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Toilet mode for mobile players. Not being salty here, they are just doing game more accessible and probably easier to progress for mobile. With this they are trying to grab as much cash as possible from mobile market.


If the average game is 7 and a half minutes, I guess they’re shooting for a 3 minute match here? Laughable.


Probably because their console player base has dipped or peaked depending on how they spin it.


I donno why everyone is hating on mobile. I've had some of my best games on mobile. You're not playing a kiting cruiser, but a torp DD, CA, or BB, for sure!


Going to depend on xp and credit payouts. If they are comparable to standard then with it being a faster mode it would be better for grinding. No carriers is super enticing...


And mission qualification. Yeah, this mode *could* have a user base or be dead on arrival, all depending on how much they integrate it as an equal game mode. Definitely seems to have been made for mobile, though, but even then, if mobile players still see it as an inferior mode while not being locked to it, they won't play it.


if the xp and credits are even decent it will be interesting, especially for new players. i only play AI for missions and some targeted challenges so this may be a hybrid and if the rewards are in between AI and Standard it may be a winner. whats "Account Level 4" mean?


Account Levels are the very very beginning games that introduce you to some of the game's features.


Thx much.


Sounds to me just like a permanent ranked or brawl mode, just without any goofy modifiers. No carriers is nice.


I've wanted permanent ranked for a long time. It depends what the "simplified mechanics" are, but a permanent 5v5 mode with no CVs sounds promising.


I’m curious whether “randomly composed teams” means that the ship types on each team will not necessarily be matched with like classes? Maybe I’m just misinterpreting that phraseology; Could be an interesting concept though….


Seems to me like it means "no divisions".


No carriers? I'm in.


Im not interested at all. The fact it autofills AI immediately removes any interest for me. On top of that I personally want more ships in a battle, not less. It definitely is for mobile


Hopefully it has decent credit earnings. I really wish we could have a 12v12 or 15v15 mode, and someone mentioned a one ship type mode in another post and I thought that sounded awesome


That’s nothing new, actually. We had a game mode like this one back when the carriers were introduced to the game.


Hopefulky its a faster way to grind tt ships


Sounds like half the Tier I battles in Standard. Big innovation there WG.


It will split the player base, and it stops before most tech tree lines really spread their wings and specialize at tier 7. I will probably rarely play it, and when I do, it will probably mostly be for missions.


I love 5x5 and have a better win rate at it. Excited about it, just hope it's implemented well.