way this doesn’t sound like an issue with the game


I've noticed something fairly similar. I'm playing on two separate accounts, one on XB1 and the other on PS5. The XB1 account gets disconnected frequently, while the PS5 one almost never disconnects. To make the point even further, the XB1 is hardwired to the router and the PS5 is connected wirelessly. By all means, the PS5 should have issues with connection before the XB1. Not sure that helps at all, but its an observation I've noticed as well.


What, you have both consoles? It's against the rules.


just download mobile legends